• Title/Summary/Keyword: joint motion

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Characteristics of the Muscular Activities with Elbow Orthosis using Pneumatic Rubber Muscle (공압 고무 엑츄에이터를 장착한 주관절 보조기 착용에 따른 상지 근력 특성)

  • Hong, K.J.;Kim, K.;Kwon, T.K.;Kim, D.W.;Kim, N.G.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.825-831
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    • 2007
  • An elbow orthosis with a pneumatic rubber actuator has been developed to assist and enhance upper limb movements and has been examined for the effectiveness. The effectiveness of the elbow orthosis was examined by comparing muscular activities during alternate dumbbell curl exercises with and without the orthosis. The subjects participated in the experiment were younger adults in their twenties. The subjects were instructed to perform dumbbell curl motion in a sitting position with and without orthosis in turn and a dynamometer was used to measure elbow joint torque outputs in an isovelocity mode. The measurements were done with four various dumbbell loads: 0 kg, 1 kg, 3 kg, and 5 kg. The orthosis was pneumatically actuated and controlled in a passive mode. The most comfortable air pressure to the pneumatic actuator was determined to be 0.294MPa. Electromyography(EMG) was also measured during curl exercises. The muscles of interest were biceps brachii(BB), triceps brachii(TB), brachioradialis(Bo), and flexor carpi ulnaris(FCU) in the upper limbs. The experimental results showed that the muscular activities themselves significantly reduced with elbow orthosis on in performing similar activities without orthosis. As a result of this experiment, the effectiveness of the developed upper limb orthosis was confirmed and the level of assistance was quantified.

Relationship between Neurocognitive Ability and Risk Factors of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Female Athletes (여성선수의 신경인지 능력과 전방십자인대 손상 위험요인과의 관계)

  • Ha, Sung-He;Park, Sang-Kyoon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.301-309
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the neurocognitive ability and the risk factors of non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries during landing in female recreational athletes. Thirty-two female athletes participated in computerized neurocognition test and motion analysis for drop vertical jump. Pearson's linear correlation analysis was performed to analyze the relationship between the raw scores of neurocognition test and biomechanical variables including 3D joint angle, moment, power, vertical ground reaction force, loading rate, and support time. There were correlations between the scores of neurocognition test and biomechanical variables as high the neurocognition score, it also increase landing strategies were used to maintain posture of the lower extremity. Therefore, the neurocognitive test might be used as a good screening method to detect the risk factors before injury.


  • Cho, Hyoun-Oh;Kwak, Kyoung-Duck;Cho, Sung-Do;Kim, Byung-Yong;Oh, Jang-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to evalute the efficacy af the Ilizarov external fixation for the surgical treatment. of the tibial plafond fractures. We reviewed retrospectively fourteen cases of tibial plafond fractures with moderate to severe soft. tissue damage, which were fixed with Ilizarov external fixator. Using the AO Muler classification, there were four Type C1 fractures, six Type C2 and four Type C3. In most, of the cases, the ankles were operated on with other associated fractures within a few days after injury. We reduced the fracture indirectly by soft issue taxis and fixed externally across the ankle joint. using the circular external fixator with tensioned wires and ankle hinge. In cases of inadequate closed reduction, we applied limited open reduction and internal fixation. Range of motion exercise began immediately. Postoperative follow-up averaged fourteen months (ranges, 8-30 months). Overall clinical results rated good or excellent in 7 cases, fair in 4 and poor in 3. There were three cases of pin tract infection which were resolved with short-term antibiotics and local care; one delayed wound closure in a patient. whose fracture was associated with Type III open wound; one wound slough in a patient associated with Type II open wound, which was closed later by skin graft; and one osteoarthritis. From this review, we concluded that cross-ankle circular external fixation with tensioned wires with or without. limited open reduction is a reasonable alternative for the treatment of the tibial plafond fractures with severe soft tissue damage.

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Comparison of Operative Results of Distal Chevron Osteotomy with and without Akin Osteotomy for Moderate to Severe Hallux Valgus (중등도 및 중증의 무지 외반증에서 Akin 절골술 동반 유무에 따른 원위부 갈매기형 절골술의 수술 결과 비교)

  • Park, Sang Soo;Lee, Jun Young;Kim, Woong Hee
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.56-61
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was conducted among patients with moderate to severe hallux valgus who underwent distal chevron osteotomy and groups of patients with or without Akin osteotomy were compared for evaluation of the relationship between their radiological and clinical outcomes. Materials and Methods: From January 2009 to January 2012, among patients with moderate to severe hallux valgus who underwent distal chevron osteotomy at our institution, 28 cases with additional Akin osteotomy and 35 cases without Akin osteotomy available to follow up of more than one year were included in this study. For radiologic evaluation, hallux valgus angle, 1, 2 intermetatarsal angle, and hallux interphalangeal angle were measured before and after surgery. For clinical assessment, visual analogue scale score, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society score, subjective satisfaction of the patients, and passive range of motion of the first metatarsophalangeal joints were evaluated. Results: At the final follow up, correction of valgus hallux angle and 1, 2 intermetatarsal angle was obtained from radiation results of both groups and it was found that patients who underwent Akin osteotomy showed radiographically larger angle correction but less subjective satisfaction. Conclusion: Patients with moderate to severe hallux valgus who underwent distal chevron osteotomy showed not only functional but also radiographically satisfactory results, and patients who underwent additional Akin osteotomy showed decreased subjective satisfaction. Therefore, if an incongruent first metatarsophalangeal joint is not observed, distal chevron osteotomy without Akin osteotomy seems preferable.

The Effects of Virtual Reality Therapy With Compensation Inhibition and Feedback on Upper Extremity Function in Hemiplegic Patients With Chronic Stroke (보상작용 억제와 피드백을 제공한 가상현실 치료가 만성 뇌졸중 편마비 환자의 상지기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Chon, Seung-Chul;Chang, Ki-Yeon
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of virtual reality (VR) therapy with compensation inhibition and feedback (CIF) on upper extremity function in chronic stroke patients. Seven chronic stroke patients participated in this study, which was a randomized controlled trial with a crossover design. Self upper extremity exercise, conservative VR therapy, and VR therapy with CIF were performed for one hour per session, 5 times per week, over a 3 week period. The main outcome measures involved range of motion (ROM) including shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints, a Manual Function Test (MFT), and a Motor Activity Log (MAL). Data were calculated as posttest and pretest changes in every session and were analyzed using Friedman and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests at p<.05. The results were as follows: 1) Statistically significant increase in ROM measurements of shoulder and elbow joints were seen with VR therapy with CIF compared to VR therapy and self upper extremity exercise (p<.05), whereas no significant increasing was noted for the wrist joint (p>.05). 2) Statistically significant increase in the MFT was seen with VR therapy with CIF compared with VR therapy and self upper extremity exercise (p<.05). 3) VR therapy with CIF also resulted in statistically significant increase in both activity of use (AOU) (p<.05) and quality of movement (QOM) (p<.05) on the MAL test when compared with VR therapy and self upper extremity exercise, respectively. In conclusion, VR therapy with CIF was more effective than conservative VR therapy and self upper extremity exercise in improving the upper extremity function in hemiplegic patients with chronic stroke.

Open Versus Arthroscopic Technique in the Traumatic Recurrent Anterior Dislocation of the Shoulder (견관절 전방 재발성 탈구에 대한 관혈적 술식과 관절경적 술식의 결과 비교)

  • Kyung, Hee-Soo;Jeon, In-Ho;Kim, Sung-Jung;Yeo, Jun-Young
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: We compared the results of open and arthroscopic Bankart repair in traumatic recurrent anterior dislocation ,3f the shoulder. Materials and methods: We analysed 7 cases underwent open Bankart repair (group I) and 13 cases underwent arthroscopic Bankart repair (group Ⅱ). The average follow-up period was 68.1 months (51-113 months) in group I and 41.1 months (16~57 months) in group Ⅱ. All patients in group I and Ⅱ were non-athletes. We analyzed statistically objective evaluation, such as the stability of shoulder joint, the range of motion, pain, impaired throwing, Bankart rating system by Rowe and subjective evaluation, visual analog scale (VAS) between two groups. Results: In terms of dominant and non-dominant shoulders, the age at initial episode of dislocation, the elapsed time from injury to surgery, the number of preoperative dislocations associated with susceptibility to apprehension. respectively, there was no statistically significant differences between two groups. In group I the average Rowe's scortls was 84.3 and 3 cases (43%) had excellent results,4 cases (S7cfo), good ones. In group H the average Rowe's scores was 87.3 and 7 cases (54%) had excellent results,6 cases, good ones. There was tendency to show more excellent results in group ll, but there was no statistically significant differences. The average VAS were 90.3 points in group I and 88 points in group Ⅱ, which showed also no statistically significant differences. Conclusion: Open and arthroscopic Bankart repairs had no significant difference and showed also good results in travinatic recurrent anterior dislocation of shoulder.

Fast Block Mode Decision of Spatial Enhancement Layer using Interlayer Motion Vector Estimation in Scalable Video Coding (스케일러블 비디오 부호화에서 공간 계층간 움직임 벡터 예측를 이용한 고속 모드 결정)

  • Lee, Bum-Shik;Kim, Mun-Chul;Hahm, Sang-Jin;Lee, Keun-Sik;Park, Chang-Seob
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2007.02a
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    • pp.13-17
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    • 2007
  • 스케일러블 비디오 코딩(SVC, Scalable Video Coding)은 MPEG(Moving Picture Expert Group)과 VCEG (Video Coding Expert Group)의 JVT(Joint VIdeo Team)에 의해 현재 표준화 되고 있는 새로운 압축 표준 기술이며 시간, 공간 및 화질의 스케일러빌리티를 지원하기 위해 계층 구조를 가지고 있다. 공간적 스케일러빌리티를 위해 기본 계층으로부터 텍스처, 움직임 그리고 잔차신호 정보를 예측하여 사용한다. 그러나 고효율의 압축효과를 얻기 위해 기존의 방식에서는 기본계층에서 얻은 세가지 정보이외에 현재 향상 계층에서 자체적으로 얻은 부호화 정보를 비교하여 최소의 RD(Rate Distortion) 비용을 가지는 정보를 이용하여 부호화 하도록 되어 있다. 하지만 이러한 방식은 향상 계층에서 인터 모드 결정 시 $16\times16,\;16\times8,\;8\times16,\;8\times8,\;4\times4,\;4\times8,\;4\times4$ 블록 모드에 대한 움직임 벡터 예측 및 보상 과정을 거쳐야 하기 때문에 향상 계층에서의 부호화 복잡도는 기본 계층에 비해 상당히 증가하게 된다. 본 논문에서는 기본계층에서 예측한 움직임 벡터 정보를 이용하여 항상 계층에서 모드 결정을 고속화하는 방법에 대해 소개한다. 제안된 방법은 기본 계층에서 예측한 블록모드 중에서 큰 블록인 $16\times16$ 블록에서 움직임 벡터가 (0, 0) 일 경우에 대하여 향상 계층에서는 $16\times16$매크로 블록에 대해서만 움직임 예측 및 보상을 수행함으로써 향상 계층에서 움직임 모드 결정을 조기에 완료하게 된다. 이것은 하위 공간 계층에서 예측한 움직임 벡터 정보가 아주 작을 때는 큰 블록 크기로 모드로 결정되는 일반적인 원리를 이용한 것이고 이 제안 방법을 이용하였을 경우 향상계층에의 모드 결정과정을 고속화함으로써 전체 스케일러빌 비디오 부호하기의 연산량 및 복잡도를 최대 70%까지 감소 시켰다. 그러나 연산량 감소에 따른 비트율의 증가와 화질 열화는 각각 최대 1.32%와 최대 0.11dB로 무시할 수 있을 정도로 작음을 확인 하였다.

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Does Single Blind Anterior Glenohumeral Steroid Injection Performed by Short Experienced Clinicians Could Provide Clinical Efficacy in Patients with Frozen Shoulder?

  • Hong, Jin Ho;Ryu, Ho Young;Park, Yong Bok;Jeon, Sang Jun;Park, Won Ha;Yoo, Jae Chul
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.102-106
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    • 2014
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of single blinded anterior intra-articular corticosteroid injection to the glenohumeral joint performed by short experienced clinicians in frozen state adhesive capsulitis patients. Methods: From March to June of 2013, among the patients who visited the shoulder outpatient clinic due to shoulder pain for 5-6 months and those patient diagnosed as frozen state adhesive capsulitis was selected. The diagnosis were based on base, first the global limitation of range of motion, defined as forward elevation <100, external rotation at side <10, internal rotation less than buttock, and abduction <70. Second, the patients had additional radiologic evaluations showing no major pathologies for such stiffness. Clinical outcome, were performed with pain visual analog scale (PVAS) and functional visual analog scale (FVAS), American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Shoulder score (ASES), preinjection and postinjection after 2-4 weeks. Finally 82-patients were enrolled. Mean age of the patients was 55.1 years and mean follow-up duration was 25.17 days. Results: The mean preinjection PVAS was 6.91 and postinjection was 3.11, there was 3.8 decreases from preinjection status (p < 0.001). The mean FVAS score showed 4.26 at preinjection and 6.63 afterwards (p < 0.001). The ASES score showed 27.89 increases after injection (p < 0.001). There were 64-patients (78.04%) who reported more than 3 points of decrease of PVAS, who could be judged as effective treatment. Conclusions: Single anterior glenohumeral steroid injection by short experienced clinicians to the patients with frozen state adhesive capsulitis has shown relatively high efficacy in clinical result evaluated by means of PVAS.

An Effect of Neck Curvature and Neck Muscles on Pitch Control (경부 굴곡변화 및 경부근이 pitch 조절에 미치는 영향)

  • 홍기환;김영중;정경호;김영기
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 1994
  • The vocal pitch is controlled by the tension, mass, and length of the vocal fold. It is well known that cricothyroid approximation raises the vocal pitch by simulating the contraction of the cricothyroid muscle, and there were so many reports that have noted a relationship between cricothyroid distance and pitch control, but there does not seem to be any single generally accepted theory to account for this connection. It is generally known that the strap muscles are active during low and falling Fo, and the suprahyoid muscles are active during high and raising Fo. These findings can be related to a general picture of the motion of the larynx during changes in Fo, the cricothyroid joint would tend to lengthen the vocal folds, as the larynx moves up and forward, and relax them as it moves back and down. In this study, we suggest that the relationship between anterior cricothyroid distance and fundamental frequency of the larynx was so complex according to the level of larynx and vertebral curvature. The higher the level of larynx, the wider the cricothyoid distance, but there is more greater fundamental frequency even though more wide cricothyroid distance. This phono-menon seems to be due to the multifactors, especially the vertical tension of the conus elasticus or the change of cricothyroid articulation. It is generally known that the crocothyoid and vocal is muscles are very closely related to pitch elevation, but sternohyoid muscle seems to be more closely related to pitch lowering. By this electromyographic studies, the sternohyoid muscle have dual activity to pitch control, increased activity during the low fundamental frequency and falling pitch, but also increased activity during the higher fundamental frequency and raising pitch at least in this study.

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The effects of functional movement recovery of physical therapy after ACL reconstruction with MCL injury (물리치료가 슬관절 내측측부인대 손상을 동반한 전방십자인대 재건술 후 운동기능 회복에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, In-Sup;Lim, Weon-Sik;Vae, Sung-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2002
  • This is the study of the knee joint injured patients at the orthopaedic surgery clinic where is located in Daejon, who has MCL combine injured ACL reconstruction caused by sport activity and accident during the period from Jan. 2001 to Oct. 2001. By comparing with groups between 7th case of I-group for MCL combined stitch and II-group for ACL reconstruction since 6weeks cast. We have been concluded with that following results. 1. Range of motion for the knee was not limited at 5th case(37%) of I-group, 6th case(42%) of II-group and the cases of Flexion deficit less then 10 -degree were 2nd case(13%) of I-group and II-group 1st case(8%) with no extension deficit more then 5 -degree. 2. The level of activity that tells you whether you are capable of exercise for six month after operation. It han been divided by 3 levels. The case of capable of doing low risk exercise(swimming, cycling, etc.) was 5th case of I-group, the case of capable of doing medium risk exercise(jogging, etc.) was 3rd case of I-group and 4th case of II-group and the case of capable of doing high risk exercise(football, etc.) were 3rd case of I-group and 3rd case of II-group. 3. The timing of the return to their job were average 6.4 weeks for I-group and average 22.9 weeks for II-group(P<.05, statistical difference). 4. There was no statistical difference between I-group and II-group for the timing of the return to their job(P>.05). 5. By using VAS to compare them there was no statistical difference between I-group and II-group of clinical results according to Lysholm scale.

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