• Title/Summary/Keyword: job performance

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A Qualitative Review of the Difficulties and Success Strategies of Workplace Health Management (사업장 보건관리의 어려움과 성공전략에 대한 질적 고찰)

  • Jung, Myung-Hee;Choi, Eun-Hi;Jung, Hye-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.925-935
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to provide guidelines for the activities of workplace health managers by identifying their excellent health promotion activities and motivations. For this, consent for the study was obtained from 21 workplace health managers who had worked at the same company for more than five years, and a semi-structured questionnaire was sent via email to collect and qualitatively analyze the data. As a result, 17 categories and three topics were drawn. The derived topics included a sense of reward and accomplishment as workplace health managers, difficulties encountered as workplace health managers, and how to solve the difficulties. The survey respondents answered that they feel a sense of reward and accomplishment when workers open their mind, change their daily life, express gratitude, and pioneer new fields. On the other hand, they feel difficulties with unpredictable health, changes in the organizational culture, secrecy of disease, and people who think their job is easy. As a way of overcoming such difficulties, the research subjects said that it is necessary to read the minds of workers, let them know by themselves, use existing programs, have the most difficult people on their side, and spread their achievements. The results of this study revealed that it is required for workplace health managers to develop professional skills and emphasize the importance of health management to the policy-makers and employees of their workplace by continuously reporting health management performance. In addition, they need to actively benchmark the success strategies of exemplary workplace health managers.

Comparison of Algorithm based on the Container Remarshalling Efficiency Factor in Port Distribution (항만유통의 컨테이너 재정돈 성능요인에 따른 알고리즘 성능비교)

  • Park, Young-Kyu
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - Loading can decrease the productivity due to the possibility of carrying out with the opposite order of storage in container terminal. When the container is to be taken out, it is needed to move the container stacked upon the container to be carried out to other place temporarily. It is called as rehandling. Remarshalling, with the loading plan, is the arranging the containers before the ship arrives in order to avoid the rehandling during the carrying out. The present study tried to find out the factors affecting the efficiency when building the remarshalling plan with the utilization of neighboring storage space as a outer slot, and analyzed the efficiency of several remarshalling algorithms with the combination of those factors. Research design, data and methodology - The present study used, when the remarshalling plan is prepared for utilizing the outer slot, the simulation methods in order to compare the efficiency of the remarshalling algorithms which made with the factors affecting the efficiency. The factors affecting the efficiency are the method of making the child node, method of arrangement, and possibility of application of FIX. In order to analyze the affecting factors on the efficiency, several algorithms are prepared with the combination of production of the child node and the arrangement method with the availability of FIX application. With this algorithm, the effect of the factors on the efficiency after building up of remarshalling plan with the target on the bay with 10 rows, 8 columns, and 10 indices. Results - The method of rearrangement and making of a child node as the factor affecting the efficiency of remarshalling utilization of the outer bay were studied. It is efficient to combine the method of making a child node with MCS in order to reduce the number of moving the containers. For reducing the time in carrying out, it was found that all arrangement methods should be combined with RCS for the efficiency. The result of experiment shows the application of FIX with good result in case of succession ratio. In addition, when FIX was not applied, all of the most combinations resulted in short time in remarshalling. As a result, it can be concluded that the algorithm with proper combination of making the child node and the arrangement can increase the job efficiency based on the importance. Conclusion - The present study suggested and analyzed the algorithms with the combination of the arrangement method, the making of child node, and FIX. It is needed to develop the algorithm to judge the possibility whether the best remarshalling plan can be built or not within the bay in order to find a better method between the two cases such as within the bay and outer the bay. As a method for extending the study on the factors affecting the efficiency, it is possible to find out the way to build the remarshalling plan within the permitted time under any storage situation.

A Comparative Study on Defibrillation Efficiency According to Defibrillation Type (제세동 유형에 따른 제세동 효율성 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Ji;Hwang, Jeong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.579-588
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the defibrillation efficiency according to the defibrillator type among paramedics by making a comparative analysis of the chest compression pause time and defibrillation efficiency after providing simulation education. The subjects in this study were 15 paramedics who were selected from a provincial 119 safety center. The experiment was conducted using a single-group pretest-post test design from March 2 to August 31, 2016. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS WIN 21.0, and a frequency analysis was conducted. The findings of this study were as follows: First, there was a significantly greater decrease in the chest compression pause time during CPR after providing simulation education when semi-automated defibrillators were used than when manual paddles and manual pads were employed. Second, there was a statistically significant decrease in the performance time of defibrillation when semi-automated defibrillators were used than when manual paddles and manual pads were used. The findings of this study are expected to provide paramedics with simulation education on how to promptly read ECGs using the manual mode of a semi-automated defibrillator to help more patients revive and on how to facilitate their job enlargement.

Effect of Multifaceted Intervention Program on Multi-Dimensional Psychologic Condition, Empowerment, Work Readiness, and Functional Capacity in Industrially Injured Workers (다면재활프로그램이 산업재해근로자의 다차원 심리상태, 역량강화, 직업복귀준비 및 작업능력에 미치는 효과)

  • Noh, Dong-hee;Song, Moon-Hee;Jo, Eun-Ju;Kang, Seong-Gu;Kim, Kyoung-Hwa;Kam, Kyung-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.293-301
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the effects of a multifaceted intervention program on the psychological condition, empowerment, work readiness, and functional capacity for job performance of industrially injured workers. Twelve injured workers in C hospital were included in this study. The subjects participated in a social rehabilitation program 2 hours a day, twice a week, for 8 weeks in total, as well as a work hardening program 3 to 4 hours a day, 5 times a week, for 8 weeks in total. The study was conducted from March to September, 2017. A multi-dimensional psychological examination, empowerment scale, work readiness interview and functional capacity evaluation were conducted and the test scores compared before and after the program with the Wilcoxon signed rank test. In the multi-dimensional psychological examination, there were significant differences in the levels of anxiety, depression, lack of social support, and somatization symptoms (p<.05) except anger. The participants also showed significant differences in the empowerment scale, work readiness scale, and functional capacity evaluation. This study suggests that a multifaceted intervention program can be effective in improving the psychologic condition, empowerment, work readiness, and functional capacity of industrially injured workers and, in turn, may improve their rate of returning to work.

Experiences of Public Visiting Nurses on the Linkage Cooperation of public case management: Focus Group Interview (방문건강관리사업 담당자의 공공부문 사례관리 연계협력 경험: 포커스 그룹 인터뷰)

  • Kim, Hyung-Seon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.160-169
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to identify the linkage and cooperation experiences in public case-management services of visiting health care practitioners. Focus group interviews were conducted with three people in charge of providing visiting healthcare services in public health centers. A semi-structured interview questionnaire was developed in advance through discussions among researchers In response to the interview questions, study participants described in detail the success and failure factors associated with linkage and cooperation that they experienced while providing visiting healthcare services. The interview data were analyzed qualitatively to identify the main themes and sub-themes reflecting visiting nurses' experiences with linkage and cooperation. The three main themes were: 'Guidelines act as positive performance factors for community-based linkage and cooperation', 'Unstable employment and lack of an integrated system act as barriers to linkage and cooperation', and 'Necessary for multidimensional approach to promoting linkage and cooperation'. Based on these results, the authors propose the development of clear linkage and cooperation standards and procedures, thereby ensuring job security for visiting nurses. Moreover, an integrated information system should be developed and implemented.

Recovery of Lactic Acid Using Reactive Dividing Wall Column (분리벽형 반응증류탑을 이용한 젖산회수)

  • Woo, Daesik;Cho, Youngmin;Kim, Bo-kyung;Hwang, Hwidong;Han, Myungwan
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.342-349
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    • 2010
  • Lactic acid is widely used in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, and there is an increasing demand for lactic acid as the raw material of poly lactic acid(PLA), which is a biodegradable polymer. Lactic acid production has been changing over from production by synthesis to production by fermentation, since the fermentation process is more nature friendly and economic. However, the fermentation method generates excess water and impurities with high boilers. The presence of high boilers and non volatility of lactic acid makes the separation of lactic acid very difficult job. Also, the purification-separation process requires the many investment costs and energy costs. Reactive distillation concept was also introduced for the process, giving higher selectivity and yield compared to the convention method. We introduce a new highly integrated process, reactive diving wall column, to reduce the capital and energy cost for producing a pure lactic acid. The reactive dividing wall column combines reactive distillation and dividing wall column. We compared capital and energy consumption required for the purification of lactic acid the between the proposed design structures. And we examined the effect of major process variables on the process performance and determined optimal process.

Fast and Efficient Implementation of Neural Networks using CUDA and OpenMP (CUDA와 OPenMP를 이용한 빠르고 효율적인 신경망 구현)

  • Park, An-Jin;Jang, Hong-Hoon;Jung, Kee-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2009
  • Many algorithms for computer vision and pattern recognition have recently been implemented on GPU (graphic processing unit) for faster computational times. However, the implementation has two problems. First, the programmer should master the fundamentals of the graphics shading languages that require the prior knowledge on computer graphics. Second, in a job that needs much cooperation between CPU and GPU, which is usual in image processing and pattern recognition contrary to the graphic area, CPU should generate raw feature data for GPU processing as much as possible to effectively utilize GPU performance. This paper proposes more quick and efficient implementation of neural networks on both GPU and multi-core CPU. We use CUDA (compute unified device architecture) that can be easily programmed due to its simple C language-like style instead of GPU to solve the first problem. Moreover, OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing) is used to concurrently process multiple data with single instruction on multi-core CPU, which results in effectively utilizing the memories of GPU. In the experiments, we implemented neural networks-based text extraction system using the proposed architecture, and the computational times showed about 15 times faster than implementation on only GPU without OpenMP.

Employment Status and Work-Related Difficulties among Family Members of Terminally Ill Patients Compared with the General Population

  • Kim, Seon Young;Chang, Yoon-Jung;Do, Young Rok;Kim, Sam Yong;Park, Sang Yoon;Jeong, Hyun Sik;Kang, Jung Hun;Kim, Si-Yung;Ro, Jung Sil;Lee, Jung Lim;Lee, Woo Jin;Park, Sook Ryun;Yun, Young Ho
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.373-379
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    • 2013
  • Background: Although caregiving to patients with terminal illness is known to be a stressful burden to family members, little attention has been focused on work-related problems. We aimed to investigate employment status and work-related difficulties of family caregivers of terminal cancer patients, comparing with the general population. Methods: Using structured questionnaires, we assessed family caregivers of 481 cancer patients determined by physicians to be terminally ill, from 11 university hospitals and the National Cancer Center in Korea. Results: Among 381 family caregivers of terminal cancer patients (response rate, 87.6%), 169 (43.9%) were not working before cancer diagnosis, but currently 233 (63.7%) were not working. Compared with the general population (36.5%), the percentage of not working among the family caregivers was higher (OR=2.39; 95%CI=1.73-3.29). A major reason for not working was to provide assistance to the patients (71.6%). 40.6% of those who continued working and 32.3% of those who not working family members reported extreme fatigue. Caregivers of old age, those who were female, those with a lower household income, and those caring for patients with a low performance status were not working at a more significant rate. Conclusion: Family caregivers of terminal cancer patients suffer job loss and severe work-related difficulties, probably due to caregiving itself and to fatigue. We need to develop supportive programs to overcome the burden of caregivers of the terminally ill.

Comparative Characteristics of Small and Medium-sized Firms in Korea (우리나라 중소기업법인의 업종별 지역별 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Jeung, Gil-Chea
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.25-47
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    • 2010
  • Over the past 20 years new and small firms have been identified as significant components of economic strategies for job and wealth creation. Implicit in these strategies has been the search for policies which will increase the supply of new firms, and will encourage established firms' growth. Yet the majority firms spend the whole of their economic life within the small firm sector. The aim of this paper is to suggest a multidimensional approach to the understanding of the comparative characteristics of the small firm by providing evidence as to the factors which describe firms of different sizes, regions and industries. And I discuss in the context of policy options for regional economic development in Korea. The results from the analyses are summarized as follows. The size of the small firms in the sample measured in terms of both number of employees and sales revenue are characterized by regions, export performance and R&D. There is also some indication that growing firms may develop more complex environment. These results are based upon a multi-dimensional analysis of the strategic profile of a sample of small firms using KIS. From this observation of the firms during the data collection period, this is a conclusion that I find intuitively appealing.

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Study of Difference between Consignment Training and In-house Training in Supervisor Training Program of Safety and Health (관리감독자 안전·보건교육프로그램에 있어서 위탁교육과 자체교육간의 차이에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Hwoon-Sin;Won, Sang-Bong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2010
  • This means that development of industrial society has brought pains not only to workers themselves but also to their family due to various disasters, while it changed us to be affluent and improved the quality of life. The purpose of this study is to make the preliminary data for understanding the efficiency of the educations through examination of the existing state in performance about education programs for supervisors, which are in-house educations performed by the company itself and consignment educations performed by outside professional education institutions, in industrial safety and health education programs for prevention of industrial disasters and analysis on survey research of supervisors working at Anyang area to find out whether or not the in-house education and consignment education in education programs for supervisors have statistically significant differences in their ages, classification by industry, the completion number of educations, the number of regular employees regarding duties of supervisor determined by the Industrial Safety and Health Act. As the result of study, this study resulted in that consignment education performed by professional education institutions would be more helpful for improvement of job competence than in-house education performed by company itself. This can be interpreted that consignment education performed by professional education institutions has reacted more flexibly to continuous revisions of the Industrial Safety and Health Act and also more faithful to demand survey by consumers not being tied down by the conventionality for continuous development and study of the curriculum than that of in-house education.

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