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Effects of Dietary Chitosan on Blood and Tissue Levels of Lead, Iron, Zinc, and Calcium in Lead Administered Rats (납 투여 흰쥐에서 혈액과 조직의 무기질 함량에 미치는 키토산의 섭취효과)

  • Park, Joo-Ran;Lee, Yeon-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.336-341
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    • 2005
  • Chitosan, which is a biopolymer, composed of glucosamine units linked by β-l, 4 glycoside bonds, is rich in shells of crustacean such as crabs and shrimps. We examined effects of dietary chitosan on blood and tissue levels of lead, iron, zinc and calcium in lead administered rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups (n=32). Basal diet group was fed 3% cellulose diet and lead administered groups were fed 0%, 3% and 5% chitosan diets, respectively for 8 wks. To lead administered groups, lead (20㎎/day) was given three times per week by oral injection. Blood, liver, kidney and femur were collected for lead, iron, zinc, and calcium analyses. There was no significant difference in weight gain and food intake among groups. Blood and femur lead levels were lower in lead administered groups fed 3% and 5% chitosan diets than in lead administered control (0% chitosan diet) group (p<0.05). Blood and liver levels of iron and zinc in lead administered group fed 5% chitosan diet were significantly lower than those in basal diet group (p<0.05), but those in lead administered group fed 3% chitosan diet were not significantly different with those in basal diet group. These results show that chitosan diets have beneficial effects on lowering the accumulation of lead, but high chitosan diet may have negative effects on mineral levels.

Dietary behavior and nutritional status among Chinese female college students residing in Korea (재한 중국 유학 여대생들의 식습관 변화에 따른 영양 섭취 실태)

  • Gaowei, Gaowei;Kim, Soyeon;Chang, Namsoo;Kim, Ki Nam
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the nutritional status of Chinese female college students in Korea, and to investigate changes in their dietary behavior after residing in Korea. The subjects included 114 Chinese female college students currently studying in Korea. General characteristics and dietary behaviors before and after residing in Korea were investigated. Daily nutrients and food intake were assessed using a one-day 24-hour recall. Consumption of most nutrients, namely calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin B2, vitamin C, and folate was estimated to fall below the EAR for the Korean population. The proportions of subjects whose intake were estimated below the EAR for folate, calcium, vitamin B2, iron, zinc, and vitamin C were 93.0%, 71.9%, 66.7%, 65.8%, 65.8%, and 63.2%, respectively. In the current study, the dietary behavior scores fell significantly after Chinese students immigrated to Korea (p < 0.001); increased frequency of meal skipping, less consumption of fruits and vegetables, irregular meal pattern, and imbalanced diet were some of the significant changes among Chinese students before and after residing in Korea. In addition, consumption of most nutrients, including dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B group, vitamin C, and folate in the Worsened Group was significantly lower, compared with the No Change Group (p < 0.05). According to the changes in dietary behaviors, consumption of most nutrients, including dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B group, vitamin C, and folate in the Worsened Group was significantly lower than in the No Change Group (p < 0.05). In conclusion, these results indicated that Chinese students practiced more unhealthy dietary behaviors after residing in Korea and Chinese students residing in Korea showed poor nutrient-based diet quality. Conduct of a follow-up study using blood profile tests is needed in order to assess the nutritional status of Chinese students. These results would be used in planning of a nutritional surveillance program for Chinese students.

Improving the nutrition quotient and dietary self-efficacy through personalized goal setting and smartphone-based nutrition counseling among adults in their 20s and 30s (개인별 목표 설정과 스마트폰 기반 영양상담을 통한 20-30대 성인의 영양지수 및 식이 자아효능감 향상)

  • Dahyeon Kim;Dawon Park;Young-Hee Han;Taisun Hyun
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.419-438
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study examines the effectiveness of personalized goal setting and smartphone-based nutrition counseling among adults in their 20s and 30s. Methods: Nutrition counseling was conducted for a total of 30 adults through a 1:1 chat room of a mobile instant messenger, once a week for 8 weeks. The first week of counseling included a preliminary online questionnaire survey and a dietary intake survey. Based on the results of the preliminary survey, 2 dietary goals were set in the second week and the participants were asked to record their achievements on a daily checklist. From the third week onwards, counselors sent feedback messages based on the checklist and provided information on dietary guidelines in a card news format every week. Post-counseling questionnaires and dietary intake surveys were conducted in the seventh week. Changes in dietary habits during the counseling were reviewed in the eighth week, followed by a questionnaire survey on the evaluation of the counseling process. Results: The nutrition quotient (NQ) scores and self-efficacy scores were significantly higher after nutrition counseling. The NQ scores of consumption frequencies of fruits, milk and dairy products, nuts, fast food, Ramyeon, sweet and greasy baked products, sugarsweetened beverages, the number of vegetable dishes at meals, and breakfast frequency were significantly higher after nutrition counseling. The intake of protein, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, calcium, and iron, and the index of nutritional quality of vitamin A, riboflavin, folate, calcium, and iron were higher after nutrition education. The participants were satisfied with the nutrition counseling program and the provided nutrition information. Conclusion: Personalized goal setting and smartphone-based nutrition counseling were found to be effective in improving the quality of diet and self-efficacy in young adults. Similar results were obtained in both the underweight/normal weight and the overweight/obese groups.

A Survey of Nutritional Status on Pre-School Children in Korea (학영기전아동(學齡期前兒童)의 영양실태조사(營養實態調査))

  • Ju, Jin-Soon;Oh, Seoung-Ho
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.68-86
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    • 1976
  • The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the correct nutritional status on pre-school children in Korea. Furthermore, it made an attempt to find and define nutrional problems, and assist in establishment on their nutritional improvement plan. For this, food intake and health condition (physical, clinical, biochemical and parasitological) survey on 109 Pre-school children in both sexes, randomly selected from Yang-Gu area in Gang-Won province and Rea-ju area in Kyong-gy Province, were conducted by means of three-day records, during the two periods of Spring and Fall season in 1975. The results obtained are summerized as follows: 1. The food intake; Average food intake of the subjects per day were 508647g (8391 in vegetable foods and 5.511.7 in animal foods) in Yang-gu area, and 587698g (8889 in vegetable foods and 6.37.6 in animal foods) in Rea-ju area. 2. The intake of energy and nutrients; a) Calory intake. Average energy intake of subjects per day in Yang-gu area(11201415kcal) were all lower than the Korean Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) in either Spring and Fall survey, whereas the subjects in Rea-ju area were lower intake (12131418kcal) than the RDA in the Spring but higher intake(15161755kcal) than the RDA in the Fall, and the average intake were similar level with that of RDA. b) Protein intake. Average protein intake of the subjects per day in Yang-gu area (3343g) girl subjects in Rea-ju area (3539g) were lower than the RDA in either Spring and Fall survey, whereas the boy subjects in Rea-ju area(3638g) were lower in Spring and higher (4957g) in the Fall than that of the RDA, but the average (4347g) were similar level with the RDA. The protein intake from animal sources in all subjects were much lower (5.511.7oftotalprotein) than the RDA. c) Fat intake. Average fat intake were very lower in all subjects of both area (1424ginYanggu,1012ginReaju) than that of RDA which is recommended 1214 of total energy to be supplied from fat. d) Calcium intake. Average calcium intake were very low in all subjects of both area (264355mginYangguand283429mginReaju), especially, these in Spring were about a half level of the RDA, and it was much increased in the Fall due to increased intake of milk, but it was still not enough than the RDA. e) Vitamin A intake. Average intake of V.A (7031465IU in Ynag-gu and 7501521IU in Rea-ju) were also lower than the RDA, moreover their V-A sources were mainly vegetable, so that the V-A supply might be critical one for the subjected. f) Riboflavin intake. Average riboflavin intake on all subjects in both area except boys in Rea-ju area in Fall, were very lower than the RDA. 3. The physical status; a) Average weight and height of boys aged 4 and 5 in Yang-gu area and girls of aged 5 in Rea-ju area were lower than those of Korean Standard of 1967 report, but those by age of girls in Yang-gu area and boys in Rea-ju area were a little heigher than the Korean Standard. It is, hower, present Korean standard of physical status might be somehow heigher than the 1967, since the socio-economical situation has been much improved during past a decade. So that, if one considered on this sense, the physical status of the subjects on this survey might be somehow lower than those of present Korean standard. b) Average upper arm circumference in both area were no difference each other, and their mean values of age 4, 5 and 6 in boy and girl were 15.6, 16.5, 16.4 and 15.5, 16.5, 16.4cm respectively. c) Average chest girth of boys were similar to those of Korean standard whereas the girls were smaller than the Korea standard. The average head circumference also showed similar tendency with the chest girth. 4. The clinical findings; The most popular clinical signs were angular stomatitis and dental caries, and boys had more heigher incidence then the girls. 5. The biochemical findings; a) Hemoglobin and anemia Average Hb value of boys and girls were 11.4 and 10.9g per 100 ml of blood respectively. The incidence of anemia (Hb value below 11 g/100 ml, by WHO) was increased by age, and girls had more heigher incidence than the boy (34% : 48%). The incidence of anemia in age of 4,5, and 6 in boys and girls were 28%, 41% 34%, and 33%, 50%, 49% respectively. The degree of the anemia was not severe, and the anemia of there subjects may be caused mainly low intake of better quality protein and low iron intake as well. b) Hematocrit. Average Ht value of whole subject were 39.941.6. c) Blood plasma protein. Average blood plasma protein contents of whole subjects were 6.67.4gm per 100 ml. The incidence of deficient range (<6.0g%, by ICNND) was only one girl of age 4 in yang Gu area. 6. Parasitological findgs; The most popular parasitism were asicris lumbicoides and trichocephalus trichiura, and about 2/3 of the whole subjects were suffering one or more of these parasitism.

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A survey on the nutrient intake and food consumption of the students at the dormitories, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University (서울대학교(大學校) 농과대학(農科大學) 남녀(男女) 기숙사생(寄宿舍生)의 영양섭취(營養攝取) 조사(調査))

  • Mo, Su-Mi;Han, In-Kyu;Kim, Ze-Uook;Lee, Chun-Yung;Kim, Ho-Sik
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.7
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    • pp.92-104
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    • 1966
  • For the purpose of the better dietary management and to empahsize of importance in nutrition education for 552 students at the dormitories, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University, the dietary survey was conducted for each consecutive seven days, from March 7th to 13th at the boy's dormitory, from March 14th to 20th at the girl's dormitory, respectively. In comparison the average caloric and nutrient intake per caput per day at the both, girl's and boy's dormitory with the recommended dietary allowances for age of 25, the intake of calories and all nutrients except riboflavin were over the allowances for the boy, while the caloric intake by the girl was considerablly below the allowance. But it is meant that only 150 calories was actually deficient in comparison with the figure of the average energy consumption determined for the girls at the dormitory of the Sook-myung Woman's University, whose pattern of living was quite similar to those of the girls at this college. Except iron and ascorbic acid, all other nutrients were deficient for the girls. The calories in the form of protein of a diet taken by the boy was 12.9% and that by the girl was 12.8%. Protein quality of the diet taken by boy scored 70 while that by the girl scored 79. NDp Cal% of the diet taken by the boy was 7 and that by the girl was figured out to be 8. Therefore, calculated reference protein taken by the boy was 55.8 grams and that by the girl was 36.9%. Though it is generally recommended that at least 1/3 of the protein should come from animal sources, it was apparent by this survey that providing 1/5 of the protein from animal sources with remaining part of high quality vegetable protein foods in the adequate mixed diet would give satisfactory results for both girl and boy students. This was clearly demonstrated by the recommended reference protein and NDp Cal% met. Significant difference between boys and girls in the average consumption of seasonings was found. In consumption per day of seasonings, boy used 1.5 grams of red pepper powder which means they used 15 times more of red pepper than girls did. Kochujang was used 13 grams by boy-students which was as high as 21 times of that of the girl. Total salt intake by the boy was 34 grams while the girl consummed 23 grams. It is obviously recognized that boys prefer more peppery and salty flavor than girls do. To reduce the amount of protein consummed and to improve the quality of protein food, increase of riboflavin rich food and increase of fat intake in place of grain intake are recommendable to the boy. For the girl's diet, consumption of grains, particularly more intake of barley mal· be recommendable to meet the B group of vitamins allowances as well as the caloric allowance. The use of more servings of yellow green vegetables is needed to the girl.

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Comparative Study on Eating Habits, Dietary Intake Patterns, and Nutrient Intakes Between Elementary School Children With and Without Atopic Dermatitis (일부 초등학생의 아토피피부염 유무에 따른 식습관, 식품섭취양상 및 영양소섭취상태 비교 연구)

  • Park, Nam-Suk;Jeon, Eu-Sun;Kim, Young-Nam;Cho, Kyung-Dong;Baek, Ok-Hee;Lee, Bog-Hieu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.11
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    • pp.1543-1550
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study was to examine and compare the eating habits, dietary intake patterns and nutrient intake status of children with and without atopic dermatitis by questionnaire during July, 2008. A total 388 subjects of 5th and 6th grade elementary school children (AG: atopic group, n=65, NG: non-atopic group, n=323) in Seoul and Ulsan areas participated in this study. The questionnaire included general characteristics, dietary habits, and atopy-related food frequency. One-day 24 hour recall was collected to estimate nutrient intakes of the subjects. The data were analyzed by Chi-square test for food frequency analysis and by t-test for nutrient intakes. Atopy-related foods included milk, buckwheat, beef, pork, chicken, crab, egg, mackerel, peach, and tomato. From the findings, AG had a more irregular eating habit than NG (p<0.05). In case of food frequency, AG tended to consume more atopy-related foods than NG (p>0.05). The nutrient intakes of AG were significantly lower than those of NG (p<0.05), but only intake of animal iron in AG was higher than NG (p<0.05). NG consumed more protein than AG (p<0.05). Although milk was a noted hypersensitive allergic food, frequency and the amount of milk intake were not significantly different between two groups. In conclusion, atopic children had eaten more atopy-related foods and less nutrient intakes. Therefore, it is necessary to educate on good nutrition and guide atopic children and their parents.

Trend of Foods and Nutrients Intake for the Periold of 1970 - 1979 in Korea (우리나라의 식품(食品) 및 영양소(營養素) 섭취(攝取)의 변화(變化)에 대(對)한 고찰(考察))

  • Han, Yang Il;Kim, Eul Sang;Lee, Kyu Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 1983
  • Trend of foods and nutrients intake per person per day in Korea from 1970 to 1979, based on reports on national nutrition survey, was analyzed. The average rates of population, GNP and per capita national income were 1.7, 9.6 and 536.2%, respectively. The consumption of cereals, pulses and potatoes was decreased; whereas that of fresh vegdtables, fruits, meat, fresh fish and shells, eggs, milks, and fats and oils was increased. Calorie intake was remained essentially constant, but protein and fat intake was increased by 11.6% and 52.3%, respectively, in ten years. The main sources for calcium, iron and vitamin A were vegetables. Among various nutrients, intake of riboflavin and animal protein were less than RDA.

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Relation Between Obesity Indices and, Nutritional Knowledge Nutritional Status and Blood Parameters in Obese Middle-School Students (비만 중학생의 비만도와 영양지식, 영양섭취상태 및 혈액성상과의 상관성)

  • Choi, Mi-Kyeong;Kim, Mi-Hyun;Lee, Yoon-Shin;Cho, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Kyeong-Hi;Lee, Bo-Bae;Sung, Mi-Kyung;Sung, Chung-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between obesity indices, nutritional knowledge, nutritional intake status, and some blood parameters in obese middle-school students. Anthropometric measurement, 24-hour recall for dietary intake, blood analysis and Questionnaire response including nutritional knowledge, nutritional attitude, and self-satisfaction were conducted in 42 obese middle-school students (28 male and 14 female) participated in the nutritional camp program carried by Bucheon district public health center in Kyunggi-do. The mean age of subjects was 13.9 years. The average body weight, BMI, obesity index, WHR and percent body fat were 75.5 kg, 29.1 kg/m2, 30.1, 0.89 and 33.3% in male subjects, and 67.8 kg, 27.5 kg/m2, 25.3, 0.81 and 34.6% in female subjects. The average nutritional attitude, the self-satisfaction and the nutritional knowledge scores were no significant difference between male and female subjects. Average intake of energy were 85.5% of RDA in males and 98.1% of RDA in females. The percentage of energy from fat was higher in both male (29%) and female (26%) subjects than recommended level. Calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C, niacin and folate intakes were below the RDA for them. In the results of correlation analysis, body weight, BMI and obesity index were positively correlated with systolic blood pressure and cholesterol intake. There was a negative correlation between percent body fat and nutritional knowledge. Body weight was negatively related to HDL-cholesterol, whereas it has positive relation with RBC, hemoglobin and hematocrit. BMI and obesity index were negatively related to HDL-cholesterol, but positively related to RBC, respectively. WHR showed positive relationship with serum GPT, glucose and MCV.

A Nutrition Intakes Survey of Pregnant Women in a Urban Area -Application of Convenient Method for the Study of Nutritionial Status- (일개 도시지역 임신부의 영양섭취에 관한 조사연구 -간이식 영양조사법 이용-)

  • Kim, In-Sook
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 1983
  • Aiming at the total 200 pregnant women including 150 ones registered with the Health Center of Chung Ku District and 50 ones registered with the Health Center of Mapo District, we have conducted a research study of the socio-medical characteristics, maternal child health, and the status of nutritional intake which has utilized the application of convenient method for the study of nutritional status, during the period of April 20 to May 25, 1983. And we have obtained the following conclusions: 1. Regarding age distribution, the pregnant women aged from 26 to 30 were most numerous, which was 54.0%. The percentage of women who experienced the first pregnancy was 12.0% and the percentage of those who experienced the second pregnancy was 37.0%, which was the highest. Regarding the weeks of pregnancy of the pregnant women, the first trimesterr was 11.5%, the second trimester 30.0%, and the third trimester 58.6%. 2. Regarding academic achievements, the pregnant women who graduated from middle schools reached 43.5%, which was the highest percentage. Regarding economic status, the pregnant women who owned their own houses were only 21.0%. And the pregnant women whose monthly income was from 300,000 won to 400,000 won were 40%, which was the most numerous. 5. The women above 15 years old who experienced the first menstruation were 84.0%. And those who experienced abortion were totally 54.4%. and 35.5% among those women experienced artificial abortion. 4. 70.5% of the pregnant women said that their health condition was excellent, 24.5% felt subjective complaints, and 5.0% specially received medical consultation for their diseases. 5. 82.0% received prenatal care, but 60.5% regularly received prenatal care. 68.0% received the education for nutrition and only 19.5% regularly received the education for nutrition. 6. Regarding the family composition, the families consisting of two generations were 47.0%, which was the most numerous. 97.5% of the preparation for meals was conducted by housewives. They said that they did not lack time for meal preparation. 7. 94.9% of the pregnant women said that they had eaten as in ordinary times during their pregnancy. 25.5% said that there were tabooed foods. Tabooed foods are chiefly pork, chicken, milk, and eggs. 68.0% don't drink milk during pregnancy, 32.5% take the intake of vitamins, and 20.5% take iron supplement. 8. The average amounts of the intake of protein, fat, and carbohydrate of a pregnant women are 49.3gm, 29.4gm, and 205.1gm respectively, which showed the phenomenon in which the amount of the intake of nutrition increased as the weeks of pregnancy increased. The average amount of the intake of salt was 14.2gm. 9. Regarding the hemoglobin value of all pregnant women, those whose hemoglobin value was less than 11.0gm were 66.5%, those whose hemoglobin value was 11 to 12 gm were 16.5%. and those whose hemoglobin value was above 12gm were 17.0%. The pregnant women whose hemoglobin value was less than 11.0gm in the first trimester of pregnancy, in the second trimester, and in the trimester were 81.8%, 62.8%, and 64.9% respectively. This shows that the phenomenon of anemia increased as the weeks of pregnancy increased 10. Regarding physical development of a pregnant woman during prenatal period, the height and weight were 156.7cm±14.1 and 51.1kg±58 respectively. When the standard increase of a prenatal weigt gain is set as 100%, the women over the range of 100% were 28.0% and the women under the range of 80% were 37.0%.

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Food and nutrient intake status of Korean elderly by perceived anxiety and depressive condition: data from Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013~ 2015 (한국 노인의 주관적 불안·우울 상태에 따른 식품 및 영양소 섭취 실태 : 2013~ 2015년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여)

  • Kim, Da-Mee;Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.58-72
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study examined the food and nutrient intake of Korean elderly according to the anxiety and depressive condition using the data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Survey (KNHANES) from 2013 to 2015. Methods: The participants were 3,504 elderly people over 65 years of age (1,523 in men and, 1,981 in women). The dietary information was analyzed using the 24-hour recall data. The anxiety and depressive state was assessed using the self-reported scale EQ-5D in the quality of life dimension. The subjects were divided into the anxiety depression group (AD) and non-anxiety depression group (NAD) according to their anxiety and depressive conditions. Results: In the male elderly, the AD group had a significantly lower education and economic level and higher proportion in living alone than the NAD group. The percentage of eating lunch and dinner alone in the male AD group was higher than that of the NAD group. The female AD group showed less a lower frequency of dinner than the NAD group. The male AD group had a lower consumption of total foods, fish and shellfishes, seaweeds, mushrooms, oils and fats, and seasonings than the NAD group. With regard to the nutrient intake, the male elderly NAD group had more sufficient nutrient intakes than the AD group. In particular, the daily intakes of dietary fiber, riboflavin, niacin, potassium and iron were significantly lower in the AD group. To compare with the nutrient density of the two groups, the vitamin C and niacin intakes were lower in the AD group than in the NAD group. Overall, the nutritional status of the male AD group was significantly lower than that of the NAD group. Meanwhile, the female elderly had showed a smaller difference in nutrient intake according to their anxiety and depressive condition. Conclusion: These results of this study show that more nutritional education and emotional support are needed to improve the nutritional status and health of the male elderly with anxiety or depression.