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Nutritional Survey for Working Females at a Factory (사업장(事業場) 근로여자(勤勞女子)의 영양실태(營養實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Cho, Mi-Ja
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 1969
  • For the purpose of the better dietary management and to emphasize of importance in nutrition education for 949 woman workers at the dormitory of wig factory in Seoul, the nutritional survey was conducted for seven days from August 13 th to 20 th of 1969. The survey included food and nutrient intakes, physical measurement, clinical findings and biochemical measurement were conducted for the randomly sampled 44 subjects. According to the survey results, their heights was under the standard and the 82% of the total subjects was the age ranges from 16 years to 20 years old. Their daily menu was not planned properly and the concept of 5 basic food groups was not utilized in their menu planning. The balanced meal should be emphasized in this factory. Calories and protein intakes are low compared with the recommended allowance and especially animal protein intake is low. Fat intake is only 8.8 grams for capita per day. Vitamins and minerals intake are also low. Clinical and biochemical survey indicated various vitamin deficiencies and anemia which is mostly due to the iron insufficiency.

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Comparison of Dietary Intakes and Body Composition by Tanner Stages in Korean Girls (한국 여아의 성 성숙 단계별 체구성과 영양소섭취 실태)

  • Li Shan Ji;Paik Hee Young;Hong Kyungeui;Joung Hyojee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.566-575
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    • 2004
  • To compare the dietary intakes and body composition in the stage of puberty, this study was conducted with 360 girls aged 9 to 12 years in Seoul Korea. Girls's general information and 3-day diet records were collected, fat mass was measured by Inbody 3.0, bone mass at right calcaneus was measured by PIXI and pubertal development was self-assessed by picture of Tanner stages. The results are as follows: Girls who had breast development were 79.7% and 15.8% had pubic hair development. Mean of BMI, BMC and BMD were significantly higher at breast stage3+(19.6 kg/m2, 1.62 kg, 0.47 g/cm2) than at the breast stage2 (18.2 kg/m2, 1.47 kg, 0.44 g/cm2) or breast stage1(16.3 kg/m2, 1.32 kg, 0.39 g/cm2) (p < 0.001). Percent body fat of breast stage1, 2, and 3+ were 19.7%, 23.1%, 25.3% respectively and significantly increased during the puberty (p < 0.001). The mean of energy intake was 1629 kcal in stage1, 1664 kcal in stage2 and 1577 kcal in stage3+ showed significant difference in the breast stages (p < 0.05). Energy adjusted sodium intakes and crude fiber intakes were significantly higher in breast stage3 + than other breast stages. For zinc and iron, proportions of subjects with intake levels less than 75% of Korean RDA was over 40% and significantly higher in breast stage3+ than other stages (p < 0.05) ; for protein and vitamin E, the proportions of subjects with intake levels more than 125% RDA was significantly higher in the stage 1. The nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) for protein and phosphorous was significantly lower in breast stage3+ than other stages. The food groups of seed and nut were 4.7 g/day, 2.3 g/day, 1.8 g/day, respectively, and was significantly higher in breast stage 1. In summary, mean of BMI, BMD, BMC and percent of body fat were increased with pubertal development, and those who had higher breast developmental stage showed a lower amount of consumption level in energy, seeds and nuts, and also showed a higher amount of consumption level in energy adjusted sodium and fiber among Korean girls.

A Survey of Nutrition and Parasitic Infection of Rural Young Children in the Family Health Project Area in Korea (농촌(農村) 가정보건사업지역(家庭保健事業地域)의 어린이 영양(營養) 및 기생충조사)

  • Park,, Myung-Yun;Yi, Bo-Sook;Lee, Eun-Wha;Mo, Su-Mi;Lee, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.190-199
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    • 1981
  • A survey of nutrition and incidence of parasites was conducted from January 23 to 31 and February 14 to 18, 1981, to determine the nutritional status of young children under the age of 6 years, in one of the rural family health project areas: Whaseoung-gun, Kyunggi-do, Korea. This study covered a total of 233 children. The results are summarised as follows: Approximately one-half of these families had an annual income between \1,000,000 and \2,500,000. Nearly 84% of the households were involved in farming. Energy intake of children met 70.6% of the requirement: carhohydrates provided 77%, protein provided 11%, and fat provided 12% of the total energy intake. Low intake of iron; calcium; and vitamins, excluding thiamin, was also found. Mean hemoglobin value was 10.6±1.0gm/100ml.;42 of subjects were categorized as low group, 22% were in the deficient group, and only 36% were at an acceptable level as indicated by O'Neal. Thus, 22% of the subjects were proven to be anemic by the hemoglobin criteria. Mean hematocrit value was 30.1±2.8, and 80 of 208 children, or 38.4% of subjects, were below 30% of the standard established by O'Neal. The positive prevalence of parasitic infection was 20% , significantly higher than that observed in the Yowido compound (5.5%) in 1980. Hematologic findings had no significant correlation to parasitic infection. The majority, 95.2% of the subjects, met or surpassed 90% of the KlST's standard of height:whtile 28. 6% of the subjects were below 90% of the KIST's standard of weight. The ratio of weight to height for boys 4 to 6 years old was 15.8 to 17.5, in contrast to 16.3 to 16.9 for boys of KHDI project areas, and also in contrast to 17.7 to 17.9 for boys of the same age group from the Yowido apartment compound in Seoul. According to the results of the assessments, the authors found a clear difference in growth values, hematologic findings and dietary patterns between rural areas and advantaged urban areas of Seoul. Our results suggest the need to develop the nutrition and parasite control training of village women for better nutritional care of their young children.

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Relationship between diet and prevalence of depression among Korean adults: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010 (한국 성인에서 식이섭취와 우울증 유병의 관련성: 2010년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여)

  • Jeong, Yong-joon;Han, A Lum;Shin, ae-Ron;Lee, Su-Young;Kim, Ja-Hyung
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2016
  • Background: Many studies focus on the causes of depression, but few assess the dietary intake. This study investigated the relationship between diet and prevalence of depression. Methods: This study used the data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010. A total of 734 persons aged 20-65 years old in whom the presence or absence of depression was confirmed by doctor were analyzed. We analyzed associations between prevalence of depression and diet based on carbohydrate, fiber, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C intakes for male and female groups. Results: There was no association between diet and prevalence of depression in the male group. For the female group, as fiber intake was increased, the prevalence of depression significantly decreased (odds ratio=0.923, 95% confidence interval=0.850-0.986), but there was no association between the other dietary intakes and prevalence of depression. Conclusion: The fiber intake and prevalence of depression are negatively correlated in women aged 20-65 years. A diet therapy including fiber may decrease the prevalence of depression.

Reproducibility of Nutrient Intake Estimated by Three-Day 24-Hour Dietary Recall of Middle-Aged Subjects for 6 Month Intervals (자기기록식 3일간의 24시간 회상법의 신뢰도 연구 -서울지역 중년 자원자를 대상으로-)

  • 이미숙;우미경;김성애;오세인;곽충실
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.603-609
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    • 2003
  • This study examined the reproducibility of nutrient intakes estimated by the 24-hour recall method in a prospective cohort study (Longitudinal study of aging and health monitoring of Korean elderly) of middle-aged volunteer subjects (42 males and 49 females) in the Seoul area. The three-day 24-hour recall was administered twice at an interval of approximately 6 months. The first data were collected and a corrective procedure was performed by interviewing of the subjects and a trained dietitian. The second data were collected by mail from the subjects without the performance of any corrective procedure. The mean age of the subjects was 53.5 ± 9.6 for the males and 52.2 ± 8.9 for the females. The subjects who had above college education were 95% in the case of the males and 60% in the case of the females. The characteristics of the male subjects in this study were that they were highly educated and held professional jobs and were from the middle or upper class. Comparing the first and second 24-hour recall data, the second data showed relatively lower intakes of all nutrients, except vitamin A, vitamin Bi and cholesterol. There was no difference in the nutrients of the first and the second data with respect to vitamin A, vitamin B1 and cholesterol in the males and calcium, iron, sodium, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and cholesterol in the females. This data may indicate that the 24 hour retail method without a dietitian's help may result in lower reporting of the subject's intakes. The men had a tendency to remember less than the women. Pearson's correlation coefficients with unadjusted nutrient intakes values were ranged from 0.24 to 0.66. When energy intake was adjusted, there was a slight increase (from 0.26 to 0.71). Intra-class correlation coefficients with nutrient-unadjusted values ranged from 0.22 to 0.66, and the energy-adjusted values were ranged from 0.23 to 0.69. The weighted Kappa statistical values ranged from 0.10 to 0.40. On the average,46.3% of the subjects who were found in the lowest quartile of the nutrient intake levels based on the first 24-hour recall, were in the lowest quartile based on the second 24-hour recall. Therefore, there was a low reproducibility between the first and the second 24-hour recall. We should examine the factors influencing low reproducibility. Also, strategies should be developed to maximize the reliability of the assessment, with regard to portion-size training and telephone validation. (Korean J Community Nutrition 8(4) : 603∼609, 2003)

Effects of Body Composition and Nutrients Intake on the Calcaneal Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation in College Students (대학생의 신체계측치와 영양섭취실태가 종골초음파상태에 미치는 영향)

  • Jea, Eun-Joo;Byoun, Kwang-Eui;Youn, Jung-Eun;Lee, Byung-Kook;Kim, Hee-Seon
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.590-599
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of nutritional status measured by the body composition and dietary nutrients intakes with calcaneal broadband ultrasound attenuation in college students. Total of 886 (462 male and 424 female) students who received health examination in May 2007 participated in this research. Participants bone status was measured by a quantitative ultrasound method and t-score was calculated via WHO guideline. For body composition measurements, body fat, height and weight were measured and BMI was calculated. Dietary data were collected by a 24-hour recall method. Based on Asia-Pacific standard of WHO, BMI was divided into 3 groups; UW (BMI < 18.5), NW + OW (18.5 BMI < 25) and Obese group (25 BMI). Among male students, 2.4% belong to the UW group, 45.0% to the NW+OW group and 52.6% belong to the obese group, bwhile 10.4% of female students belong to the UW group, 71.9% to the NW + OW group and 17.7% of female students belong to the Obese group. Differences among male and female students were statistically significant (p < 0.001). Students with higher BMI showed significantly higher bone health status. Male students did not show any significant differences in nutrients intakes by BMI groups while female students showed the higher intakes of energy, protein, pyridoxin, phosphorus, iron and zinc among NW + OW group than other groups (p < 0.05). The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of diet by BMI groups did not show any significant differences in both male and female students. The result of the multiple regression analyses showed that the body fat and bone status was negatively related while energy intake was positively related with the bone status. These results revealed that bone health status was positively affected by BMI but not by body fat. In conclusion, among those who are at their twenties, the period when the bone density becomes maximized, body fat may negatively affect bone health unlike during other life cycle stages.

Meal skipping habits and nutritional status among Ghanaian students living in Korea

  • Dzatse, Monica E.;Kim, Eun-kyung;Kim, Hyesook;Kim, Hyejin;Vijayakumar, Aswathy;Chang, Namsoo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.376-382
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The consistent rise in the number of foreign students in Korea demands an accurate and detailed investigation into their dietary practices and nutritional status. For these international students, assimilation into new cultures can be stressful. The influence this process may have on dietary behaviors as well as overall health cannot be overlooked. Methods: The researchers in this study sought to investigate the nutritional status and dietary practices of Ghanaian students studying in Korea. A total of 81 Ghanaian male students with an average age of 29.4±4.0years were sampled between May and June 2016. Investigations were carried out on the general characteristics of the participants, their daily food and nutrient intakes using a 24-h dietary recall method, meal skipping practices, and the nutritional quality of their diets based on their meal skipping habits. Results: The study revealed that the daily nutrient intake of subjects did not fully meet the daily recommended nutrient intake (RNI) established by Ghanaian Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), particularly for energy, calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin B2 requirements. The Nutrient Adequacy Ratio (NAR) for calcium was very low, posing a deficiency risk to the participants. Meal skipping practices among participants changed significantly after arriving in Korea. The study also compared the diet quality indicators (Nutrient Adequacy Ratio and Mean Adequacy Ratio) of those who skipped meals 7times/week with those who skipped meals < 7 times/week. Participants who skipped meals 7times/week were shown to have lower dietary intakes of vitamins B1 and B2 than those who skipped meals < 7 times/week. Conclusion: Ultimately, the study found that meal skipping among Ghanaian students was common, and their daily nutrient intakes did not meet the set dietary standards. Those who skipped meals 7times/week had lower dietary intakes of vitamins B1 and B2 than those who skipped meals < 7 times/week. Based on our study findings, we recommend that nutrition education should be organized for the Ghanaian student community in Korea using our results as a template to draw up a nutrition program that is culturally appropriate.

The Trend of Food and Nutrient Intakes of Korean(1969~1989) -The Third Report, Nutrient Intake from the Annual Report of the National Nutrition Survey- (한국인의 식품 및 영양섭취상태 추이(1969~1989) -제3보, 국민영양조사보고서에 의한 영양섭취상태를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Mi-A;Kim, Eul-Sang;Lee, Kyu-Han;Moon, Hyun-Kyung;Song, In-Jung;Tchai, Bum-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.655-661
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    • 1992
  • Form reports of the Korean National Nutrition Survey from 1969 to 1989, trends of nutrients intakes are reported as follows. The amount of energy intakes are decreased gradually. The proportion of energy from cereals to total energy are decreased from 85.9 percent at 1969 to 66.5 percent at 1989. There are increasing trend for the proportion of energy from animal foods to the total energy. The amount of protein intakes are increasing gradually. The ratio of animal protein to the plant protein have been increasing since the survey has been started. The amount of fat intakes are also increasing. The proportion of energy from the fat and protein to total energy had been shown increasing trends. Gradually, the calcium and iron intakes are increasing over the years. But the intakes of calcium is less than the average dietary allowance of subject examine until recently. The intakes of thiamin, showing adequate intake, are almost equal to the average dietary allowance. For the riboflavin, the amount of intakes are increasing from the mid nineteen-eighty. But the intake of riboflavin is less than the average dietary allowance. For the niacin and ascorbic acid, the amount of intakes are showing variations. But the amount of intakes are not inadequate.

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A Study on Nutrient Intake, Anthropometric Data and Serum Profiles among High School Students Residing in Seoul (서울 지역 고등학생의 영양소 섭취와 체위 및 혈액성상)

  • 이현숙;김보은;조미숙;김화영
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.589-596
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    • 2004
  • This study was performed to investigate the anthropometric data, serum profiles, and nutrient intakes of high school students who are living in Seoul. Anthropometric data showed that mean height and weight were 174.1 cm and 66.6 kg in 99 male and 161.4 cm and 54.0 kg in 116 female students. Mean BMl for male and female students were 21.9 and 22.3 kg/m2, and subjects with BMI > 25 kg/m2 were 14 and 7%, respectively. Total cholesterol, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol of subjects were 149.6±3.1,46.4±1.3,86.4±2.3,/TEX> mg/dl for males and 169.2 ±3.1,50.7±1.0,100.9±2.7mg/dl for females, respectively. Hemoglobin (Hb) and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) were 12.8 ±0.1g/dl,437.3±7.2\mug/dlinmaleand11.9±0.1g/dl,439.4±5.7\mug/dl in female, respectively. Based on Hb classification, 45.6% of male and 45.0% of female students fell into anemic condition. Intakes of energy, Ca, Fe, Zn, riboflavin, and folate were below the Korean RDA. In particular Ca (male and female, respectively, 64.6 and 64.3% RDA) and Fe (male and female, respectively, 78.6 and 64.3% RDA) intakes were extremely low. Serum triglyceride was positively significantly correlated with weight (r =0.22), BMI (r =0.279), waist circumference (WC, r =0.235), triceps skin-fold thickness (TSF, r =0.197) and obesity index (OI, r =0.279). Hb concentration was positively correlated with height (r + 0.387), weight (r =0.349), BMI (r =0.191) and waistlhip ratio (WHR, r =0.380). As for the correlation between serum profiles and nutrient intakes, the Hb concentration was positively correlated with energy (r =0.163), protein (r =0.149), Na (r =0.153), vitamin A (r =0.165), thiamin (r =0.201) and niacin (r =0.192, p < 0.01). These result suggest that the prevalence of Ca and Fe deficiency of student is high and dietary guideline for prevent anemia in this age needs to contain the adequate intake of energy and its related vitamins.

Dietary Risk Factors Associated with Hypertension in Patients (고혈압 환자의 식이관련 위험요인 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Sook-Mee;Huh, Gwui-Yeop
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.661-672
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    • 2006
  • This study was performed to determine the dietary risk factors associated with hypertension. The hypertensive group were composed of 112 hypertensive patients (male 53, female 59) who first visited the hypertension clinic and had been diagnosed as having primary hypertension (SBP140mmHgorDBP90mmHg). The regular visitors or the subjects on special diets or medical therapies were excluded. The normal group consisted of as subjects (male 41, female 54) matched with age and socioeconomic levels. The subjects having higher intakes (above the 75 percentile) in energy, protein, iron, vitamin A or C showed significantly higher hypertension risk estimated with odds ratio after the covariance factors (age, sex and BMI) were adjusted. More than 2400 mg of sodium (6 g of salt) intake was associated with significantly higher risk of hypertension (odds ratio: 1.773, CI: 1.014-3.014 for SBP140mmHg; odds ratio: 2.373, CI: 1.359-4.215 for DBP90mmHg). Hypertensive group showed significantly increased intakes of vegetables and fish and shell fish compared to the normal group. When the vegetable intakes were classified into Kimchi, fresh vegetables and cooked vegetables with seasoning, the hypertensive group was observed as having higher intakes of Kimchi and cooked vegetables with seasoning. The intakes of highest quartile for vegetables (327g/day) (odds ratio: 3.164, CI: 1.740-5.752), fish and their products (102g/day) (odds ratio: 2.756, CI: 1.486-5.109), grains(311g/day) (odds ratio 2.393, CI: 1.186-4.832), meats and their product (106g) (odds ratio: 2.210, CI: 1.225 - 3.987) compared to the lower were significantly associated with the higher risk of hypertension estimated with DBP (90mmHg) after covariance factors were adjusted. In conclusion, our findings confirm that higher intake of energy or sodium are associated with the increased risk of hypertension. Because increased intake of vegetable or fish was associated with the higher risk of hypertension, in contrast with the finding of western countries, choosing or preparation of vegetables or fish with reduced salt is recommended.