• Title/Summary/Keyword: internet meta-analysis

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An Analysis on Education Needs for Information Literacy Programs of Professional Secretaries (전문비서 정보활용 교육과정 개발을 위한 교육요구 분석 연구)

  • Choe, In-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.445-466
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to raise the importance of information literacy programs for professional secretaries and to present guidelines for organizing them. While the level of projects in secretaries' information service is defined as an influencing factor to the necessity of information literacy programs, the level of scholarships or secretarial science as a major is not. An analysis on education needs of secretaries recommended that curriculum should be composed of 15 topics such as: meta search engines, special search engines, boolean operators, digital libraries, usenet, information centers, internet reference sources, SDI, topic search request, document delivery service, e-journals, commercial databases, fulltext service, search strategy and general search engines.

Analysis of Occupational Injury and Feature Importance of Fall Accidents on the Construction Sites using Adaboost (에이다 부스트를 활용한 건설현장 추락재해의 강도 예측과 영향요인 분석)

  • Choi, Jaehyun;Ryu, HanGuk
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2019
  • The construction industry is the highest safety accident causing industry as 28.55% portion of all industries' accidents in Korea. In particular, falling is the highest accidents type composed of 60.16% among the construction field accidents. Therefore, we analyzed the factors of major disaster affecting the fall accident and then derived feature importances by considering various variables. We used data collected from Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency (KOSHA) for learning and predicting in the proposed model. We have an effort to predict the degree of occupational fall accidents by using the machine learning model, i.e., Adaboost, short for Adaptive Boosting. Adaboost is a machine learning meta-algorithm which can be used in conjunction with many other types of learning algorithms to improve performance. Decision trees were combined with AdaBoost in this model to predict and classify the degree of occupational fall accidents. HyOperpt was also used to optimize hyperparameters and to combine k-fold cross validation by hierarchy. We extracted and analyzed feature importances and affecting fall disaster by permutation technique. In this study, we verified the degree of fall accidents with predictive accuracy. The machine learning model was also confirmed to be applicable to the safety accident analysis in construction site. In the future, if the safety accident data is accumulated automatically in the network system using IoT(Internet of things) technology in real time in the construction site, it will be possible to analyze the factors and types of accidents according to the site conditions from the real time data.

A Scoping Review of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-Based Health-Related Intervention Studies for Children & Adolescents in South Korea (아동·청소년 대상 정보통신기술(ICT) 기반 국내 건강관련 중재연구의 주제범위 문헌고찰)

  • Park, Jiyoung;Bae, Jinkyung;Won, Seohyun
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.5-24
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The objective of this review was to identify the research trends in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based health-related intervention studies for children and adolescents published in South Korea over the past 10 years. Methods: A scoping review was performed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA) and the system classification framework for digital health intervention 1.0 of the World Health Organization (WHO) was applied to analyze how technology was being used to support the needs of the health system. Results: A total of 18 studies were included in the final analysis. The participants were mainly children with a variety of diseases. No studies had used innovative technology platforms such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and robotics. In addition, the scope of application of the WHO classification criteria was quite limited. Finally, no intervention study considered technical operational indicators, such as the number of website visits and streaming as outcome measurements. Conclusions: Researchers should introduce advanced technology-based strategies to provide customized and professional healthcare services to children and adolescents in South Korea and continue efforts to integrate innovative ICT for various research purposes, subjects, and environments.

The Review on the Prostate Disease-related Studies with Acupuncture Therapy in PubMed (PubMed 검색(檢索)을 이용한 전립선(前立腺) 질환(疾患)의 침치료(鍼治療)관련 연구(硏究)에 대한 고찰(考察))

  • Song, Ho-Sueb
    • Journal of Pharmacopuncture
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2004
  • Objective : This study was to review on the prostate disease-related studies with Acupuncture therapy in renowned medical internet site of PubMed, and to make master plan of the study, especially, on Bee Venom Acupuncture(BVA) of Prostate disease and then to devise the idealistic therapeutic ways of it. Method : We made the internet search with the key words of bee venom(bee venom therapy, apitoxin, apitherapy, bee sting, bee sting therapy), acupuncture, prostate, prostatitis, prostrate cancer in Pubmed, from June 1st to July 1st,2004. Results : 1.25 papers were found in 19 publised jounals. of which two named'Urology'and Prostate' had three papars, two called 'JUrology' and 'Cancer Immunol Immunother' had two papers, and the others had a paper respectively. 2. In the classification by papers' types, Review papers were 8 and Original were 17 where there were 5 clinical trials, 11 experimental studies and 1 epidemiologic paper. Of 5 clinical trials, 2 belonged to Randomized Control Study, and of 11 experimental studies, 4 belonged to in vitro and 7 belonged to in vivo with in viro studies, and 1 epidemeologic belonged to meta-analysis. 3. In the classification by prostate diseases, 4 were about prostatitis, 3 were about prostate related symptoms, 16 were about prostate cancer, and two were about the others. 4. In the classification by applied treatment methods, 5 were related with Acupuncture, 10 were related with BVA(Bee Venom, Bee), and 10 were related with the others. Of 5 related with Acupuncture, 3 used general acupuncture, 1 used electrical acupuncture, and 1 used general acupuncture and electrical acupuncture at the same time. 5. In 2 RCTs of Clinical trials, Control group was set up to the group using different compatible treatment method or using meridians not related with treating prostate disease. Single or double blind methods couldn't be found. 6. In the clinical trials, IPSS, NIH, CPSI or subjective global assessment were used as the Index of Evaluation. 7. The Leg Greater Yang Bladder Meridian(B), The Leg Lesser Um Kidney Meridian(K) and Conception Vessel Meridian(CV) were used as major meridians, and B10(Taejo, Dazhu), B23(Shinsu, Shenshu), B28(Panggwangsu, Pangguangshu), B35(Hoeyang, Huiyang), B39(Wiyang, Weiyang), B40(Wijung, Weizhong), B54(chilbyon, Zhibian), K1(Yongchon, Yongquan), K10(Umgok, Yingu), CV3(Chungguk, Zhongji), CV4(Kwanwon, Guanyuan),S6(Hyopko, Jiache) were used as acupoints. Electrical acupuncture(EA) was considered to be more important and CV3(Chungguk, Zhongji), CV4(Kwanwon, Guanyuan) were mainly selected as EA applied acupoints. 8. It is mostly said that Acupuncture appeared to be a safe, effective, and durable treatment alternative in improving symptoms of patients with prostate diseases, refractory to conventional medicine. A larger controlled study was required to confirm these encouraging initial results. Conclusion : Papers about BVA of Prostate cancer or Prostatitis were not found, and low permeability of Prostate is concerned, BVA with the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effect can be adopted as a new alternatives of Prostate disease treatment, so it is thought that Study of how to make access to prostate, animal experiment including in vivo and in vitro and more clinical trials with using acupoints on related meridian should be followed.

Segmenting Korean Millennial Consumers of Sharing Economy Services on Social Networking: A Psychographic-based Approach (소셜 네트워크 기반 공유경제 서비스에 관한 밀레니얼스 소비자 세분화 연구: 사이코그래픽 관점에서)

  • Lee, Jae Heon;Choi, Jae Won;Kim, Ki Youn
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore consumer behavioral trends, psychological characteristics and various cognitive types of Millennial Generation consumers, primarily in their 20s, who are familiar with sharing economy services based on the emerging social networking technology. Using Q methodology, this paper theoretically defines four and interprets via a social science perspective four different types of these young consumers who are skilled at state-of-the-art ICT equipment, devices or online networking services. Sharing economy services in Korea's academic and industrial services are influenced by government policy, and related research is relatively new. This study is focused on discovering unique psychographic characteristics called 'schemata' that include personal interest, preference, attitude, and opinion. On the basis of 40 Q-sorted data samples, the analysis examined 180 collected statements from meta-studies and interviews with 35 individuals born between 1997 and 1992. As a result, four consumer groups were identifies: Type 1 'Early majority', Type 2 'Laggard', Type 3 'Opinion leader', and Type 4 'Late majority'. The results of this research can be used to explore to study in greater detail the behavior and psychological aspects of Millennial General consumers'.

A study on the design of an efficient hardware and software mixed-mode image processing system for detecting patient movement (환자움직임 감지를 위한 효율적인 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어 혼성 모드 영상처리시스템설계에 관한 연구)

  • Seungmin Jung;Euisung Jung;Myeonghwan Kim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose an efficient image processing system to detect and track the movement of specific objects such as patients. The proposed system extracts the outline area of an object from a binarized difference image by applying a thinning algorithm that enables more precise detection compared to previous algorithms and is advantageous for mixed-mode design. The binarization and thinning steps, which require a lot of computation, are designed based on RTL (Register Transfer Level) and replaced with optimized hardware blocks through logic circuit synthesis. The designed binarization and thinning block was synthesized into a logic circuit using the standard 180n CMOS library and its operation was verified through simulation. To compare software-based performance, performance analysis of binary and thinning operations was also performed by applying sample images with 640 × 360 resolution in a 32-bit FPGA embedded system environment. As a result of verification, it was confirmed that the mixed-mode design can improve the processing speed by 93.8% in the binary and thinning stages compared to the previous software-only processing speed. The proposed mixed-mode system for object recognition is expected to be able to efficiently monitor patient movements even in an edge computing environment where artificial intelligence networks are not applied.

A Study on the Research Trends in Library & Information Science in Korea using Topic Modeling (토픽모델링을 활용한 국내 문헌정보학 연구동향 분석)

  • Park, Ja-Hyun;Song, Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.7-32
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    • 2013
  • The goal of the present study is to identify the topic trend in the field of library and information science in Korea. To this end, we collected titles and s of the papers published in four major journals such as Journal of the Korean Society for information Management, Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, and Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science during 1970 and 2012. After that, we applied the well-received topic modeling technique, Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA), to the collected data sets. The research findings of the study are as follows: 1) Comparison of the extracted topics by LDA with the subject headings of library and information science shows that there are several distinct sub-research domains strongly tied with the field. Those include library and society in the domain of "introduction to library and information science," professionalism, library and information policy in the domain of "library system," library evaluation in the domain of "library management," collection development and management, information service in the domain of "library service," services by library type, user training/information literacy, service evaluation, classification/cataloging/meta-data in the domain of "document organization," bibliometrics/digital libraries/user study/internet/expert system/information retrieval/information system in the domain of "information science," antique documents in the domain of "bibliography," books/publications in the domain of "publication," and archival study. The results indicate that among these sub-domains, information science and library services are two most focused domains. Second, we observe that there is the growing trend in the research topics such as service and evaluation by library type, internet, and meta-data, but the research topics such as book, classification, and cataloging reveal the declining trend. Third, analysis by journal show that in Journal of the Korean Society for information Management, information science related topics appear more frequently than library science related topics whereas library science related topics are more popular in the other three journals studied in this paper.

Analysis of Posting Preferences and Prediction of Update Probability on Blogs (블로그에서 포스팅 성향 분석과 갱신 가능성 예측)

  • Lee, Bum-Suk;Hwang, Byung-Yeon
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.258-266
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we introduce a novel method to predict next update of blogs. The number of RSS feeds registered on meta-blogs is on the order of several million. Checking for updates is very time consuming and imposes a heavy burden on network resources. Since blog search engine has limited resources, there is a fix number of blogs that it can visit on a day. Nevertheless we need to maximize chances of getting new data, and the proposed method which predicts update probability on blogs could bring better chances for it. Also this work is important to avoid distributed denial-of-service attack for the owners of blogs. Furthermore, for the internet as whole this work is important, too, because our approach could minimize traffic. In this study, we assumed that there is a specific pattern to when a blogger is actively posting, in terms of days of the week and, more specifically, hours of the day. We analyzed 15,119 blogs to determine a blogger's posting preference. This paper proposes a method to predict the update probability based on a blogger's posting history and preferred days of the week. We applied proposed method to 12,115 blogs to check the precision of our predictions. The evaluation shows that the model has a precision of 0.5 for over 93.06% of the blogs examined.

Market versus non-market normative replies: Why are non-market normative replies more influential? (시장 대 비시장규범 댓글: 왜 비시장규범 댓글이 더 영향력 있는가?)

  • Lee, Guk-Hee
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2018
  • Most people today search for information on the Internet about the goods or services they want to purchase and then assess the replies posted by other people who have experience with those goods or services. These replies serve as an important reference point that can affect purchase decisions. Replies are divided broadly into two types: first, market normative replies about whether a person experiences satisfaction with (or more than) the price paid for goods or services (positive) or not (negative); and the second is non-market normative replies about whether the goods or service provider morally deserves the profits gained from providing them (positive) or not (negative). Previous studies on replies have focused on market normative replies (whether the food is delicious), and there have only been some studies on the effect of non-market normative replies (the owner is morally good). This research was undertaken to re-examine the effect of market normative replies identified by previous studies in a restaurant visit intention evaluation (Experiment 1), to examine the effect of non-market normative replies not investigated in previous studies (Experiment 2), and to compare the effect of market normative replies and non-market normative replies (the meta-analysis) In conclusion, restaurant visit intention was stronger when market normative replies were positive (delicious) than when they were negative (not delicious) (Experiment 1). Furthermore, restaurant visit intention was stronger when non-market normative replies were positive (the owner is moral) than when they were negative (the owner is immoral) (Experiment 2). On the other hand, it was found that restaurant visit intention was stronger when non-market normative replies were positive than when market normative replies were positive, and restaurant visit intention was weaker when non-market normative replies were negative than when market normative replies were negative. This implies that people are more likely to be affected by non-market normative replies than market normative replies. In addition, this study suggested that the mood changed more before and after checking non-market normative replies than before and after checking market normative replies, and due to this difference, people could be affected more by non-market normative replies than market normative replies.

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