• Title/Summary/Keyword: international co-production

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Computation of Actual Evapotranspiration using Drone-based Remotely Sensed Information: Preliminary Test for a Drought Index (드론 원격정보를 활용한 실제증발산량의 산정: 가뭄지수를 위한 사전테스트)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Kim, Sung-Wook;Hamm, Se-Yeong;Lee, Khil-Ha
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.1653-1660
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    • 2016
  • Drought is a reoccurring worldwide natural hazard that affects not only food production but also economics, health, and infrastructure. Drought monitoring is usually performed with precipitation-based indices without consideration of the actual state and amount of the land surface properties. A drought index based on the actual evapotranspiration can overcome these shortcomings. The severity of a drought can be quantified by making a spatial map. The procedure for estimating actual evapotranspiration is costly and complicated, and requires land surface information. The possibility of utilizing drone-driven remotely sensed data for actual evapotranspiration estimation was analyzed in this study. A drone collected data was used to calculate the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI). The spatial resolution was 10 m with a grid of 404×395. The collected data were applied and parameterized to an actual evapotranspiration estimation. The result shows that drone-based data is useful for estimating actual evapotranspiration and the corresponding drought indices.

A Study on the Fuzzy ELDC of Composite Power System Based on Probabilistic and Fuzzy Set Theories

  • Park, Jaeseok;Kim, Hongsik;Seungpil Moon;Junmin Cha;Park, Daeseok;Roy Billinton
    • KIEE International Transactions on Power Engineering
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    • v.2A no.3
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2002
  • This paper illustrates a new fuzzy effective load model for probabilistic and fuzzy production cost simulation of the load point of the composite power system. A model for reliability evaluation of a transmission system using the fuzzy set theory is proposed for considering the flexibility or ambiguity of capacity limitation and overload of transmission lines, which are subjective matter characteristics. A conventional probabilistic approach was also used to model the uncertainties related to the objective matters for forced outage rates of generators and transmission lines in the new model. The methodology is formulated in order to consider the flexibility or ambiguity of load forecasting as well as capacity limitation and overload of transmission lines. It is expected that the Fuzzy CMELDC (CoMposite power system Effective Load Duration Curve) proposed in this study will provide some solutions to many problems based on nodal and decentralized operation and control of an electric power systems in a competitive environment in the future. The characteristics of this new model are illustrated by some case studies of a very simple test system.

Fault Detection, Diagnosis, and Optimization of Wafer Manufacturing Processes utilizing Knowledge Creation

  • Bae Hyeon;Kim Sung-Shin;Woo Kwang-Bang;May Gary S.;Lee Duk-Kwon
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.372-381
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a process management system to manage ingot fabrication and improve ingot quality. The ingot is the first manufactured material of wafers. Trace parameters were collected on-line but measurement parameters were measured by sampling inspection. The quality parameters were applied to evaluate the quality. Therefore, preprocessing was necessary to extract useful information from the quality data. First, statistical methods were used for data generation. Then, modeling was performed, using the generated data, to improve the performance of the models. The function of the models is to predict the quality corresponding to control parameters. Secondly, rule extraction was performed to find the relation between the production quality and control conditions. The extracted rules can give important information concerning how to handle the process correctly. The dynamic polynomial neural network (DPNN) and decision tree were applied for data modeling and rule extraction, respectively, from the ingot fabrication data.

Purification and Characterization of Oxidase Induced from Thiobacillus neapolitanus R-10 (Thiobacillus neapolitanus R-10으로 부터 산화 효소의 분리 정제와 특성)

  • Weon, Yong-Don;Kim, Dong-Suck;Ryu, Beung-Ho
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 1996
  • Thiobacillus neopolitanus R-10, which produces a active thiosulfate oxidase was isolated from nightsoil. The optimal culture conditions of Thiobacillus neopolitanus R-10 for the production of enzyme was determined as followed: 0.8% Na2S2O3, 0.2% KH2PO4, 0.2% K2HPO4, 0.04% Na2CO3, 0.02% MgSO4.7H2O, 2ml trace elements solution, ann PH 6.5 at 30C and 72hr cultivation. The oxidase was successively purified 83 folds yield by (NH2)2SO4 fractionation, DEAE-Cellulose, Sephadex A-50 column chromatogrophy and gel Sephadex G-150 gel filteration with yield of 5.9%. The molecular weight of purified enzyme was estimated to be 43.000 dalton by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and gel filteration column chromatography The enzyme activity was highest at 40t and PH 7.0 The enzyme activity was relatively high by β-mercaptoethanol but strongly inhibited by cysteine.

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The Inhibiton Effects of Hypercholesterolemia and Platelet in Fermented and Non-Fermented Preparation of Garlic

  • Kim, Hyun-Kyoung
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • This Dietary cholesterol augments lipid profile and primes production and activation of platelets, leading to development of atherosclerosis which produce several detrimental effects on cardiovascular health. Ethnomedicine and Mediterranean diet are natural sources and cost effective modes against several ailments including cardiovascular diseases while fermented foods have gained interest due to their increased nutrient profile, enhanced bioavailability and efficacy. Garlic has been known to reduce cholesterol and inhibit platelet activation. We examined whether fermented garlic ameliorates effects of hypercholesterolemia and platelet functions in rats. Methodology: Male SD rats were fed with hypercholesterolemia diet and treated with spirulina, fermented and non-fermented preparations of garlic for one month. Platelet aggregation and granule secretion were assessed to evaluate platelet activation. Liver and kidney weights, lipid and enzymatic profile of serum and whole blood analysis was performed. Expressions of SREBP, ACAT-2 and HMG-CoA were assessed using RT-PCR while liver and adipose tissues were analyzed for histological changes. Both fermented and non-fermented garlic inhibited platelet aggregation and granule secretion while fermented garlic showed greater inhibitor tendency. Fermented garlic significantly reduced liver weight and triglycerides concentrations than non-fermented garlic. Similarly, fermented garlic greatly abrogated the detrimental effects of steatosis on liver and adipose tissues. Fermented garlic significantly improved lipid profile and modulated platelet functions, thereby inhibiting atherosclerosis and platelet related cardiovascular disorders.

A Study on the Factors Influencing the Purchase of Electric Vehicles

  • Kim, Sung Young;Kang, Min Jung
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.194-200
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    • 2022
  • As of 2020, the cumulative number of electric vehicles worldwide increased 43% from 2019, exceeding 10 million. We surveyed and analyzed important factors when purchasing electric vehicles for consumers who own electric vehicles. Through this, we tried to find an effective way to supply electric vehicles in the future. The purpose of this study is to present customized marketing proposals for companies by empirically analyzing the factors affecting consumers' electric vehicle purchases and deriving market demands for electric vehicles. We identified the market status of electric vehicles through literature research and reviewed previous studies on the factors affecting the purchase intention of electric vehicles. Through empirical studies, differences in electric vehicle purchase factors according to gender, age, and the degree of importance of performance were analyzed. To this end, the SPSS statistics package was used. Factors influencing the purchase of electric vehicles were set to mileage, charging time, new technology, degree of driving autonomous development, design, price, infrastructure for charging, the phase of maintenance and repair, by the government and local governments. In addition, the most important factors were derived, and the average difference analysis was conducted according to gender, age, and performance importance.


  • Byung-Soo, Kim;Dong-Eun, Lee;Suk-Hyun, Kwon;Min-Kwon, Choe
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1625-1629
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    • 2009
  • The new paradigm called 'Low Carbon Green Growth' involved in reducing greenhouse gas is on the rise as a critical issue worldwide. The essential of Kyoto protocol issued in 1997 is to achieve the sustainable economic growth environments by converting existing production system to eco-friendly one. The protocol imposes the liability to reduce greenhouse gas to the countries joined to it. The paradigm is directly involved in the energy consumption and environmental pollution caused by construction activities. Value Engineering which are mainly applied in the design phase in practice is a measure to improve the value of a constructed facility by analyzing and/or appraising the functions and costs of it. However, an appropriate method which assesses eco-friendliness of constructed facility has not been propose by researchers. This paper proposes a method which assesses the performance involved in eco-friendliness of constructed facility using Value Engineering (VE) in the design phase. The method estimates the environmental cost relative to the amounts of energy consumption and environmental pollution occurred over the entire project life cycle. The database called "Life Cycle Inventory DB", which stores information about the amounts of environmental pollution, is used. The algorithm which retrieves the amounts of environmental pollutions from the DB and converts them into environmental costs is developed. The algorithm is implemented into a system which quantifies the eco-friendliness of constructed facility in the design phase using VE.

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Development of a High-Yield Isolation Protocol Optimized for the Retrieval of Active Muscle Satellite Cells from Mouse Skeletal Muscle Tissue

  • Hyun Lee;Na Rae Han;Seong Jae Kim;Jung Im Yun;Seung Tae Lee
    • International Journal of Stem Cells
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.283-290
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    • 2022
  • Background and Objectives: Difficulties often encountered in separating and purifying active muscle satellite cells (MSCs) from skeletal muscle tissues have limited the supply of cells for muscle therapy and artificial meat production. Here, we report an effective isolation protocol to economically and conveniently retrieve active MSCs from skeletal muscle tissues in mice. Methods and Results: We optimized an enzyme-based tissue digestion protocol for isolating skeletal muscle-derived primary cell population having a large number of active MSCs and described a method of differential plating (DP) for improving purity of active MSCs from skeletal muscle-derived primary cell population. Then, the age of the mouse appropriate to the isolation of a large number of active MSCs was elucidated. The best isolation yield of active MSCs from mouse skeletal muscle tissues was induced by the application of DP method to the primary cell population harvested from skeletal muscle tissues of 2-week-old mice digested in 0.2% (w/v) collagenase type II for 30 min at 37℃ and then in 0.1% (w/v) pronase for 5 min at 37℃. Conclusions: The protocol we developed not only facilitates the isolation of MSCs but also maximizes the retrieval of active MSCs. Our expectation is that this protocol will contribute to the development of original technologies essential for muscle therapy and artificial meat industrialization in the future.

Estimation of co-variance components, genetic parameters, and genetic trends of reproductive traits in community-based breeding program of Bonga sheep in Ethiopia

  • Areb, Ebadu;Getachew, Tesfaye;Kirmani, MA;G.silase, Tegbaru;Haile, Aynalem
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • v.34 no.9
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    • pp.1451-1459
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    • 2021
  • Objective: The objectives of the study were to evaluate reproductive performance and selection response through genetic trend of community-based breeding programs (CBBPs) of Bonga sheep. Methods: Reproduction traits data were collected between 2012 and 2018 from Bonga sheep CBBPs. Phenotypic performance was analyzed using the general linear model procedures of Statistical Analysis System. Genetic parameters were estimated by univariate animal model for age at first lambing (AFL) and repeatability models for lambing interval (LI), litter size (LS), and annual reproductive rate (ARR) traits using restricted maximum likelihood method of WOMBAT. For correlations bivariate animal model was used. Best model was chosen based on likelihood ratio test. The genetic trends were estimated by the weighted regression of the average breeding value of the animals on the year of birth/lambing. Results: The overall least squares mean±standard error of AFL, LI, LS, and ARR were 375±12.5, 284±9.9, 1.45±0.010, and 2.31±0.050, respectively. Direct heritability estimates for AFL, LI, LS, and ARR were 0.07±0.190, 0.06±0.120, 0.18±0.070, and 0.25±0.203, respectively. The low heritability for both AFL and LI showed that these traits respond little to selection programs but rather highly depend on animal management options. The annual genetic gains were -0.0281 days, -0.016 days, -0.0002 lambs and 0.0003 lambs for AFL, LI, LS, and ARR, respectively. Conclusion: Implications of the result to future improvement programs were improving management of animals, conservation of prolific flocks and out scaling the CBBP to get better results.

Catalytic Technologies for Nitric Acid Plants N2O Emissions Control: In-Duct-Dependent Technological Options (질산제조 플랜트 N2O 제거용 촉매기술: 적용위치별 기술옵션)

  • Kim, Moon-Hyeon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2012
  • A unit emission reduction of nitrous oxide (N2O) from anthropogenic sources is equivalent to a 310-unit CO2 emission reduction because the N2O has the global warming potential (GWP) of 310. This greatly promoted very active development and commercialization of catalysts to control N2O emissions from large-scale stationary sources, representatively nitric acid production plants, and numerous catalytic systems have been proposed for the N2O reduction to date and here designated to Options A to C with respect to in-duct-application scenarios. Whether or not these Options are suitable for N2O emissions control in nitric acid industries is primarily determined by positions of them being operated in nitric acid plants, which is mainly due to the difference in gas temperatures, compositions and pressures. The Option A being installed in the NH3 oxidation reactor requires catalysts that have very strong thermal stability and high selectivity, while the Option B technologies are operated between the NO2 absorption column and the gas expander and catalysts with medium thermal stability, good water tolerance and strong hydrothermal stability are applicable for this option. Catalysts for the Option C, that is positioned after the gas expander thereby having the lowest gas temperatures and pressure, should possess high deN2O performance and excellent water tolerance under such conditions. Consequently, each deN2O technology has different opportunities in nitric acid production plants and the best solution needs to be chosen considering the process requirements.