• Title/Summary/Keyword: interaction elements

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Path Analysis of Faculty-student Interaction, Self-directed Learning, and Institutional Commitment to Impact on the Academic Achievement of the University Students (대학생의 학업성취도에 영향을 미치는 교수-학생 상호작용, 자기주도학습, 대학 몰입의 경로분석)

  • KIM, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.40-50
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to establish and validate the path models among faculty-student interaction, self-directed learning, and institutional commitment which impacted on the academic achievement of the university students. To achieve these goals, the survey results from 488 university students in North Gyungsang Province were analyzed. Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, t-test, and path model analysis were performed to understand the relationship among variables. First, all the variables showed positive correlations except academic achievement and institutional commitment upon the study results. Second with respect to the differences by groups, faculty-student interaction and institutional commitment demonstrated the significant differences by sex while self-directed learning and academic achievement did not. Third on the path analyses, self-directed learning influenced to academic achievement directly, while faculty-student interaction did to it by mediating with self-directed learning and institutional commitment. The results of this study suggest that faculty-student interaction, self-directed learning, and institutional commitment perceived by the university students were significant elements on their academic achievements.

The Effect of Virtual Reality Content Production Types on Customer Satisfaction (Virtual Reality 콘텐츠 제작 유형이 고객 만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Dongseon;Lim, Daehyun;Kim, Kyonghwan;Choi, Jeongil
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.433-451
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how the type of virtual reality content production affects the interaction and immersion that is a virtual reality characteristic, and to provide the platform companies and content producers with the basic information necessary to provide the production and service of content suitable for VR characteristics. Methods: Based on the data collected in the survey, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were used. The measurement tools used in this study were studied through three-dimensional composition, including the characteristics and interaction and immersion of content produced in 2D, 3D and 360°, which are elements of virtual reality characteristics. Results: The results of this study are as follows. Among the types of content production, content produced with 2D and 360 technologies was found to affect immersion, while content produced in 3D affected interaction. Motion sickness has been investigated to affect both immersion and interaction. Conclusion: Service-provided platform enterprises and content-making enterprises should consider content-making and providing services that suit service characteristics and purposes, taking into account the characteristics of interaction and immersion in content-making investment and service delivery.

Seismic response of concrete gravity dam-ice covered reservoir-foundation interaction systems

  • Haciefendioglu, K.;Bayraktar, A.;Turker, T.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.499-511
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    • 2010
  • This paper examines the ice cover effects on the seismic response of concrete gravity dam-reservoir-foundation interaction systems subjected to a horizontal earthquake ground motion. ANSYS program is used for finite element modeling and analyzing the ice-dam-reservoir-foundation interaction system. The ice-dam-reservoir interaction system is considered by using the Lagrangian (displacementbased) fluid and solid-quadrilateral-isoparametric finite elements. The Sariyar concrete gravity dam in Turkey is selected as a numerical application. The east-west component of Erzincan earthquake, which occurred on 13 March 1992 in Erzincan, Turkey, is selected for the earthquake analysis of the dam. Dynamic analyses of the dam-reservoir-foundation interaction system are performed with and without ice cover separately. Parametric studies are done to show the effects of the variation of the length, thickness, elasticity modulus and density of the ice-cover on the seismic response of the dam. It is observed that the variations of the length, thickness, and elasticity modulus of the ice-cover influence the displacements and stresses of the coupled system considerably. Also, the variation of the density of the ice-cover cannot produce important effects on the seismic response of the dam.

Investigation of allowable time-step sizes for generalized finite element analysis of the transient heat equation

  • O'Hara, P.;Duarte, C.A.;Eason, T.
    • Interaction and multiscale mechanics
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.235-255
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    • 2010
  • This paper investigates the heat equation for domains subjected to an internal source with a sharp spatial gradient. The solution is first approximated using linear finite elements, and sufficiently small time-step sizes to yield stable simulations. The main area of interest is then in the ability to approximate the solution using Generalized Finite Elements, and again explore the time-step limitations required for stable simulations. Both high order elements, as well as elements with special enrichments are used to generate solutions. When compared to linear finite elements, the high order elements deliver better accuracy at a given level of mesh refinement, but do not offer an increase in critical time-step size. When special enrichment functions are used, the solution can be approximated accurately on very coarse meshes, while yielding solutions which are both accurate and computationally efficient. The major conclusion of interest is that the significantly larger element size yields larger allowable time-step sizes while still maintaining stability of the time-stepping algorithm.

Analysis of the Design Elements for the Children's Picture Books Based on VR

  • Lu, Kai;Cho, Dong Min
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.953-965
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    • 2021
  • The research of combining virtual reality technology with the design elements of children's picture book education is a relatively new topic in virtual reality technology in recent years. Based on the combination of picture book design elements with virtual reality technology and the development of a children's picture book teaching game, this article analyzes the effectiveness of the application of virtual reality technology in children's teaching, and explores the usability of picture book design elements in teaching [1]. Through literature research methods, practical research methods and investigation research methods, this paper lucubrates the application of virtual reality technology in the design elements of children's picture book education so as to provide adequate theoretical and practical support for the research theme. The spatial positioning, vision, sound, and functional requirements of children's picture book games play a leading role in teaching. Practical statistics have proved that it is easier to promote children's mastery of teaching knowledge in a virtual environment. Moreover, use VR's game management function and setting function to solve the boringness of traditional education methods and the limitations of the teaching environment. The feasibility of game operation provides a virtual teaching platform system for children's education, and the teaching effect is remarkable.

Non linear soil structure interaction of space frame-pile foundation-soil system

  • Chore, H.S.;Ingle, R.K.;Sawant, V.A.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.95-110
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    • 2014
  • The study deals with physical modeling of space frame-pile foundation and soil system using finite element models. The superstructure frame is analyzed using complete three-dimensional finite element method where the component of the frame such as slab, beam and columns are descretized using 20 node isoparametric continuum elements. Initially, the frame is analyzed assuming the fixed column bases. Later the pile foundation is worked out separately wherein the simplified models of finite elements such as beam and plate element are used for pile and pile cap, respectively. The non-linear behaviour of soil mass is incorporated by idealizing the soil as non-linear springs using p-y curve along the lines similar to that by Georgiadis et al. (1992). For analysis of pile foundation, the non-linearity of soil via p-y curve approach is incorporated using the incremental approach. The interaction analysis is conducted for the parametric study. The non-linearity of soil is further incorporated using iterative approach, i.e., secant modulus approach, in the interaction analysis. The effect the various parameters of the pile foundation such as spacing in a group and configuration of the pile group is evaluated on the response of superstructure owing to non-linearity of the soil. The response included the displacement at the top of the frame and bending moment in columns. The non-linearity of soil increases the top displacement in the range of 7.8%-16.7%. However, its effect is found very marginal on the absolute maximum moment in columns. The hogging moment decreases by 0.005% while sagging moment increases by 0.02%.

A development of system dynamics model for water, energy, and food nexus (W-E-F nexus)

  • Wicaksono, Albert;Jeong, Gimoon;Kang, Doosun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.220-220
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    • 2015
  • Water, energy, and food security already became a risk that threatens people around the world. Increasing of resources demand, rapid urbanization, decreasing of natural resources and climate change are four major problems inducing resources' scarcity. Indeed, water, energy, and food are interconnected each other thus cannot be analyzed separately. That is, for simple example, energy needs water as source for hydropower plant, water needs energy for distribution, and food needs water and energy for production, which is defined as W-E-F nexus. Due to their complicated linkage, it needs a computer model to simulate and analyze the nexus. Development of a computer simulation model using system dynamics approach makes this linkage possible to be visualized and quantified. System dynamics can be defined as an approach to learn the feedback connections of all elements in a complex system, which mean, every element's interaction is simulated simultaneously. Present W-E-F nexus models do not calculate and simulate the element's interaction simultaneously. Existing models only calculate the amount of water and energy resources that needed to provide food, water, or energy without any interaction from the product to resources. The new proposed model tries to cope these lacks by adding the interactions, climate change effect, and government policy to optimize the best options to maintain the resources sustainability. On this first phase of development, the model is developed only to learn and analyze the interaction between elements based on scenario of fulfilling the increasing of resources demand, due to population growth. The model is developed using the Vensim, well-known system dynamics model software. The results are amount of total water, energy, and food demand and production for a certain time period and it is evaluated to determine the sustainability of resources.

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Different approaches for numerical modeling of seismic soil-structure interaction: impacts on the seismic response of a simplified reinforced concrete integral bridge

  • Dhar, Sreya;Ozcebe, Ali Guney;Dasgupta, Kaustubh;Petrini, Lorenza;Paolucci, Roberto
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.373-385
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    • 2019
  • In this article, different frequently adopted modeling aspects of linear and nonlinear dynamic soil-structure interaction (SSI) are studied on a pile-supported integral abutment bridge structure using the open-source platform OpenSees (McKenna et al. 2000, Mazzoni et al. 2007, McKenna and Fenves 2008) for a 2D domain. Analyzed approaches are as follows: (i) free field input at the base of fixed base bridge; (ii) SSI input at the base of fixed base bridge; (iii) SSI model with two dimensional quadrilateral soil elements interacting with bridge and incident input motion propagating upwards at model bottom boundary (with and without considering the effect of abutment backfill response); (iv) simplified SSI model by idealizing the interaction between structural and soil elements through nonlinear springs (with and without considering the effect of abutment backfill response). Salient conclusions of this paper include: (i) free-field motions may differ significantly from those computed at the base of the bridge foundations, thus put a significant bias on the inertial component of SSI; (ii) conventional modeling of SSI through series of soil springs and dashpot system seems to stay on the safer side under dynamic conditions when one considers the seismic actions on the structure by considering a fully coupled SSI model; (iii) consideration of abutment-backfill in the SSI model positively affects the general response of the bridge, as a result of large passive resistance that may develop behind the abutments.

Using Interaction for an Experiential Story 'The Three Little Pigs and Wolf' - for ipad - (인터랙션을 활용한 체험형 동화 '아기 돼지 삼형제와 늑대' - ipad를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyunhee
    • Design Convergence Study
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2015
  • Storytelling which is part of human nature, has changed over millions of years. The development of technology and media has shaped Storytelling into various forms and shapes, and due to the recent spread of smart devices, the influence of interactive storytelling has grown significantly. The technology which allows diverse and natural input of users, have transformed the listener to user and has allowed the user to 'experience' the story rather than 'hear' it. In line with the trend in the development of these technologies, this study seeks to design and implement an interactive tale for children on an ipad platform. Focusing on the interaction aspect, this story is designed mainly for 3-7 years olds, which contains various multimedia elements and interaction elements that use built in technology such as multi-touch technology and microphone technology to allow user input that aline with the context of story. Focusing on children's experience and empathy with the characters of the story, 'Three Little Pigs and the Wolf' contains 22 steps and was published in the itunes Store.

A Study on the Expressional Characteristics and Elements of Contents Using Hologram (홀로그램을 활용한 콘텐츠의 표현특성 및 요소에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Jung-Hee;Chung, Jean-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.405-411
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the visual characteristics of image expression elements of contents based on hologram and to find ways to utilize hologram effectively. Therefore, I intend to analyze the characteristics and cases of hologram, and investigate efficient representation methods of hologram contents. As a research method, I considered the theoretical background of the hologram through the literature investigation and the precedent study related to the hologram technology, and derived the results from the case study analysis. The characteristics of expression of hologram contents are fusion of virtual and physical elements, interaction, visual extension of reality space. It becomes possible to produce scenes that were difficult to visualize, thereby enhancing the interest and immersion of the audience.