• Title/Summary/Keyword: intelligent agents

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An Intelligent Mobile Agent System with Planning Capability (계획 기능을 가진 지능형 이동에이전트 시스템)

  • Seok, Hwang-Hee;Kim, In-Cheol
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.3417-3426
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    • 2000
  • Most of conventional mobile agent systems requre that the users or the programmer should give the mobile agenl its detail behavioral script for accomplishing the given task. And during its runtime, such mobile agents just behave acording to the fixed script given by its user. Therefore it is impossible that conventional mobile agents autonomously build their own plans and execute. There in considering their ultirnale goals and the dynamic world states. One way to overcome such limtations of conventional mobile agent systems is to develop an mielligent mobile agent system ombedding a reactive planner.In this paper, we design both a modelof agent inobility and a model of inter-agent commuication based upon the representative reactive planning agent architecture called JAM. An then we develop an intelligent mobile agent system with planing capability, IMAS, by implementing addtional basic actions for agent moves and inter-agent comunication within JAM according too the predevined models. Unlike conventional mobile agents, IMAS agents can be able to adapt, their behaviors to the dynamic changes of their anvironment as well as build their own plans autonomously. Thus IMAS aents can snow higher flexibility and robustness than the conventional ones.

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A Distributed Path-Finding Algorithm for Distributed Metabolic Pathways (분산된 대사경로네트워크에 대한 경로검색을 위한 분산알고리즘)

  • Lee, Sun-A;Lee, Keon-Myung;Lee, Seung-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.425-430
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    • 2005
  • Many problems can be formulated in terms nf graphs and thus solved by graph-theoretic algorithms. This paper is concerned with finding paths between nodes over the distributed and overlapped graphs. The proposed method allows multiple agents to cooperate to find paths without merging the distributed graphs. For each graph there is a designated agent which is charged of providing path-finding service for hot graph and initiating the path-finding tasks of which path starts from the graph. The proposed method earlier on constructs an abstract graph so-called viewgraph for the distributed overlapped graphs and thus enables to extract the information about how to guide the path finding over the graphs. The viewgraph is shared by all agents which determine how to coordinate other agents for the purpose of finding paths. Each agent maintains the shortest path information among the nodes which are placed in different overlapped subgraphs of her graph. Once an agent is asked to get a path from a node on her graph to another node on another's graph, she directs other agents to provide the necessary information for finding paths.

Multi-Agent Monitoring System for Intelligent Service Robots (지능형 서비스 로봇을 위한 멀티 에이전트 모니터링 시스템)

  • Haneol Cho;Insik Yu;Jaeho Lee
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.356-366
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    • 2024
  • Users of intelligent robots require access to the status data of the robots for various reasons. The status data of intelligent robots can be generated by combining the status data of the functional agents that constitute the intelligent robot. However, existing intelligent robot systems do not generate the necessary agent status data for creating the status data of intelligent service robots, or they generate it in different ways, making it impossible to collect this information in a uniform manner. Furthermore, these systems have limitations such as collecting the same information redundantly if multiple users request it and only using a single method of communication to deliver robot information, thereby failing to offer the communication methods desired by users. This paper proposes a multi-agent monitoring system for intelligent service robots designed to overcome these limitations. This monitoring system generates status data in response to the actions performed by functional agents, thereby allowing for the unified generation and collection of agent status data. Additionally, the monitoring system resolves data redundancy issues by collecting the necessary data just once, in accordance with user monitoring demands, and delivers status data through a proxy that supports the preferred communication methods of users, thereby providing compatibility with various communication methods. Through experiments, we have verified that this monitoring system can deliver the status data of intelligent robots to multiple users using various communication methods.

A Design of Multi-Agent Framework to Develop Negotiation Systems

  • Park, Hyung-Rim;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Hong, Soon-Goo;Park, Young-Jae;Park, Yong-Sung;Kang, Moo-Hong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.155-169
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    • 2003
  • A multi-agent technology has emerged as new paradigms that can flexibly and promptly cope with various environmental changes and complex problems. Accordingly, many studies have been carried out to establish multi-agent systems in an effort to solve dynamic problems in many fields. However, most previous research on the multi-agent frameworks aimed at, on the behalf of a user, exchanging and sharing information among agents, reusing agents, and suggesting job cooperation in order to integrate and assimilate heterogeneous agents. That is, their frameworks mainly focused on the basic functions of general multi-agents. Therefore, they are not suitable to the development of the proper system for a specific field such as a negotiation. The goal of this research is to design a multi-agent framework for the negotiation system that supports the evaluation of the negotiation messages, management of the negotiation messages, and message exchanges among the negotiation agents.

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U-complaints call center agents organization fairness impact on job performance through organizational commitment and job satisfaction (U-민원 콜센터 상담원 조직 공정성이 조직몰입과 직무만족을 통해 직무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam, Sangmin;Hwang, Changyu;Kwon, Dosoon;Hong, Soongeun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.125-143
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    • 2015
  • As improving the life quality of citizen because of development of Urbanization and Information, civil application service of public institutions has been changed. The government provides a 24-hour civil service of e-government, public institutions operate U-complaints call center to pursue a personalized service to customers. As customer service are diversified, the inconvenience of service is increased. Therefore, public institutions instituted U-complaints call center to solve increased complaints. In early days, public institutions operated simple call center. However, it became intelligent U-complaints call center by SNS. The more increase the importance of agents' contact customer service, the more increase Job Performance considered by Organizational Commitment & Job Satisfaction of call center agents. This study analyzed that applied to Fairness Theory with Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and analyze U-complaints call center agents' role and job performance of public institutions. Proposed a research model applied to job satisfaction with key variables, organizational commitments, job satisfaction. It's expected to impact on job performance of U-complaints call center agents in public institutions. For empirical study of research model, conducted a survey of the U-complaints call center agents of public institutions. 170 samples were collected from the survey and analyze relationship between the factors. Procedural justice, distribution fairness, fairness interaction are significant influence on organizational commitment of parameters by analysis U-complaints call center agents. Procedural justice and fairness of interaction was found not to effect on parameters of job satisfaction. Also, parameter, organizational commitment have significant influence on job satisfaction. However, have no influence on job performance. Therefore, the parameters of job satisfaction have significant influence on job performance. Public institutions should adopt to improve the quality of citizen services through U-complaints call center agents.

A Cooperation Mechanism among Seller Agents based on Exchanging Goods in Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce

  • Ito, Takayuki;Hattori, Hiromitsy;Shintani, Toramatsu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2001.01a
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2001
  • Agent-mediated electronic markets have been a grow-ing area of agent research and developmen tin recent year. There exist a lot of e-commerce sites on the In-ternet(e.g. Priceline, com, Amazon, com etc). These e-commerce site have proposed new business models for effective and efficient commerce activity. Intelli-gent agents have been studied very widely in the field of artificial intelligence, For purpose of this paper, an agent can act autonomously and collaboratively in a network environment on behalf of its users. It is hard for people to effectively and efficiently monitor, buy, and sell at multiple e-commerce sites. If we intro-duce agent technologies into e-commerce systems, we can expect to further enhance the intelligence of their support. In this paper, we propose a new coopera-tion mechanism among seller agents based on exchang-ing their goods in our agent-mediated electronic market system. G-Commerce. On G-Commerce, seller agents and buyer agents negotiate with each other. In our model, seller agents cooperatively negotiate in order to effectively sell goods in stock. Buyer agents coopera-tively form coalitions in order to buy goods based an discount proices. Seller agent's negotiation goods. Our current experiments show that exchanging mechanism enables seller agents to effectively sell goods in stock. Also, we present the Pareto optimality of our exchang-ing mechanism.

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MultiHammer: A Virtual Auction System based on Information Agents

  • Yamada, Ryota;Hattori, Hiromitsy;Ito, Takayuki;Ozono, Tadachika;Chintani, Toramastsu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2001.01a
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    • pp.73-77
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we propose a virtual action system based on information agents, We call the system the MultiHammer, MultiHammer can be used for studying and analyzing online actions. MuiltiHammer provides functions of implement-ing a meta online action site and an experiment environ-ment. We have been using MultiHammer as an experiment as an experiment environment for BiddinBot. BiddingBot aims at assisting users to bid simultaneously in multiple online auctions. In order to bid simultaneously in multiple online auctions. In order to analyze the behavior of BiddngBot, we need to pur-chase a lot of items. It is hard for us to prepare a lot of fund to show usability and advantage of BiddingBot. MultiHam-mer enables us to effectively analyze the behavior of BiddingBot. MultiHammer consists of three types of agents for information collecting data storing and auctioning. Agents for information wrappers. To make agent work as wrarp-pers, we heed to realize software modules for each online action site. Implementing these modules reguires a lot of time and patience. To address this problem, we designed a support mechanism for developing the modules. Agents for data storing record the data gathered by agents for informa-tion collecting. Agents for auctioning provide online services using data recorded by agents for data storing. By recording the activities in auction sites. MultiHammer can recreate any situation and trace auction for experimentation, Users can participate in virtual using the same information in real online auctions. Users also participate in real auc-tions via wrapper agents for information collecting

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An User Behavior Monitoring Techniques Based Intelligent Agent on the Web (웹 상에서 지능형 에이전트 기반 사용자 행위 모니터링 기법)

  • 강동원;이경미
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.2 no.8
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    • pp.1109-1116
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes a mechanism and its aspects for monitoring user actions and behaviors on the web operated under the layered architecture that utilizes intelligent agents, and by which personalized information services, for instance one-to-one marketing, is easily facilitated and developed. Intelligent agent is one of techniques which enables to automate the whole process for providing personalized services that includes monitoring, logging a user actions and analyzing behaviors based on his or her profiles, and then selecting, organizing customizable contents which are at last delivered to the users browser or mail box also by intelligent agents. Monitoring technologies can utilize to help better construct the process in providing personalized services in that those services require intelligence in operating. As a result, implementing effective personalized services, however, depends on how well to define various users interests and needs, and how correctly to detect and log the actions when hey are done by users.

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Intelligent Distributed Platform using Mobile Agent based on Dynamic Group Binding (동적 그룹 바인딩 기반의 모바일 에이전트를 이용한 인텔리전트 분산 플랫폼)

  • Mateo, Romeo Mark A.;Lee, Jae-Wan
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2007
  • The current trends in information technology and intelligent systems use data mining techniques to discover patterns and extract rules from distributed databases. In distributed environment, the extracted rules from data mining techniques can be used in dynamic replications, adaptive load balancing and other schemes. However, transmission of large data through the system can cause errors and unreliable results. This paper proposes the intelligent distributed platform based on dynamic group binding using mobile agents which addresses the use of intelligence in distributed environment. The proposed grouping service implements classification scheme of objects. Data compressor agent and data miner agent extracts rules and compresses data, respectively, from the service node databases. The proposed algorithm performs preprocessing where it merges the less frequent dataset using neuro-fuzzy classifier before sending the data. Object group classification, data mining the service node database, data compression method, and rule extraction were simulated. Result of experiments in efficient data compression and reliable rule extraction shows that the proposed algorithm has better performance compared to other methods.

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Multiagent-based Intellignet Electronic Commerce System (다중에이저트 기반의 지능형 전자상거래 시스템)

  • Lee, Eun-Seok;Lee, Jin-Goo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.8C no.6
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    • pp.855-864
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    • 2001
  • With the increasing importance and complexity of EC (Electronic Commerce) across the Internet, the need and expectation for intelligent software agents to support both consumers and suppliers through the whole process of EC are growing rapidly. To realize the intelligent EC. a multiagent based EC system. which includes foundational technologies such as the establishment of standard product ontology the definition of message and negotiation protocol and brockering, is required. In this paper we propose an intelligent EC System named ICOMA(Intelligent electronic CO mmerce system based on Multi-Agent) as an open infrastructure of multiagent-based EC. Concretely we have proposed. designed and implemented an architecture of multiagent-based EC system including 6-types of agents message protocol for inter-agent negotiation, personalized produst retrieval and filtering., We have confirmed the effectiveness of the system through experiments.

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