• Title/Summary/Keyword: instantaneous 3D measurement

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A New Hybrid Volume PTV (하이브리드 볼륨 PTV(VPTV))

  • Doh, D.H.;Jo, H.J.;Cho, K.R.;Moon, K.R.;Lee, J.M.;Hwang, T.G.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2008.11b
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    • pp.2444-2447
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    • 2008
  • A new 3D-PTV algorithm (a Volume PTV) based upon a hybrid fitness function has been constructed. A coherency fitness function is introduced using the information of space and time to sort out the correct particle pairs between the two camera images. The measurement system consists of two-high-definition-cameras($1k{\times}1k$), a Nd-Yag laser and a host computer. The developed algorithm has been employed to investigate the flow features of the cylinder wake. The Reynolds numbers with the cylinder diameter (d=10mm) are 360, 720, 900 and 1260. Two-dimensional displacements of the particles of each camera's image and neighbouring constraints were introduced to reduce the calculation loads. More than 10,000 instantaneous 3D vectors have been obtained by the constructed algorithm. The constructed algorithm could recover more than $80{\sim}90%$ of the particle numbers in the image.

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Viscosity Measurement of Non-Newtonian Fluids Using the Transient Flow Phenomena in the Capillary Tube (모세관내 과도유동현상을 이용한 비뉴턴유체의 점도측정)

  • Cho, Min-Tae;Suh, Sang-Ho;Yoo, Sang-Sin
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06e
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    • pp.738-741
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of the present study is to measure the viscosity of liquid in the capillary tube viscometer using the unsteady flow concept. The capillary tube viscometer is consisted of a small cylindrical reservoir, capillary tubes, and the mass flow rate measuring system interfaced with computer. Two capillary tubes with 1.152 and 3.002 mm I.D. are used to determine the diameter effects on the viscosity measurements. The instantaneous shear rate and gravitational driving force in the capillary tube are determined by measuring the mass flow rate through the capillary tube instantaneously. The measured viscosities of water and aqueous Separan solution are in good agreement with the reported experimental data.

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A Simple Metric for Assessing the Severity of Partial Discharge Activity Based on Time-Sequence-Analysis-Discharge Level Patterns

  • Stewart Brian G;Yang Lily;Judd Martin D;Reid Alistair;Fouracre Richard A
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.313-318
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    • 2006
  • This paper introduces a partial discharge (PD) severity metric, S, based on the evaluation of time-sequence PD data capture and resulting Time-Sequence-Analysis Discharge (TSAD) level distributions. Basically based on an IEC60270 measurement technique, each PD event is time stamped and the discharge level noted. By evaluating the time differences between a previous and subsequent discharge, a 3D plot of time-sequence activity and discharge levels can be produced. From these parameters a measurement of severity, which takes into account dynamic or instantaneous variations in both the time of occurrence and the level of discharge, rather than using standard repetition rate techniques, can be formulated. The idea is to provide a measure of the severity of PD activity for potentially measuring the state of insulation within an item of plant. This severity measure is evaluated for a simple point-plane geometry in $SF_{6}$ as a function of gap distance and applied high voltage. The results show that as the partial discharge activity increases, the severity measure also increases. The importance of future investigations, quantifications and evaluations of the robustness, sensitivity and importance of such a severity measurement, as well as comparing it with typical repetition rate assessment techniques, and other monitoring techniques, are also very briefly discussed.

High-Performance Elevator Traction Using Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drive

  • Arafa, Osama Mohamed;Abdallah, Mohamed Elsayed;Aziz, Ghada Ahmed Abdel
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1156-1165
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents a detailed realization of direct torque controlled induction motor drive for elevator applications. The drive is controlled according to the well-known space vector modulated direct control scheme (SVM-DTC). As the elevator drives are usually equipped with speed sensors, flux estimation is carried out using a current model where two stator currents are measured and accurate instantaneous rotor speed measurement is used to overcome the need for measuring stator voltages. Speed profiling for a comfortable elevator ride and other supervisory control activities to provide smooth operation are also explained. The drive performance is examined and controllers' parameters are fine-tuned using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The blocks used for flux and torque estimation and control in the offline simulation are compiled for real-time using dSPACE Microlabox. The performance of the drive has been verified experimentally. The results show good performance under transient and steady state conditions.

Experimental Study on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Dam Break Flow for Estimation of Green Water Loading (청수현상 추정을 위한 댐 붕괴 흐름의 유체동역학적 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Hyung Joon Kim;Jong Mu Kim;Jae Hong Kim;Kwang Hyo Jung;Gang Nam Lee
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.120-134
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    • 2023
  • In this study, hydrodynamic characteristics of dam break flow were investigated by a series of experiments. The experiments were performed in a 2-D rectangular flume with obtaining instantaneous images of dam break flow to capture the free surface elevation, and pressure distributions on vertical wall and bottom of the flume. The initial water depth of the dam break flow was changed into 3 different heights, and the gate opening speed was changed during the experiments to study the effect of the gate speed in the dam break flow. Generation of dam break phenomena could be classified into three stages, i.e., very initial, relatively stable, and wall impact stages. The wall impact stage could be separated into 4 generation phases of wall impinge, run-up, overturning, and touchdown phases based on the deformation of the free surface. The free surface elevation were investigated with various initial water depth and compared with the analytic solutions by Ritter (1892). The pressures acting on the vertical wall and bottom were provided for the whole period of dam break flow varying the initial water depth and gate open speed. The measurement results of the dam break flow was compared with the hydrodynamic characteristics of green water phenomena, and it showed that the dam break flow could overestimate the green water loading based on the estimation suggested by Buchner (2002).

Development of Terrestrial Photogrammetric Technique for Structure Monitoring (구조물 monitoring을 위한 지상사진측량기법의 개발)

  • Han, Seung Hee;Kang, Joon Mook
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 1994
  • Recently, terrestrial photogrammetry has been applied effectively to data acquisition in GIS and to monitoring precise machinery for simulation test. Because 3-D coordinates of many object points can be quickly measured with constant accuracy and easy modeling by this method. In this study, the composition concerned with multi-camera system which simultaneously analyzes structure from multi-station using various cameras was developed. The errors of results were analyzed to investigate the accuracy of the system, error of unknown points and control points, convergent and strip adjustment for optimal network design also. As results of this study, the efficiency of multi-camera system developed here was proved through application to monitoring the entire area of the precise model ship. We could also acquire 3-dimensional coordinates with good accuracy by arranging pass points. Therefore, possibility of measurement of instantaneous deformation as well as precision analysis of structures can be suggested.

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A Study on the Near Wake of a Square Cylinder Using Particle Image Velocimetry ( I )- Mean Flow Field - (PIV기법을 이용한 정사각 실린더의 근접후류에 관한 연구 (I) - 평균유동장 -)

  • Lee, Man-Bok;Kim, Gyeong-Cheon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.1408-1416
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    • 2001
  • Mean flow fields in the near wake of a square cylinder have been studied experimentally using a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Ensemble-averaged velocity fields are successfully measured fur the square cylinder wake including the reverse flow region which arises many difficulties in accurate measurement by using conventional techniques, Experiments are performed at two free stream velocities of U$\_$$\infty$/ = 1.27m/s and 3.03m/s. The corresponding Reynolds numbers based on the free-stream velocity and cylinder diameter are 1600 and 3900, respectively. The intensity of free-stream turbulence is less than 1%, the blockage ratio (D/H) is 6.6% and the aspect ratio (W/D) is 40. The effect of Reynolds number on the near wake of a square cylinder has been investigated by the global mean velocity and instantaneous velocity fields. The most striking feature is that the length of the recirculating region increases with increasing Reynolds number, which turns out totally reverse trend compared with those observed in the circular cylinder wake at the same range of Reynolds number. Fer the case of higher Reynolds number, the mean velocity data agree well with those of relevant existing data obtained at much higher Reynolds numbers, which reflects the general aspect of sharp-edged bluff body wake.

Three Dimensional Volume Reconstruction of an Object from X-ray Iamges using Uniform and Simultaneous ART (USART 방법에 의한 X선 영상으로부터의 삼차원 물체의 형상 복원)

  • Roh, Young-Jun;Cho, Hyung-Suck;Kim, Hyeong-Cheol;Kim, Jong-Hyung
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2002
  • Inspection and shape measurement of three-dimensional objects are widely needed in industries for quality monitoring and control. A number of visual or optical technologies have been successfully applied to measure three-dimensional surfaces. However, those conventional visual or optical methods have inherent shortcomings such as occlusion and variant surface reflection. X-ray vision system can be a good solution to these conventional problems, since we can extract the volume information including both the surface geometry and the inner structure of any objects. In the x-ray system, the surface condition of an object, whether it is lambertian or specular, does not affect the inherent characteristics of its x-ray images. In this paper, we propose a three-dimensional x-ray imaging method to reconstruct a three dimensional structure of an object out of two dimensional x-ray image sets. To achieve this by the proposed method, two or more x-ray images projected from different views are needed. Once these images are acquired, the simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique(SART) is usually utilized. Since the existing SART algorithms have several shortcomings such as low performance in convergence and different convergence within the reconstruction volume of interest, an advanced SART algorithm named as USART(uniform SART) is proposed to avoid such shortcomings and improve the reconstruction performance. Because, each voxel within the volume is equally weighted to update instantaneous value of its internal density, it can achieve uniform convergence property of the reconstructed volume. The algorithm is simulated on various shapes of objects such as a pyramid, a hemisphere and a BGA model. Based on simulation results the performance of the proposed method is compared with that of the conventional SART method.

Plantar foot pressure analysis during golf swing motion using plantar foot pressure measurement system (족저압력분포 측정장비를 이용한 골프 스윙시 족저압 분석)

  • Lee, Dong-Ki;Lee, Joong-Sook;Lee, Bom-Jin;Lee, Hun-Sik;Kim, Young-Jae;Park, Seung-Bum;Joo, Jong-Peel
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.75-89
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    • 2005
  • D. K. LEE, J. S. LEE, B. J. LEE, H. S. LEE, Y. J. KIM, S. B. PARK, J. P. JOO. Plantar foot pressure analysis during golf swing motion using plantar foot pressure measurement system. Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 75-89, 2005. In this study, weight carrying pattern analysis and comparison method of four foot region were suggested. We used three types of club(driver, iron7, pitching wedge). This analysis method can compare between top class golfer and beginner. And the comparison data can be used to correct the swing pose of trainee. If motion analysis system, which can measure the swing speed and instantaneous acceleration at the point of hitting a ball, is combined with this plantar foot force analysis method, new design development of golf shoes to increase comfort and ball flight distance will be available. 1. Address acting, forces concentrated in rare foot regions and lateral foot of right foot. Back swing top acting, relatively high force occurred in medial forefoot region of left foot and forefoot region of right foot. Impact acting, high force value observed in the lateral rarefoot region of left foot and medial forefoot region of right foot. Finish acting, force concentration observed on the lateral region and rarefoot region of left foot. 2. Forces were increased in address of right foot with clubs length increased. All clubs, back swing top acting, high force value observed in the lateral forefoot region of right foot. All clubs, in impact, high force value observed in the lateral rarefoot region of left foot and medial forefoot region of right foot. Finish acting, force concentration observed on the rarefoot region in driver and lateral foot region in iron on left foot. 3. Right foot forces distribution were increased in address, back swing top and left foot force distribution were increased in impact, finnish

Analytical Evaluation of PPG Blood Glucose Monitoring System - researcher clinical trial (PPG 혈당 모니터링 시스템의 분석적 평가 - 연구자 임상)

  • Cheol-Gu Park;Sang-Ki Choi;Seong-Geun Jo;Kwon-Min Kim
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2023
  • This study is a performance evaluation of a blood sugar monitoring system that combines a PPG sensor, which is an evaluation device for blood glucose monitoring, and a DNN algorithm when monitoring capillary blood glucose. The study is a researcher-led clinical trial conducted on participants from September 2023 to November 2023. PPG-BGMS compared predicted blood sugar levels for evaluation using 1-minute heart rate and heart rate variability information and the DNN prediction algorithm with capillary blood glucose levels measured with a blood glucose meter of the standard personal blood sugar management system. Of the 100 participants, 50 had type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and the average age was 67 years (range, 28 to 89 years). It was found that 100% of the predicted blood sugar level of PPG-BGMS was distributed in the A+B area of the Clarke error grid and Parker(Consensus) error grid. The MARD value of PPG-BGMS predicted blood glucose is 5.3 ± 4.0%. Consequentially, the non-blood-based PPG-BGMS was found to be non-inferior to the instantaneous blood sugar level of the clinical standard blood-based personal blood glucose measurement system.