• Title/Summary/Keyword: information of emotion

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Analysis of YouTube's role as a new platform between media and consumers

  • Hur, Tai-Sung;Im, Jung-ju;Song, Da-hye
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2022
  • YouTube realistically shows fake news and biased content based on facts that have not been verified due to low entry barriers and ambiguity in video regulation standards. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the influence of the media and YouTube on individual behavior and their relationship. Data from YouTube and Twitter are randomly imported with selenium, beautiful soup, and Twitter APIs to classify the 31 most frequently mentioned keywords. Based on 31 keywords classified, data were collected from YouTube, Twitter, and Naver News, and positive, negative, and neutral emotions were classified and quantified with NLTK's Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) Vader model and used as analysis data. As a result of analyzing the correlation of data, it was confirmed that the higher the negative value of news, the more positive content on YouTube, and the positive index of YouTube content is proportional to the positive and negative values on Twitter. As a result of this study, YouTube is not consistent with the emotion index shown in the news due to its secondary processing and affected characteristics. In other words, processed YouTube content intuitively affects Twitter's positive and negative figures, which are channels of communication. The results of this study analyzed that YouTube plays a role in assisting individual discrimination in the current situation where accurate judgment of information has become difficult due to the emergence of yellow media that stimulates people's interests and instincts.

Robust AAM-based Face Tracking with Occlusion Using SIFT Features (SIFT 특징을 이용하여 중첩상황에 강인한 AAM 기반 얼굴 추적)

  • Eom, Sung-Eun;Jang, Jun-Su
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.17B no.5
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 2010
  • Face tracking is to estimate the motion of a non-rigid face together with a rigid head in 3D, and plays important roles in higher levels such as face/facial expression/emotion recognition. In this paper, we propose an AAM-based face tracking algorithm. AAM has been widely used to segment and track deformable objects, but there are still many difficulties. Particularly, it often tends to diverge or converge into local minima when a target object is self-occluded, partially or completely occluded. To address this problem, we utilize the scale invariant feature transform (SIFT). SIFT is an effective method for self and partial occlusion because it is able to find correspondence between feature points under partial loss. And it enables an AAM to continue to track without re-initialization in complete occlusions thanks to the good performance of global matching. We also register and use the SIFT features extracted from multi-view face images during tracking to effectively track a face across large pose changes. Our proposed algorithm is validated by comparing other algorithms under the above 3 kinds of occlusions.

A Study on the Effect of SNS Quality Factors on the User Satisfaction and Continuous Usage Intention of Live App (SNS 품질요인이 라이브 앱 사용자의 만족도와 지속적인 사용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Zhong, Qiu;Park, Jae-Yong
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.97-112
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    • 2019
  • Currently, in China, mobile live broadcasts are more popular compared to online live broadcasts. Accordingly, this research focused on Wanghong, SNS's flagship live broadcasting app. In other words, Wanghong refers to an internet celebrity who acts online on social network services (SNS) influencing many other people. This study specifically focused on one social network service and conducted a study on live app users. The study first analyzed the quality factors of an SNS to users using China's live app. Secondly, the research investigated in finding out the impact of quality on the satisfaction of live app users and how this affects the live app user's satisfaction on their intention of continuous use. Studies have shown that information quality, system quality, and social quality among SNS quality have a positive influence on live app user satisfaction. However, the quality of service and the quality of emotion was rejected by the hypothesis. Throughout this study, we hope to create an app that allows users to share more satisfying mobile images, thereby establishing various episodes holding beautiful places of their life on a real-time basis. It is hoped that live broadcasting businesses will spread a significant impact around the world. Finally, in the future, research on the study of collective comparison between Korea and China on SNS is believed to be meaningful.

An Exploratory Study of Image Retrieval Using Aesthetic Impressions (심미적 인상을 이용한 이미지 검색에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Yu, So-Young;Moon, Sung-Been
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.21 no.4 s.54
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    • pp.187-208
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    • 2004
  • In this study, aesthetic impressions were used for a high-level feature of image retrieval. The term, 'aesthetic' has been studied in psychology, art, and literature. It means unconscious, instantaneous parts of visual perception and emotion. The literatures related to aesthetic impressions were reviewed and four kinds of aesthetic impressions were defined operationally : strong impression, soft impression, courteous impression, and refined impression. 66 image files of paintings were sampled randomly from 1100 paintings and low-level color features were extracted from them by a using perceptual color model(Lai, & Tait, 1998). The high-level features of an image, that is, four kinds of aesthetic impressions of each painting were measured by 4 subjects and averaged. In CBIR, 2 subjects performed image retrievals using example queries. They were asked to retrieve images by using the aesthetic impressions or the keywords. In evaluations, subjects showed that they were satisfied with the aesthetic impression-based image retrieval system on the average. And R-precision of the image retrieval with both color features and aesthetic impressions was higher than that of the image retrieval with color features only. But further studies with larger test collections and query sets should be followed for generalization of the result of this study.

Different Look, Different Feel: Social Robot Design Evaluation Model Based on ABOT Attributes and Consumer Emotions (각인각색, 각봇각색: ABOT 속성과 소비자 감성 기반 소셜로봇 디자인평가 모형 개발)

  • Ha, Sangjip;Lee, Junsik;Yoo, In-Jin;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.55-78
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    • 2021
  • Tosolve complex and diverse social problems and ensure the quality of life of individuals, social robots that can interact with humans are attracting attention. In the past, robots were recognized as beings that provide labor force as they put into industrial sites on behalf of humans. However, the concept of today's robot has been extended to social robots that coexist with humans and enable social interaction with the advent of Smart technology, which is considered an important driver in most industries. Specifically, there are service robots that respond to customers, the robots that have the purpose of edutainment, and the emotionalrobots that can interact with humans intimately. However, popularization of robots is not felt despite the current information environment in the modern ICT service environment and the 4th industrial revolution. Considering social interaction with users which is an important function of social robots, not only the technology of the robots but also other factors should be considered. The design elements of the robot are more important than other factors tomake consumers purchase essentially a social robot. In fact, existing studies on social robots are at the level of proposing "robot development methodology" or testing the effects provided by social robots to users in pieces. On the other hand, consumer emotions felt from the robot's appearance has an important influence in the process of forming user's perception, reasoning, evaluation and expectation. Furthermore, it can affect attitude toward robots and good feeling and performance reasoning, etc. Therefore, this study aims to verify the effect of appearance of social robot and consumer emotions on consumer's attitude toward social robot. At this time, a social robot design evaluation model is constructed by combining heterogeneous data from different sources. Specifically, the three quantitative indicator data for the appearance of social robots from the ABOT Database is included in the model. The consumer emotions of social robot design has been collected through (1) the existing design evaluation literature and (2) online buzzsuch as product reviews and blogs, (3) qualitative interviews for social robot design. Later, we collected the score of consumer emotions and attitudes toward various social robots through a large-scale consumer survey. First, we have derived the six major dimensions of consumer emotions for 23 pieces of detailed emotions through dimension reduction methodology. Then, statistical analysis was performed to verify the effect of derived consumer emotionson attitude toward social robots. Finally, the moderated regression analysis was performed to verify the effect of quantitatively collected indicators of social robot appearance on the relationship between consumer emotions and attitudes toward social robots. Interestingly, several significant moderation effects were identified, these effects are visualized with two-way interaction effect to interpret them from multidisciplinary perspectives. This study has theoretical contributions from the perspective of empirically verifying all stages from technical properties to consumer's emotion and attitudes toward social robots by linking the data from heterogeneous sources. It has practical significance that the result helps to develop the design guidelines based on consumer emotions in the design stage of social robot development.

A Pilot Study on Outpainting-powered Pet Pose Estimation (아웃페인팅 기반 반려동물 자세 추정에 관한 예비 연구)

  • Gyubin Lee;Youngchan Lee;Wonsang You
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2023
  • In recent years, there has been a growing interest in deep learning-based animal pose estimation, especially in the areas of animal behavior analysis and healthcare. However, existing animal pose estimation techniques do not perform well when body parts are occluded or not present. In particular, the occlusion of dog tail or ear might lead to a significant degradation of performance in pet behavior and emotion recognition. In this paper, to solve this intractable problem, we propose a simple yet novel framework for pet pose estimation where pet pose is predicted on an outpainted image where some body parts hidden outside the input image are reconstructed by the image inpainting network preceding the pose estimation network, and we performed a preliminary study to test the feasibility of the proposed approach. We assessed CE-GAN and BAT-Fill for image outpainting, and evaluated SimpleBaseline for pet pose estimation. Our experimental results show that pet pose estimation on outpainted images generated using BAT-Fill outperforms the existing methods of pose estimation on outpainting-less input image.

An Effect for Sequential Information Processing by the Anxiety Level and Temporary Affect Induction (불안수준 및 일시적 유발정서가 서열정보 어휘처리에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Choong-Myung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.224-231
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    • 2019
  • The current paper was conducted to unravel the influence of affect induction as a background emotion in the process of cognitive task to judge the degree of sequence in groups with or without anxiety symptoms. Four types of affect induction and two sequential task types were used as within-subject variables, and two types of college students groups classified under the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) as a between-subject variable were selected to determine reaction times involving sequential judgment among the lexical relevance information. DmDx5 was used to present a series of stimuli and elicit a response from subjects. Repeated measured ANOVA analyses revealed that reaction times and error rates were significantly larger with anxiety participants compared to the normal group regardless of affect and task types. Within-subject variable effects found that specific affect type (sorrow condition) and number-related task type showed a more rapid response compared to other affect types and magnitude-related task type, respectively. In sum, these findings confirmed the difference in tendency with reaction time and error rates that varied as a function of accompanying affect types as well as anxiety level and task types suggesting the that underlying background affect plays a major role in processing affect-cognitive association tasks.

Fuzzy Inference System Architecture for Customer Satisfaction Service (고객 만족 서비스를 위한 퍼지 추론 시스템 구조)

  • Kwon, Hee-Chul;Yoo, Jung-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 2010
  • Recently most parking control systems provide customers with various services, but most of the services are just the extension of parking spaces, automatic parking control system and so on. It is essential to use the satisfaction degree as the extent that customer are satisfied with parking control system to improve the quality of the system services and diversify the system services. The degree of satisfaction is different from customer to customer in same condition and can be represented as linguistic variables. In this paper, we present therefore a technique that quantify how much customer are satisfied with parking control system and fuzzy inference system architecture as a solution that can help us to make a efficient decision for these parking problems. In this architecture, inference engine using fuzzy logic compares context data with the rules in the fuzzy rule-based system, gets the sub-results, aggregates them and defuzzifies the aggregated result using MATLAB application programming to obtain crisp value. Fuzzy inference system architecture presented in this paper, can be used as a efficient method to analyze the satisfaction degree which is represented as fuzzy linguistic variables by human emotion. And it can be used to improve the satisfaction degree of not only parking system but also other service systems of various domains.

Is it a Smile or Ridicule? Understanding the Positivity of Smile Emoticons between High and Low Status Teenagers in Online Games (미소인가? 조소인가?: 온라인 게임에서 지위가 높은 청소년과 낮은 청소년의 웃음 이모티콘 긍정성 이해 차이)

  • Lee, Guk-Hee
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.3-16
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    • 2021
  • Studies have found that people with higher social status pay little attention to other people's emotions and facial expressions. However, only a few studies have made similar observations on adolescents with high cyberspace social status. Therefore, this study sought to identify how adolescents with different online game character social statuses interpreted the smile emoticons in negative and positive situations, that is, did they perceive the emoticon to be positive (smile, encouragement, and consolation) or negative (derision, ridicule, and sarcasm). In Experiment 1, the participants were separated into three groups; those who had a lower than global average online game character status, those who had the same as the global average, and those who had higher than the global average. The participants were then asked to judge the meaning of the smile emoticon received in various positive or negative situations. In Experiment 2, the game character levels of the participants were set to be either higher or lower than the others' characters, and they were again asked to judge the meaning of the smile emoticon received in the positive or negative situations. In Experiment 3, the participants were separated into four groups; lower level than the average game character status (no information on the level of acquaintance's game character), lower than the average but higher than the character of the other, higher than the average status (no information on the other's character level), and higher than the average but lower than the character of the other, and asked to judge the meaning of the smile emoticon in positive or negative situations. It was found that when participants had a lower-level character compared to the average, had a lower-level character than the other, and had higher than the average but lower than the other's character, they interpreted the smile emoticon as derision, ridicule, or sarcasm. However, participants with higher level characters, higher than that of the other, and lower than the average but higher than the other interpreted the emoticon as a smile or consolation. This study was significant because it demonstrated the impact of an adolescent's social cyberspace status on their online communication.

Effects of Initiation and Perceived Similarity on the Evaluation of Online Communities (온라인 커뮤니티 속 가입절차 및 지각된 유사성에 따른 평가의 차이)

  • Yoo, Jihyun;Kang, Hyunmin;Han, Kwanghee
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2018
  • Nowadays, it is hard to imagine one's life without smart phones or the internet. Furthermore, not only do people form groups offline, but also online. Based on the cognitive dissonance theory, there have been many studies about how an offline group's initiation affects attitudes toward the group. However, there has not been a study about how an online group's initiation can affect attitudes toward the group. Therefore, this study aims to find out how cognitive dissonance aroused by initiation affects the attitudes toward the online community, which represents groups that are formed online. In addition, this study examined how perceived similarity affects changes in attitude aroused by cognitive dissonance. Participants were assigned to a group in three ways as follows: without a registration process, with a simple registration process, and/or with a complex registration process. Perceived similarity was calculated by the difference between the current body mass index (BMI) and the target BMI of the participant. Attitudes toward the online group were measured by perceived source credibility, perceived information quality, satisfaction, information usefulness, and continuance intention. Contrary to the cognitive dissonance theory, the results showed that when applied to offline social groups, there were conflicting results. There were cases where there was no difference in the evaluation between initiation conditions. However, other cases showed that groups with the most complex registration process were found to have the worst evaluation. People were more favorable toward the group when the perceived similarity was larger. Interestingly, people who had higher perceived similarity had more positive attitudes toward the groups that had been assigned with a registration process compared to the group formed without a registration process. Conversely, people with lower perceived similarity had more positive attitudes toward the group when there was no initiation process. Online communities may use the results of this study to design more suitable registration processes for their communities.