• 제목/요약/키워드: infilled frame

검색결과 132건 처리시간 0.018초

Pushover Tests of 1:5 Scale 3-Story Reinforced Concrete Frames

  • Lee, Han-Seon;Woo, Sung-Woo;Heo, Yun-Sup;Seon, Jin-Gyu
    • KCI Concrete Journal
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 1999
  • The objective of the research stated herein is to observe the elastic and inelastic behaviors and ultimate capacity of 1:5 scale 3-story reinforced concrete frame. Pushover tests were performed to 1:5 scale 3-story reinforced concrete frames with and without infilled masonry. To simulate the earthquake effect, the lateral force distribution was maintained by an inverted triang1e by using the whiffle tree. From the test results, the relation ships between the total lateral load and the roof drift, the distribution of column shears, the relation between story shear and story drift, and the angular rotations at the critical portions of structures were obtained. The effects of infilled masonry were investigated with regards to the stiffness, strength, and ductility of structures. Final collapse modes of structures with and without infilled masonry were compared.

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비정형 철근콘크리트건물의 비선형 정적해석 (Nonlinear Static Analysis of Irregular RC Buildings)

  • 고동우;이한선
    • 한국지진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지진공학회 2006년도 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 2006
  • Three building structures haying piloti frames in the lower two stories were selected as prototypes and were analyzed using nonlinear static analysis to investigate the seismic capacity of these buildings. The first one has a symmetrical moment resisting frame (Model 1), the second has an infilled shear wall in the central frame (Model 2), and the third has an infilled shear wall only in one of exterior frames (Model 3), The analytical results were compared with those of shaking table tests with regards to the overstrength and ductility of the irregular buildings. Infilled shear wall in Model 2 and Model 3 induced large overstrength factors, 6.8 and 6.0, respectively, which are about two times larger than that of Model 1, 3.5. The displacement ductility ratio in Model 2 was only 2.5, due to the shear failure of wall in the piloti stories, whereas those of Model 1 and Model 3 reached 3.2.

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Effect of masonry infill walls with openings on nonlinear response of reinforced concrete frames

  • Ozturkoglu, Onur;Ucar, Taner;Yesilce, Yusuf
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.333-347
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    • 2017
  • Masonry infill walls are unavoidable parts of any building to create a separation between internal space and external environment. In general, there are some prevalent openings in the infill wall due to functional needs, architectural considerations or aesthetic concerns. In current design practice, the strength and stiffness contribution of infill walls is not considered. However, the presence of infill walls may decisively influence the seismic response of structures subjected to earthquake loads and cause a different behavior from that predicted for a bare frame. Furthermore, partial openings in the masonry infill wall are significant parameter affecting the seismic behavior of infilled frames thereby decreasing the lateral stiffness and strength. The possible effects of openings in the infill wall on seismic behavior of RC frames is analytically studied by means of pushover analysis of several bare, partially and fully infilled frames having different bay and story numbers. The stiffness loss due to partial opening is introduced by the stiffness reduction factors which are developed from finite element analysis of frames considering frame-infill interaction. Pushover curves of frames are plotted and the maximum base shear forces, the yield displacement, the yield base shear force coefficient, the displacement demand, interstory drift ratios and the distribution of story shear forces are determined. The comparison of parameters both in terms of seismic demand and capacity indicates that partial openings decisively influences the nonlinear behavior of RC frames and cause a different behavior from that predicted for a bare frame or fully infilled frame.

Fundamental period of infilled RC frame structures with vertical irregularity

  • Asteris, Panagiotis G.;Repapis, Constantinos C.;Foskolos, Filippos;Fotos, Alkis;Tsaris, Athanasios K.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제61권5호
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    • pp.663-674
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    • 2017
  • The determination of the fundamental period of vibration of a structure is essential to earthquake design. Current codes provide formulas for the approximate estimation of the fundamental period of earthquake-resistant building systems. These formulas are dependent only on the height of the structure or number of storeys without taking into account the presence of infill walls into the structure, despite the fact that infill walls increase the stiffness and mass of the structure leading to significant changes in the fundamental period. Furthermore, such a formulation is overly conservative and unable to account for structures with geometric irregularities. In this study, which comprises the companion paper of previous published research by the authors, the effect of the vertical geometric irregularities on the fundamental periods of masonry infilled structures has been investigated, through a large set of infilled frame structure cases. Based on these results, an attempt to quantify the reduction of the fundamental period due to the vertical geometric irregularities has been made through a proposal of properly reduction factor.

Effectiveness of some conventional seismic retrofitting techniques for bare and infilled R/C frames

  • Kakaletsis, D.J.;David, K.N.;Karayannis, C.G.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제39권4호
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    • pp.499-520
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    • 2011
  • The effectiveness of a technique for the repair of reinforced concrete members in combination with a technique for the repair of masonry walls of infilled frames, damaged due to cyclic loading, is experimentally investigated. Three single - story, one - bay, 1/3 - scale frame specimens are tested under cyclic horizontal loading, up to a drift level of 4%. One bare frame and two infilled frames with weak and strong infills, respectively, have been tasted. Specimens have spirals as shear reinforcement. The applied repair technique is mainly based on the use of thin epoxy resin infused under pressure into the crack system of the damaged RC joint bodies, the use of a polymer modified cement mortar with or without a fiberglass reinforcing mesh for the damaged infill masonry walls and the use of CFRP plates to the surfaces of the damaged structural RC members, as external reinforcement. Specimens after repair, were retested in the same way. Conclusions concerning the effectiveness of the applied repair technique, based on maximum cycles load, loading stiffness, and hysteretic energy absorption capabilities of the tested specimens, are drawn and commented upon.

Racking shear resistance of steel frames with corner connected precast concrete infill panels

  • Hoenderkamp, J.C.D.;Snijder, H.H.;Hofmeyer, H.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.1403-1419
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    • 2015
  • When precast concrete infill panels are connected to steel frames at discrete locations, interaction at the structural interface is neither complete nor absent. The contribution of precast concrete infill panels to the lateral stiffness and strength of steel frames can be significant depending on the quality, quantity and location of the discrete interface connections. This paper presents preliminary experimental and finite element results of an investigation into the composite behaviour of a square steel frame with a precast concrete infill panel subject to lateral loading. The panel is connected at the corners to the ends of the top and bottom beams. The Frame-to-Panel-Connection, FPC4 between steel beam and concrete panel consists of two parts. A T-section with five achor bars welded to the top of the flange is cast in at the panel corner at a forty five degree angle. The triangularly shaped web of the T-section is reinforced against local buckling with a stiffener plate. The second part consists of a triangular gusset plate which is welded to the beam flange. Two bolts acting in shear connect the gusset plate to the web of the T-section. This way the connection can act in tension or compression. Experimental pull-out tests on individual connections allowed their load deflection characteristics to be established. A full scale experiment was performed on a one-storey one-bay 3 by 3 m infilled frame structure which was horizontally loaded at the top. With the characteristics of the frame-to-panel connections obtained from the experiments on individual connections, finite element analyses were performed on the infilled frame structures taking geometric and material non-linear behaviour of the structural components into account. The finite element model yields reasonably accurate results. This allows the model to be used for further parametric studies.

Numerical modelling of the behavior of bare and masonry-infilled steel frames with different types of connections under static loads

  • Galal Elsamak;Ahmed H. Elmasry;Basem O. Rageh
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.103-119
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, the non-linear behavior of masonry-infill and bare steel frames using different beam-column connections under monotonic static loading was investigated through a parametric study. Numerical models were carried out using one- and two-dimensional modelling to validate the experimental results. After validating the experimental results by using these models, a parametric study was carried out to model the behavior of these frames using flushed, extended, and welded connections. The results showed that using the welded or extended connection is more efficient than using the flushed type in masonry-infilled steel frames, since the lateral capacities, initial stiffness, and toughness have been increased by 155%, 601%, and 165%, respectively in the case of using welded connections compared with those used in bare frames. The FE investigation was broadened to study the influence of the variation of the uniaxial column loads on the lateral capacities of the bare/infill steel frames. As the results showed when increasing the amount of uniaxial loading on the columns, whether in tension or compression, causes the lateral load capacity of the columns to decrease by 26% for welded infilled steel frames. Finally, the influence of using different types of beam-to-column connections on the vertical capacities of the bare/infill steel frames under settlement effect was also studied. As a result, it was found that, the vertical load capacity of all types of frames and with using any type of connections is severely reduced, and this decrease may reach 62% for welded infilled frames. Furthermore, the flushed masonry-infilled steel frame has a higher resistance to the vertical loads than the flushed bare steel frame by 133%.

Infilled frames: developments in the evaluation of the stiffening effect of infills

  • Papia, M.;Cavaleri, L.;Fossetti, M.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.675-693
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    • 2003
  • In order to consider the modified seismic response of framed structures in the presence of masonry infills, proper models have to be formulated. Because of the complexity of the problem, a careful definition of a diagonal pin-jointed strut, able to represent the horizontal force-interstorey displacement cyclic law of the actual infill, may be a solution. In this connection the present paper shows a generalized criterion for the determination of the ideal cross-section of the strut mentioned before. The procedure is based on the equivalence between the lateral stiffness of the actual infilled frame scheme during the conventional elastic stage of the response and the lateral stiffness of the same frame stiffened by a strut at the same stage. Unlike the usual empirical approaches available in the literature, the proposed technique involves the axial stiffness of the columns of the frame more than their flexural stiffness. Further, the influence of the bidimensional behaviour of the infill is stressed and, consequently, the dependence of the dimensions of the equivalent pin-jointed strut on the Poisson ratio of the material constituting the infill is also shown. The proposed approach is extended to the case of infills with openings, which is very common in practical applications.

Seismic performance of gravity-load designed concrete frames infilled with low-strength masonry

  • Siddiqui, Umair A.;Sucuoglu, Haluk;Yakut, Ahmet
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 2015
  • This study compares the seismic performances of two reinforced concrete frame specimens tested by the pseudo-dynamic procedure. The pair of 3-storey, 3-bay frames specimens are constructed with typical characteristics of older construction which is lacking seismic design. One of the specimens is a bare frame while the other is infilled with low-strength autoclave aerated concrete (AAC) block masonry. The focus of this study is to investigate the influence of low strength masonry infill walls on the seismic response of older RC frames designed for gravity loads. It is found that the presence of weak infill walls considerably reduce deformations and damage in the upper stories while their influence at the critical ground story is not all that positive. Infill walls tend to localize damage at the critical story due to a peculiar frame-infill interaction, and impose larger internal force and deformation demands on the columns and beams bounding the infills. Therefore the general belief in earthquake engineering that infills develop a second line of defence against lateral forces in seismically deficient frames is nullified in case of low-strength infill walls in the presented experimental research.

채움벽 두께에 따른 철근콘크리트 조적채움벽 골조의 면내하중에 대한 유한요소해석 (Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Infilled Frames with Different Masonry Wall Thickness Subjected to In-plane Loading)

  • 김충만;유은종;김민재
    • 한국전산구조공학회논문집
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2016
  • 본 논문에서는 범용유한요소해석 프로그램인 ABAQUS를 사용하여 국내에서 사용되는 콘크리트벽돌을 조적채움벽으로 가진 철근콘크리트 골조를 대상으로 유한요소해석을 실시하였다. 해석대상은 순수골조, 채움벽의 두께가 0.5B인 골조, 두께가 1.0B인 골조의 3종류이다. 철근콘크리트 골조 및 채움벽의 재료특성은 재료시험 결과로부터 구하였으나 두께가 1.0B인 채움벽의 경우 벽돌의 쌓기방법의 차이에 의해 0.5B 두께의 실험체보다 4배 정도 증가된 인장강도를 사용하였다. 유한요소 해석결과는 실험을 통해 구한 하중-변위관계 및 변위각에 따른 균열양상을 상당히 정확하게 예측하였다. 유한요소해석 결과의 분석을 통해 조적채움벽과 골조사이의 접촉응력 및 골조의 전단력과 휨모멘트를 산정하였다.