• Title/Summary/Keyword: improvement facilities

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Study on the Improvement of Water Quality by the strengthening of T-P effluent standard for Environmental Facilities in Paldang Basin (환경기초시설의 인 기준 강화에 따른 팔당호 유입 수계의 수질개선 효과분석)

  • Jeong, Won-Gu;Han, Young-Han;Rim, Jay-Myung
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.30 no.B
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2010
  • The influences on water quality of each river by effluents from environmental facilities $located^{*}$ in 14 unit watersheds of North- and South-Han River, and Gyungan-cheon were analyzed. Also, the water quality modeling for study area was carried out to analyze the improvement effect of water quality by the strengthening of T-P effluent standard of environmental facilities. For the calibration and verification of model, water quality data and effluent loading calculated for 2006 were used. Data of low water period were used for calibration, and normal water period for verification. The results of calibration and verification were well matched with the real water quality dataset of revers. Also, the validity of the results were estimated using RI (Reliability Index) method. When the T-P effluent standards for environmental facilities were strengthened, T-P concentrations were predicted to improve from $0.025mg/{\ell}$ to $0.023mg/{\ell}$ in the outlet location of North-Han River, from $0.056mg/{\ell}$ to $0.040mg/{\ell}$ for South-Han River,and from $0.233mg/{\ell}$ to $0.146mg/{\ell}$ for Gyungan-cheon. Also, the T-P concentrations of tributaries including Jojong-cheon, Dal-cheong, Sumgang, Chungmi-cheon, Bokha-cheon, Heuk-cheon, and Wonju-cheon were predicted to improve from $0.063mg/{\ell}$ to $0.010mg/{\ell}$, from $0.091mg/{\ell}$ to $0.053mg/{\ell}$, from $0.199mg/{\ell}$ to $0.100mg/{\ell}$, from $0.168mg/{\ell}$ to $0.148mg/{\ell}$, from $0.186mg/{\ell}$ to $0.105mg/{\ell}$, from $0.019mg/{\ell}$ to $0.013mg/{\ell}$, and from $0.822mg/{\ell}$ to $0.236mg/{\ell}$, respectively.

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Repeat Auditing of Primary Health-care Facilities Against Standards for Occupational Health and Infection Control: A Study of Compliance and Reliability

  • Cloete, Brynt;Yassi, Annalee;Ehrlich, Rodney
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2020
  • Background: The elevated risk of occupational infection such as tuberculosis among health workers in many countries raises the question of whether the quality of occupational health and safety (OHS) and infection prevention and control (IPC) can be improved by auditing. The objectives of this study were to measure (1) audited compliance of primary health-care facilities in South Africa with national standards for OHS and IPC, (2) change in compliance at reaudit three years after baseline, and (3) the inter-rater reliability of the audit. Methods: The study analyzed audits of 60 primary health-care facilities in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Baseline external audits in the time period 2011-2012 were compared with follow-up internal audits in 2014-2015. Audits at 25 facilities that had both internal and external audits conducted in 2014/2015 were used to measure reliability. Results: At baseline, 25% of 60 facilities were "noncompliant" (audit score<50%), 48% "conditionally compliant" (score >50 < 80%), and only 27% "compliant" (score >80%). Overall, there was no significant improvement in compliance three years after baseline. Percentage agreement on specific items between internal and external audits ranged from 28% to 92% and kappa from -0.8 to 0.41 (poor to moderate). Conclusion: Low baseline compliance with OHS-IPC measures and lack of improvement over three years reflect the difficulties of quality improvement in these domains. Low inter-rater reliability of the audit instrument undermines the audit process. Evidence-based investment of effort is required if repeat auditing is to contribute to occupational risk reduction for health workers.

A Study on the Improvement of Regulations of Military Facilities in BTL Scheme through Capacity Analysis and Focus-Group Panel Interview (분야별 역량분석과 패널토의 등을 통한 BTL 군시설 민간투자사업의 제도개선 방안의 연구)

  • Jung, Hoe-Young;Yang, Hee-Bong;Han, Seung-Heon;Park, Hee-Dae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.610-614
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    • 2008
  • In 2005, the revision of the Private Investment Law made the private investment objectives to extend a new area, such as institute and well-fare, military facilities by BTL(Build-Transfer-Lease). This revison will cause budget extension from 1.3 trillion to 1.6 trillion in military facilities BTL project Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the general problem of BTL and its cases. And then to be successful project, the problems must be improved. This study was focused on the improvement of regulations and analyzed the general problem from previous studies and the military projects. And then it conducted survey to soldiers for severity and performance. Finally it suggested the improvement of regulations of military facilities in BTL scheme from FGI.

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Improvement of Inter-Regional Railroad Facilities in Urban Areas (지역간 철도의 도심통과구간 개선방안)

  • Kim, Yeon-Kyu;Kim, Si-Gon;Jang, Seong-Yong
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2003.10b
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 2003
  • This study suggests several ways to improve the railroad facilities in the urban areas so as to maintain the urban railroad facilities and minimize their adverse impact on the roads around the facilities. Environmental problems such as noise and vibration can be minimized by constructing soundproofing walls and improving railway and train systems. To reduce the traffic congestion at the railroad crossings, current at-grade crossings should be changed to separated crossings. Moreover, the criteria by where railroad crossings are located should be revised. In the long term, the land use development for the railroad station and the surrounding areas needs to be changed. Several case studies of Japan's and France's major cities show the potential of successfully integrating the development of railroad facilities and their surrounding areas. In addition, there is a need to .consider institutional aspects, to improve the railroad facilities in the urban areas and to allow the integrated development of the railroad facilities and the surrounding areas.

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A Study on a Remodelling Decision-Making Model for Existing School Facilities (기존학교시설(旣存學校施設)의 리모델링 의사결정(意思決定) 모델에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Hwa-Ryong;Kim, Jin-Man;Kim, Jun-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2001
  • As the exiting school facilities become old and unfit for new curriculum, the systematical remodelling process based on its educational and physical functions is required. due to the inadequate maintenance and repairing practices, unnecessary costs are expended. Therefore, this study aims to establish a remodelling decision-making model for improving the educational environment of the existing school facilities. According to the budget system, it proposes the concept of remodelling that includes the activities of extension, reconstruction, repair and improvement. This study classifies the performance evaluation for school facilities as that of safety, durability and educational function, and articulates the assessment standards, methods and elements. In the end, it suggests a rational model for remodelling decision-making that can provide efficient and comprehensive remodelling process, economic and sustainable school development.

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A Study on Characteristics of the Spatial location of Rural Environment Pollution Facilities (농촌마을 환경오염시설의 공간적 위치 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Soo-Myung;Cho, Eun-Jung;Kim, Young-Joo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.247-253
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    • 2005
  • In this stydy, the characteristics of the spatial location based on rural environment pollution facilities which can cause environmental pollution and thus lower the value of rural amenity was analyzed. This study showed that livestock feedlot occupied the highest percentage among the facilities analyzed and the size of facilities increased with increasing distance from the residential area. In addition, the facilities showed two typical characteristics in terms of their spatial distribution; uneven and even distribution which are characterized by concentrated distribution in a certain area and by scattered distribution in a wide area, respectively. As the facilities including livestock feedlot have a great potential to cause environmental problem such as air, water, soil and noise pollution, it is necessary to develop systematic plans for the management and improvement of the facilities.

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A Study on Improvement through the Present State of Analysis of the School Library School Library - Focused on the Area and Layout of the Middle School in Daegu - (학교도서관의 현황분석을 통한 개선방향에 관한 연구 - 대구광역시 중학교 도서관의 규모와 배치를 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Hye-Won;Seo, Hee-Sook;Lee, Sang-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2006
  • The 7th National Curriculum requires the part of a school library for supporting porformance evaluation, optional actives, and extracurricular activities. The school library which is very important part of school education needs support of necessary resources and adequate facilities for performing its functions effectively and efficiently. This reserch is based on the school library for present education to need. And, the objective of this reserch is to grasp the present condition of school library and to show improvement device for planning efficiently the time when school library is designed in future.

Changes in Rural Settlement Development System and its Effects on the facilities & houses of Village settlements in Rural area (농촌마을 개발제도의 변천과 농촌마을에 대한 영향)

  • Cho, Joon-Beom;Choi, Chan-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of the study is to evaluate the Rural Settlement Development(RSD) driven by government in historical view, and its effects on the facilities and houses of rural village in the country. Through the study, we have come to the results that the major concerns of the RSD projects since 1950s has been transferred to as following. First, the reformation of inter-facility; dressing room, kitchen, bath-house, etc of rural houses, from that of outer facility; roof, fence and etc. Secondly, the substantial objects of the projects of village settlement improvement have been changed from partial reformation of individual houses, public facilities, etc early, to comprehensive reformation by master plan for village settlement recently. Lastly, those have been established that the process of planning village settlement available to carry out landuse division and the various program for village improvement, based on its inherent circumstances.

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The Improvement of Delivery System for International Sports Complex Facility (국제종합경기 시설공사 발주방법의 개선 방안)

  • Choi Yong-Ho;Lee Soo-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2005
  • Renovation of existing sports facilities or construction of temporary ones for international complex games requires a wide variety of hundreds of sub construction projects to be awarded at the same time but there are few precedents required regarding the study of tendering process required in such cases. As award of construction contracts to build sports facilities for various international complex games is a critical determinant of fate of international complex games in the initial phase, it is very critical that adequate construction tendering process bedetermined. This research is aimed to study tendering cases for renovation or construction of critical international sports facilities to enhance efficiency of facility construction and define most reasonable tendering approach to satisfy schedule constraints often associated with international complex games and contribute to improvement of international competitiveness of their host cities and propose a direction for further development. This study also provides inputs to subsequent sports events of comparable scale to minimize trial and error.

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Analysis of Air Quality and the Management Plan for Exposure to Hazardous Substances in the Garage of a Fire Station (소방청사 차고지 공기질 분석 및 유해물질 노출 관리 방안)

  • Park, Je-Seop;Han, Dong-Hun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.394-404
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The aims of this study are to derive the characteristics of diesel exhaust gas emissions generated during vehicle checking in the garage of fire stations and of the related improvement plans for proper air quality management. Methods: The researcher measured changes in the air quality inside garages according to the operating conditions of the exhaust facility and before and after vehicle checking at three fire stations. Results: During the checking of fire engines, a large volume of hazardous substances exceeding management standards were generated, and improvement of the discharge facilities was required for proper air quality management. Conclusions: It is necessary to study the hazard evaluation of firefighters' exposure to exhaust gas, to operate exhaust gas ventilation facilities, and to prepare technical standards for proper indoor air quality management.