• Title/Summary/Keyword: important ecological area

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Liaohe National Park based on python data visualization Visitor Perception Study (파이썬 데이터 시각화를 이용한 랴오허 국립공원 관광객 인식 연구)

  • Jing-Qiwei;Zheng-Chengkang;Nam Kyung Hyeon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2023.01a
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    • pp.439-441
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    • 2023
  • National park is one of the important types of protected area management systems established by IUCN and a management model for effective conservation and sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage in countries around the world, and it assumes important roles in conservation, scientific research, education, recreation and driving community development. This study takes Liaohe National Park in China, a typical representative of global coastal wetlands, as a case study, and uses python technology to collect travelogues and reviews of visitors from Mafengwo.com, Ctrip.com, Go.com, Meituan.com and Dianping.com as a source, and the text spans from 2015 to 2022. The results show that wildlife resources, natural landscape with river and sea, wetland ecology and fishing and hunting culture of northern China are fully reflected in the perceptions of visitors to Liaohe National Park. However, there is still much room for improvement in terms of supporting services and facilities, public education and tourists' experience and participation in Liaohe National Park. In this paper, we use python data visualization technology to study the public perception of wetland wildlife as the theme, and grasp the satisfaction, spatial distribution, activity content and emotional tendency of the public in the process of wetland wildlife as the theme, so as to better promote the Liaohe National Park to better carry out the public experience while strictly adhering to ecological protection, and to provide the Liaohe National Park with a better opportunity to This will provide scientific basis for the Liaohe National Park to play a better role in ecological civilization construction and education of ecological civilization awareness.

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A Study on the Biotope's Characters of the Mixed Rural City(II) - The Analysis of Change in Land Uses and Forest Structure of Sunghwan in Chonan City using Remote Sensing - (도농통합형 도시에 있어서 생물서식처 공간특성에 관한 연구(II) - 천안시 성환읍의 토지이용변화추이와 녹지구조변화를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jin-Hee;Bang, Kwang-Ja;Kim, Hoon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 1999
  • The mixed rural city is adjusting to change by urbanization. The recent landcover change in mixed rural city is an important factor that changes structure and function of regional ecosystem. Landscape ecology is an integrated ecology widely available for environmental science such as nature conservation and sustainable land-use planning. As the concern about environmental quality rises, many studies are trying to create and conservate for biotop. The creation of biotop is related to the plan and management of the effective landuse because the important factor to change the structure and function of ecological area in the country. This study was carried out to establish the foundation of the landuse plan to analyze the change of landuse and to plan the scheme in creating biotop and landuse. We used the approach of ecological landscape and using landscape indices with RS(Remote Sensing) and GIS(Geographic Information System) technology, spatio-temporal variations of areas and distribution of forest patches were examined in the Sunghwan in Chonan from 1985 to 1996. A result of this study showed that the area of forest and paddy decreased by urban sprawl. The size of patch in the forest and agriculture had been smaller and irregular form, heterogeneity of size of forest and agriculture patches within sub-basin was increased, pattern of forest and agriculture patches decreased the corridor and network from 1985 to 1996.

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Development for Wetland Network Model in Nakdong Basin using a Graph Theory (그래프이론을 이용한 낙동강 유역의 습지네트워크 구축모델 개발)

  • Rho, Paikho
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.397-406
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    • 2013
  • Wetland conservation plan has been established to protect ecologically important wetlands based on vegetation integrity, spatial distribution of endangered species, but recently more demands are concentrated on the landscape ecological approaches such as topological relationship, neighboring area, spatial arrangements between wetlands at the broad scale. Landscape ecological analysis and graph theory are conducted to identify spatial characteristics related to core nodes and weak links of wetland networks in Nakdong basin. Regular planar model, which is selected for wetland networks, is applied in the Nakdong basin. The analysis indicates that 5 regional groups and 4 core wetlands are extracted with 15km threshold distance. The IIC and PC values based on the binary and probability models suggest that the wetland group C composed of main stream of Nakdong river and Geumho river is the most important area for wetland network. Wetland conservation plan, restoration projected of damaged and weak links between wetlands should be proposed through evaluating the node, links, and networks from wetlands at the local to the regional scale in Nakdong basin.

A Study of Creating a Biotope in Namsan Urban Natural Park (남산도시자연공원내 생물서식공간 조성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Hyun-Kyung;Lee, Soo-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 2006
  • This study was aimed to propose the plan of creating a biotope reflecting an ecological education as well as its function as the habitats of amphibian in Namsan Urban Natural Park in Seoul. There were Cheonil mineral spring area which was located on the southern side of Namsan, wetlands which was already created on the east valley(800$m^2$) and a buffer area of the circumference(1,100$m^2$) as the biotope sites. Major fields of this study include a survey of the staus, a basic plan, a master plan; a survey of this site was focused on topography, water system, existing vegetation, wildbird, amphibian, trail; a detailed plan was focused on flow plan, planting plan, facility plan. Existing vegetation was classified into 8 types; Pinus densiflora forest, Pinus densiflora planted area, Prunus sargentii-Quercus spp. forest, Pinus rigida forest, Robinia pseudoacacia forest, artificial green space, wetlands, south beltway. There were Pinus densiflora planted area and Prunus sargentii-Quercus spp. forest as major vegetations of this site. 14 species and 33 individuals of wildbirds appeared, Rana temporaria ornativentris and Hynobius leechi were investigated in the wetlands.In particular, habitats of amphibian were divided eco-zone, buffer-zone and restore-zone, and habitats and facilities which would be suitable for the characteristics of each space were planned. As a result, environment elements of good habitats including spawn wetlands of amphibian, harbor of amphibian, water plant of wetland, wild shrubs forest, ecological landscape forest, wetland observation trail, fence of wetland protection and ramp by pebble and log were created at the site. The amphibian biotope of Namsan is rated high as an important space for conserving biodiversity. Accordingly, continuous monitoring of this biotope as a urban habitat is required as the environment changes.

Comparison of Methane Emissions by Rice Ecotype in Paddy Soil

  • Tae Hee Kim;Jisu Choi;Seo Young Oh;Seong Hwan Oh
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.145-145
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    • 2022
  • South Korea greenhouse gas emissions have increased year by year, resulting in a total emission of 727.6 million tons of CO2 eq in 2018, a 2.5% increase compared to 2017. Among them, the agricultural sector emitted 21.2 million tons of CO2 eq., accounting for 2.9% of the total. Among the greenhouse gases emitted from the agricultural sector, a particularly problematic is methane gas emitted from rice paddies. Methane is one of the important greenhouse gases with a global warming potential (GWP) that is about 21 times higher than that of carbon dioxide due to its high infrared absorption capacity despite its relatively short remaining atmospheric period. Since the pattern of methane generation varies depending on the rice variety and ecological type, research related to this is necessary for accurate emission calculation and development of reduction technology. Accordingly, a study was conducted to find out the changes in greenhouse gas emission according to rice varieties and ecology types. As for the rice eco-type cultivar, early maturing cultivar (Haedamssal) and medium-late rice cultivar (Saeilmi) were used. Haedamssal was transplanted on May 25 and June 25, and Saeilmi was transplanted on June 10 and June 25. The amount of methane generated according to the growing day showed a tendency to increase as the planting period was earlier. The difference between varieties was that Haedamssal showed higher methane production than Saeilmi. The total CH4 flux in the saeilmi was 18.7 kg·h-1(Jun 10 transplanting), 12.4 kg·h-1(Jun 25 transplanting) during rice cultivation. Lower methane emission was observed in Saeilmi than in Haedam rice. In addition, the earlier the planting period, the higher the methane emission. This study is the result of the first year of research, and it is planned to investigate the amount of greenhouse gas emission between double cropping and single cropping using wheat cultivation after harvest for each ecological type.

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The Analysis of Wind Data at the Cities in Korea with Meteorological Administration Data -Wind Data Analysis in 32 Cities During 30 Years- (기상청 자료를 이용한 도시의 바람자료 분석 연구 - 32개 도시의 30년간 바람자료 분석 -)

  • Yoon, Jae-ock
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2003
  • Using the wind, we can get a thermal comfort in summer. In winter we must shut out the wind. To achieve sustainable environmental building design, especially wind data is very important. The wind direction and wind velocity of 32 cities were analyzed to suggest the wind map of Korea. The weather data which was used in this paper was from National Weather Service(19711.1~2000.12.31). The results of this study are 1) The monthly wind velocity of Seoul is 1.1m/s-3.8m/s. 2) The maximum wind velocity could be estimated from the annual average wind velocity. The regression curve is Y(The maximum wind velocity)=6.369732 X(annual average wind velocity) + 6.391668 (P< 9.66E-12). 3) The wind velocity at the inland area which is far from 25km sea side is smaller than coastal area. The distance from the sea is major index of wind velocity. 4) The monthly wind direction was compared inland area with coastal area. 5) The uniform-velocity line on the Korean map was obtained.

Research on the Utilization of the Native Plants in Restoration of Stream-Side in Rural Areas (농촌마을 소하천변 식생복원을 위한 자생식물 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Bang-Hun;Lee, Sang-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.12 no.4 s.33
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 2006
  • Recently, management and restoration efforts using the plants promote the disturbed habitats such as a set-asides or field boundaries. But, side effects are coming out because of using the exotic plants in restoration process. This study was conducted to select the native plant species used for restoration through the vegetation survey and plant community analysis at small stream-side in rural villages. We surveyed at two small stream-sides in open field and high land area in 2005 as a case study. Total 126 species was found at small stream side in open field area. As the result of important value' calculation, Persicaria thunbergii 23.0%, Humulus japonicus 18.6%, Phragmites communis 4.4%, Bromus japonicus 4.2%, and Rosa multiflora 3.4% were in the order of important value. Total 92 species were found at small stream side in high land area. As the result of important value' calculation, Dactylis glomerata 16.1%, Artemisia princeps var. orientalis 11.0%, Persicaria thunbergii 10.9%, Humulus japonicus 9.3%, Phragmites japonica 5.2% and Phragmites communis 3.5% were in the order of important value. We selected some plant species to use in restoration after due consideration of problems of exotic plant and high coverage and density species, and ecological process; Persicaria thunberii, Phragmites communis, Bromus japonicus, Rosa multiflora, Equisetum arvense, Digtaria sanguinalis, Impatiens textori, and Artemisia princeps var. orientalis in open field stream-side, and Artemisia princeps var. orientalis, Persicaria thunbergii, Phragmites japonica, Phragmites communis, Artemisia selengensis, Panicum bisulcatum, Rorippa indica, and Equisetum arvense at hghland stream-side. We will verify the selected native plants and plan the utilization of the native plants in restoration at stream-side in rural village.

A Study on Elevation Map Application for Offering Quantitative Analytic Frame of Streetscape - Focused on use GIS - (가로경관의 정량적 분석틀 제공을 위한 입면지도 적용에 관한 연구 - GIS 활용을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Choon-kuk;Kim, Ki-hwan
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2008
  • This study is about offering quantitatively analytic frame of streetscape, and also about making a way to be standardized and adapt changing landscape. This allows us to manage a form of elevation map after the application to GIS. The form of elevation map is a visible and vertical arrangement method of data recognizable while walking or driving. Applying measurable traits enables us to make a quantitative control over each element of which streetscape consists. After all, it would play a great roll in organizing and maintaining fine streetscape of each city. As the basic ways to make the elevation map, this study proposes the methods of providing quantitative analytic frame of streetscape after applying elevation data, Raster Data and Vector Data, which were investigated on the basis of GIS. In addition, as a simulation for increasing reality, certain streets, where the streetscape is very important, were chosen so that they enable us to utilize quantitatively analytic data of streetscape with analyzing the +degree of opening ratio in the boundary of D/H=2, comparing between wall area and windowpane area, comparing between facade area and sign board area, and calculating both area and ratio which are applied to ecospace.

A Study on the Suitability of Characteristics for Planning of Exterior Pedestrian Spaces in Large-scale Apartment Complexes (대규모 아파트단지 외부보행공간의 계획특성에 관한 적합성 평가 연구)

  • Kwon, So-Young;Ha, Mi-Kyoung
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2009
  • Lately construction companies are differentiating the outdoor spaces of apartment complexes to satisfy the needs of residents by providing underground parking area and variety of outdoor community spaces. Building walking networks through residential unit area, the major passage area and the entrance area of the complexes is very important factor to increase the use of the outdoor environment in the complexes. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the characteristics and the elements for the planning of exterior pedestrian spaces carefully through the analysis of current large-scale apartment complexes. In this study, the utilization of space, the connectivity to other spaces and the application of Universal design were evaluated through site visits in 5 large-scale apartment complexes. As a result, the utilization of space is well applied in the most of complexes especially in residential unit area. The connectivity to other spaces has low application compared to the others. Universal design is also well applied except sub criteria for the blind in most of complexes. This study will be able to help in providing better exterior pedestrian environment for residents in apartment complexes.

Ecological Modeling for Estimation of Autochthonous COD in Jinhae Bay (생태계 모델링을 이용한 진해만의 자생 COD 평가)

  • Hong, Sok-Jin;Lee, Won-Chan;Park, Jong-Soo;Oh, Hyun-Taik;Yoon, Sang-Pil;Kim, Hyung-Chul;Kim, Dong-Myung
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.959-971
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    • 2007
  • The three-dimensional eco-hydrodynamic model was applied to estimate the autochthonous COD caused by production of phytoplankton in Jinhae Bay. A residual current was simulated, using a hydrodynamic model, to have a sightly complicated pattern in the inner part of the bay, ranging from 0.001 to 5 cm/s. In the outer part of the bay, the simulated current flowed out to the south sea with a southward flow at a maximum of 25 cm/s. The results of the ecological model simulation of COD levels showed high concentrations, exceeding 4 mg/L, in the inner bay of Masan, an area of wastewater discharge, and lower levels, approaching less than 1 mg/L, closer to the outer part of the bay. The simulation results of Autochthonous COD by two methods using ecological modeling, showed high ratio over 70% of total COD. Therefore, it is more important to consider nutrients than organic matters in the region for control COD standard.