• Title/Summary/Keyword: image estimation

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Development of a Device for Estimating the Optimal Artificial Insemination Time of Individually Stalled Sows Using Image Processing (영상처리기법을 이용한 스톨 사육 모돈의 인공수정적기 예측 장치 개발)

  • Kim, D.J.;Yeon, S.C.;Chang, H.H.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.677-688
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    • 2007
  • 돼지를 포함한 대부분의 동물은 일정한 발정주기를 가지고 일정한 시기에 배란을 하는 자연배란동물이지만, 토끼, 고양이, 밍크 등의 암놈은 교미자극에 의해 배란이 일어나는 유기배란동물이다. 또한 1년에 한 번만 발정하는 단발정동물과 1년에 수차례 발정하는 다발정동물이 있다. 이 중에서 모돈은 1년에 수차례 발정하는 다발정 동물로서 발정기에 들면 비발정기와는 다른 행동을 나타낸다(Diehl 등, 2001). 양돈가의 수익을 최대화하기 위해서는 비생산일수를 최소로 줄여야 한다. 모돈의 비생산일수를 줄일 수 있는 한 가지 방법은 성공적으로 교배를 시키는 것이다. 이처럼 성공적으로 교배를 시키기 위해서는 수정적기를 정확히 예측해야 한다. 만약 수정적기를 정확히 판단하지 못하여 수태가 되지 않으면, 비생산일수가 늘어나 손실을 입게 된다. 따라서 수정적기를 정확히 판단하는 것은 모돈의 성공적인 인공수정에 있어서 중요한 요소이다. 수정적기는 배란이 일어나기 전 10시간에서 12시간 사이이며, 발정이 시작되는 시점을 기준으로 하였을 때 경산돈의 경우 26시간에서 34시간 사이이고 미경산돈의 경우는 18시간에서 26시간 사이이다(Evans 등, 2001). 현재 하루에 두 번 모돈의 발정을 확인하는 것이 일반화되어 있으며, 이 때 웅돈을 접촉시키거나 육안관찰을 통하여 발정 유무를 판단한다. 이러한 방법에는 숙련된 기술과 풍부한 경험이 요구될 뿐만 아니라 총 소요노동력의 30% 정도가 요구된다(Perez 등, 1986). 하루에 두 번밖에 발정을 감지하지 않기 때문에 발정이 언제 시작되었는지를 정확히 알 수 없으며, 또한 발정의 대부분이 새벽에 시작되므로 수정적기를 정확히 판단하기란 매우 어렵다. 만약 발정을 감지했더라도 적기에 인공수정을 하지 못한다면, 수태율이 낮아지므로 경제적 손실이 초래된다. 현재 이러한 문제점 때문에 2회에서 3회에 걸쳐 인공수정을 하고 있으나 이에 따른 소요비용과 소요노동력 등은 양돈가의 부담을 가중시키는 요인이 되고 있다. 돼지는 발정기가 되면 비발정기에 나타내지 않던 외음부의 냄새를 맡는 행동, 귀를 세우는 행동 및 승가허용 행동 등을 나타낸다(Diehl 등, 2001). 또한 돼지는 비발정기에 비하여 발정기에 더 많은 활동량을 나타낸다(Altman, 1941; Erez and Hartsock, 1990). Freson 등(1998)은 스톨에서 개별적으로 사육되고 있는 모돈의 활동량을 적외선센서를 이용하여 측정함으로써 발정을 86%까지 감지하였다고 보고하였다. 그러나 이 연구는 단지 모돈의 발정을 감지하였을 뿐 번식관리에 있어서 가장 중요한 수정적기의 판단 기준을 제시하지 못하였다. 따라서, 본 연구는 스톨에서 사육되는 모돈의 활동량을 측정함으로써 발정시작시각을 감지하고 이를 기준으로 인공수정적기를 예측할 수 있는 인공수정적기 예측 장치를 개발한 후 이의 성능을 농장실증실험을 통하여 시험하고자 수행되었다.

Investigation of Scatter and Septal Penetration in I-131 Imaging Using GATE Simulation (GATE 시뮬레이션을 이용한 I-131 영상의 산란 및 격벽통과 보정방법 연구)

  • Jung, Ji-Young;Kim, Hee-Joung;Yu, A-Ram;Cho, Hyo-Min;Lee, Chang-Lae;Park, Hye-Suk
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.72-79
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    • 2009
  • Scatter correction for I-131 plays a very important role to improve image quality and quantitation. I-131 has multiple and higher energy gamma-ray emissions. Image quality and quantitative accuracy in I-131 imaging are degraded by object scatter as well as scatter and septal penetration in the collimator. The purpose of this study was to estimate scatter and septal penetration and investigate two scatter correction methods using Monte Carlo simulation. The gamma camera system simulated in this study was a FORTE system (Phillips, Nederland) with high energy, general-purpose, parallel hole collimator. We simulated for two types of high energy collimators. One is composed of lead, and the other is composed of artificially high Z number and high density. We simulated energy spectrum using a point source in air. We estimated both full width at half maximum (FWHM) and full width at tenth maximum (FWTM) using line spread function (LSF) in cylindrical water phantom. We applied two scatter correction methods, triple energy window scatter correction (TEW) and extended triple energy window scatter correction (ETEW). The TEW method is a pixel-by pixel based correction which is easy to implement clinically. The ETEW is a modification of the TEW which corrects for scatter by using abutted scatter rejection window, which can overestimate or the underestimate scatter. The both FWHM and FWTM were estimated as 41.2 mm and 206.5 mm for lead collimator, respectively. The FWHM and FWTM were estimated as 27.3 mm and 45.6 mm for artificially high Z and high density collimator, respectively. ETEW showed that the estimation of scatter components was close to the true scatter components. In conclusion, correction for septal penetration and scatter is important to improve image quality and quantitative accuracy in I-131 imaging. The ETEW method in scatter correction appeared to be useful in I-131 imaging.

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A Study of Tasseled Cap Transformation Coefficient for the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) (정지궤도 천리안위성 해양관측센서 GOCI의 Tasseled Cap 변환계수 산출연구)

  • Shin, Ji-Sun;Park, Wook;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.275-292
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study is to determine Tasseled Cap Transformation (TCT) coefficients for the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI). TCT is traditional method of analyzing the characteristics of the land area from multi spectral sensor data. TCT coefficients for a new sensor must be estimated individually because of different sensor characteristics of each sensor. Although the primary objective of the GOCI is for ocean color study, one half of the scene covers land area with typical land observing channels in Visible-Near InfraRed (VNIR). The GOCI has a unique capability to acquire eight scenes per day. This advantage of high temporal resolution can be utilized for detecting daily variation of land surface. The GOCI TCT offers a great potential for application in near-real time analysis and interpretation of land cover characteristics. TCT generally represents information of "Brightness", "Greenness" and "Wetness". However, in the case of the GOCI is not able to provide "Wetness" due to lack of ShortWave InfraRed (SWIR) band. To maximize the utilization of high temporal resolution, "Wetness" should be provided. In order to obtain "Wetness", the linear regression method was used to align the GOCI Principal Component Analysis (PCA) space with the MODIS TCT space. The GOCI TCT coefficients obtained by this method have different values according to observation time due to the characteristics of geostationary earth orbit. To examine these differences, the correlation between the GOCI TCT and the MODIS TCT were compared. As a result, while the GOCI TCT coefficients of "Brightness" and "Greenness" were selected at 4h, the GOCI TCT coefficient of "Wetness" was selected at 2h. To assess the adequacy of the resulting GOCI TCT coefficients, the GOCI TCT data were compared to the MODIS TCT image and several land parameters. The land cover classification of the GOCI TCT image was expressed more precisely than the MODIS TCT image. The distribution of land cover classification of the GOCI TCT space showed meaningful results. Also, "Brightness", "Greenness", and "Wetness" of the GOCI TCT data showed a relatively high correlation with Albedo ($R^2$ = 0.75), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) ($R^2$ = 0.97), and Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) ($R^2$ = 0.77), respectively. These results indicate the suitability of the GOCI TCT coefficients.

The Study of New Reconstruction Method for Brain SPECT on Dual Detector System (Dual detector system에서 Brain SPECT의 new reconstruction method의 연구)

  • Lee, Hyung-Jin;Kim, Su-Mi;Lee, Hong-Jae;Kim, Jin-Eui;Kim, Hyun-Joo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Brain SPECT study is more sensitive to motion than other studies. Especially, when applying 1-day subtraction method for Diamox SPECT, it needs shorter study time in order to prevent reexamination. We were required to have new study condition and analysing method on dual detector system because triple head camera in Seoul National University Hospital is to be disposed. So we have tried to increase image quality and make the dual and triple head to have equivalent study time by using a new analysing program. Materials and Methods: Using IEC phantom, we estimated contrast, SNR and FWHM. In Hoffman 3D brain phantom which is similar with real brain, we were on the supposition that 5% of injected doses were distributed in brain tissue. To compare with existing FBP method, we used fan-beam collimator. And we applied 15 sec, 25 sec/frame for each SEPCT studies using LEHR and LEUHR. We used OSEM2D and Onco-flash3D reconstruction method and compared reconstruction methods between applied Gaussian post-filtering 5mm and not applied as well. Attenuation correction was applied by manual method. And we did Brain SPECT to patient injected 15 mCi of $^{99m}Tc$-HMPAO according to results of Phantom study. Lastly, technologist, MD, PhD estimated the results. Results: The study shows that reconstruction method by Flash3D is better than exiting FBP and OSEM2D when studied using IEC phantom. Flowing by estimation, when using Flash3D, both of 15 sec and 25 sec are needed postfiltering 5 mm. And 8 times are proper for subset 8 iteration in Flash3D. OSEM2D needs post-filtering. And it is proper that subset 4, iteration 8 times for 15sec and subset 8, iteration 12 times for 25sec. The study regarding to injected doses for a patient and study time, combination of input parameter-15 sec/frame, LEHR collimator, analysing program-Flash3D, subset 8, iteration 8times and Gaussian post-filtering 5mm is the most appropriate. On the other hands, it was not appropriate to apply LEUHR collimator to 1-day subtraction method of Diamox study because of lower sensitivity. Conclusions: We could prove that there was also an advantage of short study time effectiveness in Dual camera same as Triple gamma camera and get great result of alternation from existing fan-beam collimator to parallel collimator. In addition, resolution and contrast of new method was better than FBP method. And it could improve sensitivity and accuracy of image because lesser subjectivity was input than Metz filter of FBP. We expect better image quality and shorter study time of Brain SPECT on Dual detector system.

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Performance Estimation of Large-scale High-sensitive Compton Camera for Pyroprocessing Facility Monitoring (파이로 공정 모니터링용 대면적 고효율 콤프턴 카메라 성능 예측)

  • Kim, Young-Su;Park, Jin Hyung;Cho, Hwa Youn;Kim, Jae Hyeon;Kwon, Heungrok;Seo, Hee;Park, Se-Hwan;Kim, Chan Hyeong
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2015
  • Compton cameras overcome several limitations of conventional mechanical collimation based gamma imaging devices, such as pin-hole imaging devices, due to its electronic collimation based on coincidence logic. Especially large-scale Compton camera has wide field of view and high imaging sensitivity. Those merits suggest that a large-scale Compton camera might be applicable to monitoring nuclear materials in large facilities without necessity of portability. To that end, our research group have made an effort to design a large-scale Compton camera for safeguard application. Energy resolution or position resolution of large-area detectors vary with configuration style of the detectors. Those performances directly affect the image quality of the large-scale Compton camera. In the present study, a series of Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations were performed in order to examine the effect of those detector parameters. Performance of the designed large-scale Compton camera was also estimated for various monitoring condition with realistic modeling. The conclusion of the present study indicates that the energy resolution of the component detector is the limiting factor of imaging resolution rather than the position resolution. Also, the designed large-scale Compton camera provides the 16.3 cm image resolution in full width at half maximum (angular resolution: $9.26^{\circ}$) for the depleted uranium source considered in this study located at the 1 m from the system when the component detectors have 10% energy resolution and 7 mm position resolution.

Assessing and Mapping the Aesthetic Value of Bukhansan National Park Using Geotagged Images (지오태그 이미지를 활용한 북한산국립공원의 경관미 평가 및 맵핑)

  • Kim, Jee-Young;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to present a method to assess the landscape aesthetic value of Bukhansan National Park using geotagged images that have been shared on social media sites. The method presented in this study consisted mainly of collecting geotagged image data, identifying landscape images, and analyzing the cumulative visibility by applying a target probability index. Ramblr is an application that supports outdoor activities with many users in Korea, from which a total of 110,954 geotagged images for Bukhansan National Park were collected and used to assess the landscape aesthetics. The collected geotagged images were interpreted using the Google Vision API, and were subsequently were divided into 11 landscape image types and 9 non-landscape image types through cluster analysis. As a result of analyzing the landscape types of Bukhansan National Park based on the extracted landscape images, landscape types related to topographical characteristics, such as peaks and mountain ranges, accounted for the largest portion, and forest landscapes, foliage landscapes, and waterscapes were also commonly found as major landscape types. In the derived landscape aesthetic value map, the higher the elevation and slope, the higher the overall landscape aesthetic value, according to the proportion and characteristics of these major landscape types. However, high landscape aesthetic values were also confirmed in some areas of lowlands with gentle slopes. In addition, the Bukhansan area was evaluated to have higher landscape aesthetics than the Dobongsan area. Despite the high elevation and slope, the Dobongsan area had a relatively low landscape aesthetic value. This shows that the aesthetic value of the landscape is strongly related not only to the physical environment but also to the recreational activities of visitors who are viewing the scenery. In this way, the landscape aesthetics assessment using the cumulative visibility of geotagged images is expected to be useful for planning and managing the landscape of Bukhansan National Park in the future, through allowing the geographical understanding of the landscape values based on people's perceptions and the identification of the regional deviations.

Usefulness of volumetric BMD measurement by using low dose CT image acquired on L-spine Bone SPECT/CT (L-spine Bone SPECT/CT에서 획득된 저선량 CT 영상을 이용한 용적 골밀도 결과의 유용성)

  • Hyunsoo Ko;Soonki Park;Eunhye Kim;Jongsook Choi;Wooyoung Jung;Dongyun Lee
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: CT scan makes up for the weak point of the nuclear medicine image having a low resolution and also were used for attenuation correction on image reconstruction. Recently, many studies try to make use of CT images additionally, one of them is to measure the bone mineral density(BMD) using Quantitative CT(QCT) software. BMD exams are performed to scan lumbar and femur with DXA(Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) in order to diagnose bone disease such as osteopenia, osteoporosis. The purpose of this study is to identify the usefulness of QCT_BMD analyzed with low dose CT images on L-spine Bone SPECT/CT comparing with DXA_BMD. Materials and Methods: Fifty five women over 50 years old (mean 66.4 ± 9.1) who took the both examinations(L-spine Bone SPECT/CT with SIEMENS Intevo 16 and DXA scan with GE Lunar prodigy advance) within 90 days from April 2017 to July 2022, BMD, T-score and disease classification were analyzed. Three-dimensional BMD was analyzed with low dose CT images acquired on L-spine Bone SPECT/CT scan on Mindways QCT PROTM software and two-dimensional BMD was analyzed on DXA scan. Basically, Lumbar 1-4 were analyzed and the patients who has lesion or spine implants on L-spine were excluded for this study. Pearson's correlation analysis was performed in BMD and T-score, chi-square test was performed in disease classification between QCT and DXA. Results: On 55 patients, the minimum of QCT_BMD was 18.10, maximum was 166.50, average was 82.71 ± 31.5 mg/cm3. And the minimum of DXA-BMD was 0.540, maximum was 1.302, average was 0.902 ± 0.201 g/cm2, respectively. The result shows a strong statistical correlation between QCT_BMD and DXA_BMD(p<0.001, r=0.76). The minimum of QCT_T-score was -5.7, maximum was -0.1, average was -3.2 ± 1.3 and the minimum of DXA_T-score was -5.0, maximum was 1.7, average was -2.0 ± 1.3, respectively. The result shows a statistical correlation between QCT T-score and DXA T-score (p<0.001, r=0.66). On the disease classification, normal was 5, osteopenia was 25, osteoporosis was 25 in QCT and normal was 10, osteopenia was 25, osteoporosis was 20 in DXA. There was under-estimation of bone decrease relatively on DXA than QCT, but there was no significant differences statistically by chi-square test between QCT and DXA. Conclusion: Through this study, we could identify that the QCT measurement with low dose CT images QCT from L-Spine Bone SPECT/CT was reliable because of a strong statistical correlation between QCT_BMD and DXA_BMD. Bone SPECT/CT scan can provide three-dimensional information also BMD measurement with CT images. In the future, rather than various exams such as CT, BMD, Bone scan are performed, it will be possible to provide multipurpose information via only SPECT/CT scan. In addition, it will be very helpful clinically in the sense that we can provide a diagnosis of potential osteoporosis, especially in middle-aged patients.

Determinants of Consumer Responses to Retail Out-of-Stocks (점포내 품절상황에서 소비자 반응행동유형별 결정요인)

  • Chun, Dal-Young;Choi, Jong-Rae;Joo, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.29-64
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    • 2011
  • Overview of Research: Product availability is one of important competences of store to fulfill consumer needs. If stock-outs which means a product what consumer wants to buy is not available occurs, consumer will face decision-making uncertainty that leads to consumer's negative responses such as consumer dissatisfaction on store. Stockouts was much studied in the field of academia as well as practice in other countries. However, stock-outs has not been researched at all in Marketing and/or Distribution area in Korea. The main objectives of this study are to find out determinants of consumer responses such as Substitute, Delay, and Leave(SDL) when consumer encounters out-of-stock situation and then to examine the effects of these factors on consumer responses. Specifically, this study focuses on situational characteristics(e.g., purchase urgency and surprise), store characteristics (e.g., product assortment and store convenience), and consumer characteristics (e.g., brand loyalty and store loyalty). Then, this study empirically investigates relationships these factors with consumers behaviors such as product substitution, purchase delay, and store switching.

    shows the research model of this study. To accomplish above-mentioned research objectives, the following ten hypotheses were proposed and verified : ${\bullet}$ H 1 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, purchase urgency will increase product substitution but will decrease purchase delay and store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 2 When out-of-stock situation occurs, surprise will decrease product substitution and purchase delay but will Increase store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 3 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, purchase quantities will increase product substitution and store switching but will decrease purchase delay among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 4 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, pre-purchase plan will decrease product substitution but will increase purchase delay and store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 5 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, product assortment will increase product substitution but will decrease purchase delay and store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 6 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, competitive store price image will increase product substitution and purchase delay but will decrease store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 7 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, store convenience will increase product substitution but will decrease purchase delay and store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 8 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, salesperson services will increase product substitution but will decrease purchase delay and store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 9 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, brand loyalty will decrease product substitution but will increase purchase delay and store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 10 When out-of-stock situation occurs, store loyalty will increase product substitution and purchase delay but will decrease store switching among consumer responses. Analysis: Data were collected from 353 respondents who experienced out-of-stock situations in various store types such as large discount stores, supermarkets, etc. Research model and hypotheses were verified using multinomial logit(MNL) analysis. Results and Implications: is the estimation results of l\1NL model, and
    shows the marginal effects for each determinant to consumer's responses(SDL). Significant statistical results were as follows. Purchase urgency, purchase quantities, pre-purchase plan, product assortment, store price image, brand loyalty, and store loyalty were turned out to be significant determinants to influence consumer alternative behaviors in case of out-of-stock situation. Specifically, first, product substitution behavior was triggered by purchase urgency, surprise, purchase quantities, pre-purchase plan, product assortment, store price image, brand loyalty, and store loyalty. Second, purchase delay behavior was led by purchase urgency, purchase quantities, and brand loyalty. Third, store switching behavior was influenced by purchase urgency, purchase quantities, pre-purchase plan, product assortment, store price image, brand loyalty, and store loyalty. Finally, when out-of-stock situation occurs, store convenience and salesperson service did not have significant effects on consumer alternative responses.

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  • Auto-Exposure Control using Loop-Up Table Based on Scene-Luminance Curve in Mobile Phone Camera (입.출력 특성곡선에 기초한 Look-Up Table 방식의 자동노출제어)

    • Lee, Tae-Hyoug;Kyung, Wang-Jun;Lee, Cheol Hee;Ha, Yeong-Ho
      • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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      • v.47 no.4
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      • pp.56-62
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      • 2010
    • Auto-exposure control automatically calculates and adjusts the exposure for consecutive input image. Recently, this is usually controlled by the sensor gain, however, unsuitable control causes oscillation of luminance for sonsecutive input images, called as flickering. Also, in mobile phone cameras, only simple information, such as the average luminance value, can be utilized due to coarse performance. Therefore, this paper presents a new real-time AE control method using a Look Up Table(LUT) based on Scene-Luminance curves to avoid the generation of flickering. Prior to the AE control, a LUT is constructed, which illustrates the characteristic of outputs for input patches corresponding to sensor gains. The AE control is first performed by estimating a current scene as a patch using the proposed LUT. A new sensor gain is then estimated using also LUT with previously estimated patch. The entire estimation process is performed using linear interpolation to achieve real-time execution. Based on experimental results, the proposed AE control is demonstrated with real-time, flicker-free.

    Update of Digital Map by using The Terrestrial LiDAR Data and Modified RANSAC (수정된 RANSAC 알고리즘과 지상라이다 데이터를 이용한 수치지도 건물레이어 갱신)

    • Kim, Sang Min;Jung, Jae Hoon;Lee, Jae Bin;Heo, Joon;Hong, Sung Chul;Cho, Hyoung Sig
      • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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      • v.22 no.4
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      • pp.3-11
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      • 2014
    • Recently, rapid urbanization has necessitated continuous updates in digital map to provide the latest and accurate information for users. However, conventional aerial photogrammetry has some restrictions on periodic updates of small areas due to high cost, and as-built drawing also brings some problems with maintaining quality. Alternatively, this paper proposes a scheme for efficient and accurate update of digital map using point cloud data acquired by Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS). Initially, from the whole point cloud data, the building sides are extracted and projected onto a 2D image to trace out the 2D building footprints. In order to register the footprint extractions on the digital map, 2D Affine model is used. For Affine parameter estimation, the centroids of each footprint groups are randomly chosen and matched by means of a modified RANSAC algorithm. Based on proposed algorithm, the experimental results showed that it is possible to renew digital map using building footprint extracted from TLS data.

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