• Title/Summary/Keyword: image analysis method

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Prediction of Music Generation on Time Series Using Bi-LSTM Model (Bi-LSTM 모델을 이용한 음악 생성 시계열 예측)

  • Kwangjin, Kim;Chilwoo, Lee
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2022
  • Deep learning is used as a creative tool that could overcome the limitations of existing analysis models and generate various types of results such as text, image, and music. In this paper, we propose a method necessary to preprocess audio data using the Niko's MIDI Pack sound source file as a data set and to generate music using Bi-LSTM. Based on the generated root note, the hidden layers are composed of multi-layers to create a new note suitable for the musical composition, and an attention mechanism is applied to the output gate of the decoder to apply the weight of the factors that affect the data input from the encoder. Setting variables such as loss function and optimization method are applied as parameters for improving the LSTM model. The proposed model is a multi-channel Bi-LSTM with attention that applies notes pitch generated from separating treble clef and bass clef, length of notes, rests, length of rests, and chords to improve the efficiency and prediction of MIDI deep learning process. The results of the learning generate a sound that matches the development of music scale distinct from noise, and we are aiming to contribute to generating a harmonistic stable music.

Development of a new lifetime prediction method for gas turbine core parts by digital image analysis of precipitates morphology (석출물 형상의 디지털 이미지 분석에 의한 가스터빈 핵심부품의 새로운 수명평가기술 개발)

  • Chang, Moon Soo;An, Seong Uk
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.148-157
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    • 2008
  • To describe the lifetime prediction of gas turbine core parts serviced in some ten thousands rpms at over $1,000^{\circ}C$, the Larson-Miller Creep Curves, which are formed by creep rupture tests as the destructive experiment with parameters of stress and temperature, are used often, but not exact and reliable with errors of over some tens. On the other hand, this study shows a non-destructive method with increased accuracy and reliability. The SEM and TEM specimens were extracted by replica after polishing the local airfoil and root surfaces of the first stage scraped blade (bucket), serviced for 18,000 hours at $1,280^{\circ}C$ in Gas Turbines of Boryong. The observed TEM and SEM precipitates were digitalized for calculation of the average size. Here we could find the precipitate size grown from $0.45{\mu}m$ to $0.6{\mu}m$ during service and the grown precipitates to be still sound. From these results we could conclude that the scraped balde can be used for ten thous and hours additionally and for twenty thousand hours by additional heat treatments on the scraped blade.

A Study on the Implement of AI-based Integrated Smart Fire Safety (ISFS) System in Public Facility

  • Myung Sik Lee;Pill Sun Seo
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2023
  • Even at this point in the era of digital transformation, we are still facing many problems in the safety sector that cannot prevent the occurrence or spread of human casualties. When you are in an unexpected emergency, it is often difficult to respond only with human physical ability. Human casualties continue to occur at construction sites, manufacturing plants, and multi-use facilities used by many people in everyday life. If you encounter a situation where normal judgment is impossible in the event of an emergency at a life site where there are still many safety blind spots, it is difficult to cope with the existing manual guidance method. New variable guidance technology, which combines artificial intelligence and digital twin, can make it possible to prevent casualties by processing large amounts of data needed to derive appropriate countermeasures in real time beyond identifying what safety accidents occurred in unexpected crisis situations. When a simple control method that divides and monitors several CCTVs is digitally converted and combined with artificial intelligence and 3D digital twin control technology, intelligence augmentation (IA) effect can be achieved that strengthens the safety decision-making ability required in real time. With the enforcement of the Serious Disaster Enterprise Punishment Act, the importance of distributing a smart location guidance system that urgently solves the decision-making delay that occurs in safety accidents at various industrial sites and strengthens the real-time decision-making ability of field workers and managers is highlighted. The smart location guidance system that combines artificial intelligence and digital twin consists of AIoT HW equipment, wireless communication NW equipment, and intelligent SW platform. The intelligent SW platform consists of Builder that supports digital twin modeling, Watch that meets real-time control based on synchronization between real objects and digital twin models, and Simulator that supports the development and verification of various safety management scenarios using intelligent agents. The smart location guidance system provides on-site monitoring using IoT equipment, CCTV-linked intelligent image analysis, intelligent operating procedures that support workflow modeling to immediately reflect the needs of the site, situational location guidance, and digital twin virtual fencing access control technology. This paper examines the limitations of traditional fixed passive guidance methods, analyzes global technology development trends to overcome them, identifies the digital transformation properties required to switch to intelligent variable smart location guidance methods, explains the characteristics and components of AI-based public facility smart fire safety integrated system (ISFS).

A Study on Design and Analysis of Module Control Method for Extended Use of Rechargeable Batteries in Mobile Devices (모바일 장치의 충전식 배터리 사용 연장을 위한 모듈 제어 방법 설계와 해석 연구)

  • Dohyeong Kim;jihoon Ryu;JinPyo Jo;JeongHo Kim
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2024
  • This paper proposes a dynamic clock supply control algorithm and a system load power stabilization algorithm that minimizes the power consumption of the sensing system, which accounts for the largest percentage of power consumption in mobile devices, to extend the usage time of the rechargeable battery mounted on the mobile device. The dynamic clock supply control algorithm can reduce the power consumed by the sensing system by configuring a circuit to cut off the power of the sensing system and by recognizing the state of low sensor change and adjusting the measurement cycle. The system load power stabilization algorithm is an algorithm that controls the power of the surrounding module according to the power consumption state, and when it requires a lot of power, it controls the clock supply to stabilize the operation. The experimental results confirmed that applying only the dynamic clock supply control algorithm reduces the power consumed by the sensing system by 17%, and applying only the system load power stabilization algorithm reduces power consumption by 9.3%, enabling it to operate stably in situations that require a lot of power such as image processing. When both algorithms were applied, the power consumption of the battery was reduced by 67% compared to before applying the algorithm. Through this, the reliability of the proposed method was confirmed.

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Research on Semiconductor Chip Classification and Defect Detection Using AI Deep Learning with RGBA Color Space (AI 딥러닝을 활용한 RGBA 색 공간으로 반도체 칩 분류 및 칩 이상 검출에 관한 연구)

  • Ju-Yong Cho
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2024
  • In response to the recent government's AI and semiconductor talent training policy, this study proposes a method of effectively classifying semiconductor chips and detecting defects in RGBA color space using AI deep learning technology. Quality assurance and defect detection of semiconductor chips are essential to ensure the reliability and performance of electronic devices. However, traditional inspection methods mainly include visual inspection, mechanical measurement, and electrical testing, which are time-consuming, expensive for state-of-the-art equipment, and inefficient for many production environments due to inspection. To solve this problem, image analysis techniques based on deep learning are attracting attention in automated inspection systems. Through this experiment, it was confirmed that the deep learning model using RGBA color space shows excellent performance in defect detection and classification of semiconductor chips. In particular, RGBA color space including alpha channel provides more accurate and precise results for defect detection than conventional RGB color space models with less learning. The results of this experiment suggest that the RGBA color space can play an important role in the deep learning-based defect detection system, and further experiments in various datasets and conditions will expand the scope of the method's use in the future. Such a model is highly likely to contribute to the automation and quality improvement of the semiconductor manufacturing process. This study aims to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the semiconductor chip inspection process by utilizing the advantages of RGBA color space.

Effect of the Dose Reduction Applied Low Dose for PET/CT According to CT Attenuation Correction Method (PET/CT 저선량 적용 시 CT 감쇠보정법에 따른 피폭선량 저감효과)

  • Jung, Seung Woo;Kim, Hong Kyun;Kwon, Jae Beom;Park, Sung Wook;Kim, Myeong Jun;Sin, Yeong Man;Kim, Yeong Heon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: Low dose of PET/CT is important because of Patient's X-ray exposure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of low-dose PET/ CT image through the CTAC and QAC of patient study and phantom study. Materials and Methods: We used the discovery 710 PET/CT (GE). We used the NEMA IEC body phantom for evaluating the PET data corrected by ultra-low dose CT attenuation correction method and NU2-94 phantom for uniformity. After injection of 70.78 MBq and 22.2 MBq of 18 F-FDG were done to each of phantom, PET/CT scans were obtained. PET data were reconstructed by using of CTAC of which dose was for the diagnosis CT and Q. AC of which was only for attenuation correction. Quantitative analysis was performed by use of horizontal profile and vertical profile. Reference data which were corrected by CTAC were compared to PET data which was corrected by the ultra-low dose. The relative error was assessed. Patients with over weighted and normal weight also underwent a PET/CT scans according to low dose protocol and standard dose protocol. Relative error and signal to noise ratio of SUV were analyzed. Results: In the results of phantom test, phantom PET data were corrected by CTAC and Q.AC and they were compared each other. The relative error of Q.AC profile was been calculated, and it was shown in graph. In patient studies, PET data for overweight patient and normal weight patient were reconstructed by CTAC and Q.AC under routine dose and ultra-low dose. When routine dose was used, the relative error was small. When high dose was used, the result of overweight patient was effectively corrected by Q.AC. Conclusion: In phantom study, CTAC method with 80 kVp and 10 mA was resulted in bead hardening artifact. PET data corrected by ultra- low dose CTAC was not quantified, but those by the same dose were quantified properly. In patients' cases, PET data of over weighted patient could be quantified by Q.AC method. Its relative difference was not significant. Q.AC method was proper attenuation correction method when ultra-low dose was used. As a result, it is expected that Q.AC is a good method in order to reduce patient's exposure dose.

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Real-Time 3D Ultrasound Imaging Method Using a Cross Array Based on Synthetic Aperture Focusing: II. Linear Wave Front Transmission Approach (합성구경 기반의 교차어레이를 이용한 실시간 3차원 초음파 영상화 기법 : II. 선형파면 송신 방법)

  • 김강식;송태경
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.403-414
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    • 2004
  • In the accompanying paper, we proposed a real. time volumetric imaging method using a cross array based on receive dynamic focusing and synthetic aperture focusing along lateral and elevational directions, respetively. But synthetic aperture methods using spherical waves are subject to beam spreading with increasing depth due to the wave diffraction phenomenon. Moreover, since the proposed method uses only one element for each transmission, it has a limited transmit power. To overcome these limitations, we propose a new real. time volumetric imaging method using cross arrays based on synthetic aperture technique with linear wave fronts. In the proposed method, linear wave fronts having different angles on the horizontal plane is transmitted successively from all transmit array elements. On receive, by employing the conventional dynamic focusing and synthetic aperture methods along lateral and elevational directions, respectively, ultrasound waves can be focused effectively at all imaging points. Mathematical analysis and computer simulation results show that the proposed method can provide uniform elevational resolution over a large depth of field. Especially, since the new method can construct a volume image with a limited number of transmit receive events using a full transmit aperture, it is suitable for real-time 3D imaging with high transmit power and volume rate.

Evaluation of the Effective Methods for Renal Washout on $^{18}F$-FDG PET/CT ($^{18}F$-FDG PET/CT 검사에서 신장 방사능의 효과적인 배설 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Su;Kim, Jong-Cheol;Shin, Yong-Cheol;Lee, Sun-Do;Lee, Nam-Ju;Kim, Seung-Soo;Lee, Chun-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.55-59
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Renal excretion is the main route of FDG clearance in FDG PET/CT scan. Applying optimal method of renal excretion is very important for enhancing image quality and diagnostic accuracy. We evaluated several methods of renal excretion in FDG PET/CT scan. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients with normal renal function were prospectively included. Patients were divided into three group and undergone early and delayed FDG PET/CT scans. (1) Delay group; at 1 hour later of early scan, delayed scan was performed without additional hydration, (2) Hydration group; at 1 hour later of early scan, delayed scan was performed with additional oral hydration (700 mL of water), (3) Lasix group; lasix was administered at the end of early scan and dealyed scan was performed 30 min later. Early and delayed scans were compared to evaluate efficiency of renal excretion. Visual and quantitative analyses were performed by experienced physician and technologist of nuclear medicine. Results: On the visual analysis, renal excretion was the most evident in Lasix group followed by Hydration group. Delay group showed poor renal excretion. On the quantitative analysis, washout rates were $9.2{\pm}20.7%$, $28.1{\pm}22.8%$ and $29.5{\pm}23.1%$ for Delay, Hydration and Lasix groups, respectively. Conclusion: Administration of lasix was the best method for enhancing renal excretion. Delayed scan with hydration was also efficient method, but delayed scan without hydration was not adequate method.

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A Study of Sound Expression in Webtoon (웹툰의 사운드 표현에 관한 연구)

  • Mok, Hae Jung
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.36
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    • pp.469-491
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    • 2014
  • Webtoon has developed the method that makes it possible to express sound visually. Also we can also hear sound in webtoon through the development of web technology. It is natural that we analyze the sound that we can hear, but we can also analyze the sound that we can not hear. This study is based on 'dual code' in cognitive psychology. Cartoonists can make visual expression on the basis of auditive impression and memory, and readers can recall the sound through the process of memory and memory-retrieval. This study analyzes both audible sound and inaudable sound. Concise analysis owes the method to film sound theory. Three main factor, Volume, pitch, and tone are recognized by frequency in acoustics. On the other hand they are expressed by the thickness and site of line and image of sound source. The visual expression of in screen sound and off screen sound is related to the frame of comics. Generally the outside of frame means off sound, but some off sound is in the frame. In addition, horror comics use much sound for the effect of genre like horror film. When analyzing comics sound using this kinds of the method film sound analysis, we can find that webtoon has developed creative expression method comparing with simple ones of early comics. Especially arranging frames and expressing sound following and vertical moving are new ones in webtoon. Also types and arrangement of frame has been varied. BGM is the first in using audible sound and recently BGM composed mixing sound effect is being used. In addition, the program which makes it possible for readers to hear sound according to scroll moving. Especially horror genre raise the genre effects using this technology. Various methods of visualizing sound are being created, and the change shows that webtoon could be the model of convergence in contents.

Osseointegration of the titanium implant coated with rhTGF-${\beta}2$/PLGA particles by electrospray: a preliminary microCT analyzing rabbit study (rhTGF-${\beta}2$/PLGA 복합체를 electrospray법으로 코팅한 타이타늄 임플란트 골 유착의 microCT 계측: a preliminary rabbit study)

  • Lee, Woo-Sung;Kim, Seong-Kyun;Heo, Seong-Joo;Koak, Jai-Young;Lee, Joo-Hee;Park, Ji-Man;Park, Yoon-Kyung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.298-304
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This preliminary rabbit study was conducted to evaluate the effect of recombinant human transforming growth factor-${\beta}2$ (rhTGF-${\beta}2$)/poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) coating on osseointegration of the titanium (Ti) implant. Materials and methods: Eight Ti implants were anodized with 300 voltages for three minutes. Four of those were coated with rhTGF-${\beta}2$/PLGA by an electrospray method as the experimental group. The implants were placed into tibiae of four New Zealand rabbits, two implants per a tibia, one implant per each group. After 3 and 6 weeks, every two rabbits were sacrificed and micro-computed tomography (microCT) was taken for histomorphometric analysis. Results: In scanning electron microscope (SEM) image, the surface of rhTGF-${\beta}2$/PLGA coated Ti implant showed well distributed particles. Although statistically insignificant, microCT analysis showed that experimental group has higher bone volume / total volume (BV/TV) and trabecular thickness (Tb.Th) values relatively. Cross sectional view also showed more newly formed bone in the experimental group. Conclusion: In the limitation of this study, rhTGF-${\beta}2$/PLGA particles coating on the Ti implant show the possibility of more favorable quantity of newly formed bone after implant installation.