• Title/Summary/Keyword: hydrolytic-enzymes

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Effect of extract from Umbilicaria esculenta on postprandial hyperglycemia (석이(Umbilicaria esculenta) 추출물에 의한 식후 혈당강하작용)

  • Lee, Kyung-Ae;Kim, Moo-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.101-104
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    • 2000
  • An inhibitory activity against ${\alpha}-glucosidase$ was identified in extract of an edible lichen, Umbilicaria esculenta. The inhibitor was very stable retaining above 95% of its original activity when treated with heat, acid and alkaline conditions, and some hydrolytic enzymes. Partially purified inhibitor showed strong inhibition against disaccharide hydrolytic enzymes of mammalian and mold origin, but weak or no inhibition against polysaccharide hydrolytic enzymes except glucoamylase. The inhibitor suppressed elevation of blood glucose level in rats after oral administration of soluble starch or sucrose.

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감귤류 변패의 원인균인 Penicillium sp.-L4가 생성하는 식물세포벽 분해효소의 작용양상

  • 김무성;최영길
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 1997
  • Penicillium sp.-L4, a causative fungus of rot in citrus fruits, was isolated and its mode of hydrolytic enzyme production was investigated. Carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase), polygalacturonase(PGase), extra- & intra-cellular $\beta$-glucosidase and cellobiase were produced drastically by addition of substrates in minimal media. Production of the hydrolytic enzymes were induced efficiently by cellobiose and cellooligosaccharides which were the products of cellulose hydrolysis, but repressed by addition of mono-saccharide such as glucose, raffinose, galacturonic acid. The relative activity of p-nitrophenyl-$\beta$-D-glucopyranoside(PNPG) hydrolysis was higher than that of cellobiose hydrolysis in extracellular enzymes, and reverse is true in intracellular enzymes. Intact enzyme production of P. sp.-L4 on lemon peel lesion was sequential. $\beta$-Glucosidase and CMCase were produced first and followed by PGase. The enzyme productivities and pH in lesions were coincident with optimal pH of each enzyme activities.

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Inhibitory Effect of Extracts from Parmelia austrosinensis and P. praesorediosa on Postprandial Hyperglycemia (식후 혈당강하작용에 대한 매화지의류 추출물의 효과)

  • 이경애;정혜영
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.134-138
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    • 2000
  • An inhibitory activity against ${\alpha}$-glucosidase was identified in extracts of medicinal lichens, Parmelia austrosinensis and P. praesorediosa. The extracts retained almost all of their original activities when treated with heat, acid and alkaline conditions, and some hydrolytic enzymes. Partially purified inhibitor showed strong inhibition against disaccharide hydrolytic enzymes of mammalian and mold origin, but weak or no inhibition against polysaccharide hydrolytic enzymes except glucoamylase. The inhibitors from the two Parmelia sp. showed almost same retention time in HPLC. The inhibitor suppressed elevation of blood glucose level in rats after oral administration of soluble starch or sucrose.

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Distribution and Activities of Hydrolytic Enzymes in the Rumen Compartments of Hereford Bulls Fed Alfalfa Based Diet

  • Lee, S.S.;Kim, C.-H.;Ha, J.K.;Moon, Y.H.;Choi, N.J.;Cheng, K.-J.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.1725-1731
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    • 2002
  • The distribution and activities of hydrolytic enzymes (cellulolyti, hemicellulolytic,pectinolytic and others) in the rumen compartments of Hereford bulls fed 100% alfalfa hay based diets were evaluated. The alfalfa proportion in the diet was gradually increased for two weeks. Whole rumen contents were processed into four fractions: Rumen contents including both the liquid and solid fractions were homogenized and centrifuged, and the supernatant was assayed for enzymes located in whole rumen contents (WRE); rumen contents were centrifuged and the supernatant was assayed for enzymes located in rumen fluids (RFE); feed particles in rumen contents were separated manually, washed with buffer, resuspended in an equal volume of buffer, homogenized and centrifuged and supernatant was assayed for enzymes associated with feed particles (FAE); and rumen microbial cell fraction was separated by centrifugation, suspended in an equal volume of buffer, sonicated and centrifuged, and the supernatant was assayed for enzymes bound with microbial cells (CBE). It was found that polysaccharide-degrading proteins such as $\beta$-1,4-D-endoglucanase, $\beta$-1,4-D-exoglucanase, xylanase and pectinase enzymes were located mainly with the cell bound (CBE) fraction. However, $\beta$-D-glucosidase, $\beta$-D-fucosidase, acetylesterase, and $\alpha$-L-arabinofuranosidase were located in the rumen fluids (RFE) fraction. Protease activity distributions were 37.7, 22.1 and 40.2%, and amylase activity distributions were 51.6, 18.2 and 30.2% for the RFE, FAE and CBE fractions, respectively. These results indicated that protease is located mainly in rumen fluid and with microbial cells, whereas amylase was located mainly in the rumen fluid.

Uniqueness of Microbial Cutinases in Hydrolysis of p-Nitrophenyl Esters

    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2003
  • Using fungal (Fusarium solani f. pisi) and bacterial (Pseudomonas mendocina) cutinases, the initial hydrolysis rate of p-nitrophenyl esters was systematically estimated for a wide range of enzyme and substrate concentrations using a 96-well microplate reader. Both cutinases exhibited a high substrate specificity; i.e. a high hydrolytic activity on p-nitrophenyl butyrate (PNB), yet extremely low activity on p-nitrophenyl palmitate (PNP). When compared to the hydrolysis of PNB and PNP by other hydrolases [lipases and esterases derived from different microbial sources, such as bacteria (Pseudomonas cepacia, Psedomonas furescens, Baciilus stearothermophilus), molds (Aspeillus niger, mucor miehei), and yeasts (Candida rugosa, Candida cylindracea)], the above substrate specificity would seem to be a unique characteristic of cutinases. Secondly, the hydrolytic activity of the cutinases on PNB appeared much faster than that of the other hydrolytic enzymes mentioned above. Furthermore, the current study proved that even when the cutinases were mixed with large amounts of other hydrolases (lipases or esterases), the Initial hydrolysis rate of PNB was determined only by the cutinase concentration for each PNB concentration. This property of cutinase activity would seem to result from a higher accessibility to the substrate PNB, compared with the other hydrolytic enzymes. Accordingly, these distinct properties of cutinases may be very useful in the rapid and easy isolation of various natural cutinases with different microbial sources, each of which may provide a novel industrial application with a specific enzymatic function.

Hydrolytic Patterns of 11S Globulin (Glycinin) by Soymilk-Clotting Enzymes I and II (두유응고효소 I 및 II에 의한 11S 단백질(Glycinin)의 가수분해 패턴)

  • Park, Yang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.273-279
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    • 1993
  • Hydrolytic patterns of 11S globulin (glycinin), storage protein of soybean, by soymilk-clotting enzymes Iand IIfrom Bacillus sp. K-295G-7, which was the first soymilk-clotting enzyme to be found in a bacteria, was investigated. The clotting time of about 4~5 min is revealed by the Enzymes Iand II(0.025 units at 35$^{\circ}C$) on the acidic subunit. In electrophoresis, acidic subunit (A$_3$, M.W. 45,000) disappeared almost completely within 2 min and new products corresponding to the molecular weight of 16,000 and 20,000 were formed by the action of Enzymes I and II. Furthermore, Enzyme II produced a degradation compound having a molecular weight of about 30,000. In contrast, the hydrolytic patterns of basic subunit (M.W. 20,000) by Enzymes I and II were similar, but Enzyme II produced low molecular weight products slower than that of Enzyme I.

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Isolation and Characterization of Microbial Strains with Hydrolytic Enzyme Profile from Clay Minerals

  • Lee, Sulhee;Cho, Eui-Sang;Nam, Young-Do;Park, So-Lim;Lim, Seong-Il;Seo, Dong-Ho;Kim, Jae-Hwan;Seo, Myung-Ji
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.64-71
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    • 2020
  • A total of 262 bacterial strains were isolated from clay minerals, bentonite and zeolite, in Gyeongsangbukdo, Republic of Korea, and their hydrolytic enzyme activities were analyzed. Most of the isolated strains belonged to Micrococcales and Bacillales order. Of strains, 96 strains produced α-amylase activity, 42 strains showed cellulase activity, 111 strains had pectinase activity, and 70 strains showed protease activity. Among them, 177 isolates exhibited one or more of the hydrolytic enzyme activities and in particular Bacillus cereus MBLB1321, B. albus MBLB1326 and KIGAM017, B. mobilis MBLB1328, MBLB1329 and MBLB1330 showed all of the enzyme activities. These results demonstrate the diversity of functional Bacillus species in clay minerals as vital sources for the discovery of industrially valuable hydrolytic enzymes, which have a great commercial prospect in various bio-industrial applications.

Activities of Several Hydrolytic Enzymes in the Pear Leaves Affected by Rust Fungus, Gymnosporangium haraeanum Sydow (배나무적성병 병반조직의 몇가지 가수분해효소의 활성)

  • Kim K. C.;Cho B. H.;Kook J. A.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.17 no.3 s.36
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    • pp.139-142
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    • 1978
  • Activities of several hydrolytic enzymes in the rusted pear loaves were estimated. Tested enzymes were cellulase (Cx), invertase $\beta-amylase$, pectinase (pectinmethylesterase and polygalacturonase), and phosphatase. Enzyme activities represented by pH value-enzyme activitycurve. Activities of Cx. invertase. and $\beta-amylase$ were higher in the healthy part than those in the near-lesion and lesion parts. and showed the maximal activities around pH 7.0. On the other hand, activities of pectinase and phosphatase were higher in the lesion and near-lesion parts than in the healthy part. Pectinmethylesterase activities in the healthy and diseased parts were different with different curve-pattern as the pH of treating solution changed.

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Effect of Cellobiose Octaacetate, Avicel, and KC-flock on Production of Avicelases from Penicilliurn verruculosum (Penicillium verruculosum의 Acicelase 생성에 대한 Cellobiose Octaactate와 Avicel 및 KC-flock 의 영향)

  • 조남철;김강화;전순배;정기철
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.383-389
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    • 1990
  • During the cultivation of Penkillium uerrmulosum in the media containing cellobiose octaacetate (COA), avicel, or KC-flock as an inducer and as a sole carbon source for 21 days, cellulolytic activity and SDS-PAGE pattern of proteins in the culture broth were investigated. Protein concentration and cellulolytic activity were highest in the COA medium. As cultivation period was increased, protein content and avicel hydrolytic activity of culture broth were increased as similar extent but neither $\beta$-glucosidase nor CMC hydrolytic activity was correlated to protein content. When crude proteins from the culture broth were separated on DEAE column by HPLC, distribution of avicel-hydrolytic activities were well correlated with that of major proteins. From those results it was suggested that three major proteins having 60 K, 68 K, and 76 K of Mr. were avicel-hydrolytic enzymes.

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Bioprospecting of Culturable Halophilic Bacteria Isolated from Mediterranean Solar Saltern for Extracellular Halotolerant Enzymes

  • Ahmed Mohamed Ali;Tahany M.A. Abdel-Rahman;Mohamed G. Farahat
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.76-87
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    • 2024
  • Halophilic bacteria are promising reservoirs for halotolerant enzymes that have gained much attention in biotechnological applications due to their remarkable activity and stability. In this study, 62 halophilic bacterial strains isolated from a solar saltern were screened for the production of various extracellular enzymes. The results revealed that 31 strains (50%) were positive for amylase production while 26 strains (41.9%) were positive for protease. Further, 22 strains (35.48%) exhibited β-glucosidase activity and only 17 (27.41%) demonstrated lipase activity. Of the investigated halophiles, ten strains growing in the presence of ≥15% NaCl (w/v) were selected and identified based on their 16S rRNA gene sequences as Halomonas meridiana, Salinivibrio costicola, Virgibacillus oceani, Virgibacillus marismortui, Marinobacter lipolyticus, Halobacillus karajensis, Salicola salis, Pseudoalteromonas shioyasakiensis, Salinicoccus amylolyticus, and Paracoccus salipaludis. Therefore, the present study highlights the diversity of the culturable halophilic bacteria in a Mediterranean solar saltern, harboring various valuable halotolerant enzymes.