• 제목/요약/키워드: hybrid structure

검색결과 1,848건 처리시간 0.031초

Shock absorption of concrete liquid storage tank with different kinds of isolation measures

  • Jing, Wei;Chen, Peng;Song, Yu
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.467-480
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    • 2020
  • Concrete rectangular liquid storage tanks are widely used, but there are many cases of damage in previous earthquakes. Nonlinear fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is considered, Mooney-Rivlin material is used for rubber bearing, nonlinear contact is used for sliding bearing, numerical calculation models of no-isolation, rubber isolation, sliding isolation and hybrid isolation concrete rectangular liquid storage tanks are established; dynamic responses of different structures are compared to verify the effectiveness of isolation methods; and influences of earthquake amplitude, bidirectional earthquake and far-field long-period earthquake on dynamic responses are investigated. Results show that for liquid sloshing wave height, rubber isolation cause amplification effect, while sliding isolation and hybrid isolation have reduction effect; displacement of rubber isolation structure is much larger than that of sliding isolation with limiting-devices and hybrid isolation structure; when PGA is larger, wall cracking probability of no-isolation structure becomes larger, and probability of liquid sloshing wave height and structure displacement of rubber isolation structure exceeds the limit is also larger; under bidirectional earthquake, occurrence probabilities that liquid sloshing wave height and structure displacement of rubber isolation structure exceed the limit will be increased; besides, far-field long-period earthquake mainly influences structure displacement and liquid sloshing wave height. On the whole, control effect of sliding isolation is the best, followed by hybrid isolation, and rubber isolation is the worst.

조선용 A-grade 강재에 대한 하이브리드 및 레이저 용접부의 용접성 비교 (The Comparison of Weldability in Hybrid & Laser Welded Ship Structure A-grade Steel)

  • 오종인;박호경;정은영;;방한서
    • 한국해양공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국해양공학회 2006년 창립20주년기념 정기학술대회 및 국제워크샵
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    • pp.193-196
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    • 2006
  • Recently many research are going on in the field of application of Laser and Laser-Arc hybrid welding for superstructures such as ship-structures, transport vehicles etc. Therefore in this study an optimized welding condition and numerical simulation for hybrid welding by using previous numerical analysis which is used to calculate the heat source for Laser and Laser-Arc hybrid welding has been analyzed. For this purpose, fundamental welding phenomena of hybrid process(Laser+MIG) are determined based on the experiments. In order to calculate temperature and residual stress distribution in Laser and Laser-Arc hybrid welds, finite element heat source model is developed on the basis of experiment results and characteristics of temperature and residual stress distribution in Laser and Laser-Arc hybrid welds are understood from the result of simulation and found comparable to the experimental values.

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Mechanical Properties and Failure Mechanism of the Polymer Composite with 3-Dimensionally Stitched Woven Fabric

  • Lee, Geon-Woong;Park, Joong-Sik;Lee, Sang-Soo;Park, Min;Kim, Junkyung;Choe, Chul-Rim;Soonho Lim
    • Macromolecular Research
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.98-103
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    • 2003
  • The mechanical properties and failure mechanisms of through-the-thickness stitched plain weave glass fabric/polyurethane foam/epoxy composites were studied. Hybrid composites were fabricated using resin infusion process (RIP). Stitched sandwich composite increased drastically the flexural properties as compared with the unstitched fabrics. The breaking of stitching yarns was observed during the flexural test and this failure mode yielded relatively high flexural properties. Composites with stitched sandwich structure improved the mechanical properties with increasing the number of stitching yarns. From this study, it was concluded that proper combination of stitching density and types of stitching fiber is important factor for through-the-thickness stitched composite panels.

칼라 등색선무늬용 광탄성실험 하이브릿법 개발에 관한연구 (A Study on the Development of Photoelastic Experimental Hybrid Method for Color Isochromatics)

  • 권오성;황재석;남정환;한송령;권건;류의
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2007년도 춘계학술대회A
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2007
  • Isochromatics obtained from photoelastic experiment shows the stress distributions of full field of a structure under a load. Therefore stress distributions of the structure can be read at a glace through isochromatics. Many experimental data are obtained from isochromatics. And then, the various photoelastic experimental hybrid methods have been developed. Until now, monochromatic light has been used for photoelastic experimental hybrid method. Therefore the photoelastic experimental hybrid method used until now is called the photoelastic experimental hybrid method for black and white isochromatics. When stresses are analyed by photoelastic experimental hybrid method, many experimental data are needed. Therefore some fringe orders of isochromatics are needed for the photoelastic experimental hybrid method for white and black isochromatics. Therefore in this paper, the photoelastic experimental hybrid method for color isochromatics is developed. In this case, two fringe orders are enough for the experimental data of photoelastic experimental hybrid method for color isochromatics. Applying the method to stress concentration problems, its validity is confirmed. In the precision, the photoelastic experimental hybrid method for color isochromatics is better than the photoelastic experimental hybrid method for white and black isochromatics when fringe orders of isochromatics are few. When fringe orders are few, the photoelastic experimental hybrid method for color isochromatics can be used to analyze stress through few fringe orders of isochromatics.

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하이브리드 해상풍력 파일 기초 콘크리트 지지구조(MCF) 개발 (New Development of Hybrid Concrete Support Structure with Driven Piles for Offshore Wind Turbines)

  • 김현기;김범준;김기두
    • 한국강구조학회 논문집
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.307-320
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    • 2013
  • 기존 해상풍력발전 지지구조물의 단점을 보완한 신형식의 파일 기초 하이브리드 지지구조물을 본 연구에서 제안하였다. 이 지지구조는 콘크리트 자중을 이용한 중력식 기초의 개념으로부터 수정되어 4개의 파일로 지지되며, 강재 샤프트와 원추형 콘크리트가 결합된 하이브리드 형식이다. 규모가 크고 두꺼운 콘크리트의 3차원 해석을 위해, 정확한 기하형상 모델링과 응력의 절점 보간이 가능한 솔리드-쉘 입체요소를 개발하였다. 해양구조물 전용 유한요소 프로그램인 XSEA에 탑재된 솔리드-쉘 요소와 Stream Function 파랑 이론을 적용하여, 제안한 하이브리드 지지구조물에 대해 서남해안 지역의 환경조건을 적용한 준정적 해석 및 고유진동수 해석을 실시하였다. 해석결과, 수평변위가 허용변위 이내로 나타났고, 고유진동수 해석을 통해 하이브리드 구조형식의 동적거동에 대한 우수성을 입증하였다. 결과적으로, 파일지지 하이브리드 지지구조물은 우리나라 서남해안 지역과 같이 연약지반에 적용 할 수 있는 충분한 안정성을 가진 것으로 평가 되었고, 각 부재에 대한 최적화 연구를 통해 경제성 확보가 가능한 것으로 검토되었다.

Hybrid Wyner-Ziv Video Coding with No Feedback Channel

  • Lee, Hoyoung;Tillo, Tammam;Jeon, Byeungwoo
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • 제5권6호
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    • pp.418-429
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we propose a hybrid Wyner-Ziv video coding structure that combines conventional motion predictive video coding and Wyner-Ziv video coding to eliminate the feedback channel, which is a major practical problem in applications using the Wyner-Ziv video coding approach. The proposed method divides a hybrid frame into two regions. One is coded by a motion predictive video coder, and the other by the Wyner-Ziv coding method. The proposed encoder estimates side information with low computational complexity, using the coding information of the motion predictive coded region, and estimates the number of syndrome bits required to decode the region. The decoder generates side information using the same method as the encoder, which also reduces the computational complexity in the decoder. Experimental results show that the proposed method can eliminate the feedback channel without incurring a significant rate-distortion performance loss.

새로운 하이브리드 극 구조의 베어링리스 SRM 설계 및 운전특성 (A Design and Driving Characteristics of Novel Hybrid Pole Bearingless SRM)

  • 이동희;왕혜군;안영주;안진우
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제57권12호
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    • pp.2202-2207
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    • 2008
  • Bearingless SRM(Switched Reluctance Motor) is researched for high speed or special applications which can not use mechanical bearing such as bio pump. In this paper, a novel hybrid pole bearingless SRM is presented. The proposed hybrid pole bearingless SRM has salient poles for torque and suspending force production. Motor torque is controlled by the phase currents in torque pole windings, and the suspending force is controlled by suspending currents in four suspending windings for radial direction suspension. Because the proposed bearingless SRM has divided pole structure, mutual effects between torque current and suspending current are very lower than the conventional one's. From this structure, the number of power devices for power converter can be reduced for bearingless SRM driving. The proposed hybrid pole bearing less SRM is verified by the FEM analysis and experimental results.

하이브리드 모델을 이용한 파워트레인 가진에 의한 구조 기인 소음 예측 (Prediction of Powertrain Structure-borne Noise Using Hybrid Model)

  • 이상권
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2007년도 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.12-22
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents to predict the powertrain structure-borne noise which is primary resource of interior noise. As the first step, it is built up a hybrid powertrain model which is based on the real powertrain which is verified with static and dynamic properties. The methods for verifying are modal analysis and running vibration testing which are experimentally implemented. Based on the Hybrid powertrain component model, an initial predictive assembly model is simulated. As the second step, the characteristic transfer functions are measured that are dynamic stiffness of rubber mounts and vibro-acoustic transfer function based on the acoustic reciprocity. Several techniques utilizing special experimental devices have been proposed for this research. Finally, the structure-borne noise by powertrain will be predict and verify with dynamic simulation and experiment.

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다 자유도 운동장치를 이용한 세장구조물의 진동제어 연구 (A Study of Vibration Control of a Slender Structure Using a Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Manipulator)

  • 김낙인;이종원
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제25권8호
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    • pp.1227-1234
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    • 2001
  • A multi d.o.f robotic manipulator is considered for multi-axis vibration control of a slender structure, using the concept of the flow source based vibration control. In order not to cause the motion saturation of the manipulator system, a hybrid dynamics associated with the flexible and desired manipulator error dynamics is also modeled as the control object. It is numerically shown that the flexible vibrations and the base motions of a test structure can be effectively controlled with the proposed hybrid dynamics.