• Title/Summary/Keyword: husbands violence

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The Relationship between marital communication Style and Marital Violence (부부 의사소통 유형과 부부폭력과의 관계)

  • 김정옥
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to explore marital violence from a communication perspective. A total of 352 marital couples in Pusan completed a structured questionnaire. The major findings were as follows: 1,. Husbands and wives reciprocally inflicted psychological aggression and physical violence. But husbands were more to inflict sexual violence and injury toward their wives. 2. When husbands have more the distractor and the blamer of communication style. they inflicted more physical violence toward their wives. When wives have more the blamer of communication style they inflicted more psychological aggression and physical violence toward their husbands. 3, Housbands inflicted psychological aggression toward their wives when husbands experienced child abuse from their parents. husbands inflicted physical violence toward their wives when husbands have the distractor of communication style experienced witness of spousal violence between father and mother and experience of scho l violence experience in the middle and high school. Wives inflicted psychological aggression toward their husbands when wives experienced witness of spousal violence between father and mother and have the blamer of communication style. Wives inflicted physical violence toward their husbands when wives experienced child abuse from their parents.

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A Study on the Intergenerational Transmission of Family Violence (가정폭력의 세대간 전달에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yea-Jung;Kim, Deuk-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.6 s.220
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2006
  • This study examined the intergenerational transmission of family violence. The main focus of this study was on the effect of an experience of childhood violence and the witnessing of interparental violence on the future spouse and child violence. Two hundred and forty-two married couples and 50 married couples with indicted husbands and their wives were surveyed. The results showed that Husbands who had experienced childhood violence from their father and witnessed their father's violence towards their mother tended to inflict more physical violence on their wives than those who did not experience such events. Wives who witnessed violence between both parents' tended to receive more physical violence from their husbands than those who did not witness such events. In addition, wives who did not experience childhood violence but at the same time witnessed interparental violence tended to receive more physical violence from their husbands than those who did not witness such events. Husbands who experienced childhood violence from their mother and both parents and husbands who witnessed their father's violence toward their mother tended to be more violent towards their children than those who did not experience such events. Wives who experienced childhood violence from their mother and father and wives who witnessed violence between both parents tended to be more violent towards their children than those who did not experience such events. These results partially support that the transmission of family violence across generations and show the differential effects of gender and the violent parent's gender on family violence.

A Study on the Influence of Husbands' Experience of Violence suffered in their Growing Ages, their Psychological Characteristics, and Interactions of the Couple on the Husband-to-Wife Violence - Focused on the Continuum of Violence Assumption - (남편의 성장기 폭력경험, 심리적 특성 및 부부간 상호작용이 아내폭력에 미치는 영향 - 폭력의 연속성 가정을 중심으로 -)

  • 김예정;김득성
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2003
  • The aim of this research is to verify the assumption that the husband-to-wife violence lies upon a continuum of severity and to study how the premarital violence experience of husbands, along with their psychological characteristics and various marital interactions, can be the cause of husbands' violence against their wives. At the same time, the research aims at constructing a causal model of the husband-to-wife violence. For the purpose, this research surveyed 242 husbands residing in Pusan and another 50 husbands as violent assaulters in major cities of Korea. The following is a summary of the results of this research. First, the research can verify the two assumptions that “the group which has once inflicted a severe form of violence can easily inflict minor violences” and that “the factors related to violence play a far greater role in severe violences than in weaker violences.” As a result, it may be concluded that the study of a regular household violence can be based on the continuum of violence assumption. Secondly, In the husbands' experience of violence, dating violence and their experienced childhood abuse from their parents, in their psychological characteristics, temper control ability and their patriarchal sex role attitude, and finally in marital interactions, marital conflicts and distractor of communication played great role in their influence on the husband-to-wife violence. Thirdly, as the various factors which contribute to the violence against the wife have cause-and-effect rule, we shall be able to make a model which can be conceptualized.

A Study on Relationship of Marital Violence and Marital Unstability (부부폭력과 결혼불안정성의 관계)

  • 김수연;김득성
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of marital violence and marital unstability. A total of 192 marital couples in Pusan completed a structure questionnaire. The major finding were as follows : 1. Husbands and wives reciprocally inflicted psychological aggression and physical violence. 2. Violent couples who were high level of marital unstability had worse family system function than violent couples who were low level of marital unstability. Violent husbands who were high level of marital unstability were disengaged and chaos family system. 3. Husbands inflicted violence toward their wives when husbands had the contempt of communication style, and their family function were disengaged level. Wives inflicted violence toward their husbands when wives had the contempt of communication style. Couples who had high level of marital unstability were more likely to violent and were disengaged level on Circumplex Model.

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The Effect of Spousal Abuse by Husbands on Self-differentiation and Trait-anxiety Levels of Urban Housewives (가정폭력과 자아분화가 특성불안에 미치는 영향 - 도시지역 남편폭력에 의한 피해주부를 중심으로 -)

  • 손현숙
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.3-16
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for studying contemporary family violence, and to examine self-differentiation and trait-anxiety levels of urban-area housewives. The 207 subjects were married and living in urban areas. The statistical analyses used for this data were frequency, percentile, ANOVA, correlation, and multiple-regression. The main results obtained from this study were as follows: 1) Period of the family violence is 6-10 years, the main forms of violent behavior are kicking and punching, and the most violently abused wives want to divorce their husbands. 2) The self-differentiation level is 2.78, the verbal violence level is 2.06, the physical violence level is 2.06, and the trait-anxiety level is 2.49. 3) The degree of self-differentiation differed according to level of wife's education, husband's education, type of residence, income, wife's occupation, and husband's occupation. 4) The degree of violence differed according to level of wife's education, husband's education, type of residence, income, wife's occupation, and husband's occupation. 5) The degree of trait-anxiety differed according to level of husband's education, income, wife's occupation, and husband's occupation. 6) Wife's occupation, intellectual function vs. emotional function, family projection, verbal aggression behavior influenced on trait- anxiety.

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Impacts of Repeated Victimization from Domestic Violence on Depression, and Moderating Effects of Social Support Networks : Focusing on Wives Whose Husbands Participated in the Correction and Rehabilitation Program for Family Violence Perpetrators (아내폭력 재피해 경험이 여성의 우울에 미치는 영향과 사회적 지지관계망의 조절효과 - 가정폭력 행위자 교정.치료프로그램 참여 남성의 아내를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jae-Yop;Chung, Yun-Kyung;Lee, Keun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.46 no.8
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 2008
  • This study examined the revictimization of wives from repeated husband violence and how that affected their depression. It also explored whether social support networks can have moderating effects. Sixty-four wives participated in the research group, 72.3% of whom had experienced repeated verbal violence, and 29.2% experienced repeated physical violence since their husbands participated in the correction and rehabilitation program for family violence perpetrators. Revictimization from repeated husband-to-wife violence was proven to significantly influence wife depression. To moderate the harmful effects of repeated domestic violence on depression, social support networks were observed to provide protective reinforcements. However, the findings of this study did not support the notion that social support networks have moderating effects on wife depression, while a strong negative relationship was established between professional networks of social support networks. Based on these results, the research discussion here advocates for an intervention that promotes psychological health to wives who are exposed to repeated domestic violence.

An Ecological Study on the Cause of Wife Abuse Behavior among Korean Husbands (아내학대의 원인에 대한 생태학적 연구 -도시 중산층 부부를 중심으로-)

  • 손전영
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.36 no.12
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    • pp.145-160
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of the study were two fokls: to investigate causes of wife abuse through both husbands and wives as the research subject and through ecological perspective as a theoretical framework. Data were collected using self-reporting questionnaires distributed to 400 couples in Seoul and Taegu. 280 questionnaires were used in the final analysis. The major findings of the study were summarized in the following. First, the percentage of samples who reported one or more instances of acts in each scale was 84.3%(236 couples). They reported having been a vicitm of abuse by their partners at least one instance in the preceding 12 months. Secondly, the hierarchical and stepwise regression yielded the result that wife abuse behavior by husbands was influenced by husband's microsytem(e.g.job stress, marital satisfaction, education level and occupation) and organism variables(e.g. husband's perceptions about the violence level of mass media, childhood observation of parental violence, childhood experience of the battering). These variables accounted for 38% of variance of wife abuse behavior among Korean husbands.

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Effects of Husbands' Emotional abuse on Wives' Depression: Focusing on the Wives whose Husbands had Completed Batterer Intervention Program (가정폭력 치료프로그램 이수자의 정서적 폭력이 아내의 우울에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Yun-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.185-209
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to investigate the effect of husbands' emotional abuse on wives' depression and mediating effects of marital adjustment and coping. The subject of this study is wives of men who had completed batterer intervention programs at domestic violence counselling centers. In order to investigate the effect of emotional abuse, among the 116 questionnaires collected by wives the cases in which physical violence was reported were excluded. Ultimately, a total of 77 cases were analyzed using the Partial Least Square method of structural equation model methodology. The key findings from this study are as follows. First, the wives in this study showed a high rate of exposure to emotional abuse by their husbands although the physical violence was gone. Second, emotional abuse by husbands significantly affected depression on their wives. Third, marital adjustment was found to have a mediating effect on the relationship between the emotional abuse and the depression. Fourth, a mediating effect from passive coping was revealed; in particular, avoiding was the most powerful factor explaining the relationship between the emotional abuse and the depression. However, active coping failed to mediate the relationship between the emotional abuse and the depression.

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Married Couples' Perceptions and Attitudes on Domestic Violence Acts (부부의 가정폭력특례법에 대한 인식과 태도)

  • Kim Yea Jung;Kim Deuk Sung
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.22 no.6 s.72
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    • pp.177-189
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to study the perceptions and attitudes of various married couples(non-violent couples, violent couples, indicted couples) on the Domestic Violence Acts, and collect opinions on the legal treatment of indicted couples, especially on Protection Orders and criminal punishment. The questionnaires included 542 couples residing in Pusan and 50 indicted couples in various major cities of Korea. The major results were as follows: First, couples in general understood well the Domestic Violence Acts, and their history of domestic violence did not affect their knowledge on the Acts. Second, the attitudes of the husbands on Domestic Violence Acts were affected by whether or not they had inflicted violence on their wives. Husbands who have a history domestic violence, but were not arrested and indicted had negative attitudes on the in- tervention of the police. They also did not want to call the police for assistance. However, they showed positive attitudes towards programs aimed at preventing domestic violence. Third, the attitudes of wives on Domestic Violence Acts were not associated with experienced domestic violence. Fourth, indicted couples felt that Protection Orders were necessary and they were willing to follow the Protection Orders set forth by public prosecutors. Victimized wives wanted another form of sentencing rather than a fine, and they wanted to have their opinions heard when their spouse was arrested and when sentencing took place.

A System Approach of Family Life Management for Spouse Violence (부부폭력에 대한 가정관리학적인 접근)

  • 김정옥
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study is to determine if family violence affects family relationships. To asses these effects, the study was designed to evaluate the impact of wife abuse on marital satisfaction in a system approach of family life management. 184 married wives anonymously completed questionairs that included the following scales : conflict tactics scale, family strengths and marital satisfaction. Results indicted a significant decrease in perceived family strengths and marital satisfaction as husbands used physical violence against wives. these findings provide empirical support for the assumption that violence has a negative impact on family relationships.

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