• 제목/요약/키워드: hunting culture

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동북(東北)아시아 유의 기원(起源)과 그 교류(交流)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -$4{\sim}8$세기(世紀)를 중심(中心)으로- (A study on the origination and Transmission of Yu in Northeast Asia. -from the 4th Century to the 8th Century-)

  • 박경자;조선희
    • 복식
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    • 제17권
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 1991
  • Yu was a type of dress worn on the upper part of the body which was commonly used in Northeast Asia. It was originally used by the Northern race for the need of courtesy as well as protecting cold. It was believed that Yu in Northeast Asia, which was called Kaftan, was came from Scythai lived in North Eurasian land around the Black sea. Scythians were the first-formed horse-riding race in the world and their civilization influenced those of far Asiatic sector along the steppe route. As their power expanded, their costume culture transmitted to the East(China, Korea, Japan). The upper garment, Yu, was characterized by the left-sided collars, narrow sleeves belted at the waist to the length of the hip line and the tight trouser on the lower part, which we commonly called HoBok(胡服) style. 1. Yu in Northeast Asia was originated from the Eurasians, Scythian Culture. Being exchanged, active style costumes were widely used among Chinese, Koreans and Japanese throughout centuries' including $4{\sim}8$ century. 2. Chinese Yu had a style of wide-sleeves and right-sided collars. The traditional costumes of Han race are consisted of wide-sleeved Yu on the upper and long-skirt on the lower part of the body. Before the adoptation of HoBok during reign of King Jo Mooryung in 307. B.C., HoBok style had already found in the remains since the Sang period. There were various names among Yu during the Han period. Seup, Sean Eui, Kye, Kyu were one of the styles and several names were meant for collar and sleeves. During $4{\sim}8$ centuries, clothes of right-sided collar were found, superior to that of left-sided and narrow sleeves were widely used both the royal and the humble. Various styles of decoration were seen in Yu around neck, back and sleeves comparing other nations. 3. Yu, in Korea, was typical style of Northern-bound HoBok. Both men and women had similarity in Yu style, narrow sleeves, left-sided collar, belted at the waist and to the length of hip line. Influenced by Han race, in the $4th{\sim}8th$ centuries, dual system of collar was found. But we cannot see major change in Yu and finally was connected to the present. 4. The original design of the Japanese costumes was not similar to that of Northern nomadic hunting race, which was suitable for horse-riding activities. Owing to the climates along the island, we could see various conditions ranging from the cold and to the warm. Influenced by the climates, pulling over the neck(Pancho style) were major design in Japan. As Korea was advanced earlier than Japan, Korean landed Japanese territory showing clothes. So primitive costumes had changes in style. During the $4th{\sim}8th$ period. The Korean mode was found in Haniwa (which was built to make sacrifices to the dead King) and costumes in Jeong Chang Won. Among the costumes in Jeong Chang Won, we put 3 or more costumes to the category of Yu characterizing elements of Korea and Tang period. From the $4th{\sim}8th$ century, China, Korea, Japan fell into the same cultural category, Scythai. Styles in Yu among three nations, we saw little differences, basically along times. Originated from the West Asia, Yu was transmitted to the far East changing Chinese costumes, Koreans melted it into the traditional elements and then influenced Japan.

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중국 소수민족의 복식 연구(1) (The costume culture of China is as old and varied as her long history)

  • 박춘순
    • 복식
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    • 제26권
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    • pp.175-206
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    • 1995
  • The costume culture of China is as old and varied as her long history. As China is a multiracial nation and consists of fifty-six min-ority races including Han race, there are not only fifty-six different costumes in China but each races' costume habit is very different. Therefore, Chinese penninsula can be considered an enor-mous exhibition center of the costumes. This study undertook on the assumption that the costumes' mainstream of Korea and east-northern Asia as well as that of China could be examined by investigating the minority races' costumes in the east-and west-northern areas of China. The process of evolution of the costume of a particular people, country or area is subject not only to constraints related to geography such as climate, topography or local products but is also affected by numorous environmental influences including cultural, economic, social and even pol-itical ones in terms of the selection of material, styling, color and standard of tailoring. In other words, things like philosophy of life, religious be-lief, aesthetic outlook, moral code, class system, degree of affluence, and cultural exchange will all be reflected directly or indirectly by features of a people's or country's style costume. Of course, there are several factors affecting to the style of costume of the minority people in China. However, the only three factors-geo-graphical and environmental, production method, and religious belef-will be touched in this study. First of all, the geograghical and eenviron-mental factor would be the decisive one because the costume should be designed to overcome the constraints of climate and geographical environ-ments. Accordingly, each race has an unique style of costume. The costume of the minority races in the northern parts are loose and wide, and made of warm furs. For instance, Mongolian robe has the quality of anti-wind, anti-cold and warmness, and the width of a sleeve is narrow and long. Secondly, the costume style can be said to be limited by the production pattern, when the geo-graphical environment was affected to decide the costume style, the production pattern was together affected to it . In case of Mongolian robe, they should satisfy the dual condition as the practical function. One is the condition that they should be fitted to the climate, and the other is the condition that they should be suit-able to the nomadic life. Mongolian robes are suitable to the nomadic peoples because they are designed for not only overcoming the cold wind and weather but being used as the bedquit at night. The costumes of Hoche people was made of the skin of the fish and wild animals because of their main means of living being fishing and hunting. Accordingly, their costumes are dur-able, warm and water-proof. Finally, the style of the costume is affected by the religious belief. In other words, the pattern in fashion is closely related with the religious be-lief or ancestor worship and nature worship. Ac-cordingly, the symbols of these worship are often emerged in the decoration of the costume. The design of costume of the people in the northern areas of China is very simple. It is related with their monotheism. On the other hand, the costumes of twen쇼 minority races in the east-northern parts of China can be devided into three racial groups such as the long robes of Man people and Mongols, Tunics of the peoples in the west-northern areas, and the pants and jackets of Hoche people. The minorority races all has not only the unique costume habit but their costumes are also related with their living style and production means.

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탐라십경과 탐라순력도를 통해 본 제주 승경의 전통 (A Study on the Traditionary Famous Scenaries of Jeju-island through T'amna-Sipkyung and T'amna-Sullyokto)

  • 노재현;신병철;한상엽
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 2009
  • "탐라십경도"와 "탐라순력도"에 표현된 경관내용과 그 의미를 파악하여 현재 제주의 대표적 전통경관으로 인식되고 있는 영주십이경과의 관령성 및 변천과정을 밝힘으로써 제주 승경의 정체성과 전통을 조명하고자 한 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 제주 집경(集景)의 시원이 되는 탐라십경 중 백록담과 영실은 제주 신화 형성의 장(場)이자 상징체이며 해안에 포진된 조천진, 서귀진, 명월진은 강역 사수의 요충이로서 역사문화성을 함축한다. 그리고 성산 일출봉과 산방산, 취병담, 천제연폭포는 자금도 대표적인 제주 경승이자 영주십이경으로 자리잡고 있다. 한편, 탐라순력도에서 보이는 제주마를 비롯 감귤 진상과 관련된 5장의 봉진 그림 속에 담겨진 '방어'와 '조정 진상'은 정치적 색채가 강한 제주 풍물경관이다. 특히 '고원방고'나 '귤림풍악'에서 볼 수 있는 바와 같이 '감귤림을 배경으로 한 풍류'나 '산장구마'나 '교래대협' 등에서 볼 수 있는 '방목된 제주마와 수렵생활' 등은 제주 고유의 풍물상으로 꾸준히 전승되었다. 탐라십경과 직접적으로 관련 있는 영주십이경은 이형상목사의 순력회랑에서 벗어난 백록담과 영곡을 배제한다면 '성산일출'의 성산, '백록만설'의 백록담, '영실기암'의 영곡, '산방굴사'의 산방, '용연야범'의 취병담 그리고 '서진노성'의 서귀소 등 총 6개 경승이다. 그밖에 탐라순력도의 '우도점마'와 '산장구마' 등을 통해 영주십이경의 제 10경인 '고수목마'의 경관이미지가 고스란히 표현되고 있다. 또한, 탐라십경의 10개 경승은 순력회랑에서 배제된 백록담과 영곡을 배제하고는 모두 탐라순력도에 직간접적으로 집중 조명되고 있다. 탐라십경과 탐라순력도에서 공히 강조되고 있는 공간 및 장소 그리고 경물은 제주의 위정자 등 선인들에 의해 꾸준히 전승되는 가운데 첨삭과정(添削過程)을 거쳐 오늘의 영주십이경으로 정착된 것으로 보인다. 따라서 영주십이경은 제주의 아름다운 경관에 대한 탐구와 향토애에 대한 시적 표현을 빌려 오랜 절차탁마(切磋琢磨)의 과정 속에서 이루어진 유산경관이자 전통경관이 아닐 수 없다.

강희제(康熙帝)의 「승덕 피서산장(避暑山莊) 36경」에 담긴 황가원림의 경관 특성과 함의 (A Study on the Landscape Characteristics and Implications of the Royal Garden through 「The 36 Scenery of Seongdeok Summer Mountain Resort」 by Kangxi Emperor)

  • 노재현;맹자군
    • 헤리티지:역사와 과학
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    • 제55권4호
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    • pp.212-240
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    • 2022
  • 문헌연구와 고서화 도해 그리고 현장연구를 통해 중국 강희제가 읊은 「승덕 피서산장 삼십육경(承德 避暑山莊 三十六景)」(이하 「강희36경」) 제영시(題詠詩)의 분석과 해석(解釋)을 통해 「강희36경」에 담긴 경관 특성과 함의를 추적한 결론은 다음과 같다. 「강희36경」은 팔경시의 외연(外緣)을 연장한 것으로, 기존의 「팔경시」나 <팔경도>와 비교해 볼 때 '대상 중심'이 아닌 '시점(시점장) 중심'의 경관 형상화가 두드러진다. 그 결과 전(殿)과 정(亭) 등 9개 유형의 건축물을 시점으로 구조화된 경관 틀짜임을 지향하였다. 특히 호박구에 입지한 여의주는 중국의 저명한 원림과 산수시 및 산수화의 정수(精髓)만을 모은 집금식(集錦式) 배치와 구성을 통해 원중원(園中園)의 성격을 부여하였다. 표제어 분석 결과, 제영시에 등장하는 경관요소는 수체류(水體類) 14개 경(38.9%), 지형지모(地形地貌)와 관련된 산체류(山體類) 13개 경(36.1%)으로 이들 요소의 비중이 월등히 높았으며, 건축·토목류는 3개 경(8.3%), 천공류(天空類)는 2개 경(5.6%)으로 분류되었다. 제영시에서는 기후풍토요소에 대한 경관어휘(景觀語彙)의 언급이 압도적으로 두드러졌는데 특히 표제어에서는 구름(雲)과 바람(風)이 대표적 경관어휘로 드러났다. 뿐만 아니라 운(雲)·수(水)·천(泉)·청(清)·파(波)·류(流)·풍(風) 그리고 무서(無暑) 등과 같은 '청량(淸涼)'을 상징하는 시어가 높은 빈도로 출현하고 있음은 우연이 아니며, 이는 열하(熱河)의 지역성 및 피서산장의 장소성과 강하게 밀착되어 있음을 보여준다. 계절 배경이 확인된 23개 경중에서 하경(夏景)이 과반수로 비중 있게 묘사되는 점이나 피서산장 일원의 청랭성(淸冷性)으로 집약되는 기후풍토요소가 입체적이고 다의적으로 묘사되고 있음은 경관 주체인 강희제의 원림 향유 시기와 관련 깊은 것으로 보인다. 더불어 제영시에 등장하는 다수의 동식물 경관은 휴양은 물론 관상과 수렵의 공간 속성과도 동일한 맥락으로 보인다. 한편 제영시에는 고시(古詩), 전고(典故), 고화(古畫) 등을 통해 명인(名人)과 명저(名著)를 인용한 경이 33개(91.7%) 경에 이를 정도로 상고성(尙古性)의 경향이 두드러진다. 이는 경관 주체인 강희제의 중국 전통문화에 대한 이해와 자부심을 바탕으로 한 것으로 추론된다. 「강희36경」에는 가경(佳景)에 의탁(依託)된 심정에 대한 서경적 묘사뿐만 아니라 근정애민(勤政愛民) 정신, 자강불식(自强不息)과 권학(勸學) 정신 그리고 모친에 대한 공경(恭敬)과 효(孝)의 정서가 깊이 내포되고 있다. 궁극적으로 「강희36경」은 피서산장의 실경(實景)은 물론 의경적(意境的) 차원을 다층적이고 입체적으로 보여줌으로써, 황가원림의 품격과 문인의 정서를 바탕으로 한 황제로서의 기개(氣槪)를 드러내고자 한 제황적(帝皇的) 집경(集景)이라 할 만하다.