• Title/Summary/Keyword: housing status survey

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A Method for Increasing the Promotion of Wonju Cluster (원주의료기기 클러스터 혁신역량 제고방안)

  • Lee, Woo-Chun
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.428-441
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    • 2008
  • This article verifies the actual conditions of the Wonju area medical devices cluster for presentation of method for increasing promotion. It examines the general status of companies, reason for location, competitive power and supporting system with a questionnaire survey and in-depth research. The Wonju area has 79 medical device companies. It comprised 9% of total sales and 11% of export sales of korea medical devices in 2007. For enhancement of the Wonju area medical devices ability to accumulate and attract of medical device companies and front-line and back-line industries, the followings is needed, a supply of highly qualified man power, a support base for developing modem technology and information marketing, adequate infrastructure for housing and education system, methodologies for sustaining new business and innovation fund-raising programs and marketing, and provide the highest degree of education for CEO.

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Social Distancing by Socioeconomic Characteristics during the Early Phase of COVID-19 Pandemic (코로나19 확산 초기의 사회경제적 특성별 사회적 거리두기 준수)

  • Kang, Eunjeong;Kim, Sun Jung;Shon, Changwoo;Koh, Kwangwook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.581-590
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to ascertain the differences in social distancing practices by socioeconomic characteristics according to the national campaign on strong social distancing from March 22 through April 19. The data were obtained from the online survey performed by Embrain from May 13 through May 19. The sample consisted of 1,117 adults aged between 19 and 69. The campaign included six rules: to postpone or cancel unnecessary meeting, to refrain from going out, to keep personal hygiene, to stay home when sick, to ventilate frequently. Social distancing scores were defined as the proportion of items observed on a scale of 10. The multivariate regression analysis showed that type of housing and type of working were significantly related to social distancing scores. Study results imply that customized campaigns are needed for those from lower socioeconomic status.

A Multilevel Analysis on Factors Affecting Companion Animal Ownership among Elderly Persons (노인의 반려동물 소유에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 다수준 분석)

  • Lee, Sungeun
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.7
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    • pp.599-608
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    • 2017
  • This study investigated factors that are associated with companion animal ownership among urban elderly persons. This study was based on data from 2014 Seoul Survey, and a total of 4,717 people aged 60 years or older were selected for the analyses. Community level data were from 2014 Seoul statistics and they included park area per person, number of elderly recreational facilities, and number of public sports facilities based on 25 districts of Seoul Metropolitan City. This study examined differences between companion animal owners and non-owners concerning individual level factors and community level factors. Factors that are associated with companion animal ownership were examined using multilevel logistic regression analysis. Among individual level variables, companion animal ownership was associated with gender, marital status, income, number of household members, and housing type. Among community level variables, park area per person was a significant factor that is associated with companion animal ownership. Study findings can be used Based on study findings, implications of the study and directions for future research are discussed.

Current Status and the Future Prospect of Rehabilitation Nursing in Korea (한국 재활간호 현황과 전망)

  • Kang, Hyun-Sook;Suh, Yeon-Ok;Lee, Hae-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.240-247
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    • 2001
  • The history of rehabilitation of disabilities in Korea began with the foreigners and missionaries who were interested in it after Korean War. In 1981, Disabled Persons Welfare Act was enacted and the 88 Paralympics brought the nations attention to the welfare and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. Since then, the facilities and the services for the disabled persons have expanded rapidly and the rehabilitation treatment and nursing intervention are drawing more attention. Against this background, the survey on the current status of disabilities, welfare service, facilities, and rehabilitation nursing was conducted. The results of this survey are as follows. 1. According to the 2000 census of disabilities, the number of persons with disabilities in Korea is estimated at 1,449,500, or 3.09% of the entire Korean population, 0.74% up from 2.35% in 1995. 2. Disability Types in 2000 The 2000 census showed that the persons with disabilities numbered 1,449,496 out of the total population and 1,024,371 persons are registered for disability, making up 70.7% of the estimated disabled population. Among them, physically disabled persons accounted for the largest 41.7% (605,127) and mentally retarded persons stood at the smallest 9% (13,481). 3. Percentage of Disability Presence The survey showed that more than 90% of disability were acquired. However, 44.8% of mental disability and 61.4% of hearing/speaking disability were not acquired after birth. This means that these disabilities happened by congenital cause or birth accident. 4. Yearly Figure of Registered Disabled Persons In 1989, 218,601 persons registered for disability and, in 2000, the number increased by 4.7 times to 1,024,371. These figures are different from the actual number of disabled persons. According to the 1995 census, 1,053,486 were disabled persons but only 378,323registered for disability. And, in the 2000 census, 1,024,371 out of the 1,449,496 of disabled persons registered for disability. 5. Welfare Service for Persons with Disability 62.6% of the total disabled people are registered and physically disabled persons accounted for the highest percentage of 96.7%. 26.5% of non-registered disabled people said that they didnt know the registration procedure. The rest of them replied that they didnt think they were disabled or that registration didnt seem to give any benefits. 6. Welfare Policies for Disabled Persons The welfare benefits given to the disabled are as follows: Issuance of disabled sign for car drivers, Permission to use LPG fuel, Communication fee reduction, Tax exemption related to cars, Reduction of public facility fees, Household allowance, Tax reduction or exemption, Medical allowance and education subsidy for children, and Housing. 7. Current Condition of Welfare Facilities by Disability Type The welfare institutions for disabilities numbered 188 in total and they can accommodate 16,823 persons. Categories of these institutions are physical disability(37), visual disability(10), hearing/speaking disability(14), mental retardation(59), and sanatoriums(68). 8. Human Resource of Rehabilitation of Disabilities Advanced education programs include rehabilitation nursing in its curriculum and this was selected as the program of Korean Academic Society of Nursing in 1990. In November 1997, Korean Academic Society of Rehabilitation Nursing was launched and many academic meeting and seminars were held. This organization is also making efforts to develop the education program for qualified rehabilitation nursing professionals and to develop the standards of rehabilitation nursing practice. In the professionals of the rehabilitation, there are rehabilitation specialist, physical therapist, speech therapist, occupational therapist. It is needed to come up with the measures to supply stable human resources following the demand of disabled persons and to recognize the private certificates for rehabilitation professionals as official ones after reviewing the education and training programs of private institutions. 9. Rehabilitation Nursing 1) Rehabilitation nursing was taught as an independent subject in 11 undergraduate programs and 9 graduate programs. 2) Research on rehabilitation nursing in Korea were 24 experimental research and 11 non-experimental research. The intervention of experimental research were mostly education and exercise rehabilitation programs. 3) In the three rehabilitation hospitals, nursing is divided into two categories, direct nursing and education & counseling. Direct nursing includes tracheostomy or nasogastric tube care, urination and defication, skin care, pain control, complication prevention and care, prevention of injury from a fall, etc.

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A Study on Children's Park Facility Planning Scheme according to User Behavior and Characteristics (이용자 행태 및 특성에 따른 어린이공원 시설 계획 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong Hun;Lee, Seok Hwan;Baek, Ki young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.232-241
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    • 2016
  • Among city parks, children's parks are more accessible than other parks in the city, and there are many users. They are used not only for children's playgrounds, but also for relaxation and leisure spaces for local residents. On the other hand, as a result of focusing on the quantitative increase by the engineering division by the Urban park Act, the consideration of the users of various classes is insufficient. The purpose of this study was to analyze the actual use of children parks in single - family housing and communal housing areas, and to identify the problems and future directions of the use of children parks. For this purpose, a case study and a document survey were conducted. First, through scholarship research, the theoretical review and the present situation were summarized based on the data, such as the papers and research reports related to the existing children's park. The status of the location, facilities and management were then identified through interviews and site visits with the children's park management staff. As a result, the children's park was utilized as a leisure space with high accessibility in the living area. As a result, the residence time of most users was within 1 hour to 2 hours. In particular, use by elderly people was higher than the use by children. Therefore, it would be desirable to design the future planning of the children's parks and to plan the arrangement in accordance with the future - oriented multi - purpose neighborhood type children's park.

Study on Status of Barrier Free Certification & Improvement Strategies (여객자동차 터미널 이동편의시설 BF 실태 및 개선방안 연구)

  • Park, Shin-Won;Cho, Young-Tae
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.225-237
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    • 2016
  • This study is to investigate actual condition of passenger terminals, public facilities which are used by unspecified individuals, with high spread effect of certification system of Barrier Free introduced in 2007, evaluate possibility of the certification and prepare an effective way for certification in order to spread and settle the certification system. According to the investigation on the facilities' equipment level of 349 passenger terminals, which being nationally operated, 217 terminals could be certified and non-certified were 58. And, 29 was evaluated as the passenger terminals with high possibility to get Barrier Free certification by small scale of remodeling. The level of Barrier Free of investigated passenger terminals, according to the actual condition with certification index, were 40~55 percent. While the level of Barrier Free of internal facilities of the terminals was over 90percent, the level of sanitary facilities, information facilities, etc. fell short of 50 percents. In this study, pilot project of Barrier Free certification is proposed for enhance of passenger terminal facilities. Moreover, the selection of passenger terminals with high possibility of certification, local governments' strong will as the targets of pilot project for improvement of amenity level and Barrier Free certification and monitoring the project results are the way of the project.

Estimation of risks for social exclusion in persons with psychosocial disabilities : a comparison between persons with psychosocial disabilities and those with other types of disabilities (정신장애인의 사회적 배제에 대한 위험 추정 : 타 장애집단과의 비교)

  • Park, Ji Hye;Lee, Sun Hae
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.361-388
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of the study was to conduct an empirical study on the scope and level of social exclusion experienced by persons with psychosocial disabilities. The Wave 6 data of the Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled were used to investigate the current status of social exclusion in life areas including income, education, work, housing, health, social network, social participation, and discrimination (N=4,161). A series of logistic regressions were executed, with the psychosocial disability(PD) group being the reference; the reverse odds rations of different disability groups were compared against the PD reference group (OR=1). The results showed that compared with all others, the PD group was about 2 to 11 times more likely to have risks in income, work, and housing; and that compared to other groups except for the autism/developmental disability group, they were about 6 to 10 times more likely to have risks in social network, social participation and discrimination. In conclusion, the authors urged the need for legal mandates to have community based mental health services and welfare services for the disabled more available to the PD groups and the necessity to eliminate various discriminatory legislations that are violating human and social rights of the persons with PDs.

A Study on Factors that Improve Waterfront Satisfaction: Targeting Residents of Apartment Houses in the Tokyo's Coastal Area (수변 만족도를 향상시키는 요인에 관한 연구: 도쿄 임해지역 집합주택 거주자를 대상으로)

  • Joohong Kim;Sekyung Oh
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.117-134
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the factors contributing to waterfront satisfaction among different generations, utilizing a survey on the use and perception of waterfront areas by residents of apartment houses in Tokyo's coastal region. The variables used in this study are developed through a review of existing literature, focusing on factors related to waterfront usage. Specifically, we select the proximity to the waterfront, duration of stay at the waterfront, and frequency of visits to the waterfront as key variables for investigation. In addition, the study further incorporates aspects related to waterfront recognition, such as the space, user behavior, and management status of the waterfront. Utilizing these variables, we carry out a correlation analysis to investigate the association between generational use and perception of the waterfront and their satisfaction with water-related experiences. The results identify three key factors to enhance waterfront satisfaction: First, to increase visits from both younger and older generations, improving pedestrian access to the waterfront is essential. Second, for middle-aged and older generations, creating waterfront areas closer to their residences can reduce travel distance and time, encouraging more frequent use. Third, maintaining clean and well-kept waterfront spaces is fundamental for all generations to enjoy relaxing experiences, thereby improving overall satisfaction.

A Survey on Egg Laying Performance and Distribution Status of Animal Welfare Certified Farms for Laying Hens (산란계 동물복지 인증 농가의 사육 및 유통 현황 조사)

  • Hong, Eui-Chul;Kang, Hwan-Ku;Park, Ki-Tae;Jeon, Jin-Joo;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Kim, Chan-Ho;Kim, Sang-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to evaluate animal welfare approved farms in three housing systems (open, windowless, and free-range). The survey was conducted in 25 animal welfare approved farms, and 10 farms were surveyed for distribution status. The main breed in all animal welfare approved farms of laying hens was Hy-Line Brown variety. In the case of open house, laying hens were bred in traditional and panel houses simultaneously; however, the ratio of panel house was 58.3%, which was higher than that of the traditional house. All the windowless houses were made of panels and more than 15,000 laying hens were housed in a single windowless house. In the case of free-range house, it was maintained on a small scale of less than 12,000 birds. Fifty-six percent of the surveyed farms were breeding at $7{\sim}8birds/m^2$. In terms of male and female ratios, most farms maintained 1 male:15 females, but there was a farmhouse that switched 17 or 20 females to 1 male. The daily dietary allowance was 110~170 g, and 32% of the surveyed farms provided feed of more than 150 g/day, which showed that forage feed was important. The age of at the first egg was 123 days, 122 days, and 120 days, and the peak percent was 91.8%, 94.9%, and 86.5% in open, windowless and free-range houses, respectively. The average egg production rate was 74.0%, 84.6%, and 72.7% in open, windowless, and free-range houses respectively, thus, there was no correlation between feed intake and hen-housed eggs. Distribution of welfare certified eggs was mainly a direct deal with the consumer or through contract production. The ratio of direct transactions between large-scale marts and eco-friendly specialty stores of welfare approved eggs was higher than that of conventional eggs. The rate of contract sales of eggs in both the barn and free-range systems was high, and the percentage of courier sales farms was also high. Excluding courier services, price of eggs in the barn system rose to more than 30 won/egg in the second half of 2017 (after AI). Price of eggs in the free-range system rose to more than 50 won/egg in the second half of 2017 (after AI). In the case of courier sales, the same price of 500 won was maintained before and after AI. In conclusion, the results of this study can be used as basic data for improving the animal welfare certification system for laying hens in Korea.

Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Subjective Class Identification of 'Joongsancheung' (중산층의 사회인구학적 특성과 주관적 계층의식)

  • Jo, Dong-Gi
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.89-109
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    • 2006
  • The 'Joongsancheung(JSC)', a unique term for the middle class in Korea, is defined as a stratum sharing common lifestyles and a certain level of life chances. It involves non-economic factors such as life chance, educational attainment, occupational groups as well as economic factor. Such objective measures as the occupational status of the main breadwinner, family income, and the educational level of respondent, and subjective measures of class identification are used for the operational definition of the JSC. Data from a national survey of 1,515 respondents is analyzed to investigate the change of the JSC in size and the major determinants of class identification. The results show that while there is no strong evidence of any significant change of the JSC by the objective measures during the recent decade, there seems to be a slight decrease in the subjective class identification. In addition, binary logistical regression analysis reveals that self-identification of JSC is heavily influenced by house ownership, along with subjective evaluation of one's own income and property ownership. This study demonstrates that the apparent class polarization in Korean society reflects not so much objective conditions but subjective perception of respondent of his or her circumstance. It is suggested that problems of housing and relative derivation people have as regards income and property should be resolved to alleviate such class polarization in Korean society.