• Title/Summary/Keyword: hilly terrain

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Model on the Relationship between the Radius of Curvature and Central Angle -the Case of Divided-roads in Flat Traditional Villages- (평지 전통마을 갈림길의 중심각과 곡률반경에 관한 연구)

  • 김윤하;안계복
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to identify relationships between a central angle and a radius of curvature of divided roads in flat terrain of traditional villages, suggesting layout criteria for traditional villages: Nak-an, Sung-Eup, Ha-Whe. This study is sought to find the optimum model through the various SAS regression analyses. a regression analysis of this data was adopted to induce the relationship formula between a central angle of curve and a radius of curvature. Results of this study are as follows: 1) Most of the divided roads in traditional villages have a complex curve rather than a simple curve. 2) A central angle of curve has ranged from 11$^{\circ}$to 127$^{\circ}$, with a mean degree of 63.9. 3) In the lower level of central angle(11-40$^{\circ}$), the branch roads have distributed with a high frequency, but with a low frequency in the higher level of central angle(90-140$^{\circ}$). 4) A radius of curvature in the divided roads has ranged from 0.9m to 59.6, but half of the roads have concentrated on 1-6m of the curvature. 5) Compared to the result of hilly villages in previous study(Ahn, 1999), value of central angels in flat villages is lower than that of hilly villages, while a mean value of the curvature is higher than that of hilly villages. 6) A Non-linear regression analysis, resulting from the SAS application, was useful method to induce a relationship formula between a central angle and a radius of curvature in the branch roads. Our study's formula is as follow: R=100.3*EXP(-0.06*$\delta$)+3.91. 7) Our study model has less error than that of the Kishizuka's method, being applicable to a broader range of the branch roads. 8) A minimum radius of curvature in our study has showed 3.9m, suggesting to reconsider applications of the Kishizuka's(5.8m) in the footpass design, In the study for this presupposition model the efficiency and utility of it can be estimated to grow large according to how much and how far it includes both extremes of data. This study is for the application to a design in future through the numerical formula of divided roads of various traditional villages. The studies from now on will be about the quasi-hilly quasi-hilly village and hilly village supplementing these factors more.

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Effects of inflow turbulence and slope on turbulent boundary layer over two-dimensional hills

  • Wang, Tong;Cao, Shuyang;Ge, Yaojun
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.219-232
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    • 2014
  • The characteristics of turbulent boundary layers over hilly terrain depend strongly on the hill slope and upstream condition, especially inflow turbulence. Numerical simulations are carried out to investigate the neutrally stratified turbulent boundary layer over two-dimensional hills. Two kinds of hill shape, a steep one with stable separation and a low one without stable separation, two kinds of inflow condition, laminar turbulent, are considered. An auxiliary simulation, based on the local differential quadrature method and recycling technique, is performed to simulate the inflow turbulence be imposed at inlet boundary of the turbulent inflow, which preserves very well in the computational domain. A large separation bubble is established on the leeside of the steep hill with laminar inflow, while reattachment point moves upstream under turbulent inflow condition. There is stable separation on the side of low hill with laminar inflow, whilw not turbulent inflow. Besides increase of turbulence intensity, inflow can efficiently enhance the speedup around hills. So in practice, it is unreasonable to study wind flow over hilly terrain without considering inflow turbulence.

Wind Flow over Hilly Terrain (언덕지형을 지나는 유동에 관한 연구)

  • 임희창;김현구;이정묵;경남호
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.459-472
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    • 1996
  • An experimental investigation on the wind flow over smooth bell-shaped two-dimensional hills with hill slopes (the ratio of height to half width) of 0.3 and 0.5 is performed in an atmospheric boundary-layer wind tunnel. Two categories of the models are used in the present investigation; six two-dimensional single-hills, and four continuous double-hills. The measurements of the flow field and surface static-pressure distribution are carried out over the Reynolds number (based on the hill height) of 1.9 $\times 10^4, 3.3 \times 10^4, and 5.6 \times 10^4$. The velocity profiles and turbulence characteristics are measured by the pitot-tube and X-type hot-wire anemometer, respectively. The undisturbed boundary-layer profile on the bottom surface of the wind tunnel is reasonably consistent with the power-law profile with $\alpha = 7.0 (1/\alpha$ is the power-law exponent) and shows good spanwise uniformities. The profiles of turbulent intensity are found to be consistent along the centerline of the wind tunnel. The measured non-dimensional speed-up profiles at the hill crest show good agreements with the predictions of Jackson and Hunt's linear theory. The flow separation occurs in the hill slope of 0.5, and the oil-ink dot method is used to find the reattachment points in the leeside of the hill. The measured reattachment points are compared with the numerical predictions. Comparisons of the mean velocity profiles and surface pressure distributions between the numerical predictions and the experimental results show good agreements.

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Experimental study on flow characteristics of downburst-like wind over the 3D hill using the wall jet and the impinging jet models

  • Bowen Yan;Kaiyan Xie;Xu Cheng;Chenyan Ma;Xiao Li;Zhitao Yan
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.141-161
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    • 2024
  • Engineering structures often suffer significant damage in the horizontal outflow region of downburst. The wall jet model, which simplifies the simulation device by only modeling the horizontal outflow region of downburst, has been widely employed to study downburst flow characteristics. However, research on downburst wind fields over hilly terrain using the wall jet model is limited, and the relationship between the downburst wind fields generated by wall jet and impinging jet remains unclear. This study investigates the flow characteristics of downburst-like wind over a 3D ideal hill model using wind tunnel tests with the wall jet and impinging jet models. The effects of hill height, slope, shape, and radial position on the speed-up ratio are examined using the wall jet flow. The results indicate that slope and radial position significantly affect the speed-up ratio, while hill height have a slight impact and shape have a minimal impact. Additionally, this study investigates the wind field characteristics over flat terrain using the impinging jet, and investigated the connection between the impinging jet model and the wall jet. Based on this connection, a comparison of the downburst-like flow characteristics over the same 3D ideal hill using the wall jet and impinging jet models is conducted, which further validates the reliability of the wall jet model for studying downburst flow characteristics over hilly terrain.

Studies on design of forest road nets for mechanized yarding operations - Classification of forest site - (기계화(機械化) 집재작업(集材作業)을 위한 노망(路網)의 정비 - 임지(林地)의 분류(分類) -)

  • Cha, Du Song;Cho, Koo Hyun;Ji, Byung Yun
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study is to offer detailed topographic information for substantially selecting the yarding machine for mechanized yarding operations, classifying the forest site by cluster analysis and principal component analysis, and investigating simultaneously the variables which give much influence on the classification of forest site in forestry build-up region (21, 477ha) of Chunchon Gun, Kwangweon Do. Ten topographic variables were used for the analysis. The results of study were as follows : 1) Gosung region (2, 252ha) was classified into hilly terrain (57%) and steep terrain (43%) and required the tractor prehauling system for the former one and the medium skyline system for latter one, respectively. 2) 65% of Gajung region (2,306ha) and 67% of Kwangpan region (2, 627ha) were classified into steep terrain fitted for the medium skyline system and the portion of both region showed the hilly terrain for the tractor prehauling system. 3) Jiam region (4, 591ha), consisted only of steep terrain, required the medium skyline system. 4) Gunja region (3, 400ha), Sudong region (3, 984ha) and Sinpo region (2, 340ha) were classified into steep terrain, requiring the medium skyline system, with 85%, 75%, and 75%, respectively.

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Comparison of Lambertian Model on Multi-Channel Algorithm for Estimating Land Surface Temperature Based on Remote Sensing Imagery

  • A Sediyo Adi Nugraha;Muhammad Kamal;Sigit Heru Murti;Wirastuti Widyatmanti
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.397-418
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    • 2024
  • The Land Surface Temperature (LST) is a crucial parameter in identifying drought. It is essential to identify how LST can increase its accuracy, particularly in mountainous and hill areas. Increasing the LST accuracy can be achieved by applying early data processing in the correction phase, specifically in the context of topographic correction on the Lambertian model. Empirical evidence has demonstrated that this particular stage effectively enhances the process of identifying objects, especially within areas that lack direct illumination. Therefore, this research aims to examine the application of the Lambertian model in estimating LST using the Multi-Channel Method (MCM) across various physiographic regions. Lambertian model is a method that utilizes Lambertian reflectance and specifically addresses the radiance value obtained from Sun-Canopy-Sensor(SCS) and Cosine Correction measurements. Applying topographical adjustment to the LST outcome results in a notable augmentation in the dispersion of LST values. Nevertheless, the area physiography is also significant as the plains terrain tends to have an extreme LST value of ≥ 350 K. In mountainous and hilly terrains, the LST value often falls within the range of 310-325 K. The absence of topographic correction in LST results in varying values: 22 K for the plains area, 12-21 K for hilly and mountainous terrain, and 7-9 K for both plains and mountainous terrains. Furthermore, validation results indicate that employing the Lambertian model with SCS and Cosine Correction methods yields superior outcomes compared to processing without the Lambertian model, particularly in hilly and mountainous terrain. Conversely, in plain areas, the Lambertian model's application proves suboptimal. Additionally, the relationship between physiography and LST derived using the Lambertian model shows a high average R2 value of 0.99. The lowest errors(K) and root mean square error values, approximately ±2 K and 0.54, respectively, were achieved using the Lambertian model with the SCS method. Based on the findings, this research concluded that the Lambertian model could increase LST values. These corrected values are often higher than the LST values obtained without the Lambertian model.

Numerical Simulation of Plume Dispersion Over a Hilly Terrain (언덕지형에서 연기확산의 수치모사)

  • 김현구;이정묵;최돈범
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.279-280
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구에서는 라그랑지안 확산모델(LDM; Lagrangian dispersion model)을 이용하여 평지 및 언덕지형에서의 연기확산을 수치모사하였다. 수치예측의 검증을 위하여 평지지형의 경우는 풍동실험 결과와 비교하고 언덕지형의 경우는 오일러리안 확산모델(EDM; Eulerian dispersion model)의 모사결과와 비교함으로써 언덕지형에서 오염물질의 확산특성을 연구하였다. (중략)

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The Path Loss Prediction in Korean Terrain Environment (한국 지형에서의 무선호출 주파수 대역의 전계강도 예측모델)

  • 이형수;조삼모
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.219-229
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    • 1996
  • Path loss prediction method, one of the most essential parts in measuring the service area in mobile telecommunication, has been developed for many years. But, wave propagation depends on many kinds of environmental factors such as frequency, distance, the heights of transmitting and receiving antenna and the terrain status(buildings in large city, hilly terrain, mountain). These are the main reasons that the propagation models developed in foreign environments can not fit into Korean propagation condition. In this paper, therefore, we performed the measurement in Korean terrain environment in pager frequency band after deviding the terrain characteristics into six types. With this measured data, we derived several curves that follows the long-term wave progagation behavior and developed the wave propagftion prediction model which calculates the field strength at any point in the service area. The proposed model estimates the field strength in two categories, LOS(line-of-sight), or non LOS. We applied this model using the digital terrain data base and compared with the measured data. The result shows that the errors were between 3~9dB, which turned out to be practical.

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The Relationship between the Pedestrian Movement Pattern and the Pedestrian Network at a University Campus (대학 캠퍼스 보행자 이동패턴과 보행네트워크간의 상호관련성)

  • Lee, Yu-Mi;Shin, Haeng-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2014
  • Many Korean university campuses are located on hilly terrain where the hierarchy of the path system is unclear. Therefore, it is difficult to analyze the pedestrian network through space syntax, in which only horizontal direction changes are considered as depths of space. The purpose of this study is to compare pedestrian movement patterns and space syntax analysis in order to find their relevance to each other and the relationship between them. We conducted a survey regarding the most-visited buildings and pathways at S-University, which is located on a hilly area in Seoul. The survey results were compared with the Space Syntax integration map by regression analysis. For the segments where the relationship between pedestrian volume and integration was weak, field observations were conducted. As a result, topographical aspects, functional aspects, and location aspects were observed as the main influential factors. In addition, the research proposes that adding an extra axial line per vertical directional change can potentially compensate for the low relevance of stairs. This study suggests the possibility and the necessity of three-dimensional space syntax programs and emphasizes the importance of campus planning for the pedestrian environment.