• Title/Summary/Keyword: high latitude

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SNIPE Mission for Space Weather Research (우주날씨 관측을 위한 큐브위성 도요샛 임무)

  • Lee, Jaejin;Soh, Jongdae;Park, Jaehung;Yang, Tae-Yong;Song, Ho Sub;Hwang, Junga;Kwak, Young-Sil;Park, Won-Kee
    • Journal of Space Technology and Applications
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.104-120
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    • 2022
  • The Small Scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment (SNIPE)'s scientific goal is to observe spatial and temporal variations of the micro-scale plasma structures on the topside ionosphere. The four 6U CubeSats (~10 kg) will be launched into a polar orbit at ~500 km. The distances of each satellite will be controlled from 10 km to more than ~1,000 km by the formation flying algorithm. The SNIPE mission is equipped with identical scientific instruments, Solid-State Telescopes(SST), Magnetometers(Mag), and Langmuir Probes(LP). All the payloads have a high temporal resolution (sampling rates of about 10 Hz). Iridium communication modules provide an opportunity to upload emergency commands to change operational modes when geomagnetic storms occur. SNIPE's observations of the dimensions, occurrence rates, amplitudes, and spatiotemporal evolution of polar cap patches, field-aligned currents (FAC), radiation belt microbursts, and equatorial and mid-latitude plasma blobs and bubbles will determine their significance to the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction and quantify their impact on space weather. The formation flying CubeSat constellation, the SNIPE mission, will be launched by Soyuz-2 at Baikonur Cosmodrome in 2023.

A study of artificial neural network for in-situ air temperature mapping using satellite data in urban area (위성 정보를 활용한 도심 지역 기온자료 지도화를 위한 인공신경망 적용 연구)

  • Jeon, Hyunho;Jeong, Jaehwan;Cho, Seongkeun;Choi, Minha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.11
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    • pp.855-863
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was used to mapping air temperature in Seoul. MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiomter (MODIS) data was used as auxiliary data for mapping. For the ANN network topology optimizing, scatterplots and statistical analysis were conducted, and input-data was classified and combined that highly correlated data which surface temperature, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), time (satellite observation time, Day of year), location (latitude, hardness), and data quality (cloudness). When machine learning was conducted only with data with a high correlation with air temperature, the average values of correlation coefficient (r) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) were 0.967 and 2.708℃. In addition, the performance improved as other data were added, and when all data were utilized the average values of r and RMSE were 0.9840 and 1.883℃, which showed the best performance. In the Seoul air temperature map by the ANN model, the air temperature was appropriately calculated for each pixels topographic characteristics, and it will be possible to analyze the air temperature distribution in city-level and national-level by expanding research areas and diversifying satellite data.

The native distribution and flowering Characterestics of Lycoris genus (Lycoris 속(屬)의 자생지(自生地) 분포(分布) 및 개화특성(開花特性))

  • PARK, N.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.80-88
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to investigate the native distribution and flowering characteristics of Lycoris genus which is endemic species in Asia. This study was summarized as fellows: Native distribution of Lycoris genus was situated in latitude 37- 24 degrees with high humidity of coastline. Mininum temperature of native area was at -10℃ during winter season. The leaf of L. squamigera, L. koreana, L. sangunea, L. sprengeri, L. incanata and L. flavescens emergenced in spring. The leaf of L. radiata, L. rdiata var pumila, L. aurea, L. traubii, L. albiflora and L. houdyshelli emergenced in autum. Bulb of Lycoris genus show a sympodial branching system which is composed of 14-23 scales and 2.8-5.2 leaves per each bulb at flowering time. The flower shape of L. squamigera, L. Koreana, L, aurea, L. incanata, L. sprengeri, L. sanguinea and L. flavescens was trumpet. The flower of L. radiata. L. radiata var pumila, L. albiflora, L. houdchelli and L. traubii. was spider.

Developments of Space Radiation Dosimeter using Commercial Si Radiation Sensor (범용 실리콘 방사선 센서를 이용한 우주방사선 선량계 개발)

  • Jong-kyu Cheon;Sunghwan Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.367-373
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    • 2023
  • Aircrews and passengers are exposed to radiation from cosmic rays and secondary scattered rays generated by reactions with air or aircraft. For aircrews, radiation safety management is based on the exposure dose calculated using a space-weather environment simulation. However, the exposure dose varies depending on solar activity, altitude, flight path, etc., so measuring by route is more suggestive than the calculation. In this study, we developed an instrument to measure the cosmic radiation dose using a general-purpose Si sensor and a multichannel analyzer. The dose calculation applied the algorithm of CRaTER (Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation), a space radiation measuring device of NASA. Energy and dose calibration was performed with Cs-137 662 keV gamma rays at a standard calibration facility, and good dose rate dependence was confirmed in the experimental range. Using the instrument, the dose was directly measured on the international line between Dubai and Incheon in May 2023, and it was similar to the result calculated by KREAM (Korean Radiation Exposure Assessment Model for Aviation Route Dose) within 12%. It was confirmed that the dose increased as the altitude and latitude increased, consistent with the calculation results by KREAM. Some limitations require more verification experiments. However, we confirmed it has sufficient utilization potential as a cost-effective measuring instrument for monitoring exposure dose inside or on personal aircraft.

Alleviation Technology of Cold Stress of Maize(Zea mays L.) by Low Temperatures Damage

  • Youngchul Yoo;Mi-jin Chae;Jeong Ju Kim;Seuk Ki Lee;AReum Han;Won Tae Jeon;Dae-Woo Lee;Beom-Young Son
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.95-95
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    • 2022
  • Maize is one of the world's three largest crops and has a long cultivation history, and is an important crop used for various purposes such as food, feed, and industrial raw materials. Recently, the agricultural environment is changing, in which the limit of cultivation of crops is shifted to the north due to the rise in temperature due to climate change. This study was conducted in experimental field of Suwon in 2022 by setting a seeding period earlier than the sowing time to establish the North Korean agricultural climatic zone and meteorological conditions. The test cultivars were silage cultivars, Kwangpyeongok and Dacheongok. As a priming test method, it was used to directly plant seeds in the field through immersion using 4mM zinc (Zn) and 2.5mM manganese (Mn), which are trace elements for seeds. The planting season was early on March 15th, April 1st, and April 15th. The number of days from sowing to silk stage of the two cultivars sown on March 15, April 1, and April 15 was 107, 93, and 85 days for Kwangpyeongok and 109, 95, and 87 days for Dacheongok, respectively. The seed priming test did not show any difference from the control group in the growth survey up to the middle stage of growth. In another test, low-temperature recovery was confirmed through nitrogen (2-5%) foliar fertilization after 3 days, 5 days, and 7 days in refrigeration (0 degrees), a selective low temperature treatment for com in the third leaf stage. As a result of this study, it was confirmed that the low-temperature damaged com treated at 0℃ showed the same growth as that of the untreated com through nitrogen foliar fertilization. These results suggest that urea foliar fertilization for low-temperature damage reduction of corn for silage in high-latitude climates will be helpful. In addition, through the results of the study, additional studies are needed on the recovery mechanism and field application through urea foliar fertilization.

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Comparative Assessment of the Seasonal Prediction Skill of Climate Prediction Systems (GloSea6) Using WMO LC-LRF Verification (WMO LC-LRF 검증 지수를 활용한 기후예측시스템(GloSea6)의 계절예측 성능 비교 평가)

  • Yu-Kyung Hyun;Jinkyung Park;Hee-Sook Ji;Johan Lee;Beomcheol Shin;Sang-Min Lee;Hyun-Ju Lee;Hyung-Jin Kim;Yeon-Hee Park;Ji-Yeong Kim;Kyung-On Boo
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.463-480
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to assess the performance of climate prediction systems around the world, and understand objective seasonal prediction skill of KMA's GloSea6. Using the 2023 hindcast verification values provided by the WMO Lead Centre for Long-Range Forecast (LC-LRF), we analyzed the skill in the global, East Asia, and European regions. The differences in prediction skill and RMSE between GPC (Global Producing Centers) were very small in this challenging area. Overall, GloSea6 showed the best ACC across variables and periods. Operating this outstanding climate prediction system not only ensures the provision of the best forecasting services but also offers excellent research and development tools. This result also suggests that seasonal forecasting requires different strategies against short- to medium-range forecast to account for climate prediction sources and reduce uncertainties. The skill differences between GloSea6-Seoul and GloSea6-Exeter, especially in high latitude, could be due to differences in snow and soil temperature initialization. Understanding these differences is important for future prediction system development. GPCs that use atmospheric only models instead of coupled, showed the limitations for seasonal predictions. Systems developed a relatively long time ago tended to perform low, suggesting that continuous improvements and upgrades are important. Among variables, SST showed the best prediction skill with the lowest RMSE. Temperature and pressure variables showed practical skill levels, around 0.5. We aimed to quantitatively assess the skills of climate prediction systems, and this assessment can guide the improvement and development of future systems and serve as a reference.

아까시나무(Robinia pseudo-acacia)종자 단백질의 전기 영동 변이

  • 김창호;이호준;김용옥
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.515-526
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    • 1993
  • In order to study the ecotypic variation of Rohinia pseudo-acacia L. distributed in southern area of Korean peninsula, 15 local populations(Daejin, Sokcho, Kangneung, Mt. Surak, Hongcheon, Kwangneung, Namhansanseong, Chungju, Yesan, Andong, Jeonju, Dalseong, Changweon, Mokpo and Wando), located from $34^{\circ}18'N\;to\;38^{\circ}36'N$, were selected based on the latitudes and geographical distances. Seeds of these populations were collected and protein contents of seeds and their band patterns were investigated. The seed proteins of all populations were electrophoresed on SDS-polyacrylamide gel. Total number of protein bands were 35, whose molecular weights ranged from 17, 258 daltons to 142, 232 daltons. The number of bands of seed proteins was 23 in Dalseong and Hongcheon and was 32 in Daejin and Sokcho, showing an increasing tendency in the number of bands as the latitude goes high. The local populations were classified into 3 local types based on protein analysis: the middle north east coastal type(Daejin, Sokcho. Kangneung), the central type (Mt. Surak, Hongcheon, Kwangneung, Namhansanseong, Chungju) and the southern type(Yesan, Andong, Jeonju, Dalseong, Changweon, Mokpo, Wando). According to the results of cluster analysis by UPGMA based on the similarity index(c0efficient of Jaccard) of the patterns, 3 local types were subdivided further into 6 types: the middle north east coastal type(Sokcho, Kangneung), the north central type I (Mt. Surak, Hongcheon), the north central type II (Narnhansanseong, Chungju, Daejin), the north central type III (Kwangneung), the south central type (Yesan, Dalseong, Jeonju) and the southern type(Andong, Changweon, Mokpo, Dalseong, Wando). The No. 12 band of the separated seed proteins showed the highest colored density in the preparations from all the populations. The No. 11~13 and No. 23~28 bands also showed high densities. As a whole, southern type populations (Changweon, Mokpo, Wando) showed high protein contents and high colored density. Total protein contents of the seeds in each population were variable from 9. 68mg / g (Mt. Surak) to 17.30mg/g (Jeonju), showing an increasing trends toward low latitudes.

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Ecological Investigations on the Managed Forests in Northwestern Europe and Tree Seed-Orchard System (북구(北歐)의 우량임분(優良林分)의 생태(生態) 및 채종원(採種園) 체계(體系)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Chi Moon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.239-249
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    • 1982
  • The outlines of superior stands, including species mixed, age classes, canopies, and ecological conditions of the stands, were examined in the forests of west Germany, Sweden, and Netherland. The establishment schemes of tree seed orchards for the production of high genetic quality seed were also investigated in the present study. 1. The meteorological conditions, abundant in precipitation and high in relative humidity, prove it to be oceanic climate characteristics in the Scandinavia located in high latitude and north-western part of Europe. The photo periodical characteristics following to day-length and the frost times determine the patterns of tree growth and distribution as well as the tree adaptability due to bud-setting and bud-flushing in Sweden forest. 2. The European forests are generally characterized by dense multistoried forest type composed of upper stories of tall tree species such as Norway spruce, fir, Scots pine and beech, lower stories of shade tolerant poles and saplings of spruce, fir, beech, and floor vegetations covered with birch, oak and hornbeam etc. 3. The single tree selection method and group shelterwood method are commonly applied for silvicultural system but shelterwood method and clearcutting method practiced partially in limited area. Badischer Femelschlagbetrieb and Bayerischer Femelschlagbetrieb are popularized to the regeneration of Schwarzwald but selection method applied in part. 4. Tree cuttings are properly limited so as not to exceed annual increment volume for the sustained yield and the preservation of ecosystem in European forest management. Land preservation and recreation function are more interested with the promotion of wood production in the forest management. 5. Careful attentions are paid to the reforestation of the introduced exotic species, such as Douglas-fir, red oak, pines from America, Japanese larch, Italian poplar etc., with concern against the insect and pest damage, and the meteorological damage. 6. Some intensive studies on tree improvement, such as selection of plus tree, selection of plus stand for seed collection, provenance trial, progeny test of clone, hybrid seed orchard for clone complexing, are performed in the countries and the great part of the seed required for reforestation are supplied from the seed orchard established in Sweden and Netherland.

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Trace (Minor) Elemental and Isotopic Compositions of Calcitic Skeletons in the Eastern Coast and Cheju Island, Korea (한반도 동해안과 제주도 연안에서 발견되는 방해석질 각질의 미량원소, 부원소 및 탄소와 산소 동위원소 함량의 변화)

  • Ji, Ok-Mi;Woo, Kyung-Sik
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.124-141
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    • 1998
  • The objectives of this study are to investigate the trace (minor) elemental and isotopic compositions of calcitic skeletons, such as barnacle, echinoid, branching and encrusting calcareous algae and oyster, from the eastern coast of Korean peninsula and Cheju Island, and to compare their variations with latitude, that is, the temperature of ambient seawater at which the skeletons grew. Articulated and encrusting red algae are composed of high-Mg calcite (7-21 mol% $MgCO_3$). Echinoids are also composed of high-Mg calcite (7-15 mol% $MgCO_3$). Whereas barnacles are composed of low-Mg calcite (1-5 mol% $MgCO_3$). The Mg compositions of articulated red algae, barnacle and oyster tend to increase with increasing water temperature, whereas those of encrusting red algae and echinoid do not show any trend. Sr compositions of articulated red algae, echinoid and barnacle tend to decrease with increasing water temperature, whereas those of encrusting red algae and oyster do not show any trend. Mn compositions of articulated red algae and encrusting red algae decrease with an increase of water temperature, whereas those of echinoid and barnacle do not show any trend. Fe compositions of articulated red algae tend to decrease with increasing water temperature, whereas those of encrusting red algae and oyster increase. Fe compositions of echinoid and barnacle do not show any trend with water temperature variations. Ba compositions of echinoid and low-magnesium calcitic skeletons do not show any trend with water temperature variations. Ba compositions of articulated red algae tend to decrease with increasing water temperature, whereas those of encrusting red algae increase. Cd and Pb compositions of all the skeletons tend to increase with increasing water temperature. Cu compositions of encrusting red algae increase with increasing water temperature, whereas articulated red algae, echinoid, barnacle and oyster do not show any trend. Zn compositions of high-magnesium calcitic skeletons and low-magnesium calcitic skeletons do not show any trend. Estimated water temperatures from oxygen isotopic data of all the skeletons except for the barnacle arc higher than the range of temperature of the shallow seawater of the East Sea and around Cheju Island. The oxygen isotopic compositions of oyster and echinoid are well clustered, and they do not show any trend with increasing water temperature. Therefore, this could reflect that the organisms have not secreted their shells in oxygen isotopic equilibrium with ambient seawater due to vital effect. Thus, the oxygen isotopic composition of barnacle can potentially be utilized for paleotemperature estimate whereas those of other organisms in this study may not be useful.

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Variation in Taxol Content of Bark, Shoots and Needles of Seven Populations of Three Native Taxus Species (한국자생(韓國自生) 주목(朱木), 설악(雪岳)눈주목(朱木), 회율(檜率)나무의 집단(集團) 및 채취부위(採取部位)에 따른 탁솔함량(含量)의 변이(變異))

  • Lee, Yong Wook;Lee, Kyung Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.83 no.3
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    • pp.365-371
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    • 1994
  • This study was conducted to investigate variations in taxol contents of bark, shoots, needles of three native Taxus species in Korea. Sample materials were collected in early October of 1992 from five individual, trees each of the five populations of Taxus cuspidata located at Mt. Halla, Mt. Jiri, Mt. Deokyu, Mt. Sobaek, and Mt. Taebaek and two individual trees of Taxus cuspitosa in Mt. Seolak and in March of 1993 from the five individual trees of Taxus cuspidata var. latifolia in Ulleung Island. The collected materials were analyzed by HPLC to determine the amount of taxol content. Regardless of species and population, the taxol content was highest in bark and followed by shoots and needles. In Taxars cuspidata the taxol content in the bark was highest for the population of Mt. Halla (0.017%) and decreased in the order of Mt. Jiri, Mt. Sobaek, Mt. Deokyu, and Mt. Taebaek. The taxol content in the shoots was highest for the population of Mt. Halla(0.0053%) and decreased in the order of Mt. Sobaek, Mt. Jiri, Mt. Deokyu, and Mt. Taebaek. The taxol content in the needles was higher for the population of Mt. Halla(0.0013%) than any other populations and decreased in the order of Mt. Taebaek, Mt. Sobaek, Mt. Deokyu and Mt. Jiri. The taxol contents of Taxus caespitosa(0.0035%) were lower than that of Taxus cuspidate in all of the three plant parts. The taxol content of Taxus cuspidate var. latifolia(0.0064%) was higher than that of Taxus cuspidate for shoots and needles, but lower than that of Taxus cuspidate. There was a tendency of increasing taxol contents of bark and shoots of Taxus cuspidate, as latitude decreased. This study indicated that taxol content was relatively high in the populations of Taxus cuspidate. Particularly taxol content in the bark of the Taxus cuspidate in Mt. Halla population was about the same as that of pacific yew, indicating a high potential for commercial use.

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