• Title/Summary/Keyword: heat-treat method

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Numerical Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Enhancement during Flow Boiling in Parallel Microchannels (병렬 미세관 흐름비등의 유동특성 및 열전달 향상에 대한 수치적 연구)

  • Jeon, Jin-Ho;Lee, Woo-Rim;Suh, Young-Ho;Son, Gi-Hun
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.03b
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    • pp.472-473
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    • 2008
  • Flow boiling in parallel microchannels has received attention as an effective heat sink mechanism for power-densities encountered in microelectronic equipment. the bubble dynamics coupled with boiling heat transfer in microchannels is still not well understood due to the technological difficulties in obtaining detailed measurements of microscale two-phase flows. In this study, complete numerical simulation is performed to further clarify the dynamics of flow boiling in microchannels. The level set method for tracking the liquid-vapor interface is modified to include the effects of phase change and contact angle. The method is further extended to treat the no-slip and contact angle conditions on the immersed solid. Also, the reverse flow observed during flow boiling in parallel microchannels has been investigated. Based on the numerical results, the effects of channel shape and inlet area restriction on the bubble growth, reverse flow and heat transfer are quantified.

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Comparative Studies of Common Herbs Between Yakjing and the Textbook of Herbology (약징(藥徵)과 본초학(本草學)에서의 공통 약물의 관한 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Guk;Oh, Min-Seok
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.119-129
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to find out relationship between "Yakjing" and the textbook of herbology. Conclusions are as below. 1. The herbs of accumulation of poison(結毒) generally show cold nature and have a reducing effect, which resemble the method of treating accumulation and stagnation. 2. The herbs of muscular contracture(攣) show sweet taste and tonifying effect, fall on the spleen and the stomach and have acts of treating urgency, relieving pain and conciliating, which resemble the method of treating urgency(急)and pain from accumulation and stagnation. 3. The herbs of water poisons(水毒) are categorized as those of cold nature and dampness and we can find out that water poisons is related to cold nature. 4. The herbs of feverish feeling(煩) treat heat. 5. The herbs of cardiothoracic part have an effect of regulating Gi and treat the phlegm disease.

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A Study on the Effects of System Pressure on Heat and Mass Transfer Rates of an Air Cooler

  • Jung, Hyung-Ho
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.696-702
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    • 2002
  • In the present paper, the effects of inlet pressure on the heat and mass transfer rates of an air cooler are numerically predicted by a local analysis method. The pressures of the moist air vary from 2 to 4 bars. The psychrometric properties such as dew point temperature, relative humidity and humidity ratio are employed to treat the condensing water vapor in the moist air when the surface temperatures are dropped below the dew point. The effects of the inlet pressures on the heat transfer rate, the dew point temperature, the rate of condensed water, the outlet temperature of air and cooling water are calculated. The condensation process of water vapor is discussed in detail. The results of present calculations are compared with the test data and shows good agreements.

A Study on the Disease of Zhongshu of Lidongyuan (이동원의 중서병(中暑病)에 대한 고찰)

  • Yun, Ki-ryoung;Baik, Yousang;Jang, Woo-chang;Jeong, Chang-hyun
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : In present, various definitions of Zhongshu are being used interchangeably in Korea. The paper attempted to discover the disease of Zhongshu as studied by Lidongyuan, who was ahead of his time. Methods : A database of medical books has been studied to find Lidongyuan's writings on the disease of Zhongshu, and mentions about Li's works in past medical books. The paper contemplated the subject by defining the disease of Zhongshu and reviewing the disputes related to the subject. Results & Conclusions : Lidongyuan gave a detailed explanation on the fact that Zhangjiegu distinguished between Zhongshu and Zhongre, and this was influenced by Shangshu as mentioned in Taipinghuiminhejijufang. Therefore, it can be deduced that he was aware of the fact that summerheat-heat as latent summer heat syndrome is lurking inside the body, not being able to be released. According to the disease of Zhongshu by Lidongyuan, yin cold was receieved secondary after first receiving summerheat-heat. It is either summerheat damaged defensive qi, failure in storing the essence made defensive qi weak, or seasonal reasons have caused the defensive qi to be drained and leave the body exposed to damage by summerheat. This is because the fundamental main cause is the hitting of summerheat, since yin cold was received after the presence of summerheat-heat is made first. Many doctors in the following generation criticized that Lidongyuan's disease of Zhongshu cannot be named as a Zhongshu due to its similarity with Shanghan. However, they cannot be viewed as similar since it is a phenomenon where yin cold becomes congested while the body is weak and heat is generated in the body due to summerheat-heat. The doctors who said they were similar only focused on the external cause that was only the superficial issue. According to Lidongyuan's method, the right way to treat a Zhongshu disease is to use the method of tonifying the qi and eliminating the heat in conjunction with eliminating the internal dampness or treat the external syndrome, or to use a formula to tonify the qi and eliminate the fire heat before eliminating the internal dampness or treating the external syndrome.

A Study on the Relationship between Mechanical Property and Impedance Characteristics with respect to Tempering Temperature in Alloy Steels by Electromagnetic Method (자기유도법에 의한 합금강의 템퍼링 온도에 따른 기계적성질과 임피던스 특성과의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, K.S.;Chang, H.K.;Lee, J.S.;Bae, J.S.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 1988
  • Microstructure and mechanical properties of most steels change by heat treat treatment. Such variation of stucture and properties of steel cause an impedance change on electromagnetic induction coil. The objective of this study is, by searching the relationship between the mechanical property or microstructural changes and impedance value of induction coil, to examine the applicablity of a monitoring the heat treated condition of products nondestructively.

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Analysis of Boltzmann transport equation with Finite Volume Method at Spherical coordinate (유한체적법을 통한 구면 좌표계에서의 볼츠만 수송방정식의 해석)

  • Oh, Hyuck-Keun;Jin, Jae-Sik;Lee, Joon-Sik
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.1800-1805
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    • 2008
  • A "finite volume method" is proposed to predict heat transport in a spherical enclosure at micro/nanoscale with the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE). The gray version of the BTE with the relaxation time approximation has been applied. Pointing out similarity between radiative transfer equation (RTE) and BTE, the mapping process in RTE is adopted to treat the angular derivative term and linear algebraic discretization equation is derived by using the established method which is used in 2-D BTE in cartesian coordinates. The simulation results are compared to exact solution to RTE for various acoustic thicknesses and ratio of radii. The comparison shows that this method is logical and accurate, and it is possible to easily adopt various models in spherical BTE.

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A Study on the Mechanism of Opening-with-Pungent/Lowering-with-Bitter Method of Wenbing and the Spleen/Stomach Disease Treatment in Piweilun (온병학(溫病學) 신개고강법(辛開苦降法)과 『비위론(脾胃論)』의 비위병(脾胃病) 치료 기전에 대한 고찰)

  • Ahn, Jinhee;Kim, Do-hoon
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.91-109
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : The aim of this paper is to compare the mechanisms of the OP/LB method and the SSD treatment in 『Piweilun』. Methods : Wenbing texts, articles on the OP/LB method, and the 『Piweilun』 was examined for comparison of treatment mechanisms of SSD. Results : The mechanism of the OP/LB method in treating SSD was to treat the Spleen and Stomach separately, to restore the ascending/descending pattern of qi through simultaneous use of pungent and bitter flavors which raises and lowers, respectively. Moreover, the use of medicinals with contrary properties regulate the other's biased nature, and none of the medicinals create dampness. The pungent and bitter flavors play central roles, where the pungent flavor opens and communicates and the bitter flavor clears and lowers. The treatment method of SSD in the 『Piweilun』 treat the Spleen and Stomach together, with a focus on raising and dispersing through upraising yang and reinforcing qi by means of Wind medicinals with pungent and bitter flavors added to sweet and warm medicinals. Conclusions : Owing to the expansion of the OP/LB method concept by modern-contemporary scholars, the potential for treating SSD as can be seen in the 『Piweilun』 with the OP/LB method has emerged. The similarity between the OP/LB method and treatment of SSD in the 『Piweilun』 is that the objective of the formulas is to lower fire heat and communicate qi to help qi movement. This common objective allows for treatment of SSD within Wenbing and those in 『Piweilun』 with the said formulas through appropriate modification fit for each situation.


  • Kim, Dongho;Park, Eun-Jae;Seo, Boyoon
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.267-288
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    • 2014
  • We propose and analyze two-scale product approximation for semilinear heat equations in the mixed finite element method. In order to efficiently resolve nonlinear algebraic equations resulting from the mixed method for semilinear parabolic problems, we treat the nonlinear terms using some interpolation operator and exploit a two-scale grid algorithm. With this scheme, the nonlinear problem is reduced to a linear problem on a fine scale mesh without losing overall accuracy of the final system. We derive optimal order $L^{\infty}((0, T];L^2({\Omega}))$-error estimates for the relevant variables. Numerical results are presented to support the theory developed in this paper.


  • Suh, Y.K.;Heo, S.G.;Kim, B.H.
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2009
  • In this study we investigated the characteristics of fluid flow and heat transfer within a coolant passage in the cylinder head assembly of an internal combustion engine by using a commercial CFD code, CFX The complex coolant passage of the cylinder head assembly was modelled by suitable choice of a grid system and careful attention was paid in the construction of meshes near the walls where significant cooling occurs. To treat the simultaneous heating and cooling of the combustion walls we invented a methodology allowing a heat source within the solid wall and the convective cooling at the interface between the solid and the fluid. We managed to reproduce the experimental results by adjusting parameters appropriately. We have found that high temperature was concentrated at the surface of the cylinder jacket. It turned out that the effect of oil cooling from the piston head was unexpectedly significant. On the other hand the effect of cooling from the ambient air is almost negligible. The CFD method proposed in this study is believed to be useful in the early stage of the design of the engine-cooling system.

A bibliographic study on the external therapy of Acute Mastitis(乳癰Yu-ong) (유선염(乳腺炎) 의 한방(韓方) 외치법(外治法)에 대한 문헌적고찰(文獻的考察))

  • Chang, Sung-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Korean Medical Institute of Dermatology and Aesthetics
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.177-197
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    • 2005
  • Acute Mastitis(急性乳腺炎=乳癰) is an acute suppurative disease appearing in the breast. It is mostly caused by galactostasis, the stagnation of liver-qi(肝鬱) and stomach-heat(胃熱). It is mostly found in breast feeding women, mostly in primiparae. It usually appears in the third and the fourth weeks of postpartum. At the beginning in the chest there appear induration, distending pain, galactostasis, inversion to cold with fever followed by the enlargement of the masses, burning red, megalgia, not subduing of chills and fever, the accumulation of it to form pus. In the early phase it is advisable to follow the therapeutic principles of soothing the liver and clearing away heat, promoting lactation and subduing swelling. After the formation of pus it is advisable to cut radially and drain the pus. External Therapy(外治法) generally refers to all the methods to treat various diseases and symptoms with application of drugs and manipulation or together with proper instruments on the body surface except the method of taking medicine orally Acute Mastitis has been regarded as surgery or the method of taking medicine orally But, based on many bibliographies, acute mastitis was treated by external therapy. Thus through the historical bibliographic studies of external therapy about acute mastitis, this study was made to help the expanding of the methods of treating acute mastitis.

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