• Title/Summary/Keyword: habitat value

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Analyzing Mutual Relationships Between Nectar Plants and Butterflies for Landscape Design - Focusing on World Cup Park, Seoul - (나비와 흡밀식물과의 관계 분석을 통한 조경설계에의 활용방안 연구 - 서울 월드컵공원을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Ji-Seok;Kang, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, in order to select specialist butterfly species that inhabit Haneul and Noeul Parks, previously landfill areas, we verified the reciprocal relationships between nectar plants and butterflies. While we will design the butterfly habitats, this paper will provide the foundation data for selecting the plants. The completed survey indicated that there were a total of 5 families, 23 species and 1,129 individuals. Butterflies of the main action were feeding on nectar, and such behavior was 36% of the total actions. Therefore, these parks play an important role in butterflies feeding on nectar. The correlation between butterflies and the nectar plants' color was not significant; Therefore, it is not necessary to consider flower color when choosing plants to attract the butterflies. In addition, butterflies prefer naturalized plants for feeding on nectar. Thus, when creating butterfly habitats, there is no use in attracting the butterflies by classifying the naturalized plants and native plants. However, if some areas that are need to plant native plants such as Inkigofera pseudo-tinctoria, Lespedeza bicolor, Aster koraiensis make use it, there could be taken an advantage to attract the butterflies. According to the algebraic curve model of curve estimation regression analysis, we were able to classify the generalist species and specialist species by regression analysis. As a result, Colias erate, Artogeia rapae and Parnara guttata were classified as generalist species, where as Rapala caerulea, Pieris melete, Zizera maha and Celastrina argiolus were classified as specialist species. Rapala caerulea prefers hills and forest for its habitat; therefore, it is clearly distinct from Pieris melete, Zizera maha and Celastrina argiolus which prefer grassland for habitats. These results show that Rapala caerulea is high conservation value in a landfill area where is developing ecological succession from grasslands to wood lands. In conclusion, these research are able to contribute to select the target species and suitable species that consider a singularity between butterflies and nectar plants, when we are creating the butterfly habitats, moreover these research will contribute to maintain a stable habitats.

Wintering Population Change of the Cranes according to the Climatic Factors in Cheorwon, Korea: Effect of the Snow Cover Range and Period by Using MODIS Satellite Data (기후요인에 의한 철원지역 두루미류 월동개체수 변화 - MODIS 위성영상을 이용한 눈 덮임 범위와 지속기간의 영향 -)

  • Yoo, Seung-Hwa;Lee, Ki-Sup;Jung, Hwa-Young;Kim, Hwa-Jung;Hur, Wee-Haeng;Kim, Jin-Han;Park, Chong-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.176-187
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we hypothesized that the size of wintering crane population would change due to the climate factors. We assumed that wintering population size would differ by climate values in January, which is the coldest period in year. Especially, White-naped cranes were able to choose wintering site between Cheorwon and other alternative place where snow coverage had low influence, differing from Red crowned cranes. For this reason, we predicted the population size of White-naped cranes would fluctuate according to the extent of snow coverage in Cheorwon. Therefore we used snow coverage data based on MODIS and climate data from KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration) that are generally used. We analyzed the crane's population size in Cheorwon in January from 2002 to 2014. The temperature in the Cheorwon increased from 2002 to wintering period in 2007~ 2008 and went down, showing the lowest temperature in 2011~ 2012. With this phenomenon, warmth index showed the similar pattern with temperature. Amount of newly accumulated snow (the amount of snow that fallen from 0:01 am to 11:29 pm in a day) was low after 2002, but rapidly increased in 2010~ 2011 and 2011~ 2012. The area of snow coverage rapidly declined from 2002 to 2005~ 2006 but suddenly expanded in wintering period in 2009~ 2010 and 2010~ 2011. Wintering population size of the White-naped cranes decreased as snow coverage area increased in January and the highest correlation was found between them, compared to the other climatic factors. However, the number of individuals of Red crowned cranes had little relationship with general climate factors including snow cover range. Therefore it seems that population size of the Red crowned crane varied by factors related with habitat selection such as secure roosting site and area of foraging place, not by climatic factors. In multiple regression analysis, wintering population of White-naped cranes showed significant relationship with logarithmic value of snow cover range and its period. Therefore, it suggests that the population size of the White-naped crane was affected by snow cover range n wintering period and this was because it was hard for them to find out rice grains which are their main food items, buried in snow cover. The population size variation in White-naped cranes was caused by some individuals which left Cheorwon for Izumi where snow cover had little influence on them. The wintering population in Izumi and Cheorwon had negative correlation, implying they were mutually related.

Notes on the Status and Conservation of Callipogon Relictus Semenov in Korea (장수하늘소 현황 및 보전방안)

  • An, Seung Lak
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.260-279
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    • 2010
  • The analysis on bibliography and field investigation of Callipogon relictus Semenov, 1898 (Korean natural monument number 218) shows that the size varies from country to country, and Korean specimens, for which male is 85~120mm and female is 65~85mm, are found to be the largest. The average diameter and length of egg are 2.60mm and 6.72mm respectively. The larva has milky color and is about 100~150mm in length. The pupa is nearly 70~110mm. An adult generally appears from June to September in Korea in the broadleaf forest of lowland, whereas it appears from June to July in China. It is known that the pupa largely feed on the old tree trunk of Carpinus laxiflora (Siebold & Zucc.) blume in Korea, but no such data have been reported in China and Russia, showing differences in host plants. While the larva period is not exactly known in Korea, it is reported to be two years in China. It appears that the species inhabits in very limited regions of approximately between geographical latitude $37.5^{\circ}{\sim}47.8^{\circ}$ and longitude $126^{\circ}{\sim}140^{\circ}$ including Korea, China and Russia. To conserve the long-horned beetle in Korea, this research drew out following some conclusions through analyzing the references and field survey data. First, it need to perform precise survey on the natural environment of occurring and collected area or place including host plant kinds, temperate, humidity, latitude, longitude etc. Second, habitat region must be designated as a restricted development area, and it need to exclude or reduce the damage factors to prosper reproduction of the species. Third, it is necessary to keep loosing cautiously artificial breeding individuals in the reported sites, not disturbing scope of natural populations. Fourth, it needs to educate or publicize many people importance and value of this species through many methods.

A study on the impact and activation plan of unmanned aerial vehicle service (무인항공기 서비스 영향성과 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Yoo, Soonduck
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to discuss the impact of unmanned aerial vehicle service and how to activate it. The discussion on the impact of the introduction of the unmanned aerial vehicle service was examined in terms of economic, environmental, and social acceptance, and a plan to revitalize the industry was presented. In terms of economic impact, if transportation services are increased using unmanned aerial vehicles in the future, road-based transportation cargo may decrease and road movement speed may increase due to reduced road congestion. This can have a positive effect on the increase in the value of land or real estate assets, and it also provides an impact on smart city design. In terms of environmental impact, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) generally move through electricity, so they emit less exhaust gas compared to other existing devices, such as vehicles and railroads, and thus have less environmental impact. However, noise can have a negative impact on the habitat in the presence of wild animals along their migration routes. In terms of social acceptability of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) technology, areas that are declining due to the emergence of new services may appear, and at the same time, organizations that create profits may appear, causing conflicts between industries. Therefore, it is essential to form a social consensus on the acceptance of emerging industries. The government should come up with various countermeasures to minimize the negative impact that reflects the characteristics of the unmanned aerial vehicle use service. Just as various systems such as road signs were introduced so that vehicles can be operated on the ground to secure air routes in the mid- to long-term for revitalization of unmanned-based industries, development and establishment of services that should be introduced and applied prior to constructing air routes I need this. In addition, the design and implementation of information collection and operation plans for unmanned air traffic management in Korea and a plan to secure a control system for each region should also be made. This study can contribute to providing ideas for mid- to long-term research on new areas with the development of the unmanned aerial vehicle industry.

Fish Community Structures and Distribution Characteristics of Fisheries Resources in the Osip Stream and Wangpi Stream, Fishery Resources Protection Areas (내수면 수산자원보호구역 오십천 및 왕피천의 어류군집 구조 및 수산자원 분포특성)

  • Kyung-hoon Kim;Jin-wang Lee;Young-bin Jo;Jae-Hyun Lim;Ji-Woong Choi
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2023
  • The objectives of this study were to analyze the fish community structures and distribution characteristics of fisheries resources in the Osip Stream and Wangpi Stream, fishery resources protection areas. For the study, we conducted fish samplings four times in the two streams from April to October 2019. In Osip Stream and Wangpi Stream, we sampled 31 species and 29 species and the dominant species were Zacco platypus (28.6%) and Squalidus multimaculatus(41.7%), respectively. According to the life type of fish species, primary freshwater species were collected 18 species(58.1%) and 21 species(72.4%), and migration fishes were sampled 4 species (12.9%) and 6 species (20.7%) in Osip Stream and Wangpi Stream, respectively. Fisheries resources species showed high relative abundance in June, and the fish biomass was highest in October. As a results of comparing the previous studies with this study, both rivers showed high biodiversity and were found to maintain stable populations of fishes. According to analysis of tolerance guilds, the proportion of tolerant species, based on the number of individuals, was composed of 14.4% and 1.1% in Osip Stream and Wangpi Stream, respectively. This very low ratio of tolerant species confirmed that both streams have very good physiochemical environment conditions. From the above results, it was judged that the fishery resource protection areas of Osip Stream and Wangpi Stream have high ecological function and preservation value. For sustainable use and management of fishery resource protection areas of Osip Stream and Wangpi Stream, it is suggested that biological disturbance management, fish discharge projects considering environmental capacity, efforts to improve the habitat environment, and establishing a fishery resource protection areas management system were necessary as considerations.

Research Trend of Estuarine Ecosystem Monitoring and Assessment (국내 하구 수생태계 현황 및 건강성 조사의 성과와 하구 생태계의 국외 연구동향)

  • Won, Doo-Hee;Lim, Sung-Ho;Park, Jihyung;Moon, Jeong-Suk;Do, Yuno
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2022
  • An estuary is an area where a freshwater river or stream meets the ocean. Even before the importance of the value of estuaries was recognized, the estuary was lost because of large-scale conversion by draining, filling, damming, and dredging. In South Korea, 643 estuaries are located, and the total area is 3,248,300 ha, accounting for 32.5% of the total area of South Korea. Over 35% of Korean estuaries are closed estuaries which are only temporally connected with the sea, either permanently or periodically. Since 2008, in order to preserve the estuary ecosystem and solve major issues in the estuary by accumulating knowledge about the estuarine ecosystem, the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Korea has been conducting the "Estuarine Ecosystem Monitoring and Assessment Project". At 668 sites of 325 estuaries, epilithic diatom, benthic macroinvertebrate, fish, and vegetation are investigated, and the habitat condition of each site is evaluated using the newly developed biotic index. More than 100 researchers annually record 2,097 species of estuaries according to the standardized survey guidelines over the past 14 years and provide strictly managed data necessary for establishing estuaries conservation policies. As a result of bibliometric analysis of 1,195 research articles related to the monitoring and assessment of the estuarine ecosystem, research on pollutants such as heavy metals and sediment control have recently been conducted. "Estuarine Ecosystem Monitoring and Assessment Project" is an ecological monitoring type of long-term mandated monitoring that is usually focused on identifying trends. Although it is difficult to identify the mechanism influencing a change in an ecosystem through long-term mandated monitoring, providing empirical data for supporting evidence-based policy, decision-making, and the management of ecosystems. In order to increase the efficiency of the project, research to investigate the relationship between sediments and pollutants and organisms can be conducted at specific estuaries or sites to compensate for the shortcomings of mandatory monitoring.

Suggestions for Using Historical and Cultural Resources in Uiseong : Focusing on the Gilt-bronze Crown and the Earthenware of Jomunguk (의성 지역 역사문화자원 활용을 위한 제안 : 조문국 금동관과 토기를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Eunjoo;Kim, Migyung;Kim, Youngsun
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.79-105
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    • 2019
  • In the Geumseongsan Tumulus of the Uiseong area where the Jomunguk was existed in the Three Han Period, many relics such as metal craft ornaments and Uiseong-style earthernware were excavated. However, it is hard to find cases where the excavated relics were used to develop cultural products. In this study, symbolic relics which can express the culture of Uiseong Jomunguk were selected from excavated relics. Then, the basic design that can be applied to various cultural products were derived from symbolic relics. In order to select symbolic relics, the formative characteristics of the metal craft relics excavated from the Tablili Tumulus and the Dali Tumulus were examined. As a result, a gilt-bronze crown excavated from the Tablili Tumulus was selected as a symbolic relics. And then the basic desin was derived from the gilt-bronze crown. The basic design is expressed in the form of birds based on the bird's feather shape at the edge of the standing ornaments and the record of the Bongdae(鳳臺), the phoenix's habitat. And the application design that changed the expression of the birds' face was presented. The earthenware excavated from the Uiseong area was designed as a soil pot and applied various indoor air purification plants. The result of this study, which reinterprets and reconstructs the historical and cultural resources of the region in accordance with the modern sense, can be used as useful data for the development of cultural products of Jomunguk. Furthermore, if the design derived from the Jomunguk relics is used as a representative symbol of the area, it will be possible to derive an image of a differentiated region from other regions. Finally, it is expected that the result of this study will be a chance to re-evaluate the value of the historical and cultural resources in the region.

Spatial Distribution of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Wetlands of Jeju Island, Korea (제주도 일대 습지에 서식하는 저서성 대형무척추동물의 군집 분포 특성)

  • Yung Chul Jun;Seung Phil Cheon;Mi Suk Kang;Jae Heung Park;Chang Su Lee;Soon Jik Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2024
  • Most wetlands worldwide have suffered from extensive human exploitation. Unfortunately they have been less explored compared to river and lake ecosystems despite their ecological importance and economic values. This is the same case in Korea. This study was aimed to estimate the assemblage attributes and distribution characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates for fifty wetlands distributed throughout subtropical Jeju Island in 2021. A total of 133 taxa were identified during survey periods belonging to 53 families, 19 orders, 5 classes and 3 phyla. Taxa richness ranged from 4 to 31 taxa per wetland with an average of 17.5 taxa. Taxa richness and abundance of predatory insect groups such as Odonata, Hemiptera and Coleoptera respectively accounted for 67.7% and 68.2% of the total. Among them Coleoptera were the most diverse and abundant. Taxa richness and abundance did not significantly differ from each wetland type classified in accordance with the National Wetland Classification System. There were three endangered species (Clithon retropictum, Lethocerus deyrolli and Cybister (Cybister) chinensis) and several restrictively distributed species only in Jeju Island. Cluster analysis based on the similarity in the benthic macroinvertebrate composition largely classified 50 wetlands into two major clusters: small wetlands located in lowland areas and medium-sized wetlands in middle mountainous regions. All cluster groups displayed significant differences in wetland area, long axis, percentage of fine particles and macrophyte composition ratio. Indicator Species Analysis selected 19 important indicators with the highest indicator value of Ceriagrion melanurum at 63%, followed by Noterus japonicus (59%) and Polypylis hemisphaerula (58%). Our results are expected to provide fundamental information on the biodiversity and habitat environments for benthic macroinvertebrates in wetland ecosystems, consequently helping to establish conservation and restoration plans for small wetlands relatively vulnerable to human disturbance.

A Study on the Plant Community Structure of Carpinus Turczaninowii in Chungcheongnam-do - Case Study of Anmyondo Isl., Hwanggumsan Mt., Gayasan Mt.(Wonhyobong) and Palbongsan Mt. - (충청남도지역 소사나무림 군집구조분석 연구 - 안면도, 황금산, 가야산(원효봉) 및 팔봉산을 대상으로 -)

  • Yong-Hoon Kim;Oh-Jung Kwon;Bo-Kwang Chung;Jong-Won Song;Choong-Hyeon Oh
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.293-309
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to provide basic data on the structure of the Carpinus turczaninowii community and the characteristics of the habitat environment for ex situ conservation. To identify the current ecological environment, 27 plots (each measuring 100m2) were selected for analyzing the detailed structure of plant communities in Anmyondo Isl.(Jungjangri San 14-217), Hwanggumsan Mt., Gayasan Mt.(Wonhyobong) and Palbongsan Mt.. The research methodology employed in this study was qualitative analysis. The TWINSPAN classification yielded a total of seven distinct communities. Group I represents the C. turczaninowii - Quercus mongolica community, Group II represents the C. turczaninowii - Pinus densiflora community, Group III represents the C. turczaninowii - P. densiflora community, Group IV represents the C. turczaninowii - Q. mongolica community, Group V represents the C. turczaninowii - Q. variabilis community, Group VI represents the C. turczaninowii - Prunus serrulata Lindl. var. pubescens community, and Group VII represents the C. turczaninowii - Styrax japonicus community. The species diversity ranged from 0.8056 to 1.1568, the importance value ranged from 0.1214 to 0.3024, and the similarity index ranged from 9.37% to 36.36%. Based on the correlation analysis of six environmental factors for the seven communities using RDA ordination, the results indicate that on the first axis, Altitude, Crown density, Bare rock, and Slope exhibited a positive correlation. In the C. turczaninowii - P. densiflora community (Group III) and C. turczaninowii - Q. mongolica community (Group IV), altitude, bare rock, and slope were analyzed as factors influencing vegetation distribution. In the C. turczaninowii - Q. variabilis community (Group V), C. turczaninowii - P. serrulata Lindl. var. pubescens community (Group VI), and C. turczaninowii - S. japonicus community (Group VII), crown density was analyzed as a factor influencing vegetation distribution.

Study on food sources of brown trout(Salmo trutta) and benthic macroinvertebrate community utilized as food sources (브라운송어(Salmo trutta)의 먹이원 분석과 먹이원으로 이용되는 저서성 대형무척추동물 군집에 대한 연구)

  • Jae-Hun Kim;Young-Jin Yun;Dae-Yeul Bae;Hui-Won Roh;Hyeok-Yeong Kwon;Su-Hwan Kim;Kwang-Guk An;Jong-Eun Lee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.345-362
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    • 2024
  • Habitat environment and food sources of fish, benthic macroinvertebrates, and brown trout(Salmo trutta) downstream of Soyang River Dam were analyzed. Water temperature at the site where brown trout was identified ranged from approximately 12.4 to 13.4℃, confirming that this environment could provide an optimal water temperature for the growth of brown trout. Most of the riverbed structures at this site had a high proportion of cobble and pebble substrates. Brown trout constituted less than 5% of the total fish population, more abundant in the upstream. The total length-weight relationship of brown trout showed a parameter b value of 3.234, with the condition factor(K) increasing with length. Dominant benthic macroinvertebrates were Limnodrilus gotoi and Chironomidae spp. (non-red type). Stomach content analysis indicated that brown trout primarily consumed aquatic insects (R.A., 73.8%), non-insects (R.A., 23.3%), ground insects (R.A., 2.7%), and fish (R.A., 0.2%, TL: 246 mm). Correlation analysis revealed a positive relationship between total length and species preferring flowing water(p<0.05) and a negative relationship of total length with species favoring low-flow, sandy habitats (p<0.05). Larger brown trout showed active feeding behavior and resilience to flow speed and riverbed structure. The primary food source for the largest brown trout(TL: 246 mm) was Hypomesus nipponensis. Future analyses should include brown trout with a total length of 30 cm or more. Given that samples were limited, comprehensive population management will require ongoing research.