• Title/Summary/Keyword: group-pile foundation

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Mechanical characteristics + differential settlement of CFG pile and cement-soil compacted pile about composite foundation under train load

  • Cheng, Xuansheng;Liu, Gongning;Gong, Lijun;Zhou, Xinhai;Shi, Baozhen
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2020
  • In recent years, the stability, safety and comfort of trains has received increased attention. The mechanical characteristics and differential settlement of the foundation are the main problems studied in high-speed railway research. The mechanical characteristics and differential settlement of the foundation are greatly affected by the ground treatment. Additionally, the effects of train load and earthquakes have a great impact. The dynamic action of the train will increase the vibration acceleration of the foundation and increase the cumulative deformation, and the earthquake action will affect the stability of the substructure. Earthquakes have an important practical significance for the dynamic analysis of the railway operation stage; therefore, considering the impact of earthquakes on the railway substructure stability has engineering significance. In this paper, finite element model of the CFG (Cement Fly-ash Gravel) pile + cement-soil compacted pile about composite foundation is established, and manual numerical incentive method is selected as the simulation principle. The mechanical characteristics and differential settlement of CFG pile + cement-soil compacted pile about composite foundation under train load are studied. The results show: under the train load, the neutral point of the side friction about CFG pile is located at nearly 7/8 of the pile length; the vertical dynamic stress-time history curves of the cement-soil compacted pile, CFG pile and soil between piles are all regular serrated shape, the vertical dynamic stress of CFG pile changes greatly, but the vertical dynamic stress of cement-soil compacted pile and soil between piles does not change much; the vertical displacement of CFG pile, cement-soil compacted pile and soil between piles change very little.

Interaction analysis of a building frame supported on pile groups

  • Dode, P.A.;Chore, H.S.;Agrawal, D.K.
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.305-318
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    • 2014
  • The study deals with the physical modeling of a typical building frame resting on pile foundation and embedded in cohesive soil mass using complete three-dimensional finite element analysis. Two different pile groups comprising four piles ($2{\times}2$) and nine piles ($3{\times}3$) are considered. Further, three different pile diameters along with the various pile spacings are considered. The elements of the superstructure frame and those of the pile foundation are descretized using twenty-node isoparametric continuum elements. The interface between the pile and pile and soil is idealized using sixteen-node isoparametric surface elements. The current study is an improved version of finite element modeling for the soil elements compared to the one reported in the literature (Chore and Ingle 2008). The soil elements are discretized using eight-, nine- and twelve-node continuum elements. Both the elements of superstructure and substructure (i.e., foundation) including soil are assumed to remain in the elastic state at all the time. The interaction analysis is carried out using sub-structure approach in the parametric study. The total stress analysis is carried out considering the immediate behaviour of the soil. The effect of various parameters of the pile foundation such as spacing in a group and number piles in a group, along with pile diameter, is evaluated on the response of superstructure. The response includes the displacement at the top of the frame and bending moment in columns. The soil-structure interaction effect is found to increase displacement in the range of 58 -152% and increase the absolute maximum positive and negative moments in the column in the range of 14-15% and 26-28%, respectively. The effect of the soil- structure interaction is observed to be significant for the configuration of the pile groups and the soil considered in the present study.

Interaction analysis of three storeyed building frame supported on pile foundation

  • Rasal, S.A.;Chore, H.S.;Sawant, V.A.
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.455-483
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    • 2018
  • The study deals with physical modeling of a typical three storeyed building frame supported by a pile group of four piles ($2{\times}2$) embedded in cohesive soil mass using three dimensional finite element analysis. For the purpose of modeling, the elements such as beams, slabs and columns, of the superstructure frame; and that of the pile foundation such as pile and pile cap are descretized using twenty noded isoparametric continuum elements. The interface between the pile and the soil is idealized using sixteen node isoparametric surface element. The soil elements are modeled using eight nodes, nine nodes and twelve node continuum elements. The present study considers the linear elastic behaviour of the elements of superstructure and substructure (i.e., foundation). The soil is assumed to behave non-linear. The parametric study is carried out for studying the effect of soil- structure interaction on response of the frame on the premise of sub-structure approach. The frame is analyzed initially without considering the effect of the foundation (non-interaction analysis) and then, the pile foundation is evaluated independently to obtain the equivalent stiffness; and these values are used in the interaction analysis. The spacing between the piles in a group is varied to evaluate its effect on the interactive behaviour of frame in the context of two embedment depth ratios. The response of the frame included the horizontal displacement at the level of each storey, shear force in beams, axial force in columns along with the bending moments in beams and columns. The effect of the soil- structure interaction is observed to be significant for the configuration of the pile groups and in the context of non-linear behaviour of soil.

Evaluation of Dynamic p-y Curves of Group Piles Using Centrifuge Model Tests (원심모형실험을 이용한 무리말뚝의 동적 p-y 곡선 산정)

  • Nguyen, Bao Ngoc;Tran, Nghiem Xuan;Kim, Sung-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2018
  • Dynamic soil-pile interaction is the main concern in the design of group piles under earthquake loadings. The lateral resistance of the pile group under dynamic loading becomes different from that of a single pile due to the group pile effect. However, this aspect has not yet been properly studied for the pile group under seismic loading condition. Thus, in this study the group pile effect was evaluated by performing a series of dynamic centrifuge tests on $3{\times}3$ group pile in dry loose sand. The multiplier coefficients for ultimate lateral resistance and subgrade reaction modulus were suggested to obtain the p-y curve of the group pile. The suggested coefficients were verified by performing the nonlinear dynamic analyses, which adopted Beam on Nonlinear Winkler Foundation model. The predicted behavior of the pile group showed the reasonable agreement compared with the results of the centrifuge tests under sinusoidal wave and artificial wave.

Building frame-pile foundation-soil interactive analysis

  • Chore, H.S.;Ingle, R.K.;Sawant, V.A.
    • Interaction and multiscale mechanics
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.397-411
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    • 2009
  • The effect of soil-structure interaction on a simple single storeyed and two bay space frame resting on a pile group embedded in the cohesive soil (clay) with flexible cap is examined in this paper. For this purpose, a more rational approach is resorted to using the three dimensional finite element analysis with realistic assumptions. The members of the superstructure and substructure are descretized using 20 node isoparametric continuum elements while the interface between the soil and pile is modeled using 16 node isoparametric interface elements. Owing to viability in terms of computational resources and memory requirement, the approach of uncoupled analysis is generally preferred to coupled analysis of the system. However, an interactive analysis of the system is presented in this paper where the building frame and pile foundation are considered as a single compatible unit. This study is focused on the interaction between the pile cap and underlying soil. In the parametric study conducted using the coupled analysis, the effect of pile spacing in a pile group and configuration of the pile group is evaluated on the response of superstructure. The responses of the superstructure considered include the displacement at top of the frame and moments in the superstructure columns. The effect of soil-structure interaction is found to be quite significant for the type of foundation used in the study. The percentage variation in the values of displacement obtained using the coupled and uncoupled analysis is found in the range of 4-17 and that for the moment in the range of 3-10. A reasonable agreement is observed in the results obtained using either approach.

Non linear soil structure interaction of space frame-pile foundation-soil system

  • Chore, H.S.;Ingle, R.K.;Sawant, V.A.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.95-110
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    • 2014
  • The study deals with physical modeling of space frame-pile foundation and soil system using finite element models. The superstructure frame is analyzed using complete three-dimensional finite element method where the component of the frame such as slab, beam and columns are descretized using 20 node isoparametric continuum elements. Initially, the frame is analyzed assuming the fixed column bases. Later the pile foundation is worked out separately wherein the simplified models of finite elements such as beam and plate element are used for pile and pile cap, respectively. The non-linear behaviour of soil mass is incorporated by idealizing the soil as non-linear springs using p-y curve along the lines similar to that by Georgiadis et al. (1992). For analysis of pile foundation, the non-linearity of soil via p-y curve approach is incorporated using the incremental approach. The interaction analysis is conducted for the parametric study. The non-linearity of soil is further incorporated using iterative approach, i.e., secant modulus approach, in the interaction analysis. The effect the various parameters of the pile foundation such as spacing in a group and configuration of the pile group is evaluated on the response of superstructure owing to non-linearity of the soil. The response included the displacement at the top of the frame and bending moment in columns. The non-linearity of soil increases the top displacement in the range of 7.8%-16.7%. However, its effect is found very marginal on the absolute maximum moment in columns. The hogging moment decreases by 0.005% while sagging moment increases by 0.02%.

Effect on Dynamic Behavior of Group Piles with Changing Thickness of Pile Cap

  • Jeong, Kusic;Ahn, Sangro;Kim, Seongho;Ahn, Kwangkuk
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2018
  • Instead of a single pile, group piles are usually used for the pile foundation. If the earthquake occurs in the ground where group piles are installed, dynamic behavior of group piles are affected not only by interaction of piles and the ground movement but also by the pile cap. However, in Korea, the pile cap influence is not taken account into the design of group piles. Research on dynamic behavior of group piles has been performed only to verify interaction of piles and the ground and has not considered the pile cap as a factor. In this research, 1g shaking table model tests were performed to verify the thickness of the pile cap affects dynamic behavior of group piles that were installed in the ground where the earthquake would occur. The test results show that, as thickness of the pile cap increased, acceleration and horizontal displacement of the pile cap decreasd while vertical displacement of the pile cap increased. The results also showed that, among the group files tested, acceleration, horizontal displacement, and vertical displacement of the bearing pile are smaller than those of the friction pile.

An Experimental Study of the Effect of Pile Cap on Behaviors of Group Piles (모형실험을 통한 사질토 지반에서의 무리말뚝 거동에 대한 상부기초 접촉 효과 연구)

  • 이수형;진봉근;정충기
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1999.03a
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 1999
  • In case that pile cap is in direct contact with underlying soil, the bearing mechanism for pile groups, including direct bearing effect of cap and its induced influence on pile-soil-cap interaction, should be properly considered. In this paper, the effects of pile caps on behaviors of pile groups in sandy soils were investigated by model tests, which consist of tests on 3 by 3 pile groups with/without contact on subsoil, single pile with/without contact and cap as a shallow foundation. Also, the influences of pile spacing in group piles on contact effects were investigated. The test results showed that the load carrying capacity of pile cap was large enough not to be ignored. However, the interaction effects due to contact between cap and subsoils were not revealed obviously in working load range. And in the design of pile groups, the bearing effect of pile cap when contacted with subsoils, can be reflected by simply summing up load settlement behaviors of each cap and group piles without contact.

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Effect of slope with overburden layer on the bearing behavior of large-diameter rock-socketed piles

  • Xing, Haofeng;Zhang, Hao;Liu, Liangliang;Luo, Yong
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.389-397
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    • 2021
  • Pile foundation is a typical form of bridge foundation and viaduct, and large-diameter rock-socketed piles are typically adopted in bridges with long span or high piers. To investigate the effect of a mountain slope with a deep overburden layer on the bearing characteristics of large-diameter rock-socketed piles, four centrifuge model tests of single piles on different slopes (0°, 15°, 30° and 45°) were carried out to investigate the effect of slope on the bearing characteristics of piles. In addition, three pile group tests with different slope (0°, 30° and 45°) were also performed to explore the effect of slope on the bearing characteristics of the pile group. The results of the single pile tests indicate that the slope with a deep overburden layer not only accelerates the drag force of the pile with the increasing slope, but also causes the bending moment to move down owing to the increase in the unsymmetrical pressure around the pile. As the slope increases from 0° to 45°, the drag force of the pile is significantly enlarged and the axial force of the pile reduces to beyond 12%. The position of the maximum bending moment of the pile shifts downward, while the magnitude becomes larger. Meanwhile, the slope results in the reduction in the shaft resistance of the pile, and the maximum value at the front side of the pile is 3.98% less than at its rear side at a 45° slope. The load-sharing ratio of the tip resistance of the pile is increased from 5.49% to 12.02%. The results of the pile group tests show that the increase in the slope enhances the uneven distribution of the pile top reaction and yields a larger bending moment and different settlements on the pile cap, which might cause safety issues to bridge structures.

Analysis of Dynamic Behavior on Group Piles in Two-Layered Sandy Ground (이층지반에 설치된 무리말뚝의 동적 거동 분석)

  • Heungtae Kim;Hongsig Kang;Kusik Jeong;Kwangkuk Ahn
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2023
  • The dynamic behavior of the group piles supporting the superstructure in an earthquake is influenced by different complex dynamic mechanisms by the inertia force of the superstructure and the kinematic force of the ground. In an earthquake, The dynamic p-y curve is used to analyze the dynamic behavior of the pile foundation in consideration of the interaction of the ground, pile foundation, and superstructure due to the inertia force and the kinematic force. Most of the research has been conducted in order to confirm the dynamic p-y curve of the pile foundation by applying to the pile foundation installed on the single layered ground consisting of sand and clay, but the research for the multiple layered ground is insufficient. In this study, 1g shaking table tests were conducted to analyze the effect of the strata ratio of the top and bottom ground of the two layered sandy ground which has different relative densities on the dynamic behavior of group piles supporting the superstructure. The result shows that the maximum acceleration in the ground, the pile cap, and the superstructure increases as the strata ratio increases, and the location of the maximum bending moment of the pile foundation is changed. In addition, it was confirmed that the slope of the dynamic p-y curve of the pile foundation increased and decreased according to the strata ratio.