• Title/Summary/Keyword: ground plane size

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A Study on the Restoration of the Wangheungsa Temple's Wooden Pagoda (왕흥사 목탑의 복원 연구)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Pyo;Sung, Sang-Mo
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.7-29
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    • 2010
  • The form of the Wangheungsa Temple's wooden pagoda site is that of the traditional form of the wooden pagodas constructed during the Baekjae Period. Likewise, it is an important ruin for conducting research on the form and type of the wooden pagodas constructed during the Baekjae Period. In particular, the method used for the installation of the central pillar's cornerstone is a new technique. The purpose of this research is to restore the ruin of the Wangheungsa Temple's wooden pagoda of the Baekjae Period that remains at the Wangheungsa Temple's wooden pagoda site. Until now, research conducted on the wooden pagoda took place mostly centered on the Hwangryongsa Temple's wooden pagoda. Meanwhile, the reality concerning Baekjae's wooden pagoda is one in which there were not many parallel cases pertain to the design for restoration. This research paper wants to conduct academic examination of the Wangheungsa Temple's wooden pagoda to organize the intention of design and design process in a simple manner. This research included review of the Baekjae Period's wooden pagoda related ruins and the review of the existing wooden pagoda ruin to analyze the wooden pagoda construction technique of the era. Then, current status of the Wangheungsa Temple's wooden pagoda site is identified to define the characteristics of the wooden pagoda, and to set up the layout format and the measure to estimate the size of the wooden pagoda in order to design each part. Ultimately, techniques and formats used for the restoration of the wooden pagoda were aligned with the wooden pagoda of the Baekjae Period. Basically, conditions that can be traced from the current status of the Wangheungsa Temple site excavation using the primary standards as the standard. Wangheungsa Temple's wooden pagoda was designed into the wooden pagoda of the Baekjae's prosperity phase. The plane was formed into $3{\times}3$ compartments to design into three tier pagoda. The height was decided by factoring in the distance between the East-West corridors, size of the compartment in the middle, and the view that is visible from above the terrace when entering into the waterway. Basically, the origin of the wooden structure format is based on the Goguryeo style, but also the linkage with China's southern regional styles and Japan's ancient wooden pagoda methods was factored in. As for the format of the central pillar, it looks as if the column that was erected after digging the ground was used when setting up the columns in the beginning. During the actual construction work of the wooden pagoda, central pillar looks as if it was erected by setting up the cornerstone on the ground. The reason that the reclaimed part of pillar that use the underground central cornerstone as the support was not utilized, was because the Eccentric Load of the central pillar's cornerstone was factored in the state of the layers of soil piled up one layer at a time that is repeated with the yellow clay and sandy clay and the yellow clay that were formed separately with the $80cm{\times}80cm$ angle at the upper part of the central pillar's cornerstone was factored in as well. Thus, it was presumed that the central pillar was erected in the actual design using the ground style format. It is possible to presume the cases in which the reclaimed part of pillar were used when constructed for the first time, but in which central pillar was installed later on, after the supplementary materials of the underground column is corroded. In this case, however, technique in which soil is piled up one layer at a time to lay down the foundation of a building structure cannot be the method used in that period, and the reclamation cannot fill up using the $80cm{\times}80cm$ angle. Thus, it was presumed that the layers of soil for building structure's foundation was solidified properly on top of the central pillar's cornerstone when the first wooden pagoda construction work was taking place, and that the ground style central pillar was erected on its upper part by placing the cornerstone once again. Wangheungsa Temple's wooden pagoda is significant from the structure development aspect of the Korean wooden pagodas along with the Hwangryongsa Temple's wooden pagoda. Wangheungsa Temple's wooden pagoda construction technique which was developed during the prosperity phase of the Baekjae Period is presumed to have served as a role model for the construction of the Iksan Mireuksa Temple's wooden pagoda and Hwangryongsa Temple's wooden pagoda. With the plan to complement the work further by excavating more, the basic wooden pagoda model was set up for this research. Wangheungsa Temple's wooden pagoda was constructed as at the Baekjae Kingdom wide initiative, and it was the starting point for the construction of superb pagoda using state of the art construction techniques of the era during the Baekjae's prosperous years, amidst the utmost interest of all the Baekjae populace. Starting out from its inherent nature of enshrining Sakyamuni's ashes, it served as the model that represented the unity of all the Baekjae populace and the spirit of the Baekjae people. It interpreted these in the most mature manner on the Korean peninsula at the time.

Design of DVB-T/H SiP using IC-embedded PCB Process (IC-임베디드 PCB 공정을 사용한 DVB-T/H SiP 설계)

  • Lee, Tae-Heon;Lee, Jang-Hoon;Yoon, Young-Min;Choi, Seog-Moon;Kim, Chang-Gyun;Song, In-Chae;Kim, Boo-Gyoun;Wee, Jae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.47 no.9
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2010
  • This paper reports the fabrication of a DVB-T/H System in Package (SiP) that is able to receive and process the DVB-T/H signal. The DVB-T/H is the European telecommunication standard for Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB). An IC-embedded Printed Circuit Board (PCB) process, interpose a chip between PCB layers, has applied to the DVB-T/H SiP. The chip inserted in DVB-T/H SiP is the System on Chip (SoC) for mobile TV. It is comprised of a RF block for DVB-T/H RF signal and a digital block to convert received signal to digital signal for an application processor. To operate the DVB-T/H IC, a 3MHz DC-DC converter and LDO are on the DVB-T/H SiP. And a 38.4MHz crystal is used as a clock source. The fabricated DVB-T/H SiP form 4 layers which size is $8mm{\times}8mm$. The DVB-T/H IC is located between 2nd and 3rd layer. According to the result of simulation, the RF signal sensitivity is improved since the layout modification of the ground plane and via. And we confirmed the adjustment of LC value on power transmission is necessary to turn down the noise level in a SiP. Although the size of a DVB-T/H SiP is decreased over 70% than reference module, the power consumption and efficiency is on a par with reference module. The average power consumption is 297mW and the efficiency is 87%. But, the RF signal sensitivity is declined by average 3.8dB. This is caused by the decrease of the RF signal sensitivity which is 2.8dB, because of the noise from the DC-DC converter.

A Compact 3-Layer EBG Structure with Square Ring Stripline (사각 링 스트립선로를 결합시킨 소형 3층 EBG 구조)

  • An Sung-Nam;Shin Dong-Gu;Kim Sang-ln;Choo Ho-Sung;Kim Moon-Il;Park Ikmo;Lim H.
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.16 no.3 s.94
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    • pp.300-310
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    • 2005
  • In this paper we propose the compact three-layer EBG structure. The unit cell of the proposed EBG structure is composed of a square patch in the upper layer and a square ring stripline in the lower layer that are connected to the ground plane through conducting vias. Reflection phase analysis method and tangential transmission method were considered to accomplish effective EM simulation and measurement. EM simulation results indicate that bandgap characteristics of the EBG structure using both methods is nearly identical. Parametric studies have been performed with the EM simulator to analyze the properties of the EBG structure by investigating the phase shift of the normally incident plane wave, and the transmission measurements between simple monopole antennas positioned near the EBGstructure have been done. The operating fiefuency bandgap of the proposed EBG structure is about 34 $\%$ lower than the conventional EBG structure with the same size. Measured results show bandgap from 0.930 GHz to 0.945 GHz.

A Study on Appropriate Military Strength of Unified Korea (Focused on relative balance strategy and conflict scenario) (통일 한국의 적정 군사력에 관한 연구 - 분쟁 시나리오와 상대적 균형전략을 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Bong-Gi
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.13
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    • pp.687-738
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    • 2016
  • To prepare for the complicated international relationship regarding Korean Peninsula after reunification, this thesis started off with the awareness that Unified Korea should build its international posture and national security at an early stage by determining its appropriate military strength for independent defense and military strategies that Unified Korea should aim. The main theme of this thesis is 'The research on appropriate military strength of the Unified Korean military'. To derive appropriate military strength of Unified Korea, this research focuses on conflict scenario and relative balance strategy based on potential threats posed by neighboring countries, and this is the part that differentiates this research from other researches. First of all, the main objective of the research is to decide appropriate military strength for Unified Korea to secure defense sufficiency. For this, this research will decide efficient military strategy that Unified Korea should aim. Than by presuming the most possible military conflict scenario, this research will judge the most appropriate military strength for Unified Korea to overcome the dispute. Second, after deciding appropriate military strength, this research will suggest how to operate presumed military strength in each armed force. The result of this thesis is as in the following. First, Unified Korea should aim 'relative balance strategy'. 'Relative balance strategy' is a military strategy which Unified Korea can independently secure defense sufficiency by maintaining relative balance when conflicts occur between neighboring countries. This strategy deters conflicts in advance by relative balance of power in certain time and place. Even if conflict occurs inevitably, this strategy secures initiative. Second, when analyzing neighboring countries interest and strategic environment after unification, the possibility of all-out war will be low in the Korean Peninsula because no other nation wants the Korean Peninsula to be subordinated to one single country. Therefore appropriate military strength of the Unified Korean military would be enough when Unified Korea can achieve relative balance in regional war or limited war. Third, Northeast Asia is a region where economic power and military strength is concentrated. Despite increasing mutual cooperation in the region, conflicts and competition to expand each countries influence is inherent. Japan is constantly enhancing their military strength as they aim for normal statehood. China is modernizing their military strength as they aspire to become global central nation. Russia is also enhancing their military strength in order to hold on to their past glory of Soviet Union as a world power. As a result, both in quality and quantity, the gap between military strength of Unified Korea and each neighboring countries is enlarged at an alarming rate. Especially in the field of air-sea power, arms race is occurring between each nation. Therefore Unified Korea should be equipped with appropriate military strength in order to achieve relative balance with each threats posed by neighboring countries. Fourth, the most possible conflicts between Unified Korea and neighboring countries could be summarized into four, which are Dokdo territorial dispute with Japan, Leodo jurisdictional dispute with China, territorial dispute concerning northern part of the Korea Peninsula with China and disputes regarding marine resources and sea routes with Russia. Based on those conflict scenarios, appropriate military strength for Unified Korea is as in the following. When conflict occurs with Japan regarding Dokdo, Japan is expected to put JMSDF Escort Flotilla 3, one out of four of its Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Escort Fleet, which is based in Maizuru and JMSDF Maizuru District. To counterbalance this military strength, Unified Korea needs one task fleet, comprised with three task flotilla. In case of jurisdictional conflict with China concerning Leodo, China is expected to dispatch its North Sea fleet, one out of three of its naval fleet, which is in charge of the Yellow Sea. To response to this military action, Unified Korea needs one task fleet, comprised with three task flotilla. In case of territorial dispute concerning northern part of the Korean Peninsula with China, it is estimated that out of seven Military Region troops, China will dispatch two Military Region troops, including three Army Groups from Shenyang Military Region, where it faces boarder with the Korean Peninsula. To handle with this military strength, Unified Korea needs six corps size ground force strength, including three corps of ground forces, two operational reserve corps(maneuver corps), and one strategic reserve corps(maneuver corps). When conflict occurs with Russia regarding marine resources and sea routes, Russia is expected to send a warfare group of a size that includes two destroyers, which is part of the Pacific Fleet. In order to balance this strength, Unified Korea naval power requires one warfare group including two destroyers. Fifth, management direction for the Unified Korean military is as in the following. Regarding the ground force management, it would be most efficient to deploy troops in the border area with china for regional and counter-amphibious defense. For the defense except the border line with china, the most efficient form of force management would be maintaining strategic reserve corps. The naval force should achieve relative balance with neighboring countries when there is maritime dispute and build 'task fleet' which can independently handle long-range maritime mission. Of the three 'task fleet', one task fleet should be deployed at Jeju base to prepare for Dokdo territorial dispute and Leodo jurisdictional dispute. Also in case of regional conflict with china, one task fleet should be positioned at Yellow Sea and for regional conflict with Japan and Russia, one task fleet should be deployed at East Sea. Realistically, Unified Korea cannot possess an air force equal to neither Japan nor China in quantity. Therefore, although Unified Korea's air force might be inferior in quantity, they should possess the systematic level which Japan or China has. For this Unified Korea should build air base in island areas like Jeju Island or Ullenong Island to increase combat radius. Also to block off infiltration of enemy attack plane, air force needs to build and manage air bases near coastal areas. For landing operation forces, Marine Corps should be managed in the size of two divisions. For island defense force, which is in charge of Jeju Island, Ulleung Island, Dokdo Island and five northwestern boarder island defenses, it should be in the size of one brigade. Also for standing international peace keeping operation, it requires one brigade. Therefore Marine Corps should be organized into three divisions. The result of the research yields a few policy implications when building appropriate military strength for Unified Korea. First, Unified Korea requires lower number of ground troops compared to that of current ROK(Republic of Korea) force. Second, air-sea forces should be drastically reinforced. Third, appropriate military strength of the Unified Korean military should be based on current ROK military system. Forth, building appropriate military strength for Unified Korea should start from today, not after reunification. Because of this, South Korea should build a military power that can simultaneously prepare for current North Korea's provocations and future threats from neighboring countries after reunification. The core of this research is to decide appropriate military strength for Unified Korea to realize relative balance that will ensure defense sufficiency from neighboring countries threats. In other words, this research should precisely be aware of threats posed by neighboring countries and decide minimum level of military strength that could realize relative balance in conflict situation. Moreover this research will show the path for building appropriate military strength in each armed force.

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Stray Light Analysis of a Compact Imaging Spectrometer for a Microsatellite STSAT-3 (과학기술위성3호 부탑재체 소형영상분광기 미광 해석)

  • Lee, Jin Ah;Lee, Jun Ho
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.167-171
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    • 2012
  • This paper reports on the stray light analysis results of a compact imaging spectrometer (COMIS) for a microsatellite STSAT-3. COMIS images Earth's surface and atmosphere with ground sampling distances of 27 m at the 18~62 spectral bands (0.4 ~ 1.05 ${\mu}m$) for the nadir looking at an altitude of 700 km. COMIS has an imaging telescope and an imaging spectrometer box into which three electronics PCBs are embedded. The telescope images a $27m{\times}28km$ area of Earth surface onto a slit of dimensions $11.8{\mu}m{\times}12.1mm$. This corresponds to a ground sampling distance of 27 m and a swath width of 28 km for nadir looking posture at an altitude of 700 km. Then the optics relays and disperses the slit image onto the detector thereby producing a monochrome image of the entrance slit formed on each row of detector elements. The spectrum of each point in the row is imaged along a detector column. The optical mounts and housing structures are designed in order to prevent stray light from arriving onto the image and so deteriorating the signal to noise ratio (SNR). The stray light analysis, performed by a non-sequential ray tracing software (LightTools) with three dimensional housing and lens modeling, confirms that the ghost and stray light arriving at the detector plane has the relative intensity of ${\sim}10^{-5}$ and furthermore it locates outside the concerned image size i.e. the field of view of the optics.

Evaluation of Van Khan Tooril's castle, an archaeological site in Mongolia, by Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR을 이용한 몽고 유적지 반 칸 투리일의 성 (Van Khan Tooril's castle)의 평가)

  • Khuut, Tseedulam;Sato, Motoyuki
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2009
  • We report an implementation of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey at a site that corresponds to a ruined castle. The objective of the survey was to characterise buried archaeological structures such as walls and tiles in Van Khan Tooril's Ruin, Mongolia, by 2D and 3D GPR techniques. GPR datasets were acquired in an area 10mby 9 m, with 10 cm line spacing. Two datasets were collected, using GPR with 500MHz and 800MHz frequency antennas. In this paper, we report the use of instantaneous parameters to detect archaeological targets such as tile, brick, and masonry by polarimetric GPR. Radar polarimetry is an advanced technology for extraction of target scattering characteristics. It gives us much more information about the size, shape, orientation, and surface condition of radar targets. We focused our interpretation on the strongest reflections. The image is enhanced by the use of instantaneous parameters. Judging by the shape and the width of the reflections, it is clear that moderate to high intensity response in instantaneous amplitude corresponds to brick and tiles. The instantaneous phase map gave information about the location of the targets, which appeared as discontinuities in the signal. In order to increase our ability to interpret these archaeological targets, we compared the GPR datasets acquired in two orthogonal survey directions. A good correlation is observed for the alignments of reflections when we compare the two datasets. However, more reflections appear in the north-south survey direction than in the west-east direction. This is due to the electric field orientation, which is in the horizontal plane for north-south survey directions and the horizontally polarised component of the backscattered high energy is recorded.

Prediction of Rock Fragmentation and Design of Blasting Pattern based on 3-D Spatial Distribution of Rock Factor (발파암 계수의 3차원 공간 분포에 기초한 암석 파쇄도 예측 및 발파 패턴 설계)

  • Shim Hyun-Jin;Seo Jong-Seok;Ryu Dong-Woo
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.15 no.4 s.57
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    • pp.264-274
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    • 2005
  • The optimum blasting pattern to excavate a quarry efficiently and economically can be determined based on the minimum production cost which is generally estimated according to rock fragmentation. Therefore it is a critical problem to predict fragment size distribution of blasted rocks over an entire quarry. By comparing various prediction models, it can be ascertained that the result obtained from Kuz-Ram model relatively coincides with that of field measurements. Kuz-Ram model uses the concept of rock factor to signify conditions of rock mass such as block size, rock jointing, strength and others. For the evaluation of total production cost, it is imperative to estimate 3-D spatial distribution of rock factor for the entire quarry. In this study, a sequential indicator simulation technique is adopted for estimation of spatial distribution of rock factor due to its higher reproducibility of spatial variability and distribution models than Kriging methods. Further, this can reduce the uncertainty of predictor using distribution information of sample data The entire quarry is classified into three types of rock mass and optimum blasting pattern is proposed for each type based on 3-D spatial distribution of rock factor. In addition, plane maps of rock factor distribution for each ground levels is provided to estimate production costs for each process and to make a plan for an optimum blasting pattern.

The Design and Fabrication of the Triple-Band Planar Monopole Antenna for Coupled U Patch Line and Rectangular Patch (U자형 패치 라인과 사각 패치를 결합한 삼중 대역 평면형 모노폴 안테나 설계 및 제작)

  • Lee, Sung-Hun;Lee, Seung-Woo;Kim, Nam
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.745-753
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, the planar monopole antenna for multi-band service is proposed. The proposed antenna, which is a rectangular patch antenna with a U-shaped slit based on a monopole antenna for wide bandwidth characteristic, is designed and analyzed. The antenna size has been miniaturized by using the U-shaped slit. The frequency characteristics are modified and optimized by varying specific parameters. To obtain desired frequency bands, the U-shaped slit and patch lines have been applied. Whole antenna dimensions including the ground plane are $35{\times}50{\times}1\;mm^3$, and the antenna part size is $35{\times}27\;mm^2$. It is fabricated on the FR-4 substrate(${\epsilon}_r=4.4$) using a microstrip line of $50{\Omega}$ for impedance matching. For the measured results, the impedance bandwidth below a VSWR of 2 is 790~916 MHz, 1.74~2.14 GHz, and 2.36~3.13 GHz. The fabricated antenna is satisfied with the aimed impedance bandwidth in GSM/DCS/US-PCS/UMTS/Bluetooth/S-DMB applications.

Setting of the range for shear strength of fault cores in Gyeongju and Ulsan using regression analysis (회귀분석을 이용한 경주·울산 지역에 분포하는 단층 핵의 전단강도 범위 설정)

  • Yun, Hyun-Seok;Moon, Seong-Woo;Seo, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.127-140
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    • 2015
  • A fault is one of the critical factors that may lead to a possible ground collapse occurring in construction site. A fault core, however, possibly acting as a failure plane in whole fault zone, is composed of fractured rock and gouge nonuniformly distributed and thus can be characterized by its wide range of shear strength which is generally acquired by experimental method for stability analysis. In this study, we performed direct shear test and grain size distribution analysis for 62 fault core samples cropped from 12 different spots located in the vicinity of Kyongju and Ulsan, Korea. As a result, the range of shear strength representing the characteristics of fault cores in the study regions is determined with regard to vertical stress using a regression analysis for experiment data. The weight ratio of gravels in the samples is proportional to the shear strength and that of silt and clay is in inverse proportion to the shear strength. For most samples, the coefficient of determination is over 0.7 despite of inhomogeneity of them and consequently we determined the lower limit and upper limit of the shear strength with regard to the weight ratio by setting the confidence interval of 95%.

Implementation of 433/856MHz Dual Band Antenna Using IFA Structure (IFA 구조를 이용한 433/865MHz 이중대역 안테나의 구현)

  • Kang, Sang-Won;Sung, Ji-Hyun;Choe, Gwang-Je
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.163-168
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, 433/865MHz dual band antenna is proposed by using IFA structure of a PCB antenna, the performance was improved by changing of the space between the feed point and short strip, varying the gap between the radiator and the ground plane and adding the branch line in the proposed antenna. To confirm the characteristics of the antenna parameters, HFSS from ANSYS Inc. was used for the analysis. RFID frequency band of ISO-18000-7 is 433MHz and EU-RFID frequency band of ISO-18000-6 is from 865.5 to 867.5MHz. Each of the 433/865MHz bandwidth of the proposed antenna is 5.2MHz and 18.2MHz. The maximum 433MHz antenna gain is -5.74dBi, the maximum 865MHz antenna gain is -3.36dBi. The Jig size of the proposed antenna is $60{\times}44{\times}1mm$ and the size of the antenna area $44{\times}21mm$. The results proved the possibility of the practical use on 433/865MHz by using the IFA structure that came from comparing and analyzing the measured and simulated data of the antenna.