• Title/Summary/Keyword: gross domestic product

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Evaluation the Community Land Model (CLM) using Fluxnet data over East Asia (동아시아 Fluxnet 자료를 활용한 지면모형(CLM)의 성능평가 및 개선)

  • Seo, Ho Cheol;Kim, Jeong Bin;Lee, Jae Hyeong;Kim, Yeonjoo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.173-173
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    • 2017
  • 지구표면에서 발생하는 물순환, 에너지순환, 탄소순환은 토지-대기-식생간의 물리화학적 관계에 의하여 발생하며 이를 모사하기 위해 지면 및 기후모델이 활용된다. 본 연구에서는 NCAR의 지면모형인 Community Land Model(CLM) v4.5를 동아시아에 적용하고자 한다. 동아시아 범위에서 Fluxtower가 설치되어 물, 에너지, 탄소 플럭스 자료가 관측된 지점에서 모형을 구동하고 결과를 평가하였다. CLM 결과에 따른 증발산(Evapotranspiration), 잠열(Latent heat), 헌혈(Sensible heat)과 같은 물 및 에너지 순환에 관한 결과 뿐 아니라 총 일차생산량(Gross primary production), 순생태계순환(Net ecosystem exchange), 생태계 호흡량(Ecosystem respiration)과 같은 탄소순환에 관한 결과를 비교, 분석하였다. 특히, 기초 결과 분석에 따라 지면 모형 내의 여러 모듈 중에서 화재 관련 모듈에 초점을 맞추어 CLM 모형을 개선하였다. 화재는 식생의 성장에 많은 영향을 미치는 모듈로서 탄소순환 모의에 중요한 역할을 한다. 전 지구 대상 모의를 기반으로 하는 CLM에서 삼림 및 초지 지역의 화재 발생는 국내총생산(Gross domestic product, GDP) 및 인구밀도에 따라 모수화되어 있으나, 이는 전 지구 혹은 지역 대상이 아닌 지점 수준의 모형적용을 위해 부적합하다. 이에 관련 모수들을 재산정하고 개선된 모형 결과를 정량화하기 위해 위에서 언급한 물순환, 에너지순환, 탄소순환 관련된 변수들의 모의값을 Fluxtower 관측값과 비교, 분석하였다.

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The Impact of Trade Openness on Economic Growth: Evidence from Agricultural Countries

  • SIREGAR, Abi Pratiwa;WIDJANARKO, Nadila Puspa Arum
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2022
  • The study investigates the effect of trade openness on the economic growth of agricultural countries. The information of export, import, gross domestic product (GDP), Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF), and population of 72 agrarian nations generated by the World Bank from 2011 until 2020 is used for data examination. Then, before panel data analysis, a preferred model is chosen from among common-effects, fixed-effects, and random effects. The best model turns out to be a fixed-effect model. The result reports that from 2011 to 2020; 16 out of 72 nations have succeeded in experiencing positive economic growth, the value of GFCF was US$ 2,859.04 billion, and later grew by 19 percent to US$ 3,393.73 billion, the population tends to increase continuously year by year, and 2 out of 72 countries experienced export plus import exceed their GDP. Moreover, trade openness is positively associated with economic growth, with a coefficient of 3.81. Besides that, an increase in GFCF may boost economic growth by approximately 3.32 percent. On the contrary, one percent additional population significantly delivers around 25.46 percent negative economic growth. To sum up, the higher intensity of products or services sold and bought abroad may enhance the economic performance.

Causes and implications of increased export of frozen dumplings

  • Hye-Jung Kang;Seyoon Oh;Chanho Sohn;Hanpil Moon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.581-591
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    • 2023
  • Domestic processed food exports might increase due to the free trade agreement (FTA) and spread of the Korean Wave, Hallyu. However, the share of the domestic raw materials in the domestic processed food industry is very low at 31.4%, which limits the spillover effect on domestic agriculture. Therefore, we selected frozen dumplings as a representative processed food whose exports are growing rapidly and conducted a multiple regression analysis to examine the effects of Hallyu and FTA variables on the frozen dumpling exports. We tried to link them to an increase in agricultural income through the expansion of demand for the domestic raw materials. This study analyzed tariff indicator as the FTA variable, cosmetics export value indicator as the Hallyu Wave variable, and other variables expected to change the trade environment such as gross domestic product (GDP) and the relative exchange rate by country as the key explanatory variables that affect changes in the trade environment. The analysis showed that the core hypothesis, the Hallyu variable and the FTA variable, have a positive impact on frozen dumpling exports. Frozen dumpling exports are expected to increase as the FTAs and the spread of Hallyu are expected to continue for the foreseeable future. Therefore, we should seek ways to increase the proportion of domestically produced ingredients in the frozen dumplings to spread the economic impact to domestic agriculture. We reviewed previous studies and determined, the price-related factors play a major role in the use of imported ingredients, and that price stability and competitiveness are essential to increase the share of the domestically produced ingredients. Based on these conclusions, we reviewed the current status of food industry-related policies and determined measures needed to expand the use of domestically produced ingredients.

A study of current export situation and SMEs' vitalization plan suitable for Digital age (수출 현황 및 디지털 시대에 적합한 중소기업의 수출 활성화방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ok-Dong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2013
  • In digital age export expansion is the key fact of promoting Korea's economic growth. The policy that encourages exportation is being more emphasized to develop of the nation's economy. From the 90's, regionalism has been widespread throughout the world with globalization and internationalization led by WTO and FTA. The world is now becoming one economic bloc. It is necessary to understand how enterprises contribute to the exportation to establish and manage the policy that encourage and support the exportation. This study estimates SME's level of contribution on gross exports and understands the problem, while looking for better statistical alternatives and finding SME's export energizing policies. It is estimated that domestic SMEs contribute about 40-50% of gross exports. SME bureau and national statistical office should select optimal size of population of each industry, design and extract sample to conduct the export related survey extensively. SMEs should analyze the product and skills of the industry that is dominated by major companies to contribute to the exportation more efficiently. This effort will increase the level of contribution to gross exports in general.

Development of the Demand Forecasting and Product Recommendation Method to Support the Small and Medium Distribution Companies based on the Product Recategorization (중소유통기업지원을 위한 상품 카테고리 재분류 기반의 수요예측 및 상품추천 방법론 개발)

  • Sangil Lee;Yeong-WoongYu;Dong-Gil Na
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.155-167
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    • 2024
  • Distribution and logistics industries contribute some of the biggest GDP(gross domestic product) in South Korea and the number of related companies are quarter of the total number of industries in the country. The number of retail tech companies are quickly increased due to the acceleration of the online and untact shopping trend. Furthermore, major distribution and logistics companies try to achieve integrated data management with the fulfillment process. In contrast, small and medium distribution companies still lack of the capacity and ability to develop digital innovation and smartization. Therefore, in this paper, a deep learning-based demand forecasting & recommendation model is proposed to improve business competitiveness. The proposed model is developed based on real sales transaction data to predict future demand for each product. The proposed model consists of six deep learning models, which are MLP(multi-layers perception), CNN(convolution neural network), RNN(recurrent neural network), LSTM(long short term memory), Conv1D-BiLSTM(convolution-long short term memory) for demand forecasting and collaborative filtering for the recommendation. Each model provides the best prediction result for each product and recommendation model can recommend best sales product among companies own sales list as well as competitor's item list. The proposed demand forecasting model is expected to improve the competitiveness of the small and medium-sized distribution and logistics industry.

The Effect of Financial Liberalization on Economic Growth: The Case of Egypt and Saudi Arabia

  • MANSOUR, Hoda;HASSAN, Soliman
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.203-212
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    • 2021
  • Theoretically, economic growth necessitates financial liberalization. Thus, the current research examines the effect of financial liberalization on economic growth in emerging nations, with a particular focus on Egypt and Saudi Arabia. To determine this effect, the study employs a model that uses Gross Domestic Product growth as the dependent variable and the following macroeconomic variables as financial liberalization indices: Broad money as a percentage of GDP, Domestic bank credit to the private sector as a percentage of GDP, Monetary sector credit to the private sector as a percentage of GDP, Net inflows of foreign direct investment as a percentage of GDP. All data is annual data of Egypt and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the period 1970-2018 obtained from the World Bank open data website. The empirical investigation employs the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach. The findings indicate that, after more than three decades of implementation, both countries' financial and external liberalization policies do not have a favorable effect on their economies' growth rates. Additionally, this study has led us to conclude that any financial liberalization policy in both countries must be preceded by the strengthening of these countries' financial development and institutional frameworks, as well as the achievement of macroeconomic stability.

Predicting the Interconnection between Trade Balance and Economic Growth in the Textile and Clothing Industry -A VARX Model Approach- (의류산업 무역수지와 경제성장의 상호연관성 및 예측 연구 -VARX 시계열 모형을 활용하여-)

  • Hyojung Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.931-955
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    • 2024
  • International trade in the clothing industry has contributed significantly to South Korea's economic development. This study examines the interplay between textile and clothing exports, imports, and gross domestic product (GDP) growth from a macroeconomic perspective using a model with vector autoregressive with exogenous variables (VARX). The findings indicate that GDP growth negatively impacts textile and clothing exports but is positively correlated with imports. Furthermore, GDP growth from one and two years prior negatively affects current exports while positively influencing imports. Macroeconomic indicators, including the consumer price index, private consumption index, and producer price index, significantly impact the textile and clothing trades. By contrast, the won/dollar exchange rate and the Bank of Korea's base interest rate do not appear to exert any substantial effect. An unexpected impulse from GDP growth strongly affects the status of textile and clothing imports. Predictions for the future indicate stable GDP growth over the next five years, with high volatility anticipated in the clothing industry's trade balance. This study applies endogenous growth theory to the global clothing trade, yielding theoretical insights, and offers empirical guidance for government agencies wishing to support domestic clothing trade firms.

A Study on Efficiency for the Department of Trade in Universities

  • Park, Hyun-Chae;Kang, In-Kyu
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    • v.52
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    • pp.97-118
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    • 2011
  • 85% of South Korea's gross domestic product(GDP) depends on trade. Exports amount in 2011 exceeds $ 5,000Billion. Korea is expected to achieve $ 1 trillion in total trade volume and will become finally the ninth in the world. We do not have a lot of natural resources and are bound to export the finished products to pursue economic development. In other words, trade sector is very essential for Korea to continue economic growth. The department of trade in universities have brought up the concerned students serving for trade sectors. Currently, "half-price tuition" in universities has become very controversial issue in Korea so this paper studies the efficiency of "the Department" because the universities may reconsider the adjustment of tuition fee, if they can enhance the efficiency level. DEA model is used for the analysis. As a result, 8 DMUs like KAN1, KEI5, BAE10 etc. show relatively higher efficiency levels.

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Forecast of Korea Defense Expenditures based on Time Series Models

  • Park, Kyung Ok;Jung, Hye-Young
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2015
  • This study proposes a mathematical model that can forecast national defense expenditures. The ongoing European debt crisis weighs heavily on markets; consequently, government spending in many countries will be constrained. However, a forecasting model to predict military spending is acutely needed for South Korea because security threats still exist and the estimation of military spending at a reasonable level is closely related to economic growth. This study establishes two models: an Auto-Regressive Moving Average model (ARIMA) based on past military expenditures and Transfer Function model with the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), exchange rate and consumer price index as input time series. The proposed models use defense spending data as of 2012 to create defense expenditure forecasts up to 2025.

Random Coefficient Models for Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in Seoul Metropolitan Region (확률계수모형을 이용한 수도권지역의 환경쿠즈네츠가설에 관한 재고찰)

  • Kim, Ji Uk
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.377-396
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    • 2002
  • This paper investigates whether an inverted U relationship between pollution and economic development could be found in the Seoul metropolitan region using a panel data for the period of 1985~1999. We uses a model with a more flexible random coefficients specification which allows for a greater degree of regional heterogeneity. The emissions of sulfur dioxidetotal($SO_2$), suspended particulates(TSP), nitrogen dioxide($NO_2$), and carbon monoxide(CO) were selected as four major pollutants. We found that the emissions of these pollutants per capita except sulfur dioxidetotal exhibited inverted U shapes with per capita gross regional domestic product (GRDP). We also noted that the turning points for Seoul metropolitan region occured at a range of incomes, from $3,000 to $5,000 per capita.

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