• Title/Summary/Keyword: global data

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Effect of Ischemic Preconditioning on Myocardial Protection - A Comparative Study between Normothermic and Moderate Hypothermic Ischemic Hearts Induced by Cardioplegia in Rats - (허혈 전처치가 심근보호에 미치는 영향 - 적출 쥐 심장에서 상온에서의 심근허혈과 중등도 저체온하에서 심근정지액 사용 시의 비교 연구 -)

  • 조성준;황재준;김학제
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.242-254
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    • 2003
  • Background: Most of the studies conducted have investigated the beneficial effects of ischemic preconditioning on normothermic myocardial ischemia. However, the effect of preconditioning could be attenuated through the use of multidose cold cardioplegia as practiced in contemporary clinical heart surgical procedures. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether preconditioning improves postischemic cardiac function in a model of $25^{\circ}C$ moderate hypothermic ischemic heart induced by cold cardioplegia in isolated rat hearts. Material and Method: The isolated Sprague-Dawley rat hearts were randomly assigned to four groups All hearts were perfused at 37$^{\circ}C$ for 20 minutes with Krebs-Henseleit solution before the baseline hemodynamic data were obtained, Group 1 consisted of preconditioned hearts that received 3 minutes of global ischemic preconditioning at 37$^{\circ}C$, followed by 5 minutes of reperfusion before 120 minutes of cardioplegic arrest (n=6). Cold (4$^{\circ}C$) St. Thomas Hospital cardioplegia solution was infused to induce cardioplegic arrest. Maintaining the heart at $25^{\circ}C$, infusion of the cardioplegia solution was repeated every 20 minutes throughout the 120 minutes of ischemic period. Group 2 consisted of control hearts that underwent no manipulations between the periods of equilibrium and 120 minutes of cardioplegic arrest (n=6). After 2 hours of cardioplegic arrest, Krebs solution was infused and hemodynamic data were obtained for 30 minuts (group 1, 2: cold cardioplegia group). Group 3 received two episodes of ischemic preconditioning before 30 min of 37$^{\circ}C$ normothermic ischemia and 30 minutes of reperfusion (n=6) Group 4 soloed as ischemic controls for group 3 (group 3, 4: warm ischemia group). Result: Preconditioning did not influence parameters such as left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP), left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), rate-pressure product (RPP) and left ventricular dp/dt (LV dp/dt) in the cold cardioplegia group. (p=NS) However, preconditioning before warm ischemia attenuated the ischemia induced cardiac dysfunction, Improving the LVSP, LVEDP, RPP, and LV dp/dt. Less leakage of CPK and LDH were observed in the ischemic preconditioning group compared to the control group (p<0.05). Conclusion: Ischemic preconditioning improved postischemic cardiac function after warm ischemia, but did not protect cold cardioplegic hearts.

Analysis of National Vertical Datum Connection Using Tidal Bench Mark (기본수준점을 이용한 국가수직기준연계 분석 연구)

  • Yoon, Ha Su;Chang, Min Chol;Choi, Yun Soo;Huh, Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2014
  • Recently, the velocity of sea-level rising has increased due to the global warming and the natural disasters have been occurred many times. Therefore, there are various demands for the integration of vertical reference datums for the ocean and land areas in order to develop a coastal area and prevent a natural disaster. Currently, the vertical datum for the ocean area refers to Local Mean Sea Level(LMSL) and the vertical datum for the land area is based on Incheon Mean Sea Level(IMSL). This study uses 31 points of Tidal Gauge Bench Mark (TGBM) in order to compares and analyzes the geometric heights referring LMSL, IMSL, and the nationally determined geoid surface. 11 points of comparable data are biased more than 10 cm when the geometric heights are compared. It seems to be caused by the inflow of river, the relocation of Tidal Gauge Station, and the topographic change by harbor construction. Also, this study analyze the inclination of sea surface which is the difference between IMSL and LMSL, and it shows the inclination of sea surface increases from the western to southern, and eastern seas. In this study, it is shown that TGBM can be used to integrate vertical datums for the ocean and land areas. In order to integrate the vertical datums, there need more surveying data connecting the ocean to the land area, also cooperation between Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration and National Geographic Information Institute. It is expected that the integrated vertical datum can be applied to the development of coastal area and the preventative of natural disaster.

A Geographically Weighted Regression on the Effect of Regulation of Space Use on the Residential Land Price - Evidence from Jangyu New Town - (공간사용 규제가 택지가격에 미치는 영향에 대한 공간가중회귀분석 - 장유 신도시지역을 대상으로-)

  • Kang, Sun-Duk;Park, Sae-Woon;Jeong, Tae-Yun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we examine how land use zoning affects the land price controlling other variables such as road-facing condition of the land, land form, land age after its development and land size. We employ geographically weighted regression analysis which reflects spatial dependency as methodology with a data sample of land transaction price data of Jangyu, a new town, in Korea. The results of our empirical analysis show that the respective coefficients of traditional regression and geographically weighted regression are not significantly different. However, after calculating Moran's Index with residuals of both OLS and GWR models, we find that Moran's Index of GWR decreases around 26% compared to that of OLS model, thus improving the problem of spatial autoregression of residuals considerably. Unlike our expectation, though, in both traditional regression and geographically weighted regression where residential exclusive area is used as a reference variable, the dummy variable of the residential land for both housing and shops shows a negative sign. This may be because the residential land for both housing and shops is usually located in the level area while the residential exclusive area is located at the foot of a mountain or on a gentle hill where the residents can have good quality air and scenery. Although the utility of the residential land for both housing and shops is higher than its counterpart's since it has higher floor area ratio, amenity which can be explained as high quality of air and scenery in this study seems to have higher impact in purchase of land for housing. On the other hand, land for neighbourhood living facility seems to be valued higher than any other land zonings used in this research since it has much higher floor area ratio than the two land zonings above and can have a building with up to 5 stories constructed on it. With regard to road-facing condition, land buyers seem to prefer land which faces a medium-width road as expected. Land facing a wide-width road may have some disadvantage in that it can be exposed to noise and exhaust gas from cars and that entrance may not be easy due to the high speed traffic of the road. In contrast, land facing a narrow road can be free of noise or fume from cars and have privacy protected while it has some inconvenience in that entrance may be blocked by cars parked in both sides of the narrow road. Finally, land age variable shows a negative sign, which means that the price of land declines over time. This may be because decline of the land price of Jangyu was bigger than that of other regions in Gimhae where Jangyu, a new town, also belong, during the global financial crisis of 2008.

Initial nutritional status of stomach cancer patients (위암환자의 입원시 영양상태)

  • An, Su-Mi;Yun, Gi-Yeong;Kim, Eun-Sil;Gang, Won-Geun;Ryu, Dong-Won;Kim, Tae-Hyeon;Choe, Gyeong-Hyeon;Jeong, Eun-Ae;Im, Seon-Gye;Kim, Hong-Seon;Lee, Geum-Suk;Kim, Jong-Suk;Lee, Seon-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate initial nutritional status of stomach cancer patients. The study subjects were 88 patients with stomach cancer admitted at Kosin University Gospel Hospital in Busan. We assessed the initial nutritional status by anthropometric, biochemical and dietary intake data along with subjective global assessment(SGA). The results are as follows. 1. The mean age, weight, height, triceps skinfold thickness, mid arm circumference, and mid arm muscle circumference of the subjects were 55.9$\pm$11.0years, 60.0$\pm$9.8kg, 162.4$\pm$8.5cm, 10.9$\pm$5.7mm, 26.8$\pm$3.8cm, and 23.4$\pm$3.5cm respectively. The mean body mass index was within the normal range, with 22.7$\pm$2.8kg/m2, while 15.4% of the patients was underweight. The result shows that body fat mass and body protein mass of the patients with stomach cancer were decreased. 2. The mean biochemical data of the subjects were 4.0$\pm$0.5g/dl for albumin, 174.7$\pm$41.9mg/dl for cholesterol, 107.6$\pm$57.2mg/dl for triglyceride, 92.1μg/dl for Zn,  297.0$\pm$103.1mg/dl for transferrin, 1980.0$\pm$0.8$mm^3$ for total lymphocyte count. 3. Daily energy intake was 1997.8$\pm$579.3kcal. And the ratio of carbohydrate, protein, and lipid to energy intake was 72:14:14. 4. The patients were divided into three groups according to SGA performed by an observer. Group A(well nourished) was 55.7% with 49 patients, Group B(moderately malnourished) was 22.7 % with 20 patients, and Group C(severely malnourished) was 21.6 % with 19 patients. The three groups showed a significant difference in body weight(p<0.01), 1 month weight loss %(p<0.001), 6 months weight loss %(p<0.001), body mass index(p<0.01), and mid arm circumference(p<0.05), albumin(p<0.01), energy intake(p<0.05) as well as carbohydrate intake(p<0.05). From these results, it may be concluded that SGA can be used as a nutrition screening tool, and comprehensive nutrition assessment is desirable for those malnourished.

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Analysis of Consumption Status of Cooked Rice with Different Grains and Related Factors in a Korean Population: Based on Data from 2011 Korean National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (KNHANES) (한국인의 잡곡밥 섭취 실태 및 관련 요인 분석 - 2011년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여 -)

  • Han, Gyusang;Lee, Youngmi
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.748-758
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to investigate consumption status of cooked rice with different grains as well as examine related factors of Koreans. Based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of the second year (2011) in the fifth stage, we extracted data on 7,190 people aged 1 year and higher who consumed cooked rice with one or more grains and legumes for at least one meal per day. A total of 15,250 meals were analyzed. Approximately 67.6% of subjects consumed cooked rice with different grains for more than one meal. Age was the strongest influencing factor for consuming cooked rice with different grains. Compared with people in their 40s, those aged 19~29 and in their 30s showed lower probabilities (0.5 and 0.6, respectively) of intake of cooked rice with different grains, whereas those in their 50s and 60s showed relatively higher probabilities (1.9 and 5.0, respectively). The intake ratio of cooked rice with different grains was higher in subjects who were females (64.5%), aged 1~18, over 50s, and residing in a metropolis (62.0%). Breakfast (69.6%) showed a higher intake ratio of cooked rice with different grains compared to lunch (49.1%) and dinner (57.9%). Intake of cooked rice with different grains was highest at home (71.2%), whereas it was lowest in restaurants (11.2%). The findings of the current study may be useful in planning dietary guidelines for intake of cooked rice with different grains.

The Standard of Judgement on Plagiarism in Research Ethics and the Guideline of Global Journals for KODISA (KODISA 연구윤리의 표절 판단기준과 글로벌 학술지 가이드라인)

  • Hwang, Hee-Joong;Kim, Dong-Ho;Youn, Myoung-Kil;Lee, Jung-Wan;Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - In general, researchers try to abide by the code of research ethics, but many of them are not fully aware of plagiarism, unintentionally committing the research misconduct when they write a research paper. This research aims to introduce researchers a clear and easy guideline at a conference, which helps researchers avoid accidental plagiarism by addressing the issue. This research is expected to contribute building a climate and encouraging creative research among scholars. Research design, data, methodology & Results - Plagiarism is considered a sort of research misconduct along with fabrication and falsification. It is defined as an improper usage of another author's ideas, language, process, or results without giving appropriate credit. Plagiarism has nothing to do with examining the truth or accessing value of research data, process, or results. Plagiarism is determined based on whether a research corresponds to widely-used research ethics, containing proper citations. Within academia, plagiarism goes beyond the legal boundary, encompassing any kind of intentional wrongful appropriation of a research, which was created by another researchers. In summary, the definition of plagiarism is to steal other people's creative idea, research model, hypotheses, methods, definition, variables, images, tables and graphs, and use them without reasonable attribution to their true sources. There are various types of plagiarism. Some people assort plagiarism into idea plagiarism, text plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, and idea distortion. Others view that plagiarism includes uncredited usage of another person's work without appropriate citations, self-plagiarism (using a part of a researcher's own previous research without proper citations), duplicate publication (publishing a researcher's own previous work with a different title), unethical citation (using quoted parts of another person's research without proper citations as if the parts are being cited by the current author). When an author wants to cite a part that was previously drawn from another source the author is supposed to reveal that the part is re-cited. If it is hard to state all the sources the author is allowed to mention the original source only. Today, various disciplines are developing their own measures to address these plagiarism issues, especially duplicate publications, by requiring researchers to clearly reveal true sources when they refer to any other research. Conclusions - Research misconducts including plagiarism have broad and unclear boundaries which allow ambiguous definitions and diverse interpretations. It seems difficult for researchers to have clear understandings of ways to avoid plagiarism and how to cite other's works properly. However, if guidelines are developed to detect and avoid plagiarism considering characteristics of each discipline (For example, social science and natural sciences might be able to have different standards on plagiarism.) and shared among researchers they will likely have a consensus and understanding regarding the issue. Particularly, since duplicate publications has frequently appeared more than plagiarism, academic institutions will need to provide pre-warning and screening in evaluation processes in order to reduce mistakes of researchers and to prevent duplicate publications. What is critical for researchers is to clearly reveal the true sources based on the common citation rules and to only borrow necessary amounts of others' research.

Digital Hologram Compression Technique By Hybrid Video Coding (하이브리드 비디오 코팅에 의한 디지털 홀로그램 압축기술)

  • Seo, Young-Ho;Choi, Hyun-Jun;Kang, Hoon-Jong;Lee, Seung-Hyun;Kim, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.5 s.305
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2005
  • According as base of digital hologram has been magnified, discussion of compression technology is expected as a international standard which defines the compression technique of 3D image and video has been progressed in form of 3DAV which is a part of MPEG. As we can identify in case of 3DAV, the coding technique has high possibility to be formed into the hybrid type which is a merged, refined, or mixid with the various previous technique. Therefore, we wish to present the relationship between various image/video coding techniques and digital hologram In this paper, we propose an efficient coding method of digital hologram using standard compression tools for video and image. At first, we convert fringe patterns into video data using a principle of CGH(Computer Generated Hologram), and then encode it. In this research, we propose a compression algorithm is made up of various method such as pre-processing for transform, local segmentation with global information of object image, frequency transform for coding, scanning to make fringe to video stream, classification of coefficients, and hybrid video coding. Finally the proposed hybrid compression algorithm is all of these methods. The tool for still image coding is JPEG2000, and the toots for video coding include various international compression algorithm such as MPEG-2, MPEG-4, and H.264 and various lossless compression algorithm. The proposed algorithm illustrated that it have better properties for reconstruction than the previous researches on far greater compression rate above from four times to eight times as much. Therefore we expect that the proposed technique for digital hologram coding is to be a good preceding research.

Psychological Make-up of Korean Green Consumerism: A Path Model Analysis (한국록색소비심리구성(韩国绿色消费心理构成):일개로경분석모형(一个路径分析模型))

  • Kim, Joo-Ho;Kim, Yeon-Shin
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.249-261
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    • 2010
  • As consumers' concern for the environment has continued to increase, many firms have actively engaged in environmental marketing to achieve their objectives. However, consumers' high concerns about the environment are not always reflected in their purchasing behavior. This indicates the need for an in-depth understanding of the development of green consumption within the individual's belief system. In consideration of psychological approaches, a large body of research has examined the factors underlying ecologically conscious "green" consumer behavior and the interrelationships of these factors. However, most previous studies have concentrated on Western countries. Using a sample of Korean consumers, this study attempts to understand the basis of Korean green consumerism and find universal values that are cross-culturally important in guiding consumers' environmental attitudes and behaviors. To this end, this study relates Schwartz's 10 universal values (Schwartz 1992) to environmental behaviors in a hierarchical model of value-attitude-behavior. With reference to the value-attitude-behavior framework, the conceptual model developed for the study explains what motivations can be manifested in Korean consumers' environmental attitudes, and subsequently how the attitudes affect their green choices. Using the pattern of relationships among values that can be related to environmentalism, the first hypothesis holds that there would be particular relationships between motivational value types and environmental attitudes. Hypothesis 2 assumes that environmental attitudes predict environmental behaviors. On the basis of the claim that favorable attitudes toward the environment may be expressed in many different behaviors, the assumption is that consumers' favorable attitudes toward the environment would be linked to a variety of environmental behaviors because people with high environmental attitudes can be more interested in and knowledgeable about environmental actions. Consistent with H2, H3 hypothesizes that there would be a positive relationship between different types of environmental behavior. A total of 564 university students participated in the study. The sample included 308 men, 254 women, and two participants who did not indicate their gender. The average age of the participants was 22.5 years, with a range of 19 to 39. Regarding majors, special efforts were made to draw the participants from different departments of the university. Data were collected by a survey administered via self-completion questionnaires., which assessed the participants' value priorities, environmental attitudes, and behaviors. Path analysis conducted to test the proposed model found the overall fit to be ${\chi}^2$=72.01 (p=0.00), GFI=0.983, CFI=0.982, NFI=0.970, RMR=0.070, and REMSEA=0.050. Thus, most of the fit measures indicated a good fit of the model with the data, and a hierarchical relationship from values to environmental attitudes to environmental non-purchasing behavior to environmental purchasing behavior was confirmed. An assessment of all the predicted paths by path coefficients led to several major hypothesized effects being confirmed. Out of the ten value types, universalism and power were significantly but conversely related to environmental attitudes. In line with the other studies, these findings confirm that environmental attitudes are an important factor in leading to a variety of green behaviors. Finally, significant relationships were found between environmental purchasing and non-purchasing behaviors. The path analysis supported the idea that universalism values provide a motivation for Korean consumers' greenness and indirectly promote environmental acts through favorable attitudes toward the environment. Participants with high environmental attitudes were found to actively engage in diverse forms of green consumer behavior. This research provides an opportunity to examine cross-cultural differences with respect to values leading to environmentalism, and, further, to verify previous findings. The study also examined the attitude-behavior relationship with respect to three distinct types of environmental behaviors. The different strengths of paths between green attitudes and behaviors suggest that researchers should consider the specificity of behavior explained as an effort to improve the low attitude-behavior correlation. Finally, the findings here illustrate that with increased environmental concerns among people, they come to include more such behaviors in their green portfolios.

Research Trend and Futuristic Guideline of Platform-Based Business in Korea (플랫폼 기반 비즈니스에 대한 국내 연구동향 및 미래를 위한 가이드라인)

  • Namn, Su Hyeon
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.93-114
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    • 2020
  • Platform is considered as an alternative strategy to the traditional linear pipeline based business. Moreover, in the 4th industrial revolution period, efficiency driven pipeline business model needs to be changed to platform business. We have such success stories about platform as Apple, Google, Amazon, Uber, and so on. However, for those smaller corporations, it is not easy to find out the transformation strategy. The essence of platform business is to leverage network effect in management. Thus platform based management can be rephrased as network management across the business functions. Research on platform business is popular and related to diverse facets. But few scholars cover what the research trend of the domain is. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the research trend on platform business in Korea. To do that we first propose the analytical model for platform architecture whose components are consumers, suppliers, artifacts, and IT platform system. We conjecture that mapping of the research work on platform to the components of the model will make us understand the hidden domain of platform research. We propose three hypotheses regarding the characteristics of research and one proposition for the transitional path from pipeline to platform business model. The mapping is based on the research articles filtered from the Korea Citation Index, using keyword search. Research papers are searched through the keywords provided by authors using the word of "platform". The filtered articles are summarized in terms of the attributes such as major component of platform considered, platform type, main purpose of the research, and research method. Using the filtered data, we test the hypotheses in exploratory ways. The contribution of our research is as follows: First, based on the findings, scholars can find the areas of research on the domain: areas where research has been matured and territory where future research is actively sought. Second, the proposition provided can give business practitioners the guideline for changing their strategy from pipeline to platform oriented. This research needs to be considered as exploratory not inferential since subjective judgments are involved in data collection, classification, and interpretation of research articles.

Predicting link of R&D network to stimulate collaboration among education, industry, and research (산학연 협업 활성화를 위한 R&D 네트워크 연결 예측 연구)

  • Park, Mi-yeon;Lee, Sangheon;Jin, Guocheng;Shen, Hongme;Kim, Wooju
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.37-52
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    • 2015
  • The recent global trends display expansion and growing solidity in both cooperative collaboration between industry, education, and research and R&D network systems. A greater support for the network and cooperative research sector would open greater possibilities for the evolution of new scholar and industrial fields and the development of new theories evoked from synergized educational research. Similarly, the national need for a strategy that can most efficiently and effectively support R&D network that are established through the government's R&D project research is on the rise. Despite the growing urgency, due to the habitual dependency on simple individual personal information data regarding R&D industry participants and generalized statistical data references, the policies concerning network system are disappointing and inadequate. Accordingly, analyses of the relationships involved for each subject who is participating in the R&D industry was conducted and on the foundation of an educational-industrial-research network system, possible changes within and of the network that may arise were predicted. To predict the R&D network transitions, Common Neighbor and Jaccard's Coefficient models were designated as the basic foundational models, upon which a new prediction model was proposed to address the limitations of the two aforementioned former models and to increase the accuracy of Link Prediction, with which a comparative analysis was made between the two models. Through the effective predictions regarding R&D network changes and transitions, such study result serves as a stepping-stone for an establishment of a prospective strategy that supports a desirable educational-industrial-research network and proposes a measure to promote the national policy to one that can effectively and efficiently sponsor integrated R&D industries. Though both weighted applications of Common Neighbor and Jaccard's Coefficient models provided positive outcomes, improved accuracy was comparatively more prevalent in the weighted Common Neighbor. An un-weighted Common Neighbor model predicted 650 out of 4,136 whereas a weighted Common Neighbor model predicted 50 more results at a total of 700 predictions. While the Jaccard's model demonstrated slight performance improvements in numeric terms, the differences were found to be insignificant.