Under the light condition of 25,000 Lux (12 hrs dark and light cycle) with scrapping treatment of aerial mycelia of Cylindrocarpon destructans on potato dextrose agar (PDA), V-8 juice agar, and ginseng extract agar, production of the macroconidia was increased to $3.7\~8.1$ fold over them produced in the dark. They were also produced $7.7\~18.0$ times more in the liquid cultures under the light condition than under the dark as well. PDA and V-8 juice agar among the tested were the best for the macroconidium production. On PDA, 1,585 $macroconidia/mm^2$ were produced under the light of 25,000 Lux with scrapping treatment of aerial mycelia of C. destructans, which is 3.2 and 1.4 times more than those produced under 3,000 and 10,000 Lux, respectively. Meanwhile, $20\~99$ macroconidia/$mm^2$ were produced by the non-scrapping under the light condition between 3,000 Lux and 25,000 Lux. The macroconidia were, however, lysed at $6\~7$ days after being incubated under the above range of the light. They were consisted of $1\~3$ cells in a macroconidium while $69.4\~100\%$ of them were the two-celled and the number did not seem to be affected by either the scrapping or the light. Production of chlamydospore converted from mycelia of C. destructans seemed to be promoted by the light and the scrapping as well. The 1,285 chlamydospres/$mm^2$ were produced with the light (25,000 Lux), which is 2.8 and 1.2 times more than those with 3,000 and 10,000 Lux, respectively. Scrapping the aerial mycelia of the cultures increased the chlamydospore formation to 1.9, 2.5 and 1.4 times more than the non-scrapping under the light intensity of 3,000 Lux, 10,000 Lux, and 25,000 Lux, respectively. On PDA, 1 to 8 chlamydospore(s) per catena were formed by all treatments tested and $34.2\~58.9\%$ of them was a single chlamydospore, However, the numbers was affected by neither the light ($3,000\~25,000$ Lux) nor the scrapping the aerial mycelia.