• Title/Summary/Keyword: germination percent

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Effect of Priming Duration and Temperature on the Germinability of Carrot, Lettuce, Onion, and Welsh Onion Seeds (Priming 처리기간 및 온도가 당근, 상추, 양파 및 파 종자의 발아력 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Yeon-Ok;Kim, Jong-Cheol;Cho, Jeoung-Lai
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.327-333
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    • 2000
  • This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of priming duration and temperature on germinability of vegetable seeds. Priming chemicals were -0.50 MPa PEG 8000 for carrot, 50 mM $K_3PO_4$ for lettuce, 200 mM $KH_2PO_4$ for onion, and 100 mM $Ca(NO_3)_2$ for Welsh onion seeds. Priming temperature varied from $10^{\circ}C$ to $25^{\circ}C$, and priming duration varied from 12 hours to 5 days depending on crops. Percent germination of carrot seeds was significantly affected by the seed treatment and priming temperature. Priming at $20^{\circ}C$ for 3 days was most effective in reducing number of days to attain 50% of the final germination percentage (T50) and mean number of days to germination (MDG). Radicle protrusion in the priming solution was as high as 14% when primed at $20^{\circ}C$ for 4 days. Percent germination of lettuce seeds was affected significantly by the seed treatment and priming duration. Priming lettuce seeds at $20^{\circ}C$ for 2 days increased percent germination and shortened T50 and MDG without radicle protrusion. Percent germination of onion seeds was affected significantly by the seed treatment, priming duration, and temperature. Priming at either $10^{\circ}C$ or $15^{\circ}C$ for 3, 4, or 5 days did not affect percent germination of onion seeds, but was effective in reducing T50 and MDG. Decline in percent germination of onion seeds was precipitous as the length of priming duration increased from 3 to 5 days. Percent germination of welsh onion seeds was not affected by the priming duration and temperature. Priming at $15^{\circ}C$ for 4 days was most effective in reducing T50 and MDG, increased in duration of priming at $15^{\circ}C$ or $20^{\circ}C$ increased radicle protrusion.

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Influence of NaCl on Seed Germination of Cool-Season Turfgrass species (NaCl이 한지형잔디 종자발아에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Hoon;Lee, Chi-Won
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 1999
  • The influence of increasing livel (0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, and 2.0%) fo NaCl on the germination of red fescue (Festuca rubra) 'Sea Breeze', tall fesce(Festucaarundinacea) 'Pixie', creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra ssp. rubra) 'Cindy', annual rye-grass (Lolium multiflorum) 'Permer Ⅱ', perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) 'Pennant', fairway wheatgrass(Agropyron cristatum), creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris) 'Penncross', and kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) 'Nuglade' was investigated. Red fescue 'Sea Breeze', tall fescue 'Pixie', and creeping red fescue 'Cindy' had greater than 90% seed germination at NaCl concentrations of 0.2% or lower, while showing similar seeding shoot and root lengths and TAA50 values as the control. Creeping red fescue 'Cindy'gave at 0.6% or higher NaCl. Perennial ryegrass 'Pennant' and annual ryegrass 'Permer Ⅱ' showed more than 95% seed germination when NaCl concentrations were 0.4% and 0.8%, respectively. Fairway wheatgrass, creeping bentgrass 'Penncross' and Kentucky bluegrass 'Nugade' had showing similar germination percent, shoot and root lengths and T50 values as the control at NaCl concentrations of 0.1% or lower. In general, germination percent and the lengthes of seedling roots and shoots of all species tested decreased as NaCl concentrations iscreased. The T50 values became greater as NaCl concentration increased. Seed fermination in red fescue 'Sea Breeze', tall fescue 'Pixie',perennial ryegrass 'Pennant', and annual ryegrass 'Permer Ⅱ' was compoetely inhibited at 2.0% NaCl. Creeping red fescue 'Cindy' and fairway wheatgrass gardly germinated at 1.6% MaCl. Creeping bentgrass 'Penncross' and Dentucky bluegrass 'Nuglade' showed a complete inhibition of germination at 1.2% and 0.6% NaCl, respectively.

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Genetic phenomena for the pb and zu tolerance in plants (식물의 납과 아연의 내성에 관한 유전현상)

  • Yun, Jeoung-Ok;Lee, In-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 1992
  • Pb, Zn tolerance of phaseolus multiflorus was investigated, based on the elongation of root and stem, pollen Germination and progeny quality in various pb, zn concentrations. The result obtained by water culture showed that the growth of roots and steams of phaseolus multiflorus from pb-zn mine site is less inhivited than that of the control site. The flower of phaseolus multiflorus from which pollen was taken were grown without added pb, zn and percent germination of pollen observed in a range of pb, zn concentrations. The percent germination of pollen from pb-zn mine site was higher than the control site. phaseolus multiflorus collected at a pb-zn mine site and the control site was site were grown at different pb, zn concentrations, its progeny was retreated with same concentrations of pb-zn mine site was more vigorous than the control site. thus, pb-zn tolerance was able to expressed in both pollen and sporophytes.

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A Study on the Seed Characteristics and Germination Percent of Several Native Herb Species (자생 초본류 몇 종의 종자특성과 발아율에 대한 연구)

  • 김갑태
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2004
  • Seed characteristics-weight, seed length and width, pure seed percentage are measured on 15 native herb species, and seeds of six native herb species were tested on the seedbed in the forest with autumn seeding. Seeds of 13 species including Aster scaber were very small; seed length is less than 7mm and seed width is less than 3mm pure seed percentages of 10 native herb speciesin-cluding Ligularia fischeriwere were much lower than 5%. Germination percent of five native herb species were significantly different among the growing sites. The mean germination percent was highest 47.00% for Angelica gigas, 38.25% for Ligularia fischeri, 30.88% for PimPinella brachycarpa, 15.75% for Aralia continetalis, 10.00% for Cirsium setidens, and the lowest 9.32% for Aster scaber.

Population Formation Strategies of Halophytes in Mankyeong River Estuary (만경강 하구역에 분포하는 염생식물의 개체군 형성 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Chang-Hwan;Cho Du-Sung;Lee Kyeong-Bo;Choi Song-Yuel
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.299-310
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    • 2006
  • The germination period, the germination under different saline concentration and temperature condition, the survival percent several halophytes in cross-transplanting experiment of marsh type and the soil environment factor of five dominant species were investigated on the halophytes population formation strategies on the salt marsh of Mankyeong river estuary from February to October 2005. In terms of germination, Suaeda japonica appeared first followed by Aster tyipolium Salicornia herbacda, Atriplex gmelini and Suaeda asparagoides. The germination percent on the humidify conditions and saline concentrations of halophytes were that Suaeda japonica germinated well under inundation conditions, high temperature and low salinity; Salicornia herbacda under high salinity; Aster tripolium and Atriplex gmelini under dry or inundation conditions, and Suaeda aspar agoides under dry conditions and high salinity. The survival percent in cross-transplanting experiment of five halophytes were high with Suaeda japonica in the low marsh; Salicornia herbacda, Aster tripolium and Atriplex gmelini in the mid marsh, Suaeda asparagoides in the high marsh. The soil properties were similar for the five halophytes, but soil texture appeared high in order of silt, sand and clay. These results suggested that population formation strategies of five halphytes. Suaeda iaponica was distributed in the low tidal marsh, Salicornia herbacda, Aster tripolium, Atriplex gmelini in the mid tidal marsh and Suaeda asparagoides in the high tidal marsh.

Germination Ability of Rice Varieties Originating from Different Latitude Areas at Low Temperature. (지역생태별 수도품종의 저온발아성)

  • Jae-Chul Kang;Jong-Hoon Lee
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.54-60
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    • 1978
  • This study was conducted to find gene source for high germination ability of rice varieties at low temperature. At low temperature of 1$0^{\circ}C$, percent germination of most varieties orginating from middle and high latitude was high, but some varieties were low. Percent germination of some varieties orginating form low latitude was high.

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Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Germination and Vegeative Growth of Enteromorpha multiramosa Bliding(Chlorophyceae, Ulvales) (해산 녹조 털가지파래(Enteromorpha multiramosa Bliding)의 발아와 생장에 대한 온도와 염분도의 효과)

  • 김광용
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.141-146
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    • 1990
  • Germination and vegetative growth of Enteromorpha multiramosa Bliding from Pyoson, Cheju Island were investigated in laboratory under various combinations of temperature (5-$25^{\circ}C$) and salinity (8-48$^{\circ}C$). Percent level of germination was relatively high at all combinations of the two factors. The highest value among the combinations was revealed at 15$^{\circ}C$ and 32$\textperthousand$. Dry weight also was fairly high at all levels of combination with maximum value at 2$0^{\circ}C$ and 32$\textperthousand$. Analysis of variance for germination and growth was completed respectively and polynomial prediction models were constructed. F ratio revealed that all factors had a significant effect (p<0.001) on percentage of germination and dry weight, and their interactions also were significant (p<0.001), although the F ratio of interactions was far less than that for either the separate effect of temperature or salinity. Response surface of polynomial equation represented that temperature influenced less than salinity on germination, while it effected remarkably on vegetative growth, so the Enteromorpha multiramosa was kept to visible macrothalli from winter to spring in Cheju Island.

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The Effect of Salinity (NaCl) on the Germination and Seedling of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.)

  • Jamil, M.;Rha, Eui-Shik
    • Plant Resources
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.226-232
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to investigate seed germination and seedling of cabbage and sugar beet in four treatments of salinity including 0 (control), 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% NaCl. The results showed that different treatments of salinity had considerable effects on the germination and root and shoot length of cabbage and sugar beet. Percent of germination in both species showed significant decrease with increasing salinity up to 1.5% NaCl. This decrease was more evident in cabbage when compared to sugar beet. The required time for germination increased with high levels of salinity. The seedling growth of both species were inhibited by all salinity levels. Particularly at 1.0 and 1.5% NaCl, no measurable length was observed in cabbage and sugar beet. At 0.5% NaCl root growth of both plant species was more affected as compared to shoot growth by salinity.

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Effects of Inorganic Nutrients and Heavy Metals on Germination of the Green Alga, Ulva pertusa Kjellman (녹조 구멍갈파래 (Ulva pertusa Kjellman)의 발아에 미치는 무기영양염류 및 중금속의 영향)

  • 김장균;한태준
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.7-17
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    • 2001
  • Growth optima and tolerance ranges of marine algae species nay vary greatly during the developmental stage. The establishment stage is clearly of great importance for each generation, affecting the performance of the adult population. The present study was aimed to determine the effect of various concentrations of inorganic nutrients and heavy metals on germination and germlings of Ulva pertusa Kjellman (Chlorophyta). Percent germination increased rapidly as irradiance level increased, reaching the maximum at 100 ${\mu}$mol m$\^$-2/s$\^$-1/ in both east and west seawater. Percent germination in the east seawater was higher than that in the west seawater at irradiances lower than 30 ${\mu}$mol m$\^$-2/s$\^$-1/, and there was no difference in percent germination between the two different seawaters at irradiances higher than 60 ${\mu}$mol m$\^$-2/s$\^$-1/. Germling growth increased in the both cases with increasing irradiances but no growth was found in the dark. Overall germling area was larger in the east seawater than in the west seawater. Number of cell increased with increasing irradiance and became light-saturated at 100 ${\mu}$mol m$\^$-2/s$\^$-1/ in the both cases. Germlings grown in the east seawater had more cells than those cultivated in the west seawater at irradiances lower than 60 ${\mu}$mol m$\^$-2/s$\^$-1/. In various combinations of nitrate and phosphate, percent germination increased with increasing nitrate concentrations irrespective of phosphate concentrations. At 3 days after inoculation, nitrate concentration of 2.5 ppm with all phosphate concentrations promoted germination. Area and number of cell of germlings increased with increasing nitrate concentrations in all phosphate concentrations. In various combinations of copper and lead, germination was delayed as copper concentrations increased in all lead concentrations. Percent germination was severely reduced at 1 ppm Cu$\^$2+/. Area and number of cell of germlings decreased with increasing copper concentrations in all lead concentrations. The highest copper concentration (1 ppm) clearly suppressed the germling growth in U. pertusa.

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Studies on the Increase of Germination of Angelica gigas Nakai II. Effects of Stratification, Soaking and Gibberellin Treatment on Germination (참당귀(當歸) 종자(種子)의 발아향상(發芽向上)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) II. 층적(層積), 침종(浸種) 및 Gibberellin 처리(處理)가 발아(發芽)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Cho, Seon-Haeng;Kim, Ki-June
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.104-108
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    • 1993
  • This experiment was conducted to obtain the basic information for the increase ofgermination percent by the treatment of stratification, soaking and $Gibberellin(GA_3)$ in Angelica gigas Seeds caltivated in 1989. The germination percent was increased by 30% with stratification, and the effect of low temperature did not differ significantly. The optimum soaking temperature and periods were found to be 4days at $20^{\circ}C\;and\;6dys\;l0^{\circ}C$ of water temperature. When exchanged water every day during soaking period, inhibitors were more extracted than non-exchange one. The exogenous application of $GA_3$ also increased germination percent about 20% campared with control, and the reasonable level was 2ppm in soaked seed and 5ppm in non-soaked seed.

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