• Title/Summary/Keyword: gathering system

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The Development of Driving Algorithm for an Unmanned Vehicle with Multiple-GPS's (다중 GPS를 이용한 무인자동차의 주행 알고리즘 개발)

  • Moon, Hee-Chang;Son, Young-Jin;Kim, Jung-Ha
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2008
  • A navigation system is one of the important components of an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV). A GPS receiver collects data signals transmitted by (Earth orbiting) satellites. However, these data signals may contain many errors resulting misinformation and depending on one's position (environment), reception may be impossible. The proposed self-driven algorithm uses three low-cost GPS in order to minimize errors of existing inexpensive single GPS's driving algorithm. By using reliable final data, which is analyzed and combined from each of three GPS's received data signals, gathering a vehicle's steering performance information and its current pin-point position is improved even with error containing signals or from a place where signal gathering is impossible. The purpose of this thesis is to explain navigation system algorithm using multiple GPS and compass sensor and prove the algorithm through experiments.

Nodal Analysis of Optimum Operating Condition on Gathering System Considering Coalbed Methane Production Characteristics (석탄층 메탄가스 생산 특성을 고려한 포집시스템 최적 운영조건 노달분석)

  • Jung, Woodong;Cho, Wonjun;Lee, Jeseol;Yu, Hyejin;Seomoon, Hyeok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2018
  • Coalbed methane has a nonlinear desorption curve depending on the pressure, so an appropriate production system should be constructed considering this phenomenon. The capacity and specification of the coalbed methane gas production facility are determined by the gas flow rate and pressure in the coalbed, which is the external boundary condition of the system. Thus, it is essential to analyze these characteristics in gas production. The gas inflow equation was calculated using the reservoir flow model and utilized as the boundary condition of the whole production facility in this study. Also, to understand the effect of pressure drop on the gas flow in the production facility, the nodal analysis was performed using the flow analysis simulator of production equipment, and we determined the proper specifications and operating conditions of the production facility. This study presents a design criteria as to production and gathering system capable of effectively transporting coalbed methane.

An Implementation of Speech DB Gathering System Using VoiceXML (VoiceXML을 이용한 음성 DB 수집 시스템 구현)

  • Kim Dong-Hyun;Roh Yong-Wan;Hong Kwang-Seok
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2005
  • Speech DB is basically required factor when we are study for phonetics, speech recognition and speech synthesis and so on. The quantity and quality of speech DB decide the efficiency of system that we develop. therefore. speech DB has an extremely important factor, Recently, development of the various telephone service technique such as voice portal. it is actual condition where the necessity of collection of telephone speech DB. The existing IVR application telephone speech DB collection system used C/C++ language or the exclusive development tool. Thus it is the actual condition where the recycle of each application service for resources is difficult and have a problem of many labors and time necessity. But. VoiceXML is a language having tag form ipredicated in XML. which has easy and simple grammar system. Therefore, if we make a few efforts we could draw up easily. it has a merit reducing labors and time, Also, VoiceXML has many advantages of various telephone speech DB gathering because of changing contents of DB. In this paper, we introduce telephone speech DB gathering system which is the mast important factor for development of speech information processing technique.

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Phototaxis of Fish 4. Response of Gray Rock Cod and Cat Shark to the White Lights (어류의 주광성에 관한 연구 4. 백색광에 대한 볼낙과 두툽상어의 반응)

  • YANG Yong-Rhim
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 1981
  • The purpose of the present study is to find the light intensity which induces maximum gathering rate and to observe the variation of the gathering rate both in daytime and at night by rising two species of commercial fishes: gray rock cod. Sebastes inermis (Cuvier et Valenciennes) and cat shark, Scyliorhinus torazame (Tanaka). An experimental tank $(360L\;{\times}\;50W\;{\times}\;55H\;cm)$ was set up in a dark room. An illumination system was attached to one end of the tank to control horizontal light intensity. Six artificial light sources were prepared by combination of two light bulbs (5W, 150W) and seven filters. During the experiment water depth was maintained 50 cm level in the tank. The tank was marked into six longitudinal sections each being 60 cm long to observe the distribution of fish. The fish were acclimatized in dark condition for 40 minutes prior to the main experiment. Upon turning on the light, the number of fish in each section was counted 40 times every 30 seconds, and the gathering rates were obtain from the average number of fish in each section. The light intensity inducing maximum gathering rate is as follows: gray rock cod: 16.6 lux (10.6-24.5 lux) (day), 0.7 lux (0.5-1.1 lux) (night), cat shark: 1.9 lux (1.2-2.9 lux) (day), 16.6 lux(10.6-24.5lux) (night). Trend of the gathering rate in illumination time revealed different results in two fish species. Gathering rate of gray rock cod did not show any definite pattern but fluctuated irregularly. The gathering rate was some fluctuating at night. However, that of cat shark was almost constant and did not show any distinctive difference between day and night.

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An Information System Analysis and Design Methodology Based on Object-Oriented IDEF0: A Case Study for the PDM System of ship Production (OOIDEF0 기반의 정보시스템 분석 및 설계 기법: 조선 PDM 시스템 적용사례)

  • Kim, Jae-Gyun;Jang, Gil-Sang
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.70-84
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    • 2003
  • Recently, object-oriented techniques have been used more and more for developments of an information system. But, established object-oriented methodologies are hard to express a business process of various abstract degrees in the analysis level and independent components of the system. They have difficulties in developing a large-scale information system of manufacturing industry such as PDM and CIM. This paper proposes an information system development methodology that imports the object-oriented IDEF0 (OOIDEF0) function model in analysis level. This methodology is made up of requirements gathering, system analysis, system design, and implementation. In requirements gathering level, organization diagram and interview technique are used for input data of OOIDEF0 function model. The OOIDEF0 function model, the interface model and function descriptions are made out in analysis level. Information objects and implementation objects are designed on the basis of the OOIDEF0 function model in design level. The database is built and programming is accomplished in implementation level. In order to prove the consistency and efficiency of the proposed methodology, the PDM system for ship production is modeled and prototyped.

COS MEMS System Design with Embedded Technology (Embedded 기술을 이용한 COS MEMS 시스템 설계)

  • Hong, Seon Hack;Lee, Seong June;Park, Hyo Jun
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.405-411
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we designed the COS MEMS system for sensing the falling detection and explosive noise of fuse link in COS (Cut Out Switch) installing on the power distribution. This system analyzed the failure characteristics and an instantaneous breakdown of power distribution. Therefore, our system strengths the industrial competence and guaranties the stable power supply. In this paper, we applied BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology which is suitable protocol for low data rate, low power consumption and low-cost sensor applications. We experimented with LSM6DSOX which is system-in-module featuring 3 axis digital accelerometer and gyroscope boosting in high-performance mode and enabling always-on low-power features for an optimal motion for the COS fuse holder. Also, we used the MP34DT05-A for gathering an ultra-compact, low power, omnidirectional, digital MEMS microphone built with a capacitive sensing element and an IC interface. The proposed COS MEMS system is developed based on nRF52 SoC (System on Chip), and contained a 3-axis digital accelerometer, a digital microphone, and a SD card. In this paper of experiment steps, we analyzed the performance of COS MEMS system with gathering the accelerometer raw data and the PDM (Pulse Data Modulation) data of MEMS microphone for broadcasting the failure of COS status.

Analysis of the Shape of Gathered Skirts using a Three-Dimensional Measurement System (3차원 계측시스템을 이용한 개더스커트 형상 분석)

  • Jung Hee-Kyeong;Lee Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.1399-1409
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the shape of gathered skirts using a three-dimensional measurement system. And in this experiment, I try to accumulate three-dimensional data of wearing model and to figure out analyzing method made by shape of clothes. The experimental design consists of two factorial designs. I set up three different kinds of fabrics, ratio of gathers. Therefore nine samples were made. The instrument and tools for three-dimensional measurement was whole body 3D scanner. Analysis program used in experiment is RapidForm 2004 PP1 and Pattern Design 2000. Data analysis utilizes SPSS WIN 10.0 Package. T-test to effect an inspection of evidence, there was difference about measurement times. One-way ANOVA to analysis effect of gather made by gathering conditions. The following results were obtained; 1. As a result of inspecting an error several times using a three-dimension measurement system, convinced data was obtained. 2. At front, distribution of gap amount was larger than back. And as ratio of gathers increased, distribution of gap amount showed regularly. 3. After analyzing horizontal sectional figure of skirts, as a height of skirt changed from waist to the bottom of skirts, the results showed as follows. While section width, section thickness, node width, node depth increased, node count decreased. 4. With the horizontal section levels of gather skirt, the silhouette on middle hip section was similar with the silhouette of body line. And as ratio of gathers around hip section increased, nodes showed regularly. At the bottom of skirts showed different nodes by different gathering condition.

The Development of Merchant-PIMS Integrated CMS Based on Distributed Content (분산 콘텐츠 기반의 머천트-개인정보 통합콘텐츠관리시스템 개발)

  • Shin Dong-Suk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2006
  • As Internet evolves, web sites are becoming more and more complex, and it costs a lot of time and money to update web sites. The explosive growth of a large amount of content has resulted in an excessive server load and high network traffic, and thus it decreases the quality of service. In this research, we designed and implemented an integrated content management system which can be constructed and managed the content easily, and which is combined a merchant system with a personal information system based on the distributed content gathering and searching in order to optimize the utilization of the content itself.

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The Technique for Gathering, Analyzing and Processing of Field Information (현장정보 수집 및 분석.처리기술)

  • Kim, Yong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2007.09a
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    • pp.431-439
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    • 2007
  • Data logger is generally needed for gathering field information automatically(or manually), using various sensors. However it, currently used in the county, is produced and developed by overseas. It is difficult to upgrade related program due to developed system and limited user in terms of environment it is used. On the other hand, several companies developed and sold unique data logger based their technique expertise in the country. But enhancement and practical use of related technology has much difficulties because feasibility, marketability and demand for technique are uncertain. In this study, it is the main purpose to offer basic information to select equipment suitable for field characteristic through analysis and comparison with features about method of information collection, operating program and process technique data logger which is used primarily in geotechnical engineering in both domestic and international.

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