• Title/Summary/Keyword: frequency of visit

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The Effects of Experiential Consumption Characteristics in the Hotel Business on Customers' Revisiting and Switching Intention (호텔의 경험적 소비특성이 재방문의도와 전환의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Hyunjeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.301-312
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is the findings of the effects of the experiential consumption characteristics in the hotel business on customers' revisiting and switching Intention. Also, this study is to examine revisiting and switching intention in accordance with visit frequency. For this study, the author analyzed empirically 534 copies of questionnaires. The first finding of this study discovered that playfulness, symbolism, usefulness and aesthetics had positive effects on revisiting intention. Second, symbolism, usefulness and aesthetics had negative effects on switching intention. Especially, symbolism had more significant effect on revisiting and switching intention than other variables. And finally, visit frequency had moderating effects between the experiential consumption characteristics and revisiting intention, switching intention. The hotel companies are possible to obtain several strategic implications on the basis of this empirical results.

A longitudinal analysis on interruption in preschool children who stutter during interactions with their mothers (학령전 말더듬아동과 어머니 간 상호작용 시 끼어들기 특성 종단적 분석)

  • Kwak, Hyo-Jung;Hwang, Si-Hyeon;Song, Pu-Reum;Sim, Hyun-Sub;Lee, Soo-Bok
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate, longitudinally, interruption behavior which children who do stutter (CWS), children who do not stutter (CWNS) and their mothers and relationship with disfluency of children showed during interactions with their mothers. Subjects for this study consisted of 2-5 year old CWS (male 2 and female 4), an age-matched group of CWNS (male 3 and female 3), and their mothers. Frequencies of normal disfluency (ND) and abnormal disfluency (AD) in children group and frequency of interruption and simultalk duration in children and mothers group were measured two times (initial visit and 12 months later) over the course of one year. As a result, no significant difference was observed in frequency of interruption and simultalk duration both between two mother groups and between two child groups at initial visit and 12 months later. However, frequency of interruption increased significantly over the course of one year in CWS group. A significant group difference was found in frequency of interruption of mothers but, no significant difference was observed in simultalk duration of mothers at initial visit. In the CWS·mothers group, no factors were related with disfluency of children at initial visit and 12 months later. These findings suggest that interruption is not just negative behavior, and that reducing interruption should be considered in child·parent interaction therapy for CWS.

Transitional care for high-risk elderly patients pre/post discharge by collaboration between general hospital and community pharmacy: a pilot study

  • Park, Mi Seon;Lee, Ji Hee;Lee, Heung Bum;Kim, Ju Sin;Choi, Eun Joo
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2022
  • Background: Medication-related problems (MRPs) frequently occur during the discharge period. Elderly patients, particularly, are at high risk for these problems due to polypharmacy and the use of potentially inappropriate medications. The purpose of this study was to build and implement collaboration between general hospital and community pharmacies to address MRPs among high-risk elderly patients before/after discharge. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted between June and December of 2020. The inclusion criteria were patients with aged ≥65 years; residents of Jeonju; discharged from Jeonbuk National University hospital; either on medication of exceeding 10 medications (or high-risk medications) after hospitalization through the emergency room, or having severe illness. Patients received medication reconciliation and counselling by hospital pharmacists before discharge and home-visit pharmaceutical care as follow-up by community pharmacists after discharge. Results: Twenty-two patients agreed to home-visit pharmaceutical services. Fifteen and 11 patients completed the first and second home-visit pharmaceutical care service, respectively. Forty-two MRPs were identified in 15 patients. The types of high-frequency MRPs were incorrect administration of drug, adverse drug reactions, medication non-compliance, drug-drug interactions, lifestyle modifications, and expired medication disposal. After consultation with the pharmacist, 34 out of 42 MRPs were resolved. Conclusions: Transitional care for high-risk elderly patients before and after discharge was successfully built and implemented through a collaboration between general hospital and community pharmacies. This study suggests that home-visit pharmaceutical services may have positive effects on the safe use of drugs during the transition period; however, additional research is needed to expand on these findings.

An investigational study on telephone calls to the pediatric nursing unit (외래 및 퇴원환아 부모의 전화상담요구와 간호중재에 대한 조사연구)

  • Kang Hwa Ja;Han Kyung Ja;Choe Myoung Ae;Park Seung Hyun;Kim Young Mi;Kwon Won Kyoung;Kim Sun Gu;Ahn Hye Young;Heo Mi Young
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.112-126
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of the need of telephone call and to identify the status of nursing intervention through telephone. Head nurses of the pediatric nursing unit and a nurse of pediatric outpatient clinic wrote down the telephone record of calls by parents of children discharged from hospital from 7 am to 3 pm during the period of March to June, 1995. Content of 120 telephone calls but for 26 calls with incomplete record among 146 calls were analyzed into frequency of general characteristics, needs and nursing intervention. The needs of telephone call were identified and classified into 11 areas and analyzed into frequency of detailed content by 11 areas. Nursing intervention was identified and classified into 10 categories, and analyzed into frequency of detailed content by 10 categories. The findings of this study were as follows ; The need of telephone call was identified with nutritional state, medication, vital signs, language retardation, personal hygiene, vaccination, administration procedure, physical symptoms, follow up care management and others. The most frequent needs were physical symptoms and vaccination. A kind of food among nutrition dose of drugs among medication, fever among vital signs, cough among physical symptoms, and content of vaccination among vaccination was the most frequent needs. Nursing intervention through telephone was identified with instruction, knowledge offer, information offer, judgement, solicitation, referral and instruction, referral, connection, reassurance, reservation, and regulation. Instruction, knowledge offer and information offer was the most frequent nursing intervention by telephone call. Instruction was about a visit to hospital, a visit to nearby clinic, instruction about symptoms,, instruction about nursing care procedure, retelephoning and vaccination. Knowledge offer was about vaccination, knowledge related to medication, and dental care. Information offer and judgement was about vaccination and medication. Referral and instruction delivery was about instruction delivery following consultation to doctor, visit to emergency room and a visit to hospital following consultation to doctor. These results suggest that telephone call intervention program should be established as a field of extended pediatric nursing role in health care delivery system for the children.

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  • Maeng, Jun-Nam;Lee, Kwang-Hee;Kim, Dae-Eop;Bae, Sang-Man
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.202-207
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of study was to compare the caries experience between the mentally retarded(MR) and the normal(N) children and adolescents and to survey the dental visit frequency. preventive dental care, and tooth-brushing behavior of the mentally retarded. Two hundred and fifty MR and two hundred and ten N subjects were selected for the study. 1. The number of teeth which had experienced caries was 3.28 in MR and 4.66 in N. The number of decayed teeth was 2.24 in MR and 1.50 in N. The number of filled teeth was 0.71 in MR and 3.06 in N Filled teeth rate was 19.78% in MR and 58.89% in N The differences between MR and N were all significant(P<0.01). 2. Dental visit frequency of MR was 1.15 per year, and the 51.2% of MR did not visit the dental clinic for the last one year. 38.0% of MR had received the preventive dental care. 3. Toothbrushing frequency per day was 2.16 and the toothbrushing time for 78.3% of MR was less than two minutes. 51.2% of MR brushed their teeth by themselves, 13.3% did with the help of the carers, and 35.5% totally depended on the carers. In conclusion, MR experienced less dental caries than N, had more untreated caries than N, and had need for regular preventive dental care.

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Change of Medical Utilization Claims in Self-employees before and aster the Economic Crisis in Korea (IMF 경제위기 전.후 지역의료보험가입자들의 진료비 청구내용의 변화)

  • Lee, Sin-Jae;Jhang, Won-Ki;Choi, Soon-Ae;Lee, Sang-Yi;Kim, Nam-Soon;Jeong, Baek-Geun;Moon, Ok-Ryun
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2001
  • Objectives : To investigate the changing pattern of medical utilization claims following the economic crisis in Korea. Methods : The original data consisted of the claims of the 'Medical insurance program of self-employees' between 1997 and 1998. The data was selected by medical treatment day ranging between 8 January and 30 June. Medical utilizations were calculated each year by the frequency of claims, visit days for outpatients, length of stay for inpatients, total days of medication, and the sum of expenses. Results : The length of stay as an inpatient in 1998 was decreased 4.7 percent in comparison to 1997. However, inpatient expenses in 1998 increased 10.8 percent as compared to 1997. Inpatient hospital claims in 1998 increased 6.2 percent over 1997, although general hospital inpatient claims in 1998 decreased 3.3 percent in comparison to 1997. The outpatient claim frequency decreased 7.3 in 1998 percent as compared to 1997 Outpatient visit days of in 1998 were decreased 8.5 percent in comparison to that recorded in 1997. Outpatient claim frequencies of 'gu region' in 1998 decreased 10.5 percent comparison to that in 1997, but 'city and gun region' decreased less than 'gu region'. Conclusions : Medical utilization in 1998 deceased in relation to 1997 Medical utilization by outpatients decreased more than that of inpatients. Medical utilization by 'gu region' decreased mere than the other regions.

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Oral health behavior according to perceived oral symptoms in the elderly (노인의 구강자각증상에 따른 구강건강행태)

  • Park, Chung-Soon;Kim, In-Ja
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.955-968
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study was to investigate the oral health behavior according to perceived oral symptoms in the elderly. Methods: The data were obtained from the 6th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013). Data were analyzed by complex sample frequency t test, one-way ANOVA, ${\chi}^2$ test, and general analysis. The questionnaire consisted of general characteristics of the subjects and perceived oral symptoms. Results: Those who had higher education tended to brush teeth regularly. The use of oral hygiene product was also high in higher educated elderly and higher income. Those with good oral health perception showed regular toothbrushing habit. Those with good chewing and mastication used oral hygiene products. Male tended to have regular dental checkup. Those having spouse, higher income, younger age, regular dental checkup had good chewing ability. Poor oral health perception, toothache, and chewing difficulty were the main cause of dental visit (p<0.05). Conclusions: The elderly with poor perceived oral symptoms showed lower level of oral hygiene care. They tended to visit dental clinics only when they had oral symptoms.

The Relationship between the Use of Korean and Western Medicine in treating Musculoskeletal Disease (근골격계 질환에 대한 한방의료기관 이용이 양방의료기관 이용에 미치는 영향 - 한국의료패널 자료를 이용하여 -)

  • Choi, Byunghee;Son, Chihyoung;Lim, Byungmook
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the complementary and substitute relationships between the use of Korean medicine (KM) and that of Western medicine (WM) in the treatment of musculoskeletal disease. Methods: We analyzed the 2009 Korea Health Panel dataset. General characteristics and the medical utilization of respondents were analyzed descriptively. Logistic regression, negative binominal regression, and Tobit regression analysis were used to identify the relationships between the use of KM and the use, visit frequency, and expenses of WM, respectively. Results: In the treatment of musculoskeletal disease, KM use and non-herbal treatments with Korean medicine significantly reduced WM use. Herb medication use significantly increased WM visit frequency. There were no significant relationships between KM use and WM expenses. Conclusions: There are substitute relationships between WM use and KM use, especially non-herbal treatments in KM. Therefore we need to develop the clinical protocols of KM and WM treatments in the treatment of musculoskeletal disease for proper distribution medical resources.

Real-time Visitor's Behavior Analysis System via Ultra-Wide Band Radar (초광대역 레이더를 이용한 실시간 관람 행태 분석 시스템)

  • Lee, Joosoon;Seo, Hogeon;Lee, Kyoobin
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2019
  • The Ultra-Wide Band sensor is widely used as a wireless indoor localization technology with frequency bands in the GHz range. Meanwhile, in museums, not only the real-time location of visitors but also information on visit route and duration time is required for patrons' behavior analysis. In this paper, the analysis system based Ultra-Wide Band radar for visitor's viewing behavior is introduced and experimented in the real environment. We built the system in National Museum of Korea, and its 22 Ultra-Wide Band radar sensors receive the real-time location of their visitors: this analyzes the visit route and visit time for patrons.

Measurement and Analysis of the Library Anxiety among Academic Library Users (대학도서관 이용자의 도서관불안 측정과 분석)

  • Chang, Hye-Rhan;Oh, Eui-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.23 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.205-221
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    • 2006
  • To investigate the present states and analyze the library anxiety among academic library users, A University library users sampled systematically and surveyed. Data collected from 707 students are analyzed and compared with the previous studies. The average LAS score is 2.55 and show differences in sex, grade levels, and major areas of study. Library use instruction reduces anxiety subscale of barriers with staff. Library anxiety is also differed according to the frequency of library visit. Especially, the anxiety subscale of affective barriers is decreased according to the grade level and frequency of library visit. Based on the results, recommendations are suggested to overcome the library anxiety.