• Title/Summary/Keyword: formative Image

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Layout Principles of Renaissance Classicism Architectural Style and Its Application on Modern Fashion Design - Focused on Classic Style Fashion after the Year 1999 - (르네상스 고전주의 건축양식의 조형원리와 현대패션디자인에의 적용 - 1999년 이후 클래식 스타일 패션을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Shin-Young
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.261-276
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    • 2010
  • The analysis of an art trend in the principle dimension starts by observing the object of work in the perspective of formative composition and recognizing it as a universal system. It can be said that it is consistent with an interpretation method for a form theory of formal history by Heinrich W$\ddot{o}$lfflin, a leading form critic in art criticism. Hence, the purpose of this study was to find out what are the formative principles in Renaissance Classicism as a design principle to be applicable to modern fashion by reviewing the formative characteristics of Renaissance Classicism Architecture with which W$\ddot{o}$lfflin directly dealt. As for the theoretical literature review, I used W$\ddot{o}$lfflin's theoretical framework and looked at the Renaissance Classicism Architecture that he studied and examined the possibility of utilizing his theory as a layout principle and the characteristics. As for analysis of design cases, I applied the aforementioned architecture layout principle to modern fashion and conducted case study analysis to delve into distinctive layout principles found in fashion. The study showed that the Renaissance Classicism Architectural Style is marked by linearity, planarity, closing and multiple unity: linearity was expressed in the observation form in fixed frontal view and an emphasis on a tangible silhouette homeogenous and definite line structures; planarity was achieved in the form of paralleled layers of frontal view element, planarity style, and identical and proportional repetition of various sizes.; closing signified the pursuit of complete and clear regularity, and architecture developed in a constructive phase through organizational inevitability and absolute invariability.; multiple unity was expressed in self-completedness and independent parallel of discrete forms and harmony of emphasized individual elements in a totality. Applying these layout characteristics of the Renaissance Classicism Architectural style and to see their individual expressive features, I found out that in adopting layout principles of the Renaissance Classicism Architecture to modern fashion, it turned out to be an emphasis of individual silhouettes, a flattened space, completed objects, organic harmony among independent parts: the emphasis of individual silhouettes was expressed in individual definitiveness of formative lines of clothes in accordance with body joints and an emphasis on formative lines of clothes; the flattened space was marked by single layer structure, planarity of elements of clothes, and listing arrangement by appropriate proportion.; the completedness of the objects was expressed by the stationary state where overall image is fixed, the construction of homogeneous and complete space, and absolute inevitability of internal layout in proportion; lastly, organic harmony of independent parts was stressed in independent completedness of each detail, and organic harmony of the whole. The expressive features would lead to a unique expression style of linear emphasis, proportion, constructive forms, and two-dimensional arrangement. The meaning of this study is follows: The characteristics of art school of thought are given shape by appling & analysing the architectural layout principles of historical art school of thought to modern fashion in the view point of formal construction dimension. The applied possibility of historical art school of thought as the source of inspiration about the fashion design is extended.

A Study on Formative Elements in 3D Animation Character -Focusing on Characters' Visual Recognition Elements of Form through Elements of Form and Formation Method of Form- (3D 애니메이션 캐릭터의 조형성 연구 -<겨울왕국> 캐릭터를 중심으로 조형의 구성요소와 원리를 통한 시각인지요소에 관한 연구-)

  • Kim, Hye Sung;Sung, Re-A
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.36
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    • pp.45-74
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    • 2014
  • We can anticipate that animations will form one of the axes and lead popular culture in our future visual age. Recently, research has been actively conducted, but it mainly focuses on their value in culture industry or technologies and methods of producing animations. Of course, research that deals with animation characters has constantly come out. This study focuses on the 'formative elements' of 3D animation characters and attempts differentiation from other research by inducing new logic theoretically. Being freed from the research on characters that has been merely focused on theoretical grounds, this study intends to figure out how audience that is consumers who actually get to watch and feel animations recognizes them and find out related problems and also solutions for them. In particular, this study intends to examine the formative characteristics of 3D animation characters with the characters appearing in , one of the animations that have achieved artistic value as well as commercial success. And for that, the study conducted not only literature review but various surveys and Delphi method as well. Also, the researcher devised an analysis frame to evaluate the formative elements through in-depth discussion with experts. And with this, the study created the forms such as the Elements of Form, Formation Methods of Form and Visual Recognition Elements of Form, examined how audience recognized 3D characters. The process of recognizing an image is influenced by socio-cultural environment or sex, age, and the level of knowledge differently. This was meant to investigate current visual culture and the public's perspective through characters in that represent the visual mode.

The relation between Movement working as a Grouping clue in Moving Picture and Semantic structure forming (동영상에서 그룹핑(grouping) 단서로 작용하는 움직임(Movement)과 의미구조 형성의 관계)

  • Lee, Soo-Jin
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2006
  • The scale of visual expression has expanded from freeze frame to motion picture as media have developed. Moving pictures such as animation, movies, TV CM and GUI become formative elements whose movement is necessary compared to freeze frame as apparent movement phenomenon and unit structure such as short and scene appear. Therefore, of formative elements such as a shape, color, space, size and movement, movement is importantly distinguished in the moving image. The expression and form of image as a relationship between the signified and signifier explained by Saussure are accepted as a sign by mutual complement even though they limit the content. This makes it possible to infer that the formal feature of movement participates in the message content. To verify this, the result of moving picture visual perception experiment based on the gestalt grouping principle result shows that 70-80 percent of subjects think that 'movement' is the important grouping clue in perception. Movement affects the maintenance of the context of message content in the communication process when the meaning structure of moving picture is analyzed based on the structural feature. The identity can be maintained with if there is a movement with similar directive point even if the color and shape of people, things and background are changed. Second, the clarity of the content is elevated by a distinguished object as a figure by movement. Third, it acts as a knowledge representation which can predict similar movement process of next information processing. Forth, movement gives the content consistency even though more than two scenes have fast switch and complicated editing structure like cross-cutting. Movement becomes a clue which can make grouping information input by visual perception reaction. Also, it gives the order to the visual expression which can be used improperly by formation of structural frame of image message and has the effectiveness which elevates the clarity of signification. Moving picture has discourse with several mixed unit structures because it fundamentally contains time and the common and distinguished expression is needed by media-mix circumstances. Therefore, by the application of gestalt grouping principle to moving picture field, movement becomes the more distinguished than other formative elements and affects the formation of meaning structure. This study propose a viewpoint that develops structural formative beauty and new image expression in the media image field.

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Expressive Effects of Female Characters' Costumes Expressed in Fantasy Movies (판타지 영화에 표현된 여성 캐릭터 의상의 조형적 특성)

  • Kim, Soo-Kyong;Lee, In-Seong
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.963-978
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    • 2008
  • This study examined the images and formative features of female characters portrayed in fantasy films. This study aimed at providing an applicable theory to modern fashion by reconsidering the images of women appearing in fantasy films and arranging fantastical features reflected in costumes of female characters. The followings were the results of the study: The first divine nature that human beings discovered was woman nature. The discovered stone worked of the prehistoric age had a meaning of the great mother of universe and expressed a positive image. Such positive images of the goddess were variously differentiated to negative images or reduced in their roles and meanings in the settlement process of patriarchy as well as sociocultural transition. The foremost examples of negative image were expressed as grotesque, destructive, otherness, sensual, and exotic. The positive image of a goddess in fantasy films was not especially emphasized. On the other hand, the negative images of the goddess and the case of costumes were variously expressed as well as emphasized the typicality of the negative image of the characters. It was reconsidered that the typical features of characters in fantasy films were a result of the image of women following sociocultural transition. In addition, it was confirmed that such result was being reflected in film costume.

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A Study on the Eco-friendly Kitchen Detergent Container Design (조선조 경상의 다리형태를 적용한 친환경 주방세제 용기디자인 연구)

  • Kim, Chung Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.353-363
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    • 2014
  • Design of the container was designed to be able to have a sense of security by emphasizing the points and easy to use sophisticated in order to match the image of the company in an environmentally friendly form of the whole. The design of the natural detergent container, because the container itself is to prevent related bar closely with water, a slip, with an emphasis on the form of fish swim, looks the handle of the oval for the harmony of the entire container I was used to the point. The image extraction in the ordinary, you can design by applying the curve of streamlined feet of thin in order to emphasize the image of honest companies, oval fuselage top, easily without slipping and harmony of the image of the entire container in view of the functional aspects can grab to, which is designed to enter the interior. The design of the natural environment detergent container industry, it was incorporated as much as possible to the vessel and corporate image and sense of stability and the proportion of the overall shape, the basic concepts, the form on the productivity and functionality in the field of design, through the change and simplicity, with an emphasis on merchantability.

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Interactive drawing with user's intentions using image segmentation

  • Lim, Sooyeon
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2018
  • This study introduces an interactive drawing system, a tool that allows user to sketch and draw with his own intentions. The proposed system enables the user to express more creatively through a tool that allows the user to reproduce his original idea as a drawing and transform it using his body. The user can actively participate in the production of the artwork by studying the unique formative language of the spectator. In addition, the user is given an opportunity to experience a creative process by transforming arbitrary drawing into various shapes according to his gestures. Interactive drawing systems use the segmentation of the drawing image as a way to extend the user's initial drawing idea. The system includes transforming a two-dimensional drawing into a volume-like form such as a three-dimensional drawing using image segmentation. In this process, a psychological space is created that can stimulate the imagination of the user and project the object of desire. This process of drawing personification plays a role of giving the user familiarity with the artwork and indirectly expressing his her emotions to others. This means that the interactive drawing, which has changed to the emotional concept of interaction beyond the concept of information transfer, can create a cooperative sensation image between user's time and space and occupy an important position in multimedia society.

A Study on the Aesthetic Sense of Flapper Fashion (플래퍼 패션의 미의식에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Jin;Geum, Key-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2011
  • As modern society advances, women's self-consciousness and attitudes toward beautiful appearances have changed. Amid this trend, the young and slim body of adolescent girls expressed in contemporary fashion incites fantasy on continuing youth among women. In modern society, women's youth is frequently regarded as a subject of consumption and a sex product in the mass media. In this regard, the study is focused on examining desire and psychology of worshipping women's youth and beauty in connection with flapper fashion in the 1920s. In the process, the study took a look at the social and cultural background of flapper fashion and conducted an analysis on formative characteristics and aesthetic sense of flapper fashion as follows: First, the formative characteristics include a short skirt that expresses straight lined shape and the beauty of exposure, lighter clothing, thick make-up, short hair style and black or vivid colors, and they lead to exceptional and innovative aesthetic sense in flapper fashion. Flapper fashion style is focused on completely denying outdated fashion worn by women in the age right before. Second, pursuit of mature, graceful and classical beauty that had continued in previous ages has gone through complete changes in the flapper era in the name of pursuit of youth, and the flapper fashion expresses sensual image through the exposure of slim arms and legs of a young girl. In the formative characteristics, aesthetic sense of youth and sensuality inherent in the flapper fashion was generated. Third, women's free-spirited lifestyle at that time and 'aesthetic sense of freedom and amusement that reflected the speed of machine civilization could be found in the flapper fashion. Material and decoration of the flapper fashion pertained to clothing that enabled a free expression through rapid movements. Aesthetic sense of the flapper fashion generated in the process could be defined as women's internal determination to express individual and free-spirited ideas through the use of fashion when tradition and order of the old age were torn down. And this aesthetic sense is continuously affecting modern fashion design.

Red Carpet Fashion Style - Concentrating on from 2000 to 2012's Academy Awards and Grammy Awards the comparison - (레드 카펫 패션 스타일 - 2000~2012년 아카데미 시상식과 그래미 시상식 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Min-A;Ko, Hyun-Zin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.63 no.2
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    • pp.14-28
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    • 2013
  • This study attempts to systematically analyze a red carpet style. I have researched the Academy Awards called representative film awards which symbolizes international fame and the Grammy Awards which is the most prestigious award in the music industry by subdividing into formative elements such as silhouette, color, fabric, pattern, detail, accessory, fashion image, and so on from 2000 to 2012. Firstly, when it comes to silhouette, mermaid silhouette accounts for the highest proportion in the Academy Awards. Compared to this, fit silhouette is shown almost the same percentage as the mermaid silhouette in the Grammy Awards. Secondly, with regard to color, black color has not only the highest percentage but also examples of different unit forms such as various color, showy gradation and single colors. Various colors in the Grammy Awards have similar percentage in comparison with the Academy Awards. Thirdly, in terms of fabric, silky material is often used most, which looks like putting more weight on dresses for the formative elements of clothes. Fourthly, in pattern, patternless dresses are represented by high percentage at both the Academy Awards and Grammy Awards. Dresses with patterns have mild, stylistic elements and geometric designs. The Grammy Awards shows many different unique patterns, color and size, compared to the Academy Awards. Fifthly, in detail, frill and ruffle ornaments are shown most at the Academy Awards and Grammy Awards. Especially in the Grammy Awards, beads ornaments are used most. Sixthly, in accessory, there are many accessories of graceful, elegance styles in the Academy Awards. On the contrary to this, there are many accessories to effect on many performances of large, fancy, unique styles. Seventhly, elegance images of a goddess style among fashion images emerge as fashion of the Academy Awards. In spite of romantic styles in the Grammy Awards, many various images are the same rate as there, which means different appearance of experiment and sensational styles.

A Study on Soban(dining table) Design Applying of Korean Traditional Architecture (한국 고건축 양식을 응용한 반(盤) 디자인)

  • Lee, Jong-Soo;Kim, Myeong-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2014
  • Furniture can be a product of design and is considered a form of a decorative art. Architectural works are often perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. Korean traditional architectural form and wooden furniture were improved by adding up an organic coordination in the interior space. Furniture adds beauty of life by being coordinated with the interior space with its particular characteristic in the form of architectural structure. Architecture and furniture are also being improved in a more natural and diverse way. Therefore, in this research, from the choice of the location, Korean traditional architecture is considered to be coordinated with the nature, and the technical skill is lessened to express its beauty. There is a presence of elegance yet robust combination of simplicity and beauty. In addition, the traditional architecture and wooden furniture are completely expressed structurally with coordination of the outstanding design and solid structure according to the thrifty living in the Confucian ideas which influenced the Korean traditional society. The representative of Korean traditional architecture, Baeheulrim pillar, has worked as motive because of its visual comfort caused by optical illusion and formative elements. The small portable dining table (Soban) which reflects the characteristic of Korean unique tradition and the sensitivity of Koreans has been reinterpreted through the motive in this research. As a result, it has shown the possibility as the design element to change the aesthetic structure. In the modern society, cultural identity plays a vital role. Therefore, this research can be used as reference for the new concept of furniture - making. It could be a combination of modern people, lifestyle and living space by creating the Korean image suitable for the modern society.

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