• Title/Summary/Keyword: food materials

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Distribution of Microorganisms in Seonsik and Saengsik (곡류 가공품중의 미생물 오염도 조사)

  • Kim Jung-Beom;Park Yong-Bae;Kang Jeong-Bok;Kim Jong-Chan
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.20 no.1 s.55
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    • pp.12-22
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    • 2005
  • This study was performed to survey distribution of microorganisms and food-borne pathogenic bacterium in order to estimate microbiological safety in seonsik and saengsik. Total aerobic bacteria was detected over $10^5\;CFU/g$ in raw materials($4.3\%$) and products($35.7\%$) of saengsik. Coliforms were detected over $10^2\;CFU/g$ in seonsik products($27.3\%$) and in raw materials($4.3\%$) and products($35.7\%$) of saengsik. Cl. perfringens was detected in saengsik products($4.8\%$). B. cereus was detected in raw materials($12.5\%$) and products($18.2\%$) of seonsik and raw materials($13.0\%$) and products($23.8\%$) of saengsik. Concentration and detection rate of microorganisms in products were higher than raw materials. These results show some food hygiene problems but do not cause food poisoning because concentration of Clostridium perfringens and B. cereus were lower than $10^5\;CFU/g$.

Structural Analysis of Deformation and Force on Base Frame by Materials of Processed Food Equipment (가공식품 설비의 재질별 베이스 프레임에 관한 변형 및 하중 구조해석)

  • Kim, Ki-Hong;Kim, Seok-Ho;Choi, Won-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.741-746
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, structural analysis was conducted on the base frame for materials of the conveyor system that automatically produces nurungji. The materials of the base frame were selected as SS400, STS304, Al6063-5. Structural analysis performed Von-Mises stress and maximum displacement for 38 hot plates in real situation, and performed weight of distribution force for yield strength, and calculated safety factor. SS400 and STS304 have little displacement, but Al6063-5 is deformed to 0.149mm, which is 2.6 times greater than other materials. However, since the safety factor was calculated as 8.5, it can be applied to the applicable food processing equipment. The weight of the distributed force for the yield strength of the materials was 17.7kN for SS400, 14.7kN for STS304, and 10.2kN for Al6063-T5. When manufacturing other processed foods with a base frame of the same size, a material suitable for the corresponding weight should be selected.

Combined Non-Thermal Microbial Inactivation Techniques to Enhance the Effectiveness of Starter Cultures for Kimchi Fermentation

  • Su-Ji Kim;Sanghyun Ha;Yun-Mi Dang;Ji Yoon Chang;So Yeong Mun;Ji-Hyoung Ha
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.622-633
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    • 2024
  • For quality standardization, the application of functional lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as starter cultures for food fermentation is a well-known method in the fermented food industry. This study assessed the effect of adding a non-thermally microbial inactivated starter culture to kimchi, a traditional Korean food, in standardizing its quality. In this study, pretreatment based on sterilization processes, namely, slightly acidic electrolyzed water (SAEW) disinfection and ultraviolet C light-emitting diode (UVC-LED) of raw and subsidiary kimchi materials were used to reduce the initial microorganisms in them, thereby increasing the efficiency and value of the kimchi LAB starter during fermentation. Pretreatment sterilization effectively suppressed microorganisms that threatened the sanitary value and quality of kimchi. In addition, pretreatment based on sterilization effectively reduced the number of initial microbial colonies in kimchi, creating an environment in which kimchi LAB starters could settle or dominate, compared to non-sterilized kimchi. These differences in the initial microbial composition following the sterilization process and the addition of kimchi LAB starters led to differences in the metabolites that positively affect the taste and flavor of kimchi. The combined processing technology used in our study, that is, pre-sterilization and LAB addition, may be a powerful approach for kimchi quality standardization.

The Effects of National Policies on Food Consumption Patterns in the 1950's - This Study Focused on Articles Written between $1950{\sim}1959$ - (1950년대 국가정책이 음식소비문화에 미친 영향 - 신문기사를 중심으로($1950{\sim}1959$) -)

  • Kim, Mi-Hye;Chung, Hae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.10-22
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to evaluate changes in food consumption during the 1950's on the basis of articles that reflected national policy and changes in society during that time period. Many factors are involved in the development and changes in food consumption culture, and these factors can affect each other. As a result, the process involved in the development of food consumption culture acts as a living system. This study evaluated the food consumption culture during the 1950's because this period was subjected to obvious influences that may explain the modern food consumption market logic and commercialism. Changes in the national food consumption are dependent on natural changes such as income enlargement or cultural exchange with a foreign country. Accordingly, food consumption during the 1950's was influenced by changes in economical, social, and political needs. In addition, the influx of surplus agricultural products from the United States had an adverse effect on local agriculture and resulted in an increased external dependence on food during the 1950s. Moreover, the import of raw materials and simple manufacturing techniques led to the development of an industrial food processing industry that enabled accelerated mass production of food at a low-price. Furthermore, the importation of surplus agricultural products from the United States that were used as the raw materials for foods that had traditionally been produced domestically led to an increased burden and qualitative decline in the local food-service industry. Taken together, the results of this study indicate that during the 1950's fresh food began to be replaced with processed foods in Korea.

Effects of Coagulants on the Manufacturing of Soybean Curd Containing Natural Materials (응고제에 따른 천연물 첨가두부의 제조 특성)

  • Choi, You-One;Chung, Hun-Sik;Youn, Kwang-Sup
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.249-255
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    • 2000
  • Soybean curd has been known as one of the most favorite traditional Korean foods as well as being high in protein. Each concentration of added natural materials soybean curds was chosen as 4% of carrot, 10% of cucumber, 1.0% of spinach and 0.05% of green tea powder. The yield of soybean curd containing natural materials was similar to that of non-containing curd. According to add GDL as coagulant, the yield of soybean curd containing natural materials was the highest. The turbidity of added natural material soybean curds was the highest coagulated with $CaCl_2$, but soybean curd containing green tea had the highest turbidity in the coagulated with GDL. In the chromaticity and texture properties of the additive natural materials in yhe soybean curd, the variety of additives had no effect. In the composition of natural materials, the carotenoid and chlorophyll content of soybean curds were high with $MgCl_2$ and $CaCl_2$ but polyphenol was high use of $CaSo_4$ and GDL.

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A Research on Kimchi Culture for Koreans in CIS(III) -Materials of Kimchi- (구소련(독립국가연합) 거주 한인들의 김치 이용 실태에 관한 조사(III) -김치재료-)

  • 김영숙;이경임;신애숙;김영희
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.66-74
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    • 1998
  • To investigate the materials in the preparation of kimchi for Koreans in the Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS) a survey was completed by 199 Koreans living in Moscow, Sahalin, Uzbekistan and Jazahstan, In the way to purvey the materials of Kimchi, the frequency to get all the materials of Kimchi in the markets is 74.7% on the whole and by regional groups the frequency is relatively high in Moscow and Kazahstan, For the main ingredients most respondents use Chinese cabbage, cabbage, or turnips. In general Chinese cabbage is used most, But the respondents who live in Moxcow and Kazahstan. For the main ingredients most respondents use Chinese cabbage, cabbage, or turnips. In general Chinese cabbage is used most, But the respondents who live in Moscow and Kazahstan. 쫴 are younger, or belong to higher emigrant generation, prefer cabbage kimchi. For the additional vegetables many respondents use carrots. For the seasonings, garlic, red pepper powder, and salt are added to Kimchi, but the use of ginger, whole seasame seed, and waxy rice paste is relatively low. The coriander, which is not added to kimchi in Korea, is used in Kimchi By above 80% of the respondents living in the three regions except Sahalin. It is considered to be due to the effect of the western dining cultural area. For the animal materials, 74.4% of the respondents add lightly salted fish to Kimchi and all toe respondents in Sahalin add salt-fermented sea food, the kind of which is mainly salt-fermented croaker. The reasons given for not adding salt-fermented seafood to Kimchi in the three regions except Sahalin, 59.9% of the respondents said it was because of the difficulty to purvey, 21.1% because of the fishy taste, and 16.8% because of not considering the addition of self-fermented sea food in Kimchi. The higher the emigrant generation of respondents, the less seasonings of strong flavor like garlic, red pepper powder, and salt-fermented sea food are used, and the more coriander is used. In the salting of Kimchi preparation, 97.8% of the respondents salt the main vegetables by soaking in brine and its concentration is controlled by experience.

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