• 제목/요약/키워드: fluorescent whitening agents

검색결과 26건 처리시간 0.018초

인쇄용지 재활용을 위한 형광증백제 탈착에 대한 기초연구 (Study on the Detachment of Fluorescent Whitening Agents from White Waster Papers)

  • 이지영;김철환;김은혜;박태웅
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제48권2호
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2016
  • White waste papers are very important resources in the paper industry, but their use is limited because of the residual of fluorescent whitening agent (FWA). So the removal of FWAs from waste paper is an important task in the recycling process to improve the use of recycled resources. In this study, we focused on the FWAs used for surface treatments and carried out physical and chemical treatments to remove them from white waste papers. The white waste papers were disintegrated with a surfactant in different pH and temperature conditions, and then handsheets were made for the measurement of the fluorescence index, which is proportional to the amount of FWAs on papers. The effect of the flotation process on the removal of FWAs after disintegration was also investigated. The fluorescence index decreased as the disintegration time increased, but over a relatively long time, the fluorescence index increased again, which indicated the readsorption of the FWAs detached from the cellulosic fibers of the white waste papers. The lowest fluorescence index was shown when the waste papers were disintegrated with a 0.3% surfactant addition at pH 10 and at $45^{\circ}C$. However, the flotation treatment was not effective, because the flotation induced contact between the detached FWAs and the cellulosic fibers, and re-adsorption occurred.

지료의 제타전위 측정을 통한 형광증백제의 흡착 평가 (Adsorption Analysis of Fluorescent Whitening Agent on Cellulosic Fibers by Zeta Potential Measurement)

  • 이지영;김은혜;김철환;박종혜
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제47권6호
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    • pp.106-112
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    • 2015
  • Many researchers have proposed analytical methods to measure the adsorption of di-sulpho fluorescent whitening agents (D-FWAs), but practical methods for D-FWA utilization in an actual paper mill have not been established. In particular, the D-FWA adsorption behavior must be monitored in paper mills to ensure the effective use of D-FWAs. This study used the zeta-potential of pulps as an indicator of the adsorption behavior of a D-FWA. We identified the relationship between the actual adsorption of the D-FWA and the zeta-potential of the pulps as a function of D-FWA addition. zeta-potential measurements were then used to analyze the D-FWA adsorption behavior under different conditions of pulp type, conductivity, and pH. The actual adsorption of a D-FWA was proportional to the ${\Delta}zeta-potential$ of the pulps (i.e., the difference between the zeta-potential of a pulp containing no D-FWA and one containing the D-FWA). The ${\Delta}zeta-potential$ of the pulps was therefore adopted for adsorption analysis. A higher adsorption of the D-FWA was observed onto Hw-BKP than onto Sw-BKP because of the shorter fiber length and higher fines content of Hw-BKP. A high conductivity and an acidic pH decreased the D-FWA adsorption because of direct effects of high ion concentrations and low pH on the D-FWA solubility. Therefore, a D-FWA must be added to Hw-BKP under low conductivity conditions and at neutral or alkaline pH to optimize the D-FWA adsorption.

반복 세척시 형광증백제에 의한 증백효과와 색상변화 (The Effect of Fluorescent Whitening Agents on the Whiteness and the Shade of Fabrics in Repeated Washings)

  • 윤혜신;정혜원
    • 한국염색가공학회지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 2000
  • Influence of the fluorescent whitening agent(FWA)'s adsorption on the whiteness of cotton and on the color change of the dyed fabrics was investigated by repeating wash cycles. Cotton 100% and cotton60/polyester40 blended fabrics were dyed pink, blue and yellow, and cyanuric chloride diamino stilbene(CC/DAS) and distyryl bisphenyl(DSBP) were used for the FWA with laundry detergents. Fabrics were washed at $20^\circ{C}$ with Terg-o-tometer. The FWA adsorption amount was measured by the absorption intensity for the pyridine-water extracted solution. The FWA adsorption increased on the cotton fabric with the wash cycles. Though adsorption of CC/DAS continuously increased up to the 20th cycle, that of DSBP increased sharply before the 10th cycle and reached an equilibrium. The whiteness of the fabrics dried in the shade was greater than that dried under the sunlight through window glass. The color change of dyed fabrics was increased by the number of wash cycles. Pink changed more greatly than blue, yellow or grey cloth. The color change(\Delta{E)}$ of dyed fabric washed repeatedly up to the 20th cycle with the detergent without FWA was less than 1. It is recommended to wash pale colored fabric with the detergent free of FWA.

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표면처리용 형광증백제의 정량분석법에 대한 연구 (Development of Quantitative Analysis of the Fluorescent Whitening Agents Used for Surface Treatments)

  • 이지영;김철환;박종혜;김은혜;위상욱;성용주;허영준;김연오;황인영
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제47권3호
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2015
  • Fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs) are widely applied in the papermaking process to improve the CIE whiteness and the ISO brightness of papers. Large amounts of FWAs are used in the paper and paperboard industry, but no standard method exists for quantitative FWA analysis. Therefore, a new method is needed to analyze the presence of FWAs in paper and paperboard to control their additions and applications. In particular, FWA analysis must concentrate on those used for surface treatment of paper because their use in surface applications has increased recently. The purposes of this study were to measure the optical properties of papers surface-treated with oxidized starch containing FWAs and to deduce the regression equations for the quantitative analysis of FWAs used for surface treatments. Surface sizing was carried out to treat the surface of a base paper with T-FWA and H-FWA, and the pickup weight of the surface sized paper was measured to determine the real weight of FWAs transferred onto the paper surface. After surface sizing and preconditioning, the paper was evaluated for CIE whiteness, ISO brightness, fluorescence index, and reflectance at 440 nm using an Elrepho spectrophotometer. The CIE whiteness and the ISO brightness increased linearly as FWA content increased. The fluorescence index and the reflectance showed linear relationships with T-FWA and H-FWA. Linear regression equations were determined for the quantitative analysis of FWAs used for surface treatments.

동경만 형광표백제 성분물질(DAS1)의 거동 특성 시뮬레이션 (Numerical Simulation of Fluorescent Whitening Agents (DAS1) in Tokyo Bay)

  • 김동명
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.519-525
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    • 2011
  • A three-dimensional ecological model(EMT-3D) was applied to DAS1 in Tokyo Bay. The simulated results of DAS1 were in good agreement with the observed values. The result of sensitivity analysis showed that photolysis coefficient and extinction coefficient were important factor for dissolved DAS1, and photolysis coefficient, extinction and POC partition coefficient for PAHs in particulate organic matter. Mass balance of DAS1 in Tokyo Bay was calculated by using the simulated results of EMT-3D.