• Title/Summary/Keyword: flow loop system

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Experimental and numerical investigations on effect of reverse flow on transient from forced circulation to natural circulation

  • Li, Mingrui;Chen, Wenzhen;Hao, Jianli;Li, Weitong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.9
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    • pp.1955-1962
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    • 2020
  • In a sudden shutdown of primary pump or coolant loss accident in a marine nuclear power plant, the primary flow decreases rapidly in a transition process from forced circulation (FC) to natural circulation (NC), and the lower flow enters the steam generator (SG) causing reverse flow in the U-tube. This can significantly compromise the safety of nuclear power plants. Based on the marine natural circulation steam generator (NCSG), an experimental loop is constructed to study the characteristics of reverse flow under middle-temperature and middle-pressure conditions. The transition from FC to NC is simulated experimentally, and the characteristics of SG reverse flow are studied. On this basis, the experimental loop is numerically modeled using RELAP5/MOD3.3 code for system analysis, and the accuracy of the model is verified according to the experimental data. The influence of the flow variation rate on the reverse flow phenomenon and flow distribution is investigated. The experimental and numerical results show that in comparison with the case of adjusting the mass flow discontinuously, the number of reverse flow tubes increases significantly during the transition from FC to NC, and the reverse flow has a more severe impact on the operating characteristics of the SG. With the increase of flow variation rate, the reverse flow is less likely to occur. The mass flow in the reverse flow U-tubes increases at first and then decreases. When the system is approximately stable, the reverse flow is slightly lower than obverse flow in the same U-tube, while the flow in the obverse flow U-tube increases.

Sensitivity analysis of numerical schemes in natural cooling flows for low power research reactors

  • Karami, Imaneh;Aghaie, Mahdi
    • Advances in Energy Research
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.255-275
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    • 2017
  • The advantages of using natural circulation (NC) as a cooling system, has prompted the worldwide development to investigate this phenomenon more than before. The interesting application of the NC in low power experimental facilities and research reactors, highlights the obligation of study in these laminar flows. The inherent oscillations of NC between hot source and cold sink in low Grashof numbers necessitates stability analysis of cooling flow with experimental or numerical schemes. For this type of analysis, numerical methods could be implemented to desired mass, momentum and energy equations as an efficient instrument for predicting the behavior of the flow field. In this work, using the explicit, implicit and Crank-Nicolson methods, the fluid flow parameters in a natural circulation experimental test loop are obtained and the sensitivity of solving approaches are discussed. In this way, at first, the steady state and transient results from explicit are obtained and compared with experimental data. The implicit and crank-Nicolson scheme is investigated in next steps and in subsequent this research is focused on the numerical aspects of instability prediction for these schemes. In the following, the assessment of the flow behavior with coarse and fine mesh sizes and time-steps has been reported and the numerical schemes convergence are compared. For more detail research, the natural circulation of fluid was modeled by ANSYS-CFX software and results for the experimental loop are shown. Finally, the stability map for rectangular closed loop was obtained with employing the Nyquist criterion.

Numerical Investigation on Natural Circulation in a Simplified Passive Containment Cooling System (단순화된 피동 원자로건물 냉각계통 내 자연순환에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Suh, Jungsoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.92-98
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    • 2018
  • The flow of cooling water in a passive containment cooling system (PCCS), used to remove heat released in design basis accidents from a concrete containment of light water nuclear power plant, was conducted in order to investigate the thermo-fluid equilibrium among many parallel tubes of PCCS. Numerical simulations of the subcooled boiling flow within a coolant loop of a PCCS, which will be installed in innovative pressurized-water reactor (PWR), were conducted using the commercially available computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software ANSYS-CFX. Shear stress transport (SST) and the RPI model were used for turbulence closure and subcooled flow boiling, respectively. As the first step, the simplified geometry of PCCS with 36 tubes was modeled in order to reduce computational resource. Even and uneven thermal loading conditions were applied at the outer walls of parallel tubes for the simulation of the coolant flow in the PCCS at the initial phase of accident. It was observed that the natural circulation maintained in single-phase for all even and uneven thermal loading cases. For uneven thermal loading cases, coolant velocity in each tube were increased according to the applied heat flux. However, the flows were mixed well in the header and natural circulation of the whole cooling loop was not affected by uneven thermal loading significantly.

Numerical Comparison of Thermalhydraulic Aspects of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Subcritical Water-Based Natural Circulation Loop

  • Sarkar, Milan Krishna Singha;Basu, Dipankar Narayan
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2017
  • Application of the supercritical condition in reactor core cooling needs to be properly justified based on the extreme level of parameters involved. Therefore, a numerical study is presented to compare the thermalhydraulic performance of supercritical and single-phase natural circulation loops under low-to-intermediate power levels. Carbon dioxide and water are selected as respective working fluids, operating under an identical set of conditions. Accordingly, a three-dimensional computational model was developed, and solved with an appropriate turbulence model and equations of state. Large asymmetry in velocity and temperature profiles was observed in a single cross section due to local buoyancy effect, which is more prominent for supercritical fluids. Mass flow rate in a supercritical loop increases with power until a maximum is reached, which subsequently corresponds to a rapid deterioration in heat transfer coefficient. That can be identified as the limit of operation for such loops to avoid a high temperature, and therefore, the use of a supercritical loop is suggested only until the appearance of such maxima. Flow-induced heat transfer deterioration can be delayed by increasing system pressure or lowering sink temperature. Bulk temperature level throughout the loop with water as working fluid is higher than supercritical carbon dioxide. This is until the heat transfer deterioration, and hence the use of a single-phase loop is prescribed beyond that limit.

Properties of the Load-Sensing Hydraulic System from a Viewpoint of Control (제어관점에서의 부하감지형 유압시스템의 특성)

  • 김성동
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.738-750
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    • 1994
  • The load-sensing hydraulic system which was developed to improve energy efficiency of conventional hydraulic systems has its own properties. The instability of system responses, linearity of a servo valve, robustness for variation of external load, and dynamic interference between hydraulic motors are such properties which have much to do with control properties of the system. The load-sensing hydraulic system has instability tendancy because the load-sensing mechanism makes a positive feedback loop between the motor part and the pump part. A flow property of the servo valve can be said to be linear because the flow through the valve has nothing to do with a load pressure and the flow is strictly proportional to a valve opening which is adjusted by a valve command signal. The resultant control property can be said to be robust because the steady-state control performance is independent to the load actuated on the motor shaft. In the case when one pump simultaneously drives more than two hydraulic motors, the pump outlet pressure is determined by a hydraulic motor of the largest load pressure among all of the hydraulic motors, and, thus, the other motors are dominated by the largest load pressure. That is, the other motors can be said to be interfered by the motor of the largest load pressure.

Similarity evaluation of the pump simulation loop in STELLA-2 for conservation of mechanical sodium pump characteristics

  • Jung Yoon ;Jewhan Lee ;Jaehyuk Eoh;Hyungmo Kim ;Dong Eok Kim
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.353-363
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    • 2023
  • The STELLA-2 is a large-scale sodium thermal-hydraulic integral effect test facility and supports the development of PGSFR. The facility adopted Pump Simulation Loop System (PSLS) concept for the mechanical sodium pump in the reference reactor to control and to measure the primary sodium flow. Since the component (mechanical pump) is replaced by the loop, it is very important to evaluate the similarity between the pump and the loop. In this paper, to simulate the characteristic of the mechanical sodium pump, the pressure loss along the various options of the loop was evaluated and the comprehensive validity of each design options was analyzed. Using the similarity criteria based on the Richardson number and Euler number conservation, the PSLS design was finalized and the result was within the acceptable error range. Finally, the result of this study was used for construction of the overall facility, STELLA-2.

Analyzing the Supply and Demand Structure of the Korean Flatfish Aquaculture Market : A System Dynamics Approach (시스템다이내믹스기법을 이용한 우리나라 양식넙치시장의 수급구조 분석)

  • Park, Byung-In
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.17-42
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    • 2008
  • This study tried to build a structure model for the Korean flatfish aquaculture market by a system dynamics approach. A pool of several factors to influence the market structure was built. In addition, several reasonable factors related to the flatfish aquaculture market were selected to construct the causal loop diagram (CLD). Then the related stock/flow diagrams of the causal loop diagrams were constructed. This study had been forecasting a production price and supply, demand, and consumption volume for the flatfish market by a monthly basis, and then made some validation to the forecasting. Finally, four governmental policies such as import, storage, reduction of input, and demand control were tentatively evaluated by the created model. As a result, the facts that the demand control policy is most effective, and import and storage policies are moderately effective were found.

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Effect of Pressure on Solids Flow Characteristics in Recycle System of a Circulating Fluidized Bed (순환유동층 재순환부 내 고체흐름 특성에 대한 시스템 압력의 영향)

  • Kim, Sung Won;Kim, Sang Done
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.198-204
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    • 2010
  • Solids flow characteristics have been determined in a pressurized solids recycle systems of silica sand particles for the application in a pressurized CFB(PCFB). The solids recycle system is composed of a downcomer(0.10 m i.d. 2.25 m high) and a loop-seal(0.10 m i.d.). The silica sand($d_p=240{\mu}m$, ${\rho}_s=2582kg/m^3$) particles were transported at room temperature and system pressure($P_{sys}$) up to 0.71 MPa using air. Solids mass flux($G_s$) increases with increasing system pressure at constant aeration rate. Pressure gradient, solids velocity and actual gas velocity increase with increasing $P_{sys}$ at constant aeration rate. The Pressure drop number($\Phi$) on pressure gradient in downcomer has been correlated with Transportation number(Tr). Pressure drop across the loop-seal increases with increasing of $G_s$ irrespective of variation of $P_{sys}$. The obtained $G_s$ and Transportation number(Tr) have been correlated with the experimental variables.

Substation Bus Voltage Angle Calculation Method Using Voltage Angle Difference Measured at the Tie Switch in the Distribution Line (배전선로 상시연계점 측정 전압 위상차를 이용한 변전소 모선 위상각 추정 방법)

  • Son, Ju-Hwan;Lim, Seong-Il
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.65 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2016
  • Distribution networks are operated in radial fashion during the normal state. Loop configuration is also required temporally in case of live load transfer among the adjacent feeders. Voltage angles of each substation buses are very important data in order to calculate power flow of the loop structured distribution feeders. This paper proposes substation bus voltage angle calculation method using voltage angle difference measured at the normally open tie switches. Simulation case studies using Matlab simulink have been performed to establish feasibility of proposed method.

A Study on Determination of Boron Makeup Flow Rate During the Load Follow Operation (부하추종 운전시 보론 보충 수량 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Yong-Mann;Lee, Un-Chul;Chung, Chang-Hyun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1988
  • During power plant operation, the flow rate from the CVCS makeup system is estimated using the continuity equation and mass balance equation, when the primary loop boron concentration change is required due to the power transient. For this purpose, primary loop, pressurizer and VCT(volume control tank)(in CVCS) are modeled by three control volumes which contain each mass and boron concentration. Connecting pipes between primary loop, pressurizer and CVCS are also modeled by time delay. Calculation for 14-2-6-2 (power 100-50-100) load follow case (at EOL, for KNU 7) is made using these models.

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