• Title/Summary/Keyword: flow loop system

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Experimental study on natural circulation using liquid nitrogen for superconducting applications

  • Choi, Yeon Suk
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.49-52
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    • 2013
  • An experiment to investigate the natural circulation of a cryogen has been performed. The study is motivated mainly by our recent development of cryogenic cooling system for prototype superconducting cyclotron without any circulating pump. In the natural circulation loop system, a cooling channel is attached on the outer surface of the aluminium block and the liquid nitrogen passes through inside of the channel to cool the block indirectly. A cryocooler as a heat sink is located at the top to re-condense cryogenic vapor coming from the aluminium block in which electrical heater is installed as a heat source. The main dimensions are determined using the relevant analysis and the natural circulation loop is successfully fabricated. The temperature distributions in the loop are measured during initial cool-down process and in steady state, from which the modified Grashof numbers are calculated and compared with the existing correlation estimated with one-dimensional analysis for steady state flow.

Development of two-component polyurethane metering system for in-mold coating (인몰드 코팅을 위한 2액형 폴리우레탄 공급장치 개발)

  • Seo, Bong-Hyun;Lee, Ho-Sang
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.18-23
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    • 2016
  • Injection molded thermoplastic parts may need to be coated to facilitate paint adhesion, or to satisfy other surface property requirements, such as appearance, durability, and weather resistance. In this paper, a two-component polyurethane metering system was developed for the simultaneous injection and surface coating of a plastic substrate. The system was composed of storage tanks, feed pumps, axial piston pumps, mixing head. The tank was designed to be double-jacket structured and fabricated for polyol and isocyanate, respectively. A temperature chamber was used to maintain the material temperature to be $80^{\circ}C$ during flowing from storage tank to mixing head. Inside the chamber, feed pump, low pressure filter, high pressure pump, high pressure filter, pressure sensor, flow meter were installed. A mixing head of L-type was used for homogeneous mixing of polyol and isocyanate. Inside the mixing head, a cartridge heater and a temperature sensor were installed to control the temperature of the materials. The flow rate of axial-piston pump was controlled by using closed-loop feedback control algorithm. The input flow-rates were compared with the measured values. The output error was 6.7% for open-loop control, whereas the error was below 2.2% for closed-loop control. In addition, the pressure generated through mixing-head nozzle increased with increasing flow rate. It was found that the pressure drop between metering pump and mixing-head nozzle was almost 10 bar.

An Experimental Study on the Flow Characteristics Inside an Open Two-Phase Natural Circulation Loop (개방된 2상 자연순환 회로내의 유동특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 경익수;이상용
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1313-1320
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    • 1993
  • Flow patterns inside the riser section and the effects of the heater inlet-and exit-restrictions, liquid charging level and the heater inlet subcooling on the flow characteristics inside an open two-phase natural circulation loop were studied experimentally. Three basic circulation modes were observed ; periodic circulation (A)(flow oscillations with incubation(no boiling) period), continuous circulations(stable operation mode with no flow oscillations), and periodic circulation (B) (flow oscillations with continuous boiling). The circulation rate increases and then decreases with the increase of the heating rate and the maximum circulation rate appears with the continuous circulation mode. The decrease of the inlet-restriction or the increase of the exitrestriction destabilizes the system. When the liquid charging level or the inlet subcooling decreases, the continuous circulation mode starts at the lower heating rate and the system is stabilized.

A Study on Forecasting of Inter-Korea Air Passenger Demand Using System Dynamics (시스템 다이내믹스를 이용한 남북한 항공수요 예측에 관한 연구)

  • JiHun Choi;Donguk Won;KyuWang Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to forecast of Air Passenger Demand between South Korea and North Korea using the system dynamics analysis methodology that is based on the system thinking. System dynamics is not only a tool that makes the systematic thought to a model but also a computer program-based analysis methodology that mathematically models the system varying according to time variation. This study analyzed the causal relationship based on the interrelation among variables and structured them by considering various variables that affect aviation cooperation from the perspective of Air passenger demand forecasting. In addition, based on the causal relationship between variables, this study also completed the causal loop diagram that forms a feedback loop, constructed the stock-flow diagram of Inter-Korean model using Vensim program. In this study, Air passenger demand was using by the simulation variable value into System Dynamics. This study was difficult to reflect the various variables constituting the North Korea environment, and there is a limit to the occurrence of events in North Korea.

Automatic Protection Schemes for Distribution System with Open and Closed-loop

  • Guan, Kang-Le;Lee, Seung-Jae;Choi, Myeon-Song
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.969-974
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    • 2013
  • Protection issues in distribution systems which are to be operated in open and closed-loop modes in a smart grid are studied and a generalized protection setting method is proposed to meet the new requirements. The developed setting method assumes a conventional over-current protection scheme for the system with reclosers and over-current relays. In a closed-loop mode, it identifies protective devices that have to be sacrificed in order to maximize protection coordination for bidirectional fault current flow. The proposed setting method has been tested on many systems with different complexity and is proved effective.

A Study on the Flow rate Analysis of a Sanitary Fixture for Water Supply Piping System (급수배관방식에 따른 욕실 위생기구의 유량분석에 관한 연구)

  • JANG, Y.K.;KIM, D.J.;SUH, B.T.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Mechanical Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2011
  • The flow rate analysis for sanitary fixtures has been studied to determine the water supply piping system and size. The study has been carried out to analyze for a various water supply pressure and piping size theoretically. Also, the study has been carried out to analyze for a various water supply piping system experimentally. The water supply pressure is varied from 0.01MPa to 0.07MPa, and the piping size is varied from 6mm to 15mm. The water supply piping systems are one-to-one, all-loop-type, and bathroom-loop-type water supply piping system. The results indicate that the piping size is able to supply water fully in case of smaller than 15mm if the water supply pressure keep an necessary minimum pressure. And the gap of flow rate is very little for the various water supply piping systems.

Development of Automatic Power Restoration System And Operation in KEPCO Real Power System (정전자동복구시스템의 개발 및 한전 실계통 적용)

  • Hong, Soon-Chun;Choo, Jin-Boo;Lee, Nam-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.49-51
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    • 2001
  • Recently, according to a rapid increase of the power demand, the KEPCO's 154kV lines are continuously expanded and become to the more complex loop system. As a result of increase of the fault capacity and the unbalance of power load flow, the circuit breaker have been exceeding the capacity limit of those in the loop power system. To solve this problem, APRS application will be necessary more and more.

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Simulation of Open-Loop Borehole Heat Exchanger System using Sand Tank Experiment and Numerical Model (토조 및 수치모형을 이용한 개방형 지중 열교환 시스템 모의)

  • Lee, Seong-Sun;Bae, Gwang-Ok;Lee, Kang-Kun
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.489-492
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    • 2007
  • Understanding the thermohydraulic processes in the aquifer is necessary for a proper design of the aquifer thermal energy utilization system under given conditions. Experimental and numerical test were accomplished to evaluate the relationship between the geothermal heat exchanger operation and hydrogeological conditions in the open-loop geothermal system. Sand tank experiments were designed to investigate the open-loop geothermal system. Water injection and extract ion system as open-loop borehole heat exchanger was applied to observe the temperature changes in time at injection well, extraction well and ambient groundwater. The thermohydraulic transfer for heat storage was simulated using FEFLOW for two cases of extraction and injection phase operation in sand tank model. As one case, the movement of the thermal plume was simulated with variable locations of injection and extraction well. As another case, the simulation was performed with fixed location of injection and extraction well. The simulation and experimental results showed that the temperature distribution depends highly on the injected water temperature and the length of injection time and the groundwater flow and pumping rate sensitively affect the heat transfer.

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Analysis of Performance Factors of Unmanned Aircraft System(UAS)-based Facility Management using Causal Loop Diagram (Causal Loop Diagram을 활용한 무인항공체계 기반 시설물 관리 영향인자 분석)

  • Kwon, Jin-Hyeok;Yu, Chae-Youn;Kim, Sungjin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2022.04a
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    • pp.85-86
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    • 2022
  • Traditionally, the facility inspection was visually conducted by the managers, and consequently the result can be subjective because of different perspective and experience of them. To solve this problem, the studies on this topic has tried to integrate the UAS. However, it is still concerned to use in practice due to the lack of analysis of the performance factors affecting the UAS-based facility condition inspection. Hence, the purpose of this study is to identify the critical factors as well as their correlations by modeling causal loop diagram (CLD). A total of 20 variables were derived in four categorized groups, and the relationships were analyzed. Further study will develop a system dynamics (SD) model to simulate various scenarios based on stock-flow diagram through the defined relationships in this study.

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Design of Rankine Steam Cycle and Performance Evaluation of HT Boiler for Engine Waste Heat Recovery (엔진 폐열 회수를 위한 랭킨 스팀 사이클 설계 및 HT Boiler의 성능 평가)

  • Heo, Hyung-Seok;Bae, Suk-Jung;Lee, Dong-Hyuk;Lee, Heon-Kyun;Kim, Tae-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2012
  • A dual loop waste heat recovery system with Rankine steam cycles for the improvement of fuel efficiency of gasoline vehicles has been investigated. A high temperature loop (HT loop) only recovers the heat of the exhaust gas. A low temperature loop (LT loop) recovers the residual heat from the HT loop, the coolant heat and the remaining exhaust gas heat. The two separate loops are coupled with a heat exchanger. This paper has dealt with a layout of the dual loop system, the review of the working fluids, and the design of the cycle. The design point and the target heat recovery of the HT boiler, a core part of a HT loop, have been presented. The prototype of the HT boiler was evaluated by experiment. For the performance evaluation of the HT boiler, inlet temperature of the HT boiler working fluid was set equal to the temperature degree of sub-cool of $5^{\circ}C$ at the condensing pressure. The exit condition was the degree of super-heat set at $5^{\circ}C$. The characteristics of the HT boiler such as heat recovery and pressure drops of fluids were evaluated with varying flow rates and inlet temperatures of exhaust gas under various evaporating pressure conditions.