• Title/Summary/Keyword: flood wave

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VRS-GPS Measure of Typhoon Surge Flood Determinedin Busan Coastal Topography (부산 연안지형 VRS-GPS 계측을 통한 태풍해일 침수예측)

  • Kim, Ga-Ya;Jung, Kwang-Hyo;Kim, Jeong-Ho
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2012
  • A coastal flood area was predicted using the empirical superposition of the typhoon surge level and typhoon wave height along the Busan coastal area. The historical typhoon damages were reviewed, and the coastal topography was measured using VRS-GPS. A FEMA formula was applied to estimate the coastal flood area in a typhoon case when the measured and predicted data of typhoon waves are not available. The results in the area of Haeundae beach and Gwangalli beach were verified using the flood area data from the case of Typhoon Maemi (2003). If a Hurricane Katrina class typhoon were to pass through the Maemi trajectory, the areathat would be flooded along theBusan coastal area was predicted and compared with the results of the Maemi case. Because of the lack of ocean environment data such as data for the sea level, waves, bathymetry, wind, pressure, etc., it is hard to improve the prediction accuracy for the coastal flood area in the typhoon case, which could be reflected in the policy to mitigate a typhoon's impact. This paper discusses the kinds of ocean environment information that is needed to predict a typhoon's impact with better accuracy.

Estimation of Modification Factor for Scale Effect of the Front of Flood Wave Propagation (홍수파 선단의 축척효과에 대한 보정계수 산정)

  • Jeong, Seok-il;Kim, Soo young;Lee, Seung Oh
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2016
  • Recently, there has been increasing concern regarding the collapse of hydraulic structures due to abnormal climate conditions. Therefore, numerous studies of the collapse of hydraulic structures have been carried out. In particular, the velocity of the propagation of a flood wave-front is important for predicting the inundation safety and establishing an EAP (Emergency Action Plan). Although many hydraulic tests have been conducted for precise predictions of a flood wave-front, the scale effect from downsizing has not considered. In this study, the relationships between surface tension and the concentration of surfactant, between surface tension and the velocity of flood wave propagation, and between surface tension and the Weber Number were derived through hydraulic tests using a surfactant and image analysis equipment. Based on these relations, the modification factor for the scale effect of the front of flood wave propagation was suggested. The results highlight the necessity of a modification factor when the Weber Number is lower than 12.2, but the scale effect can be ignored when the Weber Number over 12.2.

Study on Behaviour of Flood Wave-front Varied with Levee Breach Speed in Flat Inundation Area (평탄지형 제내지에서의 제방붕괴속도에 따른 범람홍수파 선단 거동에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Kwang Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.537-544
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    • 2017
  • An experimental study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of the propagation distance of a flood wave considering the levee failure speed in a flat inundation area. The Ritter solution for one dimensional flow was considered to formulate the experimental results and a representative form with coefficients of k and m, which consider the three dimensional flow characteristics, was applied. The experiments showed that the propagation velocity of the wave front in the inundation area was influenced by the levee breach speed as well as the initial water level, which is a significant variable representing the flood wave behavior. In addition, coefficients k and m are not constants, but variables that vary with levee breach speed. An empirical formula was also suggested using the experimental results in the form of the relationships between k and m. In this study, a large-scale experiment for flood inundation was carried out to examine the behavior of flooding in the inundated area and the relationships between the levee breach speed and wave-front propagation velocity were suggested based on the experimental results. These research results are expected to be used as the baseline data to draw a flow inundation map, establish an emergency action plan, and verify the two-dimensional numerical model.

Propagation Analysis of Dam Break Wave using Approximate Riemann solver (Riemann 해법을 이용한 댐 붕괴파의 전파 해석)

  • Kim, Byung Hyun;Han, Kun Yeon;Ahn, Ki Hong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.5B
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    • pp.429-439
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    • 2009
  • When Catastrophic extreme flood occurs due to dam break, the response time for flood warning is much shorter than for natural floods. Numerical models can be powerful tools to predict behaviors in flood wave propagation and to provide the information about the flooded area, wave front arrival time and water depth and so on. But flood wave propagation due to dam break can be a process of difficult mathematical characterization since the flood wave includes discontinuous flow and dry bed propagation. Nevertheless, a lot of numerical models using finite volume method have been recently developed to simulate flood inundation due to dam break. As Finite volume methods are based on the integral form of the conservation equations, finite volume model can easily capture discontinuous flows and shock wave. In this study the numerical model using Riemann approximate solvers and finite volume method applied to the conservative form for two-dimensional shallow water equation was developed. The MUSCL scheme with surface gradient method for reconstruction of conservation variables in continuity and momentum equations is used in the predictor-corrector procedure and the scheme is second order accurate both in space and time. The developed finite volume model is applied to 2D partial dam break flows and dam break flows with triangular bump and validated by comparing numerical solution with laboratory measurements data and other researcher's data.

Development of Kinematic Wave-based Distributed Model for Flood Discharge Analysis (홍수유출해석을 위한 운동파기반의 분포형모형 개발 및 적용)

  • Park, Jin-Hyeog;Hur, Young-Teck
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.455-462
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    • 2008
  • In this research, a distributed rainfall-runoff model based on physical kinematic wave was developed to simulate temporal and spatial distribution of flood discharge considering grid rainfall and grid based hydrological information. The developed model can simulate temporal change and spatial distribution of surface flow and sub-surface flow during flood period, and input parameters of ASCII format as pre-process can be extracted using GIS such as ArcGIS and ArcView. Output results of ASCII format as post-process can be created to express distribution of discharge in the watershed using GIS. The Namgang Dam Watershed was divided into square grids of 500m resolution and calculated by kinematic wave into an outlet through channel networks to review capability of the developed model. The model displayed precise results to be compared to the hydrograph.

Flood Routing Using Numerical Analysis Model (수치해석모형에 의한 홍수추적)

  • 이용직;권순국
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.117-130
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    • 1989
  • In this study, an implicit one-dimensional model, DWRM(Dynamic Wave Routing Model) was developed by using the four-point weighted difference method. By applying the developed model to the Keum River, the parameters were calibrated and the model applicability was tested through the comparison between observed and computed water levels. In addition, the effects of the construction of an estuary dam to the flood wave were estimated as a result of the model application. The results of the study can be summarized as follows; 1. The roughness coefficients were evaluated by comparison between observed and computed water level at Jindu, Gyuam and Ganggyeung station in 1985. The Root Mean Squares for water level differences between observed and computed values were 0.10, 0.11, 0. 29m and the differences of peak flood levels were 0.07, 0.02, 0. 07m at each station. Since the evaluated roughness coefficients were within the range of 0.029-0.041 showing the realistic value for the general condition of rivers, it can be concluded that the calibration has been completed. 2. By the application of model using the calibrated roughness coefficients, the R. M. S. for water level differences were 0.16, 0.24, 0. 24m and the differences of peak flood level were 0.17, 0.13,0.08 m at each station. The arrival time of peak flood at each station and the stage-discharge relationship at Gongju station agreed well with the observed values. Therefore, it was concluded that the model could be applied to the Keum River. 3. The model was applied under conditions before and after the construction of the estuary dam. The 50-year frequency flood which had 7, 800m$^3$/sec of peak flood was used as the upstream condition, and the spring tide and the neap tide were used as the downstream condition. As the results of the application, no change of the peak flood level was showed in the upper reaches of 19.2km upstream from the estuary dam. For areas near 9.6km upstream from the estuary dam, the change of the peak flood level under the condition before and after the construction was 0. 2m. However considering the assumptions for the boundary conditions of downstream, the change of peak flood level would be decreased.

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Dynamic Wave Model for Dendritic River Network

  • Lee, Jong-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Hydrosciences
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    • v.2
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 1991
  • This paper is focused on the development of the RIVNET1 model, which is a dynamic wave model, for flood analysis in dendritic river networks with arbitrary cross-sections. This model adopted the $-point implicit RDM and utilized a relaxation algorithim in order to solve the governing equations. The double-sweep method was used to reduce the C.P.U. time to solve the matrix system of the model. This model is applied the analyze flood waves of the Ohid river in the U.S.A. and the Keum river in Korea. The results of analysis obtained from this model are compared with those of the DWOPER and observed data.

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Influence of the Peace-Dam Construction on the Flood Discharge and the Flood Stage of the Hwachun-Dam (화천댐의 홍수량 및 수위에 미치는 평화댐의 영향 분석)

  • 전병호;신현석;이재철;윤용남
    • Water for future
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 1993
  • Because of the Keumkangsan-Dam and the Peace-Dam constructed in recent years, it is expected that the peak flood discharge and the peak flood stage at the Hwachun-Dam site have been changed. In this study, two methods were used to simulate and compare the effects of the upstream dam construction on the change of the discharge and the stage. One is the storage function method widely used for the hydrological routing in this country. The other is the DWOPER (Dynamic Wave Operational Model) package developed by the U.S. NWS for the hydraulic routing. Flood routing simulations have been performed on four different scenarios:1) Before the construction of the Keumkangsan-Dam and the peace-Dam, 2) The exclusion of the Keumkangsan-Dam watershed (before the construction of the Peace-Dam), 3) The exclusion of the Keumkangsan-Dam watershed (after the construction of the Peace-Dam), 4) The exclusion of the Peace-Dam watershed. The results of the four test cases from the two methods show that the peak flood discharge and the peak flood stage at the Hwachun-Dam site are reduced due to the construction of the Peace-Dam. From these findings, it is suggested that the operational criteria for the optimal dam-operation of the hwachun-Dam need to be modified.

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Automated Terrain Data Generation for Urban Flood Risk Mapping Using c-GAN and BBDM

  • Jonghyuk Lee;Sangik Lee;Byung-hun Seo;Dongsu Kim;Yejin Seo;Dongwoo Kim;Yerim Cho;Won Choi
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1294-1294
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    • 2024
  • Flood risk maps are used in urban flooding to understand the spatial extent and depth of inundation damage. To construct these maps, hydrodynamic modeling capable of simulating flood waves is necessary. Flood waves are typically fast, and inundation patterns can significantly vary depending on the terrain, making it essential to accurately represent the terrain of the flood source in flood wave analysis. Recently, methods using UAVs for terrain data construction through Structure-from-Motion or LiDAR have been utilized. These methods are crucial for UAV operations, and thus, still require a lot of time and manpower, and are limited when UAV operations are not possible. Therefore, for efficient nationwide monitoring, this study developed a model that can automatically generate terrain data by estimating depth information from a single image using c-GAN (Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks) and BBDM (Brownian Bridge Diffusion Model). The training, utilization, and validation datasets employed images from the ISPRS (2018) and directly aerial photographed image sets from five locations in the territory of the Republic of Korea. Compared to the ground truth of the test data set, it is considered sufficiently usable as terrain data for flood wave analysis, capable of generating highly accurate and precise terrain data with high reproducibility.

River Flow Forecasting Model for the Youngsan Estuary Reservoir Operation(III) - Pronagation of Flood Wave by Sluice Gate Operations - (영산호 운영을 위한 홍수예보모형의 개발(III) -배수갑문 조절에 의한 홍수파의 전달-)

  • 박창언;박승우
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.13.2-20
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    • 1995
  • An water balance model was formulated to simulate the change in water levels at the estuary reservoir from sluice gate releases and the inflow hydrographs, and an one-di- mensional flood routing model was formulated to simulate temporal and spatial varia- tions of flood hydrographs along the estuarine river. Flow rates through sluice gates were calibrated with data from the estuary dam, and the results were used for a water balance model, which did a good job in predicting the water level fluctuations. The flood routing model which used the results from two hydrologic models and the water balance model simulated hydrographs that were in close agreement with the observed data. The flood forecasting model was found to be applicable to real-time forecasting of water level fluc- tuations with reasonable accuracies.

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