• Title/Summary/Keyword: first group maturity

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Evaluation of Maritime Safety Technology for Official Development Assistance (ODA) (국제협력사업 추진을 위한 해사안전기술 평가 연구)

  • Oh, Se-Woong;Jeon, Tae-Byung;Lee, Moon-Jin;Suh, Sang-Hyun;Cho, Dong-Oh
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2010
  • IMO(International Maritime Organization) and the Shipping World rave complied with various kinds of international regulations for maritime safety and marine environmental protection, but the main reason of maritime accidents is that developing countries cannot implement maritime safety related regulations. Although Korea has been a member of the "A group" council of IMO, maritime technology transfer records of Korea are not good. To promote the project of official development assistance in Korea, it is required to select the technology which has a high degree of importance in the fields of maritime safety and has a high degree of demand on the transfer to developing countries, and to concentrate on the selected technology. So, it is necessary to draw valuation factors for maritime safety technology and to decide the priority in order among maritime safety technologies on the basis of valuation factors. Because the weights which show the degree of importance among valuation factors are different from factor to factor, interdependent relationship between factors should be considered on evaluation. In this study, the valuation factors were divided into three groups as the maturity of maritime safety technology, the promotion probability of projects and the degree of importance of technology, and the detailed factors of each group were drawn. A model which used Fuzzy AHP and limiting probability to consider the weights of importance and correlation among valuation factors was developed. To adopt this model, nine types of maritime safety technology in the field of maritime safety information were selected and points were scored for each technology through evaluation. In conclusion, first, ENC related technology was scored to be the highest as 0.0139. Second, the point of ship monitoring technology was scored as 0.0133. Last, oil spill response technology was scored as 0.0132.

The Case Study on Industry-Leading Marketing of Woori Investment and Securities (우리투자증권의 시장선도 마케팅 사례연구)

  • Choi, Eun-Jung;Lee, Sung-Ho;Lee, Sanghyun;Lee, Doo-Hee
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.227-251
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed Woori Investment and Securities' industry-leading marketing from both a brand management and a marketing decision-making perspective. By executing a different marketing strategy from its competitors, Woori Investment and Securities recognized recent changes in the asset management and investment markets as an open opportunity, and quickly responded to the market changes. First, the company launched the octo brand as a multi-account product, two years before its competitors offered their own products. In particular, it created a differentiated brand image, using the blue octopus character, which became familiar to the general financial community, and was consistently employed as part of an integrated marketing communications strategy. Second, it executed a brand expansion strategy by sub-branding octo in a variety of new financial products, responding to rapid changes in the domestic financial and asset management markets. Through this strategic evolution, the octo brand became a successful wealth management brand and representative of Woori Investment & Securities. Third, it has converged market research, demand and trend analysis, and customer needs acquired through various customer contact channels into a marketing perspective. Thus, marketing has participated in the product development stage, a rarity in the finance industry. Woori Investment and Securities has a leading marketing system. The heart of the successful product creation lies in a collaboration of their customer bases among the finance companies in the Woori Financial Group. The present study suggested a corresponding strategy for octo brand, which is expected to enter into the maturity stage of its product life cycle. In addition, this study found a need to modify the current positioning strategy in order to position and preserve sustainability in the increasingly competitive asset management market. It also suggested the need for an offensive strategy to counter the number one M/S company, and address the issue of cannibalism in the Woori Financial Group.

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Characterization and Control of Vascellum curtisii (Berkeley)Kreisel Causing the Fairy Ring Arcs in the Golf Course in Korea (골프코스에서 페어리링의 원인이되는 Vascellum curtisii의 특징과 방계)

  • Choi, Dae-Hong;Lee, Jung-Han;Kim, Hee-Kyu
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2008
  • We have found the clusters of tiny spiny puffball-like mushrooms growing gregariously in fairy ring (arcs) rimmed by a zone of darker green grass in the golf courses. Macroscopic as well as microscopic characters were examined for the morphology of fruiting body. Exoperidium is thin and densely spiny with minute fibrillae at early stage. The connivent spines were soft and quite persistent. In age, the fibrillae scrumble away with a powdery coating, which leaves white endoperidium becoming pale brown. It's interior was white and fleshy at first, but turns into an olive-colored dust as the gleba, the spore-producing tissue, develops to maturity and loaded with olive-brown spore mass. Then, distinct apical pore developed on the endoperidium. Rudimentary subgleba(sterile base) was narrow, chambered, delineated from the gleba by a membrane in young material. These characters suggested this fungus is a Vascellum, a member of the family Lycoperdaceae. The shapes of the spores were globose, echinulate, $3{\sim}3.5{\mu}m$ in diameter, thick-walled, and olive brown. Capillitial threads were $8-9{\mu}m$ wide, mostly colorless in KOH solution and thin-walled, which designated as "paracapillitium". This is an another character that distinguishes this mushroom from Lycoperdon spp. The spines developed on exoperidium were characteristically connivent; their apices joined together in a point, leaving a space below, which gives the appearance of vault to each group of usually 5 to 6 fibrillae. Based on the above characters, this fungus is identified as Vascellum curtisii (Berkeley). The characters distinguishable this from Lycoperdon pulcherrimum, and Vascellum pretense are discussed in detail. Control trial was also attempted. Strong vertical raking(SVR) followed by applying 500x detergent solution (Spark, Aekyung Co. Seoul) resulted in excellent control over any other treatments. In this plot, fruiting body was not developed throughout the end of mushroom growing season.

Development of Home Economics Teaching-Learning Plan in the Clothing and Textiles area For Teenager's Empowerment Improving(I) (청소년의 임파워먼트 향상을 위한 의생활 영역 가정과수업 개발(제1보))

  • Oh, Kyungseon;Ha, Jisoo;Lee, Soo-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.155-177
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    • 2019
  • The study aims to develop a teaching-learning plan that can solve the problem of the clothing and textiles area faced by the teenager as course of critical science perspective improving the empowerment. As a research method, it was conceptualized by applying the Laster(1986)'s curriculum development process. And it was applied to the conceptual framework of practical reasoning presented in: "Family, Food and Society A Teacher's guide" (Staaland & Storm, 1996). The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, based on the results of reviewing literature related to the clothing and textiles area, ongoing concerns related to the clothing and textiles is "Should we do with regard to clothing and textiles for families in the community? The valued ends is defined as a complex position with a high degree of freedom and a high responsibility, and the goal of learning is interdependence, emotional maturity, intellectual development, and communication ability. For the contents of education and activity structure, practical reasoning process was used as conceptual framework of education contents, and included sub-concerns, broad concepts, sub-concepts and intellectual and social skills. Second, based on the practical reasoning, we developed a teaching and learning plan in the clothing and textiles. As a result, a total of 12 plan of 5 modules were developed. And were developed a total of 31 tutorials, reading materials, picture materials, group activities, and video materials. The results of this study can be applied to teachers who want to try out practical inference process in class or teachers who have difficulty in practicing reasoning process in the field.

Scale and Scope Economies and Prospect for the Korea's Banking Industry (우리나라 은행산업(銀行産業)의 효율성분석(效率性分析)과 제도개선방안(制度改善方案))

  • Jwa, Sung-hee
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.109-153
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    • 1992
  • This paper estimates a translog cost function for the Korea's banking industry and derives various implications on the prospect for the Korean banking structure in the future based on the estimated efficiency indicators for the banking sector. The Korean banking industry is permitted to operate trust business to the full extent and the security business to a limited extent, while it is formally subjected to the strict, specialized banking system. Security underwriting and investment businesses are allowed in a very limited extent only for stocks and bonds of maturity longer than three year and only up to 100 percent of the bank paid-in capital. Until the end of 1991, the ceiling was only up to 25 percent of the total balance of the demand deposits. However, they are prohibited from the security brokerage business. While the in-house integration of security businesses with the traditional business of deposit and commercial lending is restrictively regulated as such, Korean banks can enter the security business by establishing subsidiaries in the industry. This paper, therefore, estimates the efficiency indicators as well as the cost functions, identifying the in-house integrated trust business and security investment business as important banking activities, for various cases where both the production and the intermediation function approaches in modelling the financial intermediaries are separately applied, and the banking businesses of deposit, lending and security investment as one group and the trust businesses as another group are separately and integrally analyzed. The estimation results of the efficiency indicators for various cases are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2. First, security businesses exhibit economies of scale but also economies of scope with traditional banking activities, which implies that in-house integration of the banking and security businesses may not be a nonoptimal banking structure. Therefore, this result further implies that the transformation of Korea's banking system from the current, specialized system to the universal banking system will not impede the improvement of the banking industry's efficiency. Second, the lending businesses turn out to be subjected to diseconomies of scale, while exhibiting unclear evidence for economies of scope. In sum, it implies potential efficiency gain of the continued in-house integration of the lending activity. Third, the continued integration of the trust businesses seems to contribute to improving the efficiency of the banking businesses, since the trust businesses exhibit economies of scope. Fourth, deposit services and fee-based activities, such as foreign exchange and credit card businesses, exhibit economies of scale but constant returns to scope, which implies, the possibility of separating those businesses from other banking and trust activities. The recent trend of the credit card business being operated separately from other banking activities by an independent identity in Korea as well as in the global banking market seems to be consistent with this finding. Then, how can the possibility of separating deposit services from the remaining activities be interpreted? If one insists a strict definition of commercial banking that is confined to deposit and commercial lending activities, separating the deposit service will suggest a resolution or a disappearance of banking, itself. Recently, however, there has been a suggestion that separating banks' deposit and lending activities by allowing a depository institution which specialize in deposit taking and investing deposit fund only in the safest securities such as government securities to administer the deposit activity will alleviate the risk of a bank run. This method, in turn, will help improve the safety of the payment system (Robert E. Litan, What should Banks Do? Washington, D.C., The Brookings Institution, 1987). In this context, the possibility of separating the deposit activity will imply that a new type of depository institution will arise naturally without contradicting the efficiency of the banking businesses, as the size of the banking market grows in the future. Moreover, it is also interesting to see additional evidences confirming this statement that deposit taking and security business are cost complementarity but deposit taking and lending businesses are cost substitute (see Table 2 for cost complementarity relationship in Korea's banking industry). Finally, it has been observed that the Korea's banking industry is lacking in the characteristics of natural monopoly. Therefore, it may not be optimal to encourage the merger and acquisition in the banking industry only for the purpose of improving the efficiency.

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