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  • 제목/요약/키워드: finite element numerical simulations

검색결과 437건 처리시간 0.024초

Study on Crashworthiness of Icebreaker Steel: Part II Ship Side Structural Behavior Due to Impact Bending (쇄빙선의 내충격 특성에 관한 실험적 연구: 제2부 선체 구조의 충격 굽힘 특성)

  • Noh, Myung-Hyun;Lee, Jae-Yik;Han, Donghwa;Choung, Joonmo
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2016
  • The first part of this study found the tendencies of the mechanical properties of two arctic structural steels (EH32 and FH32). In the second part, the crashworthiness of stiffened panels scaled down from the side frame structure of a Korean research icebreaker was determined. A procedure for designing the shapes and sizes of the stiffened panels, mass and shape of a drop striker, and a large temperature chamber, and then manufacturing these, is introduced in detail. From impact bending tests for the stiffened panels, the residual permanent deformations and deformation histories over time were captured using manual measurement and video image analyses. Numerical simulations of the impact bending tests were carried out for three different finite element models, which were mainly composed of shell elements, solid elements, and solid elements, with welding beads. It was proven from a comparison of the test results and numerical simulation results that the solid element model with the welding bead consideration approached the test results in terms of the residual deformations as long as the strain rate effect was taken into account.

Parametric Studies for Measurements of Dynamic Properties of Soils Using Inhole type CPTu (인홀형 탄성파콘 시험 결과에 미치는 변수 연구)

  • Jang, In-Sung;Kwon, O-Soon;Kim, Byoung-Il;Lee, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.523-531
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    • 2008
  • In hole type CPTu equipment which combines the concepts of inhole test method and piezocone test method was newly developed in order to evaluate the dynamic properties of marine soils. It is possible to perform inhole type CPTu without any additional source device because the source and receiver are contained inside the cone rod, which is different from the conventional seismic cone system. In this study, laboratory tests using kaolinite as soft soil and numerical simulations using finite element method were carried out to investigate the effects of several parameters including test methods and soil conditions on the test results from inhole type CPTu and to find out the optimum test method. It was found that it is necessary to maintain the length of swing arm as well as the distance between source and receiver consistently to obtain the rigorous test results. The laboratory test and numerical results also reveal that contrary to the input wave frequency, the water content of soil layer and the disturbance due to the installation of swing arm apparently affect the shear wave velocity.

Two-Dimensional Flow Analysis of Approach Channel for the Design of Spillway Guidewall (여수로 유도벽 설계를 위한 접근수로의 2차원 흐름해석)

  • Lee, Gil-Seong;Kim, Nam-Il
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.491-501
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    • 1998
  • Numerical simulations were performed to analyse the flow pattern of the approach channel and to design the spillway guidewall for stable flow conditions. RMA-2, two dimensional finite element model which can easily represent complicated geometry was used, and model parameters were estimated from the observation data of hydraulic model test. Numerical experiments were made separately for the approach region and for the upstream region, and upstream boundary position of the hydraulic model beyond which the boundary effects are negligible was determined from the numerical results. For the stable flow condition in approach channel, alternative designs for guidewall were developed, and flow analysis for alternative designs was done through the numerical simulation. From the analysis of alternative design, we can see that the flow pattern in the approach channel is stable and the lateral stage difference disappears mostly before the spillway crest.

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Numerical Analysis of Deformation Characteristics in the Double-Layer Liner According to Explosive Material Distribution (이중층 라이너에서 폭발 재료 분포에 따른 변형 특성 수치해석)

  • Mun, Sang Ho;Kim, See Jo;Lee, Chang Hee;Lee, Seong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.618-628
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    • 2016
  • The development of new concepts of liners is required in order to effectively neutralize the enemy's attack power concealed in the armored vehicles. A multiple-layer liner is one of possibilities and has a mechanism for explosion after penetrating the target which is known as "Behind Armor Effect." The multiple-layer explosive liner should have sufficient kinetic energy to penetrate the protective structure and explosive material react after target penetration. With this in mind, double-layer liner materials were obtained by cold spray coating methods and these material properties were experimentally characterized and used in this simulation for double-layer liners. In this study, numerical simulations in the three different layer types, i.e., single, A/B, A/B/A in terms of the layer location were verified in terms of finite element mesh sizes and numerical results for the jet tip velocity, kinetic energy, and the corresponding jet deformation characteristics were analysed in detail depending on the structure of layer types.

Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Impact Performance of Fiber Metal Laminates Based on Thermoplastic Composites (열가소성 복합재료를 기반한 섬유금속적층판의 충격 거동에 관한 실험 및 수치적 연구)

  • Lee, Byoung-Eon;Kang, Dong-Sik;Park, Eu-Tteum;Kim, Jeong;Kang, Beom-Soo;Song, Woo-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.566-574
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    • 2016
  • Fiber metal laminates, which are hybrid materials consisting of metal sheets and composite layers, have contributed to aerospace and automotive industries due to their reduced weight and improved damage tolerance characteristics. In this study, the impact performance of the laminates, which are comprised of a self-reinforced polypropylene and two aluminum sheets, and the pure aluminum alloy sheet material were investigated experimentally via numerical simulation. In order to compare the impact performance, the laminates and aluminum alloy were examined by assessing the impact force, energy time histories, and specific energy absorption. ABAQUS is a commercial software that is used to simulate the actual drop-weight tests. Based on this study, it is noted that the impact performance of the laminates was superior to that of the aluminum alloy. In addition, a good agreement between the experimental and numerical results can be achieved when the impact force and energy time histories from the experiments and the numerical simulations are compared.

Seismic behavior of caisson-type gravity quay wall renovated by rubble mound grouting and deepening

  • Kim, Young-Sang;Nguyen, Anh-Dan;Kang, Gyeong-O
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.447-463
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    • 2021
  • Caisson-type structures are widely used as quay walls in coastal areas. In Korea, for a long time, many caisson-type quay walls have been constructed with a low front water depth. These facilities can no longer meet the requirements of current development. This study developed a new technology for deepening existing caisson-type quay walls using grouting and rubble mound excavation to economically reuse them. With this technology, quay walls could be renovated by injecting grout into the rubble mound beneath the front toe of the caisson to secure its structure. Subsequently, a portion of the rubble mound was excavated to increase the front water depth. This paper reports the results of an investigation of the seismic behavior of a renovated quay wall in comparison to that of an existing quay wall using centrifuge tests and numerical simulations. Two centrifuge model tests at a scale of 1/120 were conducted on the quay walls before and after renovation. During the experiments, the displacements, accelerations, and earth pressures were measured under five consecutive earthquake input motions with increasing magnitudes. In addition, systematic numerical analyses of the centrifuge model tests were also conducted with the PLAXIS 2D finite element (FE) program using a nonlinear elastoplastic constitutive model. The displacements of the caisson, response accelerations, deformed shape of the quay wall, and earth pressures were investigated in detail based on a comparison of the numerical and experimental results. The results demonstrated that the motion of the caisson changed after renovation, and its displacement decreased significantly. The comparison between the FE models and centrifuge test results showed good agreement. This indicated that renovation was technically feasible, and it could be considered to study further by testbed before applying in practice.

Study for Characteristic of Frictional Heat Transfer in Rotating Brake System (회전을 고려한 브레이크 디스크의 마찰열전달 연구)

  • Nam, Jiwoo;Ryou, Hong Sun;Cho, Seong Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제18권10호
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    • pp.817-822
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    • 2017
  • The braking system is one of the most important components in vehicles and machines. It must exert a reliable braking force when they are brought to a halt. Generally, frictional heat is generated by converting kinetic energy into heat energy through friction. As the kinetic energy is converted into heat energy, high temperature heat is generated which affects the mechanical behavior of the braking system. Frictional heat affects the thermal expansion and friction coefficient of the brake system. If the temperature is not controlled, the brake performance will be decreased. Therefore, it is important to predict and control the heat generation of the brake. Various numerical analysis studies have been carried out to predict the frictional heat, but they assumed the existence of boundary conditions in the numerical analysis to simulate the frictional heat, because the simulation of frictional heat is difficult and time consuming. The results were based on the assumption that the frictional heat is different from the actual temperature distribution in a rotating brake system. Therefore, the reliability of the cooling effect or thermal stress using the results of these studies is insufficient. In order to overcome these limitations and establish a simulation procedure to predict the frictional heat, this study directly simulates the frictional heat generation by using a thermal-structure coupling element. In this study, we analyzed the thermo-mechanical behavior of a brake model, in order to investigate the thermal characteristics of brake systems by using the Finite Element method (FEM). This study suggests the necessity to directly simulate the frictional heating and it is hoped that it can provide the necessary information for simulations.

Estimation of Permanent Displacement of Gravity Quay Wall Considering Failure Surface under Seismic Loading (지진 시 파괴면을 고려한 중력식 안벽의 영구변위 평가)

  • Han, Insuk;Ahn, Jae-Kwang;Park, Duhee;Kwon, Osoon
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2019
  • The stability of the gravity quay wall against earthquakes is evaluated on the basis of the allowable displacement of the wall. To estimate the displacement caused by external forces, empirical equations based on the Newmark sliding block method or numerical analysis are widely used. In numerical analysis, it is possible to analyze precisely a complicated site and structure, but difficult to set the appropriate parameters and environments; there are limitations in obtaining reliable results, depending on one's level of expertise. The Newmark method, with only seismic motions, is widely used because it is simpler than numerical simulations when estimating permanent displacement. However, the empirical equations do not have any parameters for the response characteristics and sliding block of the structure, and sliding blocks being assumed as rigid bodies does not consider the nonlinear behavior of the soil and interaction with the structure. Therefore, in order to evaluate the seismic stability of the gravity quay wall, a newly-developed empirical equation is needed to overcome the above-mentioned limitations. In this study, numerical simulations are performed to analyze the response characteristics of the backfill of the structure, and to propose an optimal method of calculating the active area. For this purpose, finite element analyses were performed to analyze the response characteristics, and stress-strain relationships for various seismic motions. As a result, the response characteristics, sliding block, and failure surface of the backfill vary depending on the input seismic motions.

Effect of Stent Design Porosity on Hemodynamics Within Cerebral Aneurysm Model: Numerical Analysis (스텐트 공극률의 뇌동맥류 모델 내부 유동장 영향 수치해석)

  • Phan, Dai Thanh;Lee, Sang-Wook
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2014
  • In the present study, CFD simulations were conducted for investigating intra-aneurysmal flow characteristics with different stent porosities (Cα = 80%, 74%, and 64%), and the simulation results were compared with experimental data. Using a quadratic tetrahedral element-based finite element scheme, we estimated velocity fields and wall shear stress. The intra-aneurysmal velocity reduction ratios obtained via simulation agree well with published experimental data. It was found that a stent with a porosity of 80%, which is highest in the present study, is able to effectively reduce flow into the aneurysm, which causes intra-aneurysmal stasis, and that stents with lower porosities afford only incremental benefits in reducing inflow to an aneurysm.


  • Han, Myoung-Soo;Tsai, Chon-Liang
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 대한용접접합학회 2002년도 Proceedings of the International Welding/Joining Conference-Korea
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    • pp.661-667
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    • 2002
  • Welding-induced buckling distortion is one of the most problematic concerns in both design and fabrication of welded thin-plate structures. This paper deals with experimental and numerical results of the welding-induced longitudinal and/or buckling distortion occurring in welding of 6mm-thick AH36 high strength steel plates. Effects of the heat input and the plate size on the distortion were experimentally evaluated for square plates. Bead-on-plate welding was performed with the submerged arc welding process along the middle line of plate specimens. Experimental results showed that the longitudinal distortion made a single curvature in the plate, and the distortion magnitude along the weld centerline was proportional to the heat input and the plate size. The experimental results were used to examine the validity of the numerical simulation procedure for welding-induced distortion where the longitudinal distortion mode and magnitude were numerically quantified. Three-dimensional, large deformation, welding simulations were performed for selected weld models. Numerical results of the distortion mode and magnitude were in a good agreement with experimental ones. Depending on the presence of halting the distortion growth during the cooling cycle of welding, the condition discriminating buckling distortion from longitudinal distortion was established. Eigenvalue analyses were performed to check the buckling instability of tested plates with different sizes subjected to different heat inputs. The perturbation load pattern for the analysis was extracted from longitudinal inherent strain distributions. Critical buckling curve from the eigenvalue analyses revealed that the buckling instability is manifested when plate size or heat input increases.

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