• Title/Summary/Keyword: fibre reinforced concrete

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Shear strength of full-scale steel fibre-reinforced concrete beams without stirrups

  • Spinella, Nino
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.365-382
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    • 2013
  • Although shear reinforcement in beams typically consists of steel bars bent in the form of stirrups or hoops, the addition of deformed steel fibres to the concrete has been shown to enhance shear resistance and ductility in reinforced concrete beams. This paper presents a model that can be used to predict the shear strength of fibrous concrete rectangular members without stirrups. The model is an extension of the plasticity-based crack sliding model originally developed for plain concrete beams. The crack sliding model has been improved in order to take into account several aspects: the arch effect for deep beams, the post-cracking tensile strength of steel fibre reinforced concrete and its ability to control sliding along shear cracks, and the mitigation of the shear size effect due to presence of fibres. The results obtained by the model have been validated by a large set of experimental tests taken from literature, compared with several models proposed in literature, and numerical analyses are carried out showing the influence of fibres on the beam failure mode.

Long-term flexural cracking control of reinforced self-compacting concrete one way slabs with and without fibres

  • Aslani, Farhad;Nejadi, Shami;Samali, Bijan
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.419-444
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    • 2014
  • In this study experimental result of a total of eight SCC and FRSCC slabs with the same cross-section were monitored for up to 240 days to measure the time-dependent development of cracking and deformations under service loads are presented. For this purpose, four SCC mixes are considered in the test program. This study aimed to compare SCC and FRSCC experimental results with conventional concrete experimental results. The steel strains within the high moment regions, the concrete surface strains at the tensile steel level, deflection at the mid-span, crack widths and crack spacing were recorded throughout the testing period. Experimental results show that hybrid fibre reinforced SCC slabs demonstrated minimum instantaneous and time-dependent crack widths and steel fibre reinforced SCC slabs presented minimum final deflection.

Effect of hybrid polypropylene-steel fibres on strength characteristics of UHPFRC

  • Nuaklong, Peem;Chittanurak, Jithaporn;Jongvivatsakul, Pitcha;Pansuk, Withit;Lenwari, Akhrawat;Likitlersuang, Suched
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2020
  • This study intends to produce an ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) made with hybrid fibres (i.e., steel and polypropylene). Compressive and tensile strength characteristics of the hybrid fibres UHPFRC are considered. A total of 14 fibre-reinforced composites (FRCs) with different fibre contents or types of fibres were prepared and tested in order to determine a suitable hybrid fibre combination. The compressive and tensile strengths of each concrete at 7 days were determined. The results showed that a hybrid mix of micro-polypropylene and steel fibres exhibited good compromising performances and is the ideal reinforcement mixture in a strong, cost-effective UHPFRC. In addition, maximum compressive strength of 167 MPa was achieved for UHPFRC using 1.5% steel fibres blended with 0.5% macro-polypropylene fibres.

Flexural behaviour of fibre reinforced geopolymer concrete composite beams

  • Vijai, K.;Kumutha, R.;Vishnuram, B.G.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.437-459
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    • 2015
  • An experimental investigation on the behaviour of geopolymer composite concrete beams reinforced with conventional steel bars and various types of fibres namely steel, polypropylene and glass in different volume fractions under flexural loading is presented in this paper. The cross sectional dimensions and the span of the beams were same for all the beams. The first crack load, ultimate load and the loaddeflection response at various stages of loading were evaluated experimentally. The details of the finite element analysis using "ANSYS 10.0" program to predict the load-deflection behavior of geopolymer composite reinforced concrete beams on significant stages of loading are also presented. Nonlinear finite element analysis has been performed and a comparison between the results obtained from finite element analysis (FEA) and experiments were made. Analytical results obtained using ANSYS were also compared with the calculations based on theory and presented.

Behaviour of hybrid fibre reinforced concrete beams strengthened with GFRP laminates

  • Ibrahim, S. Syed;Eswari, S.;Sundararajan, T.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.66 no.5
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    • pp.631-636
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to investigate the flexural behaviour of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) laminated hybrid fibre reinforced concrete (HFRC) beams. The flexural and ductility performance of GFRP laminated HFRC beams having different proportions of polyolefin and steel fibres with 1.0% of total volume fraction were investigated. The parameters of this investigation included: load and deflection at first crack, yield, and ultimate stages, ductility and crack width. A total of seven beams of $150{\times}250mm$ in cross-section were tested in the laboratory over an effective span of 2800 mm. One reinforced concrete (RC) beam without any internal or external GFRP was taken as the reference beam. Of the remaining six beams, one beam was strengthened with GFRP, one beam with 100% steel fibres was strengthened with GFRP and four beams, each with different volume proportions of polyolefin and steel fibres (20:80, 30:70, 40:60, 50:50) were strengthened with GFRP. All the above beams were tested until failure. The experimental results show that a fibre volume proportion of 40:60 (polyolefin-steel) has significantly improved the overall performance of the tested beams.

Steel fibre reinforced concrete for elements failing in bending and in shear

  • Barros, Joaquim A.O.;Lourenco, Lucio A.P.;Soltanzadeh, Fatemeh;Taheri, Mahsa
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2013
  • Discrete steel fibres can increase significantly the bending and the shear resistance of concrete structural elements when Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) is designed in such a way that fibre reinforcing mechanisms are optimized. To assess the fibre reinforcement effectiveness in shallow structural elements failing in bending and in shear, experimental and numerical research were performed. Uniaxial compression and bending tests were executed to derive the constitutive laws of the developed SFRC. Using a cross-section layered model and the material constitutive laws, the deformational behaviour of structural elements failing in bending was predicted from the moment-curvature relationship of the representative cross sections. To evaluate the influence of the percentage of fibres on the shear resistance of shallow structures, three point bending tests with shallow beams were performed. The applicability of the formulation proposed by RILEM TC 162-TDF for the prediction of the shear resistance of SFRC elements was evaluated. Inverse analysis was adopted to determine indirectly the values of the fracture mode I parameters of the developed SFRC. With these values, and using a softening diagram for modelling the crack shear softening behaviour, the response of the SFRC beams failing in shear was predicted.

Monitoring of Retrofitted Reinforced Concrete Beams with Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Polymer (광섬유 센서를 이용한 복합 섬유 재료로 보강된 철근 콘크리트 보의 모니터링)

  • 이옥기;신영수;김기수;김종우
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.509-514
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    • 2001
  • The Fibre-optic Bragg grating (FBG) sensor is broadly accepted as a structural health monitoring device for Fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) materials by either embedding into or bonding onto the structures. The accuracy of the strain measured by using the FBG sensor is highly dependent on the bonding characteristics among the bare optical fibre, protective coating, adhesive layer and host material. In general, the signal extracted from the embedded FBG sensor should reflect the straining condition of the host structure. This paper presents a theoretical model to evaluate the differential strains between the bare fibre and host material with different adhesive thickness and modulus of the protective coating of the embedded FBG sensor.

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Flexural analysis of steel fibre-reinforced concrete members

  • Chalioris, Constantin E.;Panagiotopoulos, Thomas A.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.11-25
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    • 2018
  • A numerical approach for the evaluation of the flexural response of Steel Fibrous Concrete (SFC) cross-sections with arbitrary geometry, with or without conventional steel longitudinal reinforcing bars is proposed. Resisting bending moment versus curvature curves are calculated using verified non-linear constitutive stress-strain relationships for the SFC under compression and tension which include post-peak and post-cracking softening parts. A new compressive stress-strain model for SFC is employed that has been derived from test data of 125 stress-strain curves and 257 strength values providing the overall compressive behaviour of various SFC mixtures. The proposed sectional analysis is verified using existing experimental data of 42 SFC beams, and it predicts the flexural capacity and the curvature ductility of SFC members reasonably well. The developed approach also provides rational and more accurate compressive and tensile stress-strain curves along with bending moment versus curvature curves with regards to the predictions of relevant existing models.

A 3D co-rotational beam element for steel and RC framed structures

  • Long, Xu;Tan, Kang Hai;Lee, Chi King
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.587-613
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    • 2013
  • A 3-node 3D co-rotational beam element using vectorial rotational variables is employed to consider the geometric nonlinearity in 3D space. To account for shape versatility and reinforced concrete cross-sections, fibre model has been derived and conducted. Numerical integration over the cross-section is performed, considering both normal and shear stresses. In addition, the derivations associated with material nonlinearity are given in terms of elasto-plastic incremental stress-strain relationship for both steel and concrete. Steel reinforcement is treated as elasto-plastic material with Von Mises yield criterion. Compressive concrete behaviour is described by Modified Kent and Park model, while tensile stiffening effect is taken into account as well. Through several numerical examples, it is shown that the proposed 3D co-rotational beam element with fibre model can be used to simulate steel and reinforced concrete framed structures with satisfactory accuracy and efficiency.

Finite element modelling of GFRP reinforced concrete beams

  • Stoner, Joseph G.;Polak, Maria Anna
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.369-382
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents a discussion of the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) when applied for the analysis of concrete elements reinforced with glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars. The purpose of such nonlinear FEA model development is to create a tool that can be used for numerical parametric studies which can be used to extend the existing (and limited) experiment database. The presented research focuses on the numerical analyses of concrete beams reinforced with GFRP longitudinal and shear reinforcements. FEA of concrete members reinforced with linear elastic brittle reinforcements (like GFRP) presents unique challenges when compared to the analysis of members reinforced with plastic (steel) reinforcements, which are discussed in the paper. Specifically, the behaviour and failure of GFRP reinforced members are strongly influenced by the compressive response of concrete and thus modelling of concrete behaviour is essential for proper analysis. FEA was performed using the commercial software ABAQUS. A damaged-plasticity model was utilized to simulate the concrete behaviour. The influence of tension, compression, dilatancy, mesh, and reinforcement modelling was studied to replicate experimental test data of beams previously tested at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Recommendations for the finite element modelling of beams reinforced with GFRP longitudinal and shear reinforcements are offered. The knowledge gained from this research allows for the development of a rational methodology for modelling GFRP reinforced concrete beams, which subsequently can be used for extensive parametric studies and the formation of informed recommendations to design standards.