• Title/Summary/Keyword: fast food

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Perception of Body Weight Control, Life Styles, and Dietary Habits according to the Obesity Index(OI) of Female College Students (여자 대학생의 비만도에 따른 체중 조절 인식, 생활 습관 및 식습관 연구)

  • Ahn, Bo-Ra-Mi;Park, Eun-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.167-179
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    • 2009
  • This study aims at examining perception of body weight control and lifestyles and food habits of under-weight, normal-weight and over-weight female college students. The data analysis were conducted by a body fat analyzer and questionnaires. The subjects were 368 female college students divided into three groups: the under-weight(UW), the normal-weight(NW), and the over-weight(OW), according to the guidelines of the Korean Society for the Study of Obesity(2000). Among the subjects, 18.2% were under-weight, 63.6% normal-weight, and 18.2% over-weight. Mean of body weights were 45.4kg, 53.3kg, and 63.7kg, and BMIs were $17.5kg/m^2$, $20.5kg/m^2$ and $24.6kg/m^2$ in the UW, NW, and OW groups, respectively. 'Self assessment of body weight' was significant at the level of p<0.001 according to the Obesity Index. Of the UW group, 41.8% considered their weight to be normal and 4.5% believed they are over-weight. In the NW group, 43.2% thought they are over-weight, 1.5% believed they are under-weight. 57.1 % of the UW group and 98.6% of the NW group had ever tried to reduce their weight. Their 'exercise frequency and exercise time' were not significant by the 01. 'Regularity in the daily life' of the subjects was significant at the level of p<0.05. 43.3 % of the OW group answered that they don't live regular daily lives. 'Sleeping time' of the subjects was significant at the level of p<0.05 by the 01. 41.8% of the OW group reported that they sleep 'between 7 and 8 hours a day' which was the highest rate among the three groups. 'Frequency of meals per day' was not significant by the OI. 'The speed of eating meals' was significant at p<0.01, 23.9% of the UW group, 31.2% of NW group, and 38.8% of OW group reported that they have meals 'in a very fast speed'. Concludingly, most of female college students conceive themselves as having inappropriate body image, which means that they need to be given additional education about nutrition and diet.

Can Yellow Fur on the Tongue be Useful as an Index of Cardiovascular Disease in Stroke Patients over 60 Years Old? - Multi Center Trial (60세 이상 뇌경색환자에서 황태는 심혈관질환의 유용한 지표가 될 수 있는가? - 다기관임상연구)

  • Leem, Jung-Tae;Park, Su-Kyung;Woo, Su-Kyung;Kwak, Seung-Hyuk;Jung, Woo-Sang;Moon, Sang-Kwan;Cho, Ki-Ho;Park, Sung-Wook;Ko, Chang-Nam
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.569-577
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    • 2010
  • Background & Objectives : Yellow fur on the tongue is known to be associated with prognosis of disease in oriental medicine. Higher ratios of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL) to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL) & total cholesterol (TC) to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL) are associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between cardiovascular disease index and yellow fur - oriental medical index - in stroke patients over 60 years old. Methods & Subjects : Among 802 of the recruited patients(434 male, 368 female), 340 were yellow fur group(209 male, 131 female). We assessed their general characteristics and risk factors. We compared the cardiovascular disease index between yellow fur and non-yellow fur groups by sex. Results : On the General Characteristics males have yellow fur more often than females. In cardiovascular disease index, the male yellow fur group showed higher ratios of TC/HDL(atherogenic index), (TC-HDL)/HDL, LDL/HDL and higher LDL and showed lower HDL than the non-yellow fur group. In female patients, there were no differences between the two groups about cardiovascular disease index. There were more patients diagnosed with Fire & Heat in the male yellow fur group, and Dampness & Phlegm in the male non-yellow fur group. The male yellow fur group eat fast food more than the non-yellow fur group. Conclusions : The results indicated that yellow fur may be associated with a high risk of cardiovascular disease. We can thus use yellow fur on the tongue as a cardiovascular disease index in male stroke patients over 60 years old.

DHA Enrichment of Salmon Patty using Emulsion Curd and Its Component Characteristics (유화커드를 이용한 연어 패티의 DHA 강화 및 이의 식품성분 특성)

  • Heu, Min-Soo;Kim, Hyung-Jun;Yoon, Min-Seok;Park, Kwon-Hyun;Shin, Joon-Ho;Lee, Tae-Gee;Kim, Jeong-Gyun;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.285-292
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    • 2010
  • To prepare high-quality fast foods using salmon, this study developed a docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-enriched salmon patty, and compared its quality with soybean oil-added patty and commercial patty. The moisture and lipid contents of the DHA-enriched patty were 61.9% and 7.7%, respectively. The moisture content was lower than in the commercial patty, while the lipid content was higher. The lipophilic and hydrophilic browning indices of the DHA-enriched patty were 0.10 and 0.05, respectively, which were lower than those of the commercial patty. The DHA-enriched patty had 5% less trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-soluble nitrogen than the commercial patty, and it was firmer. There were no differences in the proximate composition, browning indices, TCA-soluble nitrogen content, and hardness between the soybean-added and DHA-enriched patties prepared in this experiment. Examining the fatty acid compositions of the patties, the saturated acid and monoenoic acid compositions decreased in the following order: DHA-enriched patty > soybean oil-added patty > commercial patty, while the polyenoic acid composition increased in that order. The total amino acid content of the DHA-enriched patty was 19.13 g/100 g, which was 32% higher than that of the commercial patty (14.47 g/100 g). No enriching effect of minerals would be expected on eating a 100 g DHA-enriched patty, except for phosphorus. The sensory evaluation indicated that the DHA-enriched patty was superior in color and taste to the commercial patty, while there was no difference in flavor between the patties.

Factors Associated with Smoking Differences of Korean Adolescents with Smoking Experience : 11th(2015) Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (우리나라 흡연경험이 있는 청소년의 흡연유형 관련요인 : 제11차 청소년건강행태온라인조사)

  • Lee, Yun-Kyung;Ryu, So-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to investigate the factors related to smoking and smoking differences among adolescents who have experienced smoking using data from the 11th (2015) Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey. The data used in this study were from 5,347 middle and high school students who had cigarette smoking and electronic cigarette smoking experience among 68,043 respondents to the 11th (2015) Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey. The data were evaluated by frequency analysis, the ${\chi}^2$ test and logistic regression analysis using weighted composite sample analysis. Overall 20% of the total smoking adolescents were dual users and 85.6% of the users of electronic cigarettes used nicotine. The results from multinomial regressions show that: male students (OR 1.63; 95% CI 1.15-2.31), living in the metropolitan area (OR 1.76; 95% CI 1.32-2.33), an average consumption of fast food of once or twice a day (OR 2.48; 95% CI 1.33-4.64), first started smoking during high school (OR 0.76; 95% CI 0.58-0.98), having experience with passive smoking (OR 1.24; 95% CI 1.07-1.44), experience drinking alcohol (OR 2.03; 95% CI 1.65-2.48) and those with higher weekly allowances were more likely to be at risk than dual users. This study provides basic data regarding the dual use of electronic cigarettes and cigarettes by adolescents. The results presented herein will facilitate development of a smoking cessation program and policy.

Temperature and length of cold storage affect the Quality Maintenance of fresh kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch) (저온저장 온도 및 저장기간이 키위 "골드"의 품질 유지에 미치는 효과)

  • Yang, Yong-Joon;Lim, Byung-Seon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.256-261
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    • 2017
  • The effects of temperature and length of cold storage on the quality maintenance of fresh "Gold" kiwifruit were investigated. Physio-chemical properties were analyzed in kiwifruit held at $2^{\circ}C$ and $6^{\circ}C$ temperatures compared to fruit at room temperature ($20{\sim}28^{\circ}C$) during 8 weeks of storage. Low temperatures ($2^{\circ}C$ and $6^{\circ}C$) significantly delayed softening and soluble solids content (SSC) accumulation compared to higher temperature ($20{\sim}28^{\circ}C$). Physico-chemical properties of fruits, including weight losses, firmness, SSC, titratable acidity (TA), SSC/TA ratio, and flesh color properties were monitored during storage. Fast firmness loss was detected in fruit stored at higher temperatures compared to low temperature ($2^{\circ}C$). Similar results were observed for acidity according to storage temperature and length of cold storage, whereas SSC increased to the limited values (%Brix) during storage. The soluble solids content (SSC) increased markedly during the first 60 days of storage and remained almost constant thereafter for all treatments. SSC accumulation rates decreased from 5 weeks after storage probably due to differences between initial and ripe kiwifruits, and SSC decreased with each passing week due to natural starch conversion over time. The SSC/acid ratio increased from 18 to 27 until 5 weeks after storage and then slowly declined in all kiwifruit stored at different low temperatures. Sensory evaluation results showed no differences in kiwifruit flesh color stored at two storage temperatures of $2^{\circ}C$ and $6^{\circ}C$.

Oxygen Sensitivity of Carbon Monoxide-Dependent Hydrogen Production Activity in Citrobacter sp.

  • Kim, Jung-Rae;Oh, You-Kwan;Yoon, Yeo-Joon;Lee, Eun-Yeol;Park, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.717-724
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    • 2003
  • A newly isolated Citrobacter sp. Y19 catalyzes the CO-dependent $H_2$ production (biological water-gas shift reaction) by the actions of CO dehydrogenase (CODH) and hydrogenase. Y 19 requires $O_2$ for fast growth, but its $H_2$ production activity is significantly inhibited by $O_2$. In the present study, the effect of $O_2$ on the activities of CODH ard hydrogenase was investigated quantitatively in both whole cells and broken cells, based on CO-dependent or methyl viologen (MV)-dependent $H_2$ production in addition to CO-dependent MV reduction. In crude cell extracts, CODH activity was mostly found in the soluble fraction. Inactivation of CODH and hydrogenase activities by $O_2$ followed the first-order decay kinetics, and the dependence of the rate constants on $O_2$ partial pressure could be expressed by the Michaelis-Menten equation. In whole cells, the maximum deactivation rate constants ($k_{d,max}$ of hydrogenase and CODH were quite similar: $0.07{\pm}0.03 min^{-1}\;and\;0.10{\pm}0.04 min^{-1}$, respectively. However, the first-order rate constant ($k_{d,max}/K_s$) of CODH ($0.25\;min^{-1}\;atm^{-1}$) at low $O_2$ partial pressures was about 3-fold higher than that of the hydrogenase, since the half-saturation constant ($K_s$) of CODH was about half of that of hydrogenase. In broken cells, both enzymes became significantly more sensitive to $O_2$ compared to the unbroken cells, while $k_{d,max}/K_s$ increased 37-fold for hydrogenase and 6.7-fold for CODH. When whole cells were incubated under anaerobic conditions after being exposed to air for 1 h, hydrogenase activity was recovered more than 90% in 2 h suggesting that the deactivation of hydrogenase by $O_2$ was reversible. On the contrary, CODH activity was not recovered once deactivated by $O_2$ and the only way to recover the activity was to synthesize new CODH. This study indicates that $O_2$ sensitivity of $H_2$ production activity of Citrobacter sp. Y19 is an important drawback as in other $H_2-producing$ bactria.

A comparative study on between Shanghanlun(傷寒論) and Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) in Pathogenesis (상한론(傷寒論)과 사상의학(四象醫學)의 병기(病機)에 대한 비교연구(比較硏究) - 동의수세보원(東醫壽世保元) 변증론(辨證論)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lee, Kwang-Young;Park, Chan-Kuk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.676-718
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    • 1998
  • After a comparative study on between Shanghanlun(傷寒論) and Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) in Pathogenesis, I got a conclusion like this. Sa-sang consitutional medicine(四象醫學) changed the directions to the medicine in the center of personality from the medicine in the center of Shanghanlun(傷寒論)'s demonstration, devided the personality of people by the size of Organ system(臟腑) into 4types of Tae-eum, Yo-yang, Tae-yang, Yo-eum(太少陰陽), and explains all the course of physiology, pathology, diagnosis, therapy of the body on the point of constitutional view. Comparing the features of two medicines, Shanghanlun(傷寒論) and Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學), Shanghanlun(傷寒論) devided the diseases into the three type of eum-yang based on eight principal syndroms(八綱原理), in accordance with evidence of illness, pulse and studied the therapy, Shanghanlun(傷寒論) set up the basis of medicine which is based on overall of symptoms and signg(辨證論治醫學). Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) distinguished the image(象) which is devided by the size of inherited Organ system(臟腑), refered to the symptom of diseases(病症) and decided the therapic directions. So Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) gave more accuracy to the therapy by subdeviding the process of differenciation of case(辨證) into 2 steps of differenciation of image(辨象) and differenciation of case(辨證). In view of etiologic factor, Shanghanlun(傷寒論) regarded it as a invading of pathogenic factors(邪氣), so Shanghanlun(傷寒論) has the medical theory of pathogenic factors(邪氣). But Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) regarded it as a disorder of the genuine energy(正氣)'s movements(升降緩速), so Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) has the medical theory putting first of genuine energy(正氣). But Shanghanlun(傷寒論) also recognized the constitutional difference basically and Sa-sang consitutional medicine(四象醫學) devided the constitution into Tae-eum, Yo-yang, Tae-yang, Yo-eum(太少陰陽) and explained the food-air-fluid metabolism(飮食-氣液之氣病證) as cold-hot, cool-warm and devided the the symptom of diseases(病症) into the interior and the exterior(表裏) as the up-down, slow-fast movements of eum-yang and insufficiency and excessiveness is between them. In the end, Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) has the theory of eight principal syndroms(八綱原理) faithfully which is the theory of differenciation of case(辨證理論) of Shanghanlun(傷寒論). Therefore Shanghanlun(傷寒論) made a lot of influence on originating Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學), Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) is the theory which is based on existing medical theory including Shanghanlun(傷寒論) and composed the new medical theory to the constitutional point of view. Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) enriched the medical theory and developed the clinical medicine so it has the historical value in the medicine.

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Research on Structural Relationship between the Relational Benefits Provided by Casual Dining Restaurants and Customer Satisfaction and Long-term Relationship Orientation (패밀리 레스토랑이 제공하는 관계 효익이 고객 만족과 장기관계지향성에 미치는 구조적 관계연구)

  • Cho, Woo-Je
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.344-355
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    • 2009
  • This study is to set up a hypothesis and a research model based on how much the relational benefits can affect customer satisfaction and long-term relationship with the theoretical and practical results of established precedent researches, to analyze the structural equation model on casual dining restaurant diners, to evaluate the research model and subsequently to provide marketing implications. First of all, social and psychological factors prove to be influential among relational benefits felt by diners-out. Secondly, customer satisfaction has influence on long-term commitment for a restaurant. In other words, the higher customer satisfaction level for a restaurant is, the stronger willingness a customer has to recommend or revisit the restaurant, as several precedent studies support. As demonstrated in indirect advantages, these social and psychological benefits felt by diners-out have mighty effects on long-term relationship orientation, and satisfaction levels prove to be an important medium which can make these influences. As a result, restaurant employees' attitude toward customers is the most important factor rather than economic benefits such as reduced price, free gifts and coupons are, since customers put social and psychological benefits forward like intimate terms with restaurant workers, a sense of stability, and a relief from uneasiness. Therefore, constant service education should be done from the start to cope with customers' demands fast and flexibly and increase customer satisfaction.

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Awareness and Use of Fast Food on Elementary School 4th, 5th and 6th Grade Students in Pyeongtaek City (평택시 초등학생의 패스트푸드에 대한 인식과 이용)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Hyun;Jung, Eun-Hee;Rhie, Seung-Gyo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Community Living Science Conference
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    • 2009.09a
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    • pp.79-79
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    • 2009
  • 최근 아동들 사이에서 칼로리가 높고 간단하게 먹을 수 있는 인스턴트식품이나 패스트푸드 등의 섭취가 증가하는 경향과 함께 비만 등 영양적인 문제점이 크게 부각되고 있다. 특히 아동기는 식습관 형성에 중요한 시기이므로 올바른 식품선택은 무엇보다 중요하다고 볼 수 있다. 본 연구는 초등학교 학생들의 올바른 식생활문화를 형성하기 위한 자료로 활용하고자 평택 초등학교 2개교의 4, 5, 6학년 300명을 대상으로 패스트푸드 섭취실태를 조사하였다. 평균연령은 11.7세, 키는 141.5cm, 몸무게는 36.7kg이였다. 아침 식습관태도 조사에서는 일주일에 5번 이상 아침식사를 한다(여학생 78.1%, 남학생 74.3%)는 답이 가장 많았다. 아침결식 이유는 밥맛이 없기 때문(여 58.2%, 남 54.4%)이 가장 높은 비율이었고, 편식은 여학생의 54.2%, 남학생의 48.9%가 하지 않는다고 하였으나, 편식하는 식품은 나물이나 샐러드 등의 채소류(여 51.1%, 남 61.4%)가 많았다. 간식섭취는 가끔 섭취한다는 답이 여학생 59.8%, 남학생 60.0%로 높은 비율을 나타냈다. 간식은 부모님이 사주신다(여 32.6%, 남 39.1%)고 하였으며, 여학생은 50.5%가 가족과 함께 먹고 남학생의 경우에는 44.8%가 혼자 먹는다는 결과를 보였다. 간식으로 과일섭취가 이루어지고 있는지 조사한 결과는 여학생의 33.0%가 2-3일에 2회 이상 섭취한다고 했지만, 남학생은 29.5%가 매일 먹는다고 답을 하여 과일섭취는 모두 딸이 하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 패스트푸드의 이용동기는 맛이 좋아서(남 60.8% 여 55.2%), 다음은 이용이 편리하기 때문이며(남 32.4% 여 40.6%), 주로 이용하는 곳은 분식 및 편의점이었다. 패스트푸드 이용횟수는 월1-2회(남 52.4%, 여 51.6%)가 가장 많았으며, 다음이 주1회 정도(남 21.9%, 여 32.0%) 이용한다고 하였다. 이용시간은 방과 후 저녁시간을 가장 많이 이용하며(남 47.6%, 여 50.5%), 남 녀 모두 사서 집에서 먹거나(남 44.7%, 여 41.2%), 배달시켜 집에서 먹는다(남 39.8%, 여 37.1%)고 하였다. 가장 좋아하는 패스트푸드는 라면 등의 분식으로 여학생의 40.2%, 남학생의 26.2%가 해당되었고, 그 다음 순서로 남학생은 피자(22.3%)와 치킨(22.3%) 및 햄버거(18.5%), 여학생은 치킨(25.8%)과 도너츠(12.4%)를 더 선호하였다. 패스트푸드 만족도를 3점 척도로 조사한 결과, 맛이 가장 높은 점수(2.42)였으며, 가격(1.98), 위생(1.92) 서비스(2.15)는 보통으로 평가했다. 본 연구 결과, 조사 대상자들의 패스트푸드 섭취는 가끔 먹는 간식과 같은 형태로 당장 우려할 정도는 아니지만, 선행연구에서 보고된 바와 같이 10대와 20대에 특히 섭취율이 증가함을 감안할 때, 중학생이 되기 전 단계에서 우리음식의 우수성과 패스트푸드 섭취지양에 대한 교육이 필요하다고 본다.

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Fast systemic evaluation of amylose and protein contents in collected rice landraces germplasm using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy(NIRS)

  • Oh, Sejong;Lee, Myung Chul;Choi, Yu Mi;Lee, Sukyeung;Rauf, Muhammad;Chae, Byungsoo;Hyun, Do Yoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.70-70
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to characterize the amylose and protein contents of 4,948 rice landrace germplasm using the NIRS model developed in the previous study. The amylose contents estimated by NIRS in the standard rice were Sinseonchal (6.881%) 4.994%, Chucheong (19.731%) 18.633%, Goami (23.246%) 20.548%. Protein contents were Sinseonchal (6.890%) 6.824%, Chucheong (6.350%) 6.869%, Goami (6.777%) 7.839%. The NIRS analysis showed that 1.1-2.7%point lower in amylose and 0.4-0.6%point higher in protein than standard contents. The average amylose content of the germplasm was 20.39% with a range of 3.97-37.13%. The average protein content was 8.17% with a range of 5.20-17.45%. Amylose contents with a range of 20.06-27.02% represented 62.20% of the germplasm. Protein contents with a range of 6.78-9.75% represented 81.60% of the germplasm. Korean landrace comprised 24.9% among the 4,948 germplasm collected from 41 countries. A specific range of amylose contents showed in Korea 16.58-20.06%, in Japan 20.06-23.25%, in North Korea 23.25-27.02% and in China 27.02-37.13%. Protein contents exhibited 5.20-17.45% evenly in the whole landraces, whereas Chinese landrace particularly observed with 6.78-8.27% and 9.75-17.45%. Fifty resources were selected with low and high amylose ranging from 3.97-6.66% to 30.41-37.13% respectively. Similarly fifty resources were selected with low and high protein ranging from 5.20-6.09% to 13.21-17.45% respectively. Landraces with higher protein should be adapted to practical utilization of food sources.

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