• 제목/요약/키워드: family counselling

검색결과 115건 처리시간 0.021초

건강가정지원센터의 가정 건강성 강화 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초 연구 (A Preliminary Study on Development of Family-Empowering Program In Healthy Family-Support Center)

  • 정영금;정지영;조성은
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제46권2호
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to constitute the background theory and framework for developing the family-empowering program of Healthy Family-Support Center(HFSC). For this purpose, first, this study emphasizes that the development of integrated and differentiated program for HFSC is needed. Second, this study shows the theoretical background including ecological system theory, family system analysis theory, and family life coaching process. Third, assessment and evaluation system and subsystems are suggested as a basic frame for developing family life diagnosis tool. This system is based on the comparative analysis about the studies relating family life planning and case management. Fourth, the process of family empowering program is suggested to accomplish the family needs and goals. This process include the assessment, family life coaching for problem solving and/or family life planning, and following education and counselling. Last, this study shows how this program is related to other programs of HFSC. Family members can participate various programs of this center for preventing or solving the problem on the basis of evaluation results. Family-empowering program for making family healthy can be a representative and integrating program for this center.

가정폭력방지법상 '가정복지사'의 개입에 관한 대안적 연구 (An alternative study on Intervention of "Family Welfare Specialist" on the Domestic Violence Law)

  • 박옥임;유숙영
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this dissertation is to examine role and license of family welfare specialist and suggest in the occurrence of domestic violence crime family welfare specialist compulsory intervention rules legislate in the Domestic Violence Law. As for the methodology of the study, by a plan of the role and intervention of family welfare specialist on the Domestic Violence Law. First, role and its license of family welfare specialist, second, intervention for domestic violence defense of family welfare specialist system, third, for support legislation of family welfare specialist on the Domestic Violence Law. Namely, family welfare specialist of role in a report obligation of domestic violence accident, family welfare specialist of intervention in an emergency aid process of police, family welfare specialist of intervention in decision process of a court, family welfare specialist of intervention in the nation obligation in regard to domestic violence accident, family welfare specialist of intervention in the domestic violence counselling center. Finally, for the successful outcome of the role and intervention of family welfare specialist on the Domestic Violence Law, after all, not only the fulfillment of the condition of the system described above but also changes in peoples understanding are important.

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문제행동청소년의 가족관계경험에 대한 연구 (A Study of Family Relation Experiences of the Behavioral Problems of Adolescents)

  • 김성봉;홍달아기;정은미
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.1155-1170
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    • 2014
  • This study was performed to understand the structure of family experiences of adolescent behavior problems by analyzing and integrating family experiences in the family relationships. This study intends to discover in-depth family experience by analyzing the individual meaning of family experiences from client's wording. This study was performed in phenomenological method through analyzing the actual counselling cases. The results indicated that 9 units of meaning were derived on family relationships. In the family relationship domain, desire to die or kill others, guilt and resentment, not receiving the respect, mother's ignorance and verbal abuse to father were derived as primary components. Parents-children relationships-Not understanding about his father's drunkenness and disgust, getting exhausted, untrusted parents, unidirectional attitude without communication. Sibling Relationships-younger brother or sister to work off frustration.

유전성 암과 유전상담 (Hereditary cancer and genetic counseling)

  • 정승용
    • Journal of Genetic Medicine
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2007
  • Hereditary syndromes cause approximately 5 to 10% of overall cancer cases. Cancer related with genetic syndromes are found elsewhere, including stomach, breast, colorectum, ovary, brain and so on. Because hereditary cancers are due to germline mutations, these patients have unique clinical features distinct from sporadic cancer. Generally these features include (i) early age-of onset of cancer, (ii) frequent association with synchronous or metachronous tumors, (iii) frequent bilateral involvement in paired organs (iv) frequent association with other site tumors or characteristic clinical manifestation specific to each genetic syndrome. Due to these differences, the management strategy for patients with hereditary cancer is quite different from that for sporadic cancer. Additionally, there are important screening and surveillance implications for family members. Genetic counselling is prerequisite to these families for risk assessment by pedigree analysis, and guidance to clinical or genetic testing. The genes responsible for these syndromes has recently identified, as a result, genetic testing has become important determining factor in clinical decisions.

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대학생의 가족건강성과 자기효능감, 진로성숙도의 관계 (A Study on the Relation of Family Strength, Self-Efficacy and Career Maturity of College Students)

  • 탁승현;김성희;구혜령
    • 가족자원경영과 정책
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzes the relation between family strength, self-efficacy and career maturity of college students. The results from the study are based on surveys, using a questionnaire method, undertaken by students from the Jeonnam area. Data was analyzed using the SPSS 19.0 program and the statistics used for analysis were t-Test, ANOVA, Correlation and Regression. The study found the following results. First, the family strength of the subjects was above average. Second, family strength, self-efficacy, and career maturity showed differences in terms of gender, major satisfaction, career counselling and major area. Third, the correlation among family strength, self-efficacy, and career maturity were observed positively in almost all sub-categories. Forth, the effects of family strength on self-efficacy and career maturity were significant. Based on these results, it is suggested that family strength should be enhanced to improve self-efficacy and career maturity of college students.

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중국 연변 조선족 별거가족과 동거가족 유아의 가족생활 경험 (Korean-Chinese Children's Family Life in Yan-Bian, China : Separated From or Living with Their Parents)

  • 윤갑정;정계숙
    • 아동학회지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.169-185
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    • 2007
  • Participant observations, in-depth interviews, and analyses of documents were used for collecting data. Children separated from their parents were living with grandparents because their parents were working abroad. Results included socio-cultural and psycho-social factors. (1) The socio-cultural grounded factors or the common characteristics of young children's family life in both living circumstances included early childhood academic achievement orientation, demands of responsibility and obedience, limited opportunity for social development, and societal phenomenadeveloping wide family concept affected by China's Confucianism and Korean-Chinese social culture. (2) Psycho-social grounded factors included the present care-givers' perceptions of the child's agency and their beliefs in the importance of play and friendship. This affected interactions between child and care-giversand child's self-esteem and friendships.

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기혼 남녀의 레질리언스(Resilience) 예측성 연구 : 부부폭력을 중심으로 (Predicting Resilience of Married Couples : Focused on the Couple Violence)

  • 방현주;윤경자
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제44권12호
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2006
  • The goal of this study is twofold: (1) to identify how well the predictors of family resilience using selected ENRICH subscales measure couple resilience of spouse abusing couples; (2) to verify how predictors of family resilience differentiate abusive partners from non-abusive partners through discriminant analysis. The results show that nonviolent couples have significantly higher scores of family resilience factors than violence experienced couples. The accuracy of discriminant analysis was as high as 85.7% for non-violent couples and 85.4% for violence experienced couples. Whereas collaborative problem solving and couple's flexibility had the highest discriminant power, socioeconomic resources and transcendence and spirituality had little contributed. In addition, this study shows that predictors of family resilience have high discriminant power for distinguishing violent groups from non-violent groups. The results of this study can be clinically utilized in identifying violent groups and designing couple education programs. Based on these results, the recommendations for the future research in this area were discussed.

The Effects of Counseling about Death and Dying on Perceptions, Preparedness, and Anxiety Regarding Death among Family Caregivers Caring for Hospice Patients: A Pilot Study

  • Jung, Yeojung;Yeom, Hyun-E;Lee, Na-Ri
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.46-55
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This pilot study aimed to examine the influence of death counseling on perceptions, preparedness, and anxiety regarding death and dying among family caregivers of hospice patients. Methods: Death counseling developed based on the SPIKES model was provided to 37 family caregivers in a hospice and palliative care unit. Perceptions, preparedness, and anxiety regarding death were assessed with a self-administered structured questionnaire, and participants' scores before and after counseling were compared using the paired t-test. Results: Significant changes were found in perceptions, preparedness, and anxiety regarding death after counseling. Compared to before counseling, the scores for perceptions of death (t=-4.90, P<0.001) and preparedness for death and dying (t=-16.23, P<0.001) improved, while anxiety (t=3.72, P=0.001) decreased after counseling. Some changes were also found in the types of support that family caregivers needed to prepare for the death of their family members in the hospice care unit. Conclusion: The findings demonstrate that death counseling could help family caregivers prepare for the death of their loved ones. Hospice and palliative care providers should play a key role in supporting family caregivers of hospice patients by developing strategies for counseling.

사회적 기술 부족과 충동성으로 인해 또래갈등이 심한 분교아동의 상담사례 (Counseling Case Study of a Child with Peer Confliction due to Lack of Social Skills and Impulsiveness)

  • 이인선
    • 초등상담연구
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.227-253
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    • 2006
  • It seems common for students living at a small county and islands to experience psychological conflicts and be unaccustomed in the peer society because they are not familiar with peer interaction and social skills. This is a case study of L (hereinafter called L) who was grown up in the sheltered school at a small county. L was psychologically disturbed because he couldn't get along well in the transferred school. It is the reason why he had lived in the sheltered school at a small county, so he had not enough exposure to interact with peer and social skills. Sometimes he was obstinate irrationally and when he had trouble with friends, he threw something out or went out of school and tricked juniors dangerously. The fact of disperse with families, parent's indifference, and hate of older brother made L to have ill feeling against family. He had low motivation and low self confident in learning because of short attention time and accumulated poor learning progress. In this study, he was evaluated at various area, such as, intelligent, affective, personal and inter-personal, before counselling. To evaluated the effect of the counselling, K-WISC-III, KPRC, sentence filling test, social adaptation ability test, etc, were administered right after the counselling was over and 8 weeks later. For specific information gathering and analysing, observation diary and deepen counselling were accomplished by homeroom teacher, his mother, and his peers. To correct his problematic behaviors, 13 counseling sessions were accomplished for 6 months and those counselling sessions were recorded and analysed definitely. Followings are the result of this case study. First, he was recovered from the anxiety of inter-personal interaction and he started to interact with peers. The result of sac scale score of KPRC profile was lower than before as much as average student after counseling and 8 weeks later. This reveals that the distress against interpersonal relation have settled. Especially, through the result of sentence filing test, he seemed to feel attachment to peers and be positive, active in the relation of peer. For instance, he was active in the open class lesson and interacted well with peers. It could be said that he overcame the psychological distress comparing with previous time. Second, he could apologize to his peer and juniors for his fault. His attitude were well shown in the letter from an old friend at the sheltered school, average KPRC profiling score comparing with previous counseling time, and remarkable decrease of attack scale score of teacher and peer. Third, his view toward family turn out positive. He recognized his situation that he lived apart from family and even worried about his parent's financial difficulty. Through solving the confliction with his older brother, he could acquire the feeling of family reunion. Fourth, his learning motivation and self-confidence were increased. He confirmed his future positively and he might be judged more attentive because his intelligence index was higher than before as much as average student. With the main goal of this study, verification for effectiveness of counseling. understanding and helping problematic students such as L who lives at a small county and island through investigation of their real situation and problems with the method of counseling and socio-cultural analysis is worthwhile. Identification of ideal relationship with peer is related with positive self-conception, harmonic social adaptation and development of child. It is time to investigate easy adaptive in classroom and well-organised program to acquire general social skills for sheltered school students at a small county and islands.

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가족참여 심장재활 프로그램이 경피적 관상동맥중재술 환자의 자기효능감, 건강행위이행 및 가족지지에 미치는 효과 (Effects of Family-Participated Cardiac Rehabilitation Program on Self-Efficacy, Health Behavior Compliance, and Family Support of Patients with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention)

  • 김수진;정향미
    • 임상간호연구
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a family-participated cardiac rehabilitation program and to test the effects of the program on self-efficacy, health behavior compliance, and family support for patients with percutaneous coronary intervention. Methods: The design of this study was a nonequivalent control group non-synchronize design. There were 30 participants in the experimental group and 29 in the control group. The program consisted of six consecutive cardiac rehabilitation education and counselling sessions for 5 weeks. Data were analyzed using $x^2-test$, Fisher's exact test, and t-test using the SPSS program. Results: Self-efficacy, health behavior compliance, and family support scores were significantly increased in the experimental group compared to those in the control group. Conclusion: These results suggest that this program may improve self-efficacy, health behavior compliance, and family support in patients with percutaneous coronary intervention. Therefore, this program in which family members were included in supporting patients' adherence to health behaviors is recommended for use in clinical fields for the cardiac rehabilitation.