• Title/Summary/Keyword: facility management services

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Ownership of Long-Term Care Facility and Incidence of Pressure Ulcers among Republic of Korea

  • Chun, Sung-Youn;Park, Hyeki;Kim, Woorim;Joo, Yeong-Jun;Lee, Tae-Hoon;Park, Eun-Cheol
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.522-530
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    • 2020
  • Background: In 2008, Korea implemented a new type of social insurance known as "long-term care insurance". We examined the association between ownership of long-term care facilities and the incidence of pressure ulcers after the implementation of "long-term care insurance". This study is a population-based retrospective cohort study from 2006 to 2013. Methods: We used medical claims data from the Korean National Health Insurance Corporate Elderly Cohort Database from 2006 to 2013. These data comprise a nationally representative sample. To avoid confounders, only patients admitted to one long-term care facility and who stayed for >70% of the follow-up time were included; as a result, 3,107 individuals were enrolled. The main independent variable was the operating entity of the long-term care facility (local government, corporate bodies, and private for-profit owners), and the dependent variable was the 1-year incidence of pressure-ulcers. Survival analysis (Cox proportional hazard model) was used as an analysis method. Results: Compared to patients admitted to local government long-term care facilities, patients admitted to private long-term care facilities had a significantly higher 1-year risk of pressure ulcers (hazard ratio [HR], 1.94; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.29-2.91); the risk was especially high among patients who were cognitively dependent (HR, 2.34; 95% CI, 1.25-4.37). Conclusion: Patients admitted to private for-profit long-term care facilities were more likely to have pressure ulcers compared to those in local government and corporate body long-term care facilities. Appropriate assessment tools and publicly available information, as well as more restricted legal requirements, are needed to improve the care quality and outcomes of patients in long-term care facilities.

A Study on the Strategic Plans for Vocational Rehabilitation Services in Mental Rehabilitation Facilities: Based on the Focus Group Interview(FGI) of Vocational Rehabilitation Practitioners (정신장애인 정신재활시설의 직업재활서비스 활성화 방안 연구 -직업재활실무자의 초점집단인터뷰를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Hee-Chul;Bae, Eun-Mi;Shin, Sook-Kyung;Park, Dong-Jin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.479-490
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of vocational rehabilitation practitioners in mental rehabilitation facilities related to their services, then it was intended to suggest the strategic plans for the services. To this purpose, data related to vocational rehabilitation services provided by mental rehabilitation facilities were collected, and a focus group interview(FGI) was conducted for the practitioners in charge of vocational rehabilitation services. And this data was analyzed to results. The research results are as follows. First, the related manuals and guidelines should be created to clarity the role and function of the facilities, that is the detailed standards are necessary for the workers participating in vocational rehabilitation services. Second, they expect that people with mental illness must be treated equally with other people with disabilities and the vocational rehabilitation services should be supported according to their disability characteristics. Based on the results of these studies, specific strategic plans for vocational rehabilitation services were suggested.

Incidence of Medical Services and Needs for Hospital-based Home Care Nursing in Elder Care Institutions (노인요양시설 내 의료서비스 발생빈도와 병원중심 가정간호 요구도 조사)

  • Kim, Jae-Seung;Lee, Joo-Young;Song, Chong-Rye;Lee, Mi-Gyeong;Hwang, Moon-Sook
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study aimed to clarify the needs for hospital-based home care nursing medical services in elder care institutions by analyzing the details and frequency of medical services provided by, and the needs for, hospital based home care nursing in select institutions in Korea. Methods: Seventy-seven staffs at elderly care institutions located throughout the country completed self-report questionnaires between February 1 and May 31, 2009. SPSS ver. 14.0 was used for data analysis regarding frequency and percentage, mean and standard deviation. Results: Forty-eight hospital-based home care nursing medical services in eight domains were identified as being needed in elderly care institutions. The most commonly used medical services were providing instruction in oral drug administration, checking drug beneficial/adverse effects, and administering blood glucose test, while the most needed medical services requiring hospital based home care nursing were complex pressure ulcer care, followed by diabetic foot ulcer management and nutrient injection. Conclusion: The present results should provide fundamental data for better healthcare services with hospital based home care nursing at elderly care institutions as part of a 'win-win' strategy through which medical expenses are reduced, insurance costs are kept stable, and safe and high-quality medical services are provided for residents of elder care institutions. Political decisions intended to promote visits by hospital based home care nurses to elder care institutions would be a prudent course.

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A Case Study of Construction management for OO Cultural Welfare Center, BTL (OO문화복지종합타운 BTL사업 CM수행사례 발표)

  • Ha, Han-ki;Ha, Sin-Jae;Kim, Ki-sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2008
  • The BTL and CM are main issues in Korea construction industry lately. The BTL applying CM is sufficient to have interest in terms of combination of BTL and CM. OO Cultural and Welfare Complex Town construction was the first cultural and welfare facility with the BTL applying CM. Because application of CM to the BTL project is at the early stage, there are many problems under the progress such as administration procedure from misunderstanding of the BTL and lack of communication between supporting Dept. and management Dept. This article focuses on those problems and advantages of CM services including negotiation, schedule management and cost management for the better CM service in the BTL project in the future.

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Study on school health promotion service and program for smoking cessation and acohol-reducing (금연 및 절주를 위한 학교 공급자원 및 프로그램)

  • Chang, Hye-Jung;Shim, Jae-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2003
  • This study investigates the school resources and programs for health promotion services, especially in areas of smoking cessation and acohol-reducing. The health of students is very important because of students' long life-span remained and their impacts on the community. A three-stage survey model was established. Three stages include a current status of school health resources and programs, an attitude to get rid of health risks at school, and a behavioral intention to provide health promotion programs in the near future. Three hundred and thirty-six schools filled up and returned the questionnaire by mail. The results showed that the facility and personnel for health management are equipped sufficiently in general, except in rural area located, small sized, or middle schools. But provided programs are not good enough in both quantity and quality. Frequently, schools provide the programs such as advertisement, mass education by internal lecturers, and individual. counselling. The programs of special lectures, group activities or rather active use of suppresants are provided rarely, because of the lack of special knowledge or financial supports at school. However, behavioral intention to provide such programs was high. Therefore, the role of health department at school should be fortified. The health teachers need to be trained as a consultant, and the education materials need to be provided to them The school also need to be supported with external experts for special lectures or group activities. In conclusion, schools need to pay more attention to the health risk of students and develop the effective and efficient school health programs for students' health.

Related Factors to the Service Level of Aged Care Facilities in Korea (노인요양시설 서비스 제공 수준의 관련 요인 분석)

  • Jung, Eun-Wook;Jeong, Seung-Won;Seo, Young-Joon;Choi, Dae-Bong
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.22-44
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this study is to examine relevant factors of the service level of aged care facilities. The sample used in this study consisted of 357 aged care facilities in Korea. Data were collected with self-administered questionnaire and 140 returned questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS Version 12.0. The major findings of the study are as follows: First, there was no significant mean difference in the service level by the facility characteristics, except the length of operation. Second, it was found that both administrative characteristics and employer characteristics were positively associated with the level of nursing and supportive services. Third, the study results revealed that the following three variables of employee education and training, community networks, and employer's philosophy and management principles had significant positive effects on the level of nursing services. Meanwhile, the following two variables of employee education and training, and community networks had significant positive effects on the level of supportive services. In conclusion, in order to improve their service level, the managers of aged care facilities in Korea should make efforts to provide more employee education and training, establish networks with the community stakeholders, for example, local clinics and hospitals. It is also recommended for the government to make a policy inducing more qualified private investors to enter the aged care market, as well as to strengthen the qualification of the managers of the public aged care facilities.

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Survey on University Health Service Organization and Health Services in Korea (대학교의 학교보건조직과 보건관리 실태)

  • 박재용;강민정;강복수
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.15-40
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    • 1999
  • To assess the university health service organization(UHSO) and its school health programs a questionnaire survey for all of 186 four-year colleges in Korea was conducted from December 1. 1998 to March 31. 1999. The response rate was 91.9 percent(171 universities). The UHSO was established in 116 universities(67.8%L The most common name of UHSO. used in 61 universities(52.6%). was school health center. Only 45(38.8%) of the 116 universities surveyed had a committee to support and run the UHSO. The percentage of universities that had committee was higher in national universities and those with a large number of students. The average number of staff working in the UHSO was 3.5; 4.6 in national universities; and 7.1 in universities with more than 15.000 students. There were 43 universities(37.1%) which had a part-time physician and 104 universities (89. 7%) had full-time nurses. Only 4 universities(3.4%) had a independent facility for the UHSO while most of UHSO were housed in other building. The UHSO had an independent budget in 86 universities(74.1%). The average budget per university was 46.890.000 won: private universities had more budget with 59.170.000 won on average than national universities with 36.990.000 won. The average budget allocated per student was 4.362 won. A regular physical examination was performed in 72 universities(62.1%). The percentage of university that performed regular physical examination was higher in private universities than in national universities. Health counseling was performed in 113 universities(97.4%) and vaccinations in 87 universities(75.0%). Medical care services were performed in 87 universities(75.0%). and the private universities and those with over 10.000 students provided the student with more services. Environmental sanitation was executed in 73 universities(62.9%) and health education was conducted in 68 universities(58.6%)' The school health management activities were promoted in 104 universities(89.7%) out of 116 universities with UHSO. Only 12 universities(10.3%) published reports on the achievements and performance of the UHSO. Only 29 universities(25.0%) had a continuing education for employees of the UHSO.

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Convergence outpatient medical service patient experience research using data mining (데이터마이닝 기법을 이용한 융복합 외래 의료서비스 환자경험조사 연구)

  • Yoo, Jin-Yeong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.299-306
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to find out specific measures that can help the management strategy of patient-centered medical institutions by conducting research on patient experience surveys of convergence outpatient medical services using data mining techniques according to changes in patient-centered medical culture. Using the raw data of the 2018 Medical Service Experience Survey, 8,843 people over the age of 15 who had patient experience in outpatient medical services were analyzed. Decision tree analysis was performed. The determinants of satisfaction with outpatient medical services patient experience were the doctor's area and patient's rights protection area, and the determinants of intention to recommend outpatient medical services were the doctor's area and facilities comfort. Women evaluated the experience positively in overall satisfaction as compared to men, and those over the age of 60 positively evaluated the overall satisfaction and intention to recommend. It is significant that the outpatient experience decision-making model is presented, and that the doctor's area, patient's rights protection area, and facility comfort are important factors. Long-term research on the 'Medical Service Experience Survey' is needed, and research on the inpatient medical service experience is needed.

Qualitative Study on Services in Vocational Rehabilitation Facilities for People with Mental Illness (정신질환자 직업재활시설 서비스에 대한 질적 연구)

  • Choi, Hee-Chul;Bae, Eun-Mi;Park, Dong-Jin;Shin, Sook-Kyung
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.74-85
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the vocational rehabilitation service environment of the mentally facilities. Focus group interview (FGI) was conducted for obtain the data. According to the interview results, first, in providing vocational rehabilitation services for people with mental illness, comprehensive services should be provided considering various needs. Second, the facilities are not recognized as vocational rehabilitation facilities for people with disabilities. Therefore, it is operated according to the regulations on mental rehabilitation facilities in the Mental Health Welfare Act. Third, they need management supports. Finally, It raised the necessity of revising laws and systems that are not systematized without reflecting reality. Based on the results of this study, some suggestions are presented.

A Study of an Application Scheme for Smart Meter and Value Added Services Based on Korean Environment (한국형 스마트 전력량계 부가서비스 적용방안 연구)

  • Kim, Seok-Gon;Lee, Han-Byul;Lee, Young-Joo;Choi, Yong-Sung
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.106-111
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    • 2010
  • Electronic watt hour meters(WHM) for high pressure running in domestic were installed to the digital type meter and ones for low pressure are expected to complete within several years. Domestic power metering technology is being beyond a simple framework with an electronic type and is rapidly evolving to intelligent smart metering systems in conjunction with promotion of a national smart grid project. Major policy outlook of the world's major power company regarding Intelligent metering is the application of the fare structure diversification and is the improvement of level of service to customers. In addition, electric power companies should focus on the cost reduction and the improvement of management efficiency through an efficient operation of distribution facility. In this paper, we are about to make an observation of the additional services technology development trend of the overseas smart meter and to have a view of value-added services(VAS) system of smart meter suitable for the domestic environment based on the technology development of VAS utilizing electronic watt hour meter performed by recent research projects.