• Title/Summary/Keyword: experimental water tank testing

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Experimental Study for Thermal Performance of Batch Type Passive Solar Hot Water System (BATCH형 자연형 태양열 온수급탕 시스템의 열적 성능에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kang, Y.H.;Cho, Y.S.;Yoon, H.K.;Auh, P.Chung-Moo
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 1987
  • A batch type passive solar water systems, which perform the dual function of absorbing the solar energy and storing the heated water, have been designed and fabricated for the purpose of side-by-side testing at KIER. The test models included an A, B and C type batch systems which were classified according to the design of box and arrangement of tanks. The year-round performance tests show that B type batch system taken the step-wise tank arrangement indicates 55.7% yearly-average collection efficiency factor and 61% yearly-average maximum collection efficiency factor. Computer-aided-experimental results show that the sufficient hot water can be obtained in the early morning if the glazing is supplemented by a reflector/insulation cover. The thermal performance equation has been developed for the prediction of hourly variation of the water temperature in tank.

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Experimental Study of a Low Cost Batch Type Solar Water Heater (저가 Batch형 온수급탕시스템의 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, K.D.;Yoon, H.G.;Kong, Y.H.;Lee, R.J.;Auh, P.C.M.
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.60-69
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    • 1985
  • A low cost batch type solar heaters (capacity 200 litres) comprising horizontal tanks, which performs the dual function of absorbing heat and storing the heated water, have been designed and fabricated for the purpose of side-by-side testing. Experimental results have indicated that the sufficient hot water can be obtained in the early morning if the glazing is aided by a reflector/insulation cover. The water heater with best thermal performance such as type B supplied water at a maximum mean temperature of $46-49^{\circ}C$ in the summer afternoon and the temperature of $36-39^{\circ}C$ can be obtained in the early morning if insulation cover is used during night time. The equation has been developed for the prediction of hourly variation of the water temperature in the tank.

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Damage Detection in Lab-Scaled Underwater PVC Pipes Using Cylindrical Lamb Waves

  • Woo, Dong-Woo;Na, Won-Bae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.271-277
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    • 2011
  • This study presents a nondestructive test for underwater PVC pipes. To use guided ultrasonic waves, specially denoted by cylindrical Lamb waves, a test setup was made in a water tank using the pitch and catch mode and specimens were made to give artificial cutouts located in the circumferential direction of the pipes. Total three states of damaged levels were considered to see how the guided waves interact with the defects. For the experimental adjustments, three different pipe diameters (60, 90, 114 mm) were tested, and two factors - incident angle (10 and $40^{\circ}$) and distance (50 and 200 mm) - were tried. From the results, regardless of the diameters and two experimental factors, it is shown that the degrees of defects were recognized through amplitude and arrived time of the very first part of the received cylindrical Lamb waves. Between amplitude and arrived time, it is found that the amplitude gives more sensitive results.

RTD Analysis using Radioisotope Tracer on the Water Flow Characteristics in a Flocculator of Wastewater Treatment Facility (방사성동위원소 추적자를 이용한 폐수처리시설의 응집조에서 유입수의 체류시간분포 분석)

  • Kim, Jin-Seop;Jung, Sung-Hee;Kim, Jong-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2006
  • Using In-113m emitting gamma ray of 0.392MeV at radioisotope tracer the RTD (residence time distribution) of water in the flocculator of wastewater treatment facility was measured. The result was analyzed mathematically using K-RTD program constructed on the basis of CFSTR (constant flow stirred tank reactor) model. The mean residence time and the tank number are the main parameters which describe the flow behavior of the system. Those parameters were obtained in the fitting profess of the simulated curves to the experimental results. It was suggested to construct a modified numerical model to describe the bypass flow which was observed in the experiment.

Internal Strain Monitoring of Filament Wound Pressure Tanks using Embedded Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors (삽입된 광섬유 브래그 격자 센서를 이용한 필라멘트 와인딩된 복합재료 압력탱크의 내부 변형률 모니터링)

  • Kim, C.U.;Park, S.W.;Park, S.O.;Kim, C.G.;Kang, D.H.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.17-20
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    • 2005
  • In-situ structural health monitoring of filament wound pressure tanks were conducted during water-pressurizing test using embedded fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. We need to monitor inner strains during working in order to verify the health condition of pressure tanks more accurately because finite element analyses on filament wound pressure tanks usually show large differences between inner and outer strains. Fiber optic sensors, especially FBG sensors can be easily embedded into the composite structures contrary to conventional electric strain gages (ESGs). In addition, many FBG sensors can be multiplexed in single optical fiber using wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) techniques. We fabricated a standard testing and evaluation bottle (STEB) with embedded FBG sensors and performed a water-pressurizing test. In order to increase the survivability of embedded FBG sensors, we suggested a revised fabrication process for embedding FBG sensors into a filament wound pressure tank, which includes a new protecting technique of sensor heads, the grating parts. From the experimental results, it was demonstrated that FBG sensors can be successfully adapted to filament wound pressure tanks for their structural health monitoring by embedding.

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Experimental study on the vibration mitigation of offshore tension leg platform system with UWTLCD

  • Lee, Hsien Hua;Juang, H.H.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.71-104
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    • 2012
  • In this research, a typical tension-leg type of floating platform incorporated with an innovative concept of underwater tuned liquid column damper system (UWTLCD) is studied. The purpose of this study is to improve the structural safety by means of mitigating the wave induced vibrations and stresses on the offshore floating Tension Leg Platform (TLP) system. Based on some encouraging results from a previous study, where a Tuned Liquid Column Damper (TLCD) system was employed in a floating platform system to reduce the vibration of the main structure, in this study, the traditional TLCD system was modified and tested. Firstly, the orifice-tube was replaced with a smaller horizontal tube and secondly, the TLCD system was combined into the pontoon system under the platform. The modification creates a multipurpose pontoon system associated with vibration mitigation function. On the other hand, the UWTLCD that is installed underwater instead would not occupy any additional space on the platform and yet provide buoyancy to the system. Experimental tests were performed for the mitigation effect and parameters besides the wave conditions, such as pontoon draught and liquid-length in the TLCD were taken into account in the test. It is found that the accurately tuned UWTLCD system could effectively reduce the dynamic response of the offshore platform system in terms of both the vibration amplitude and tensile forces measured in the mooring tethers.

Response of Sea Eel to the Extracts of Mackerel , Shad and Krill (고등어 , 전어 , 크릴의 추출물질에 대한 붕장어의 반응)

  • Kim, Hyung-Seok;Lee, Byoung-Gee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 1990
  • The authors carried out an experiment to investigate the responsive behavior of sea eel, Astroconger myriaster(BREVOORT) to chemical stimuli. The experimental tank was made in doughnut type by using FRP plates. The channel of tank was divided into three concentric troughs by using perforated plastic plates. The inside trough was used as influent part, the outside one as effluent part, and the middle one as the testing trough in which testing fish may be swimmable. The influent part was radially portioned into 12 sections so as to be 30 degrees of central angle. But a basin of any section in testing trough was diverged in the range of 45 degrees of central angle. The the testing trough are radially divided into eight zones. Water is supplied at the rate of 6.3l per minute from the central water tank set as high as 50cm in the center of doughnut, passed across the influent part, testing trough, effluent part and finally discharged by overflow pipes. The chemical substance to stimulate the sea eel was extracted from mackerel, shad and krill which are used as bait for fishing. The chemical substance was injected into any one of 12 hoses which supplies water from central water tank to the influent part at the rate of 2ml per minute. Sea eels used for the experiment were caught by pot in the coast of Chung-mu and accustomed to the tanks for 5 days before applying them to the experiment. The result obtained are as follows: 1. The rate of time length of sea eel's staying in the stimulated zone, as the extracts of mackerel, shad and krill were given to it, was observed as 7.9%, 30.9% and 11.4% respectively. It means that the extract from shad was the most effective of three in attracting sea eel. 2. To compare the effect of freshness of bait fish, the extracts were prepared from shad just killed, form the 24 hour-lapsed one and from the 48 hour-lasped one after killed. The rate of time length of sea eel's staying in the stimulated zone was 30.9%, 17.1% and 11.3% respectively. It means that the freshness is much effective in attracting olfactory fishes like sea eel.

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Testing of tuned liquid damper with screens and development of equivalent TMD model

  • Tait, M.J.;El Damatty, A.A.;Isyumov, N.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.215-234
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    • 2004
  • The tuned liquid damper (TLD) is increasingly being used as an economical and effective vibration absorber. It consists of a water tank having the fundamental sloshing fluid frequency tuned to the natural frequency of the structure. In order to perform efficiently, the TLD must possess a certain amount of inherent damping. This can be achieved by placing screens inside the tank. The current study experimentally investigates the behaviour of a TLD equipped with damping screens. A series of shake table tests are conducted in order to assess the effect of the screens on the free surface motion, the base shear forces and the amount of energy dissipated. The variation of these parameters with the level of excitation is also studied. Finally, an amplitude dependent equivalent tuned mass damper (TMD), representing the TLD, is determined based on the experimental results. The dynamic characteristics of this equivalent TMD, in terms of mass, stiffness and damping parameters are determined by energy equivalence. The above parameters are expressed in terms of the base excitation amplitude. The parameters are compared to those obtained using linear small amplitude wave theory. The validity of this nonlinear model is examined in the companion paper.

Performance Test and Development of the Composite Heat Pipe with Rotating and Static Heat Pipe (회전.비회전 복합 히트파이프 개발과 성능 시험)

  • Lee, Y.S.;Jang, Y.S.
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this research is to study the charateristics and manufacture of a composite heat pipe system with rotational and static pipe. A composite heat pipe system were tested to obtain the relationship between the expansion injector and auxiliary expansion for the motion of the working fluid by the experimental results. In addition the heat transport characteristics were found based on wall temperature of rotor, expansion injector, storage tank and vapor temperature. Water is used as working fluid of heat pipes. As the results of experiments, the composite heat pipe was operated for long times, 10 hour above with various rotational speed in performance. There were a few unexpected data by the capillary pumped loop at small working fluid, but as a whole the testing was successful.

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Simulation and transient analyses of a complete passive heat removal system in a downward cooling pool-type material testing reactor against a complete station blackout and long-term natural convection mode using the RELAP5/3.2 code

  • Hedayat, Afshin
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.953-967
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, a complete station blackout (SBO) or complete loss of electrical power supplies is simulated and analyzed in a downward cooling 5-MW pool-type Material Testing Reactor (MTR). The scenario is traced in the absence of active cooling systems and operators. The code nodalization is successfully benchmarked against experimental data of the reactor's operating parameters. The passive heat removal system includes downward water cooling after pump breakdown by the force of gravity (where the coolant streams down to the unfilled portion of the holdup tank), safety flapper opening, flow reversal from a downward to an upward cooling direction, and then the upward free convection heat removal throughout the flapper safety valve, lower plenum, and fuel assemblies. Both short-term and long-term natural core cooling conditions are simulated and investigated using the RELAP5 code. Short-term analyses focus on the safety flapper valve operation and flow reversal mode. Long-term analyses include simulation of both complete SBO and long-term operation of the free convection mode. Results are promising for pool-type MTRs because this allows operators to investigate RELAP code abilities for MTR thermal-hydraulic simulations without any oscillation; moreover, the Tehran Research Reactor is conservatively safe against the complete SBO and long-term free convection operation.