• Title/Summary/Keyword: experiencing program

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Outer Space Activities and an Observation of Related Laws of Korea (국내 우주활동과 관련법 소고)

  • Park, Won-Hwa
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.163-186
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    • 2009
  • The missile technology and its development in south Korea have been restrained to the limit of 180 km by America which instead provided to Korea with security protection. In the same vein, America pressured South Korea to abort its nuclear weapons program so as to prevent another possible military encounter that can easily develop into a war between South and North Korea. This restraint was a bit relaxed when South Korea joined the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) in 2001 whereby the limit was 300 km. The situation of South Korea is in much contrast with its neighbor, North Korea, which has fired Taepo Dong 1 and Taepo Dong 2 to put its alleged satellite respectively into the Earth orbit. The range of this rocket believed to be reaching more than 5,500 km, a range of the intercontinental ballistic missile, without any rein. South Korea that has just geared its full powers for its outer space industry, with the current space projects of putting its satellites into the low Earth orbit, will in future put its satellite into the geostationary orbit, 36,000 km above the Earth. To do so, such restraint had better be resolved. Korean space industry, as it is alike in other countries, started with putting and manufacturing sounding rockets, producing satellites but relying on foreign launching facilities, and learning launching capacities. Experiencing three time launchings of KITSAT, the current satellite projects of Korea are undertaken as follows: - Koreasat - STSAT - Komsat - MBSAT - COMS (Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite) Koreans waked up to the things of outer space in 2008 with the first Korean astronaut Li So-yeon, a lady bio systems engineer. Although the first Korean made rocket in cooperation with a Russian company to fire last August 2009 was a failure, it should be considered as an inevitable process for future endeavors. There are currently three outer space related laws of Korea: Aerospace Industry Development Promotion Act 1987, Outer Space Development Promotions Act 2005, and Space Damage Compensation Act 2008. The first two stemming from the two different ministries are, however, overlapping in many aspects and have some shortcomings to be improved.

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Significant Caries(SiC) Index Based on 2009 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2009년 국민건강영양조사에 근거한 Significant Caries(SiC) Index)

  • Han, Ji-Hyoung;Ann, Eun-Sook
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2011
  • This study obtained DMFT index(9271 people) in population with more than 6 years old based on data of 2009 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, and calculated SiC index(2,517 people) by classifying group with high risk, which is 1/3 in high rank out of it. The aim was to confirm existence of the group with high risk of dental caries, and was to emphasize necessity of preventive strategy for the group with high risk. Statistical analysis was carried out t-test by using STATA 11.0 program. 1. DMFT index accounted for 45.0%(4,174 people) for men and 55.0%(5,097 people) for women. SiC index stood at 2,517 people. Men accounted for 36.3%(914 people). Thus, women were larger with 64.7%(1,603 people). 2. Seeing the mean in DMFT index and SiC index, the more rise in age led to the bigger difference in the mean between two groups. Especially, the difference was shown more than 4 points on the average for 13 and 14 years old and more than double on the average from over 15 years. 3. As a result of comparing gender, DMFT index was higher in women than men from over 14 years old. SiC index wasn't significant. However, women were indicated to be 1 piece more than men at the age of 9 and 14. 4. As a result of comparing by region, both DMFT index and SiC index were indicated to be higher in the rural area for their over 60s. Seeing the above results, the group with high risk is showing the higher rate of experiencing dental caries than DMFT-index in the whole. Thus, the comprehensively & intensively preventive management seems to be likely needed on group with high risk.

The Relationship of Anxiety, Hopelessness, and Family Suppoort of Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy (암화학요법을 받는 유방암 환자의 불안, 절망감 및 가족지지와의 관계)

  • Park Jum-Hee;Lee Hyoun-Ju;Kim Hyun-Mi;Lyu Eun-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.147-162
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    • 1997
  • This study was attempted to provide the basic data for nursing intervention to improve the psychosociological adaptation of patients receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer by examining relationship between anxiety and hopelessness that they are experiencing and family support, in order to help them successfully cope with various psychological problems. This study was carried out with 93 breast cancer patients who are receiving chemotherapy in the injection treatment room of K University Hospital located in the downtown of Taegu after having underwent mastectomy in the hospital between December 1995 and August 1996. This study used the systematized questionnaires which contain 7 questions about general characteristics, Spielberger's trait anxiety & state anxiety scale, the tool that WON(1987) modified the hopelessness scale which was developed by Beck et al.(1967) and the family support tool made by TAE(1985). By using the SPSS/PC program, this study obtained the real number and percentage for the general characteristics of the subjects, and mean and standard variation for the degrees of trait anxiety, state anxiety, hopelessness and family support. The correlation between each variables was identified on the basis of the Pearson Correlation, and the degrees of trait anxiety, state anxiety, hopelessness and family support in the general characteristics of the subjects were analyzed by using the t-test, ANOVA, and Duncan test. The results of this study were summarized as follows. In the general characteristics of the subjects, most of each group were 51 years old or more and the middle class in income, had educational background under elementary school, no job, Buddhism in religion and spouse, and were receiving chemotherapy using MTX and 5FU. It was shown that the degree of the subjects' trait anxiety is, on an average, 50. 29, state anxiety 49. 68, hopelessness 51. 46 and family support 34. 28. Both trait anxiety and hopelessness showed normal correlation ; the higher the degree of trait anxiety is, the higher the degree of hopelessness is, while trait anxiety and family support showed reverse correlation ; the higher the degree of trait anxiety, the lower the degree of family support that the subjects perceive is. State anxiety and hopelessness also showed normal correlation ; the higher the degree of state anxiety is, the higher the degree of hopelessness is. Family support and hopelessness showed reverse correlation ; the higher the degree of family support is, the lower the degree of hopelessness that the subjects perceive is. And family support and state anxiety showed reverse correlation but there was a statistically significant difference. The degree of trait anxiety in the general characteristics of the subjects showed a significant difference by age, job and religion, the degree of state anxiety a signigicant difference by job and religion, the degree of hopelessness a signigicant difference by age, educational background and existence or not of spouse. In conclusion, the breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy perceive anxiety and hopelessness due to several causes such as diagnosis itself or side effects of chemotherapy, so that it is required not only to develop specific nursing interventions including family support to alleviate anxiety and hopelessness but also to apply such interventions to clinical practice.

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Reduction Effect of Aromatherapy on Stress and Insomnia (아로마요법의 스트레스 및 수면장애 감소효과)

  • Park, Sang-Ock;Kim, Seok-Beom;Lee, Kyeong-Soo;Kang, Pock-Soo
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2002
  • Reducing the level of stress and insomnia by aromatherapy is proposed as a method of self-care and health promotion in the future. Of the people who received aromatherapy from July, 1999 to February, 2000 at the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Center at the Gyeongu City Health Center, 48 people agreed to participate in a questionnaire survey, presented before and after their aromatherapy, and the data were analyzed. When the people received aromatherapy at the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Center, they inhaled the aroma from a vaporizer and when at home, they inhaled from a tissue, gauze or washbowl. Two sessions per week (2 hrs./session) were provided at the Center in the total 1-month duration of the therapy. The oil made from a blend of clarysage, geranium, rose at a ratio of 3:2:1 was used for relieving stress, and the oil made from a blend of clarysage, lavender, and lemon at 2:2:1 ratio was used for relieving insomnia. The scores of stress of 92.5 17.5 points before aromatherapy significantly reduced to $87.4{\pm}4.2$ points after therapy(p<0.01), and the scores of insomnia of $2.5{\pm}1.2$ points before aromatherapy significantly reduced to $1.0{\pm}1.1$ points after therapy(p<0.01). The reduction in stress and insomnia from aromatherapy was more significant in those who were experiencing high levels of stress and insomnia. Therefore, stress and its related insomnia can be effectively relieved with proper application of aromatherapy. With benefits such as little side-effects, convenient and simple education, low cost, and the do-it-yourself feature. aromatherapy can be expanded into a self-management program for promoting health of the community people.

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A Study on the Relationship between the Experience of Sanhujori, the Traditional Postpartal Care in Korea and Present Health Status of Chronic Arthritis Female Patient (만성관절염 여성 환자의 산후조리 경험과 건강상태와의 관계)

  • Yoo, Eun-Kwang;Lee, Sun-Hyae;Kim, Myoung-Hee
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.217-230
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this descriptive correlational study was to define the relationship between the experience of Sanhuujori, Korean traditional non-professional postpartal care after delivery and abortion and present health status of chronic arthritis female patient who visited to outpatient clinic of rheumatic internal medicine at a hospital located in Seoul, Korea. A convenience sample of 64 women who orally agreed to be a participant and data were collected form October 1996 to May, 1997 for sis months by way of interview with semistructured questionnaire. The data were analyzed by the SPSS pc program using t-test, ANOVA and Scheffe test as a post hoc and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The results of the study were as follows ; Mean age of participants was 53.2 years and mean number of children was 3.1. Mean frequency of abortion was 2.1 times per woman. Seventy four percentage of respondents did not have Sanhujori after abortion. The mean period of Sanhujori after delivery was 17.7, 15.2, 13.8 days from the first child to third child and shorter than that of general woman such as 20.0, 19.0, 17.3 days in the previous study. On the subjective evaluation of whether the women did Sanhujori well or not, the rate of 'did Sanhujori wrongly' was the highest rank in each child where as general woman 'did Sanhujori well' at the first child, 'moderate' at the second and third child and 'did Sanhujori wrongly' at the 4th and fifth child. The health status implies both subjective health status women perceived and the rate of complaints of physical symptom distress women are experiencing presently. The respondents of 82.5% perceived them as unhealthy or sick and 68.9% of women complained more than two symptoms. Mean number of physical symptom distress women complained was 2.33. The main sites of physical symptom distress were upper & lower extremities 69.1% including knee and hand, whole body 19.1%, neck 3.7%, waist & shoulders 2.7% respectively. The characteristics of the symptoms were mostly pain 60%, swelling 19.8%, rigidity & deformity 7.9% respectively, sensation of heat 6.8% and weakness 1.7%. Women perceived the etiology of the chronic arthritis as stress 25.8%, 'did Sanhujori wrongly' & overwork 23.4% respectively, genetic 12.9%, malnutrition, 4.8%, and aging process 3.2%. There were significant positive correlation between subjective health status and the period of Sanhujori after delivery of the second child(r=-0.22) and negative correlation with the number of child at the level of 5% of significance statistically(r=0.27). There were significant negative correlation between the rate of complaints of physical symptom distress and the subjective evaluation whether she did Sanhujori well or not at the level of 5% of significance statistically(r=-0.23). And the rate of complaints of physical symptom distress in the group of women who experienced abortion was significantly higher than that of women who did not experience it at the level of 5% significance statistically(t=2.00) In conclusion, this finding reconfirmed the possible relationship between health status of chronic arthritis female patient and the experience of Sanhujori after delivery & abortion. It provides a challenge to the professional care givers to research further on the effects of Sanhujori on the health status, health recovery after abortion or delivery from the various aspects through the crosssectional and longitudinal research for the refinement of the reality of not only as cultural phenomenon but as conceptual model for the appropriateness of intervention and quality of care for desirable health outcomes.

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The Reinforcing Mechanism of Sustaining Participations in Open Source Software Developers: Based on Social Identity Theory and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Theory (오픈 소스 개발자들의 참여 의도 강화 기제 및 참여 지속 의도에 관한 연구: 사회 정체성 이론과 조직시민행동 이론에 기반하여)

  • Choi, Junghong;Choi, Joohee;Lee, Hye Sun;Hwangbo, Hwan;Lee, Inseong;Kim, Jinwoo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2013
  • Open Source Software Development (OSSD) differentiates itself from traditional closed software development in that it reveals its source codes online and allows anyone to participate in projects. Even though its success was in doubt, many of the open collaborative working models produced successful results. Academia started to get interested in how developers are willing to participate even when there are no extrinsic rewards for their efforts. Many studies tried to explain developers' motivations, and the pursuit of ideology, reputation, and altruism are found to be the answers. Those studies, however, focused mostly on how the first contribution is made out of a certain motivation. Nowadays, OSSD reaches at its maturity and 70% of professional developers have used or utilized open source software or code in their works. As the proportion of people experiencing OSS, the accounts from previous studies are expected to be weakened. Also, extant literature fails to explain how the motivation of participating in OSS evolves over time and experiences. Given that changing over time or over experiences is the natural in the perception of motivation, studies in an attempt to understand how the motivation changes or evolves are in need. In this study, we aimed to explain how the perception about OSS from past usage or related experiences leads to the intention to sustain OSS participations. By doing so, we try to bridge the gap between previous studies and the actual phenomenon. We argued that perceived instrumentality about OSS learned from past experiences will first affect the formation of organizational identity towards general OSS community. And once the organizational identity is formed, it will affect the one's following behaviors related to OSS development, most likely to sustain the favoring stance toward OSS community. Our research distinguishes itself from previous one in that it divides the paths from organizational identity formed to the intention to sustain the voluntary helping behaviors, by altruistic and conforming intentions. Drawing on this structural model, we could explain how organizational identity engages in forming the sustaining intention from past experiences, and that the intention to help at individual level and organizational level works at different level in OSS community. We grounded our arguments on Social identity theory and Organizational Citizenship theory. We examined our assumption by constructing a structural equation model (SEM) and had 88 developers to answer our online surveys. The result is analyzed by PLS (partial least square) method. Consequently, all paths but one in our model are supported, the one which assumed the association between perceived instrumentality and altruistic intention. Our results provide directions in designing online collaborative platforms where open access collaboration is meant to occur. Theoretically, our study suggests that organizational citizenship behavior can occur from organizational identity, even in bottom-up organizational settings. More specifically, we also argue to consider both organizational level and individual level of motivation in inducing sustained participations within the platforms. Our result can be interpreted to indicate the importance of forming organizational identity in sustaining the participatory behaviors. It is because there was no direct association between perceived instrumentality from past experiences and altruistic behavior, but the perception of organizational identity bridges the two constructs. This means that people with no organizational identity can sustain their participations through conforming intention from only the perception of instrumentality, but it needs little more than that for the people to feel the intention to directly help someone in the community-first to form the self-identity as a member of the given community.

Health Conditions and Health Behaviors of Merchants at Traditional Markets (전통시장 상인의 건강상태와 건강행태)

  • Hwang, Seong-Ho;Kwon, O-Hyun;Jeon, Mi-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.237-245
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    • 2017
  • This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted to determine the health conditions and health behaviors of merchants at traditional markets and compare them with members of the general population[ED highlight - do you mean "members of the general population"?]. The data were collected from 307 merchants at N traditional market in C City from 1-20 June 2015 at D Health Center of C City after physical measurement and blood collection and then analyzed using SPSS WIN 21.0. The male, female, and overall smoking rates of merchants at the traditional market were 34.2%, 3.5% and 11.1%, the annual drinking rates were 68.4%, 38.5%, and 45.9%, and the rates of subjects under stress and the rates of experiencing depression were 23.7%, 28.5%, and 27.4% and 5.3%, 6.1%, and 5.9%, respectively, which were all relatively lower than members of the general population[ED highlight - please ensure that my changes here are in keeping with your intended meaning.]. The male, female and overall rates of medium-level physical activities and walking were 32.9%, 19.9%, and 23.1% and 85.5%, 79.2%, and 80.8%, respectively, to have relatively good health behaviors, and the mental health is relatively fine than members of the general population[ED highlight - please clarify this, I cannot infer your intended meaning.]. However, test group[ED highlight - the test group? Please specify.] had high prevalence rates of hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and metabolic syndrome. Moreover, as the duration of work increased, the abdominal circumference as well as the prevalence rates of low HDL-cholesterol, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and arthritis increased. Therefore, the specific causes of these shall be determined, and the long-term daily life improvement program shall be prepared and applied continuously for merchants at traditional markets.[ED highlight - please specify what these refer to; however, the entire sentence can probably be deleted.

A Study on the Temporomandibular Joint Disorder and School Life Stress of High School Student by Department (계열별 남자고등학생의 학교생활스트레스와 측두하악장애에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Hwa;Choi, Jung-Mi
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study targeted on high school student in the department of liberal arts, industry in Daegu metropolitan city, is to get basic data necessary for the development of dental educational program, to discern prevention and treatment of temporomandibular joint disorder by observing the situation temporomandibular joint disorder and contribution element, of relationship of school life stress The results are as follows.: 1. The percentage of occurring temporomandibular joint disorder in the high school resulted in a joint noise at 61.8% and joint dislocation 6.9%, sharp pain 47.5% at time of chewing. 29.8% at the time of the non-chewing, lockjaw 11.3%, a headache appeared at 40.4%.2. In the contribution factor of occurring temporomandibular joint disorder, the cause of joint noise was the clench one's teeth, lip and cheek clench, For the pain at the time of chewing clench one's teeth, one side chewing, over-chewing, lip clench, sideways sleeping showed the difference. (P < 0.01) For the pain at the time of non-chewing, clench one's teeth, bruxism, one side chewing, lip and cheek clench were similar, and for the lockjaw, clench one's teeth, bruxism, sideways sleeping showed the difference. The plum evil thing period at time of the fault writing that statistically showed the difference. For the headache, the contribution factors were the all bad habits mentioned above excluding one side sleeping.(P < 0.01, P < 0.05). 3. The rate of experiencing temporomandibular joint disorder by oral and maxillofacia was 13.4% in industrial department, and 19.6% in liberal arts. And for the factor of wound was that exercise 26.8%, others 24.4%, fall-down 19.5%. And for the industrial, exercise 44.4%, fall-down 22.2%, others 14.9%. The treatment experience appeared at 5.0% in industrial department, 2.9% in liberal arts. And for the medical institutions, liberal arts were dental clinic 50%, orthopedics 50%, and the industrial department orthopedics 40%, oriental medicine clinic 30%, dental clinic 30%. 4. In case of temporomandibular joint disorder, there were no difference by grades or educational background. And at the time of chewing or non-chewing showed similar difference.(P < 0.01). 5. Compared to stress in the high school, it generally showed higher in liberal arts than in industrial department due to school record. Its scope was $3.75{\pm}1.14$ in liberal arts, $3.01{\pm}1.23$ in industrial department. 6. The school record, school life, stress problems by teachers, chewing/non-chewing pain of temporomandibular joint disorder, joint noise had a similar correlation.(P < 0.01, < 0.05).

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Introduction of Integrated Coastal Management Program and Sustainable Development of Fishing Villages in Cheonsu Bay Region (연안통합관리계획의 도입과 천수만 어촌의 지속가능발전)

  • 김부성
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.184-205
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    • 2003
  • Sustainable Development(SD) is an important concept for the future of the coastal area, and for development of fishing villages. Since 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro many governments and local authorities throughout the world have been engaged in preparing and implementing $\ulcorner$Agenda 21$\lrcorner$. Many projects which previously would have been identified as environmental protection are now presented under the banner of sustainable development. Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) is an extension of sustainable development. ICM was presented as a framework for resolution of coastal use conflicts. The aim of the present paper is to assess sustainable development potential of fishing villages in Cheonsu Bay Region according to implementation of ICM. Cheonsu Bay Region was known as one of the productive fishing grounds and Cheonsu Bay Region preserved unique characteristics of traditional fishing villages. But this region is now experiencing many changes through the massive reclamation projects like Seosan A B Project. After a brief overview of concepts and history of SD and ICM, the reclamation process and its impacts on both fishery and fishing communities in Cheonsu Bay Region are discussed. According to their changing environmental and socio-economic characteristics after the reclamation, ca 35 representative coastal villages in this region can be classified into 5 types. Many coastal villages shows diversity in their economic activities, as tourism and recreation function becomes more and more important in this region. In present-day Cheonsu Bay Region, it is possible to differentiate fishing village cooperatives(FVO) with high potential of sustainable fishery development, FVOs with medium potential, FVOs with low potential on the basis of 14 selected indicators.

On the Characteristic and Representation of Kyodong Island Soundscape (교동도 사운드스케이프의 특성과 재현)

  • Kim, Ji-na;Zoh, Kyung-Jin;Kwon, Byung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.57-75
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    • 2019
  • Soundscapes have the potential to help people experience the historical background and cultural traditions by the scenery of a local area and to be used as a cultural and tourism resource. This concept was first explained in detail by M. Schafer and has been developed as a new way of experiencing landscapes using various senses. This research studied the soundscape of Kyodong Island, the so-called "Island of Peace" and designed new cultural acoustic content for education and tourism. Kyodong Island is located right below the Northern Limit Line and the whole island is in the Civilian Controlled Area. The political and economic status of the island has been changed dynamically by the Korean War and the division of the country. These days, the island needs to realize the vision of the "Island of Peace" in a more creative way using local resources, including its "cold war landscape" and the natural scenery of the region. This research applied the concept of a soundscape to document the island, and to reproduce it in an artistic way. A workshop was conducted to learn concepts and techniques of soundscapes with a sound artist. Listening, recording, conducting interviews, and literature research was used to study the soundscape of the island. After that, this research reconstructed the soundscape of the island through a soundscape composition. The main theme of the composition story was the "Hope and Wish for the Harmony and Peace" to show the vision of the "Island of Peace". The initial sub-theme for the introduction part was "First Encounter with Kyodong Island" arranging the representative soundscape, which could be the first impression of the region. The second sub-theme was "War and Tension" using several soundscapes as a metaphor for the tragedy of the Korean War. The third sub-theme was "Everyday Life of Kyodong Island" which described the energy of the present day, after the wounds of the war have healed. The final sub-theme was "Harmony and Peace" using traditional music and keynote sounds of the region as a reminder of the peaceful past, before the war. The recording files were documented as two types of sound maps. One was a two-dimensional map to show the soundscapes from one point of view, and the other used the online application called "Sound Around You". The final artwork was displayed at an exhibition and uploaded on YouTube to be shared publicly. Through this project, we discovered the potential of soundscapes as a medium to preserve the history and local identity, as well as presenting a new vision. The artwork will be exhibited at historically and culturally meaningful places on the Island to utilize the underused places as local tourist attractions and educational resources.