• Title/Summary/Keyword: expected relationships

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A Study on the Relationship between expected stock return and volatility (기대수익률과 주가변동성의 관계 연구)

  • 고광수
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.153-167
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    • 1997
  • There have been many studies concerning the relationships between stock returns and volatilities. Their positive relationship is well known from the theoretical point of view, but not empirically shown. Franch, Schwert and Stambaugh [11] has empirically provided the indirect evidence of the positive relationship betwen expected stock return and expected volatility. However, their study lacks some statistical validity. This study reexamines the relationship using regression diagnostics and GARCH model from an international point of view. The empirical results fall to show the positive relationship between expected stock return and expected volaiility, which contradicts those of France, Schwert and Stambangh [1].

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Systems Approach to the Transportation Administration System in Korea -With Emphasis on Inter-Organizational Information Flow Analysis- (우리나라 도시교통 행정체계의 분석)

  • 안문양
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.22-45
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    • 1985
  • Most transportation problems are expected to be dealt with by public sector, mainly government organizations, even though few articles are available to tackle the problems from the administrative points of view. This study has the following scopes: to define the transportation system; to derive the subsystems, i.e., the functions of the system; to identify the elements (or organizations) of performing the functions; to study the inter-organizational relationships among the elements and to derive problem areas; and finally to propose a new administrative system for solving the problems. System Theory was exclusively used for defining the system and deriving subsystems of transportation. Laws and regulations about government organizations were analyzed to identify the relevant organizations. Communications analysis was used for deriving the relationships among the organizations. Ledger books containing incoming-and-outgoing documents in the sampled organizations were inputed onto computer. Exactly 49,367 records(i.e., information flows) were stored for this analysis. Finally, this study proposed a new administrative system that is expected to result in more cooperative and productive inter-organizational relationships among the transportation organizations.

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Examining Social Networking Sites Users' Benefits Using the DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model

  • Nusrat Jahan;Md. Shah Azam;Md. Alamgir Hossain
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2024
  • In the modern era of technological and communication amelioration, social networking sites (SNSs) open the door, not only in industrial sectors but also as a platform which mostly aims attention at easing the formation of social correspondence among people. On the basis of the DeLone and McLean model of information system success (2003), this study develops a modified IS model to examine the individual merits (i.e., enjoyment, expected relationships, and reputation) obtained from using SNSs. Structural equation modeling is used to investigate the above issues, and an online survey questionnaire technique is conducted with 421 respondents from the United States, and several interesting results are observed. System quality significantly affects both satisfaction and use intention, whereas information and service quality have a large impact on satisfaction but not on use intention. Individual benefits (such as enjoyment, expected relationships, reputation, and use intention) are all positively impacted by satisfaction. In addition, use intention acts as an intermediate construct and has positive effects on individual benefits. SNS practitioners should focus on awareness-raising initiatives regarding the personal benefits enabled by SNS use, as well as educational programs to encourage SNS usage at the user level, by identifying and addressing the specific individual benefits.

A Study on Clothing Expected Benefits and Make-up Expected Benefits by Narcissism of Female College Students (여대생의 자기애에 따른 의복추구혜택과 화장추구혜택에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ju-Young;Kim, Young-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.169-182
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze narcissism, clothing expected benefits, and make-up expected benefits of female college students and investigate the relationships of them. To achieve the purposes, a questionnaire was conducted to 322 from September 21 to October 30, 2014. The final data was analyzed with spss 18.0 program. The results were follows. First, It was found that narcissism were classified 4 factors of success-oriented narcissism, others-defensive narcissism, recognition-oriented narcissism, appearance-fascinated narcissism. Second, It was found that clothing expected benefits were classified 6 factors and make-up expected benefits were classified 4 factors. Third, there were significant differences of narcissism by major, clothing purchase cost and cosmetic purchase cost. Forth, there were significant differences of clothing expected benefits and make-up expected benefits by major, clothing purchase cost and cosmetic purchase cost. Fifth, there were significant relations of narcissism, clothing expected benefits, and make-up expected benefits of female college students. Thus, it was found that narcissism were related to clothing expected benefits and make-up expected benefits.

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The Effects of Meal duration on Customers‘ Evaluation of Service Quality and Satisfaction according to Service Stages of Restaurant (레스토랑의 서비스 제공단계별 Meal duration이 고객의 서비스품질 평가 및 고객만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Me-Hee;Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 2010
  • This study, which took place in an Italian restaurant in Seoul, investigated the impact of meal duration on the evaluation of satisfaction and service quality, according to the service stages (order, cook, check) of a restaurant. Research procedures included two phases: during the first phase, data on expected-perceived meal duration, and service quality and satisfaction were collected by surveys, which were distributed at the restaurant. The second phase investigated the relationships among meal duration, customers' satisfaction, and service quality. T-tests and regression analyses were used to examine relationships between these variables. Results indicate that both failing to meet customers' expected meal duration, as well as the perceived meal duration could negatively impact the satisfaction and evaluation of service quality. The study confirmed that meal duration is indeed related to the responsiveness aspect of service quality. The important aspect of meal duration management is to improve service quality and satisfaction, which can lead to a restaurant's success. Therefore, understanding the relationships among meal duration, satisfaction, and service quality is a part of a good foundation for effective meal duration management.

The Impact of Environment and Adoption Factors on the Performance of Financial EDI systems (금융EDI시스템의 환경 및 도입 요인이 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • 송미향;정철용
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 1997
  • Many Korean banks and companies have adopted EDI to replace traditioanal paper documents by electronic ones, which can move much faster with greater accuracy, Also, it is expected to reduce overall costs and maintain good relationships with customers. However, in practice, the performance of EDI seems to be less than expected. The purpose of this paper is to identify the impact of environment and adoption factors on the performance of financial EDI. We proposed a model for the relationships based on the existing literature and peformed a survey of Korean commercial banks and companies using KTNET. The results of this study are as follows: First, the business environment represented by the size of companies and the frequency of transactions showed a negative impact on the performance in terms of efficiency, which is quite converse to the common belief. Second, the technical environment, including computing skills of users and operators, showed a positive impact on the performance in terms of effectiveness. Third, the clearer the adoption purpose, the higher is the performace as intended, while the initiative for the adoption process showed no significant impact.

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.137-141
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    • 2001
  • We derive a new relationship between the giant branch slope as measured in the color-magnitude diagram (K, J - K) and [Fe/H] metallicity for old open clusters. Previously such relationships have been derived for globular clusters, while similar tendency has been expected for open clusters. New derived correlation, [Fe/H]=-17.2(±0.23)GB slope - 1.95(±0.02), is based on a collection of data for 10 old open clusters. Most clusters behave as expected from the theoretical predictions.

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Partnership and EDI Adoption Attitude affecting on EDI Implementation Success (EDI 구축 성공에 영향을 미치는 파트너십과 EDI 수용태도)

  • Kim, Jae-Kyeong;Lee, Sang-Chul;Lee, Jung-Eun;Lee, Jae-Kwang
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2002
  • The fact that EDI is the IT system between partners implies the importance of studying the affecting factors associated with partnership in EDI. But there are few researches about the inter-organizational factors related to the relationship between partner firms, so called partnerships, influencing the implementation of EDI. Therefore our research is to investigate the relationship between partnership and EDI implementation with inter-organizational perspective. Additionally, we investigate the moderating role of EDI adoption attitude when the companies are divided into two groups, proactive attitude and reactive attitude. As a result, first, we found the positive relationships between the partnership factors about partnerships among trading partners and the degree of EDI implementation. Second, we expected that proactive firms have stronger significant relationships than reactive firms, but only the relationships between interdependence and integration, interdependence and utilization and trust and integration were proved to be signigicant among ten relationships. Third, we found positive relationships between EDI adoption attitude and EDI implementation.

Hybrid Qualitative Reasoning Approach to Predicting the Expected Performance of the Intellectual Property Rights Management System- KIPONet Case (전자정부 홍보를 위한 ARP(Academic Research Paper) 사례(특허, 조달) 소개)

  • Lee, Kun-Chang
    • 한국IT서비스학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 2007
  • In the previous e-government studies, there was no study in which the ambitious problem of assessing the expected performance of an e-government software when it is adopted in other country. This study was motivated to propose a new method to resolve this research question. With using the KIPONet (Korean Intellectual Property Office Net) as a target e-government software, which has been successfully implemented and operated by the Republic of Korea government since Jan 1999 for the purpose of managing the intellectual property rights (IPRs), we propose a Hybrid Qualitative Reasoning (HQR) approach to predicting the expected performance of the KIPONet. The main recipes of the HQR are that the HQR considers causal relationships existing among both qualitative and quantitative variables of the KIPONet, and that uncertainties embedded in some variables are handled by using Monte Carlo mechanism. The application of the proposed HQR to predicting the expected performance of the KIPONet results in statistically significant outcomes with 95% confidence level.

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Models for evaluating and predicting the user satisfaction of product designs (제품다자인의 감성만족도 평가 및 예측모델 개발)

  • Han, Seong-Ho
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.87-113
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    • 2001
  • This study introduces the concept of image/impression of a product design, human interface elements, and the relationships between them. It is assumed that the human interface can be decomposed into detailed design elements, called human interface elements. This study attempts to build functional relationships between the image/impression of a product and human interface elements. Two different human factors experiments were conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach suggested in this study. A total of 35 audio/visual consumer electronics products (e.g., CD players, VCRs) were shown on a display screen and the subjects were instructed to evaluate them in terms of eight image/impression dimensions. One experiment was conducted using Korean subjects while the other using American subjects. The functional relationships were modeled by using the multiple linear regression technique. Similarity and difference between the Korean and the American subjects were analyzed. The approach suggested in this study is expected to help designers and developers identify important design variables to enhance the subjective satisfaction of a product design.

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