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The Effect of Problem-Centered Learning Based STEAM Field Experience Learning Program on Science Process Skills, Creative Problem Solving Ability, and Scientific Attitude of Gifted Students in Elementary Science (문제중심학습 기반 STEAM 현장체험학습 프로그램이 초등과학 영재의 과학 탐구 능력, 창의적 문제해결력 및 과학적 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Dong Guk;Hong, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2021
  • In this study, a problem-centered learning based STEAM field experience learning program was developed and the effects of applying it were investigated. The program was composed of 8 sessions by using problem-centered learning education method and integrating STEAM elements between disciplines. The contents of program are as follow. In the step of sharing problems and making a problem-solving plan, they understood the various examples and meanings of endangered species, explored the project activities, and made an inquiry plan. In the search and re-exploration phase, a smart device was used to investigate the appearance, habitat environment and cause of extinction for Clithon retropictus, and a site inquiry plan was established for each group. Then, they moved to the field to explore brackish-headed gallops and discuss ways to protect endangered species. In the step of creating a solution, a web-based report was produced as the final product using smart devices based on the results of the inquiry. In the presentation and evaluation stage, the produced web-based report was used to present each group, conduct mutual evaluation, and organize project activities. The developed program was applied to 6th grade 29 students enrolled in the J University Gifted Education Center. In order to find out the effectiveness of the program, tests of science process skill, creative problem-solving ability, and scientific attitude were conducted before and after of program learning, and the results were statistically analyzed by t-test. In addition, a STEAM program satisfaction test was conducted after project in order to find out the satisfaction of the class. As a result of application of the program, the results were significantly improved in openness, criticism, and creativity among the sub-factors of creative problem-solving ability and scientific attitude. Satisfaction with the STEAM program was also high, but no significant result was found in science process skill. Therefore, the program of this study could be influenced on improvement of creative problem-solving ability and scientific attitude of gifted students in elementary science.

The development of observation and analysis instrument for improvement of invention education activities (발명교육활동 관찰 및 분석 도구 개발)

  • Lim, Yun-Jin;Son, Young-Eun;Lee, Dong-Won;Cho, Han-Jin
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.114-133
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to develop an observation and analysis instrument for invention educational activities for monitoring and improving the educational activities of inventions. For this study, a draft of observation and analysis instrument was developed through review of literatures. It was validated through opinion gathering from 10 experts of invention educational expert opinion convergence based on the content validity index (CVI) of Fehring (1987). The results of the study were as follows: First, the frame of observation and analysis of the invention education activity consists of three dimensions of observation object, observation phase and observation contents. Second, the instrument for observing and analyzing invention education activities are composed of analysts, observation subjects, observation class contents, teacher observation and analysis, student observation and analysis, educational environment and task observation and analysis. Third, the developed tools were designed to describe opinions and general opinions about individual observation factors besides the 5 - point Likert scale. Through this, it is expected that educational activities will be improved in addition to qualitative evaluation through monitoring of future invention education activities.

Evaluation of System operated by Feed-and-discontinuous Bleed Mode using Tubular Type Ultrafiltration Membrane for Water Treatment (Feed-and-discontinuous Bleed 방식으로 운전되는 정수처리용 관상형 한외여과막 시스템의 평가)

  • Choi, Hyeok;Seo, Young-Woo;Kim, Hyung-Soo;Im, Jong-Seong;Hwang, Sun-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.2187-2195
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    • 2000
  • A water treatment system using membrane separation technology can provide stable effluent quality and its maintenance is relatively easy comparing to the conventional water treatment system. In addition, the membrane filtration system is very compact such that it can replace existing water treatment processes of coagulation/sedimentation/filtration by only one process. However, a major problem associated with membrane filtration is flux decline with operating time due to concentration polarization and fouling, so a systematic study on evaluation of long-term filtration performance is necessary. A membrane filtration system using tubular type ultrafiltration membranes with MWCO of 30.000 Da was constructed for this study and it had been operated in a feed-and-discontinuous bleed mode. Flux was stabilized after operation of 1.500 hours and maintaining above 25 LMH until 4.000 hours. Contaminants causing SS and turbidity were almost completely removed while the UV260 and DOC removals were 55% and 49%, respectively. A simple mass balance equation was developed to predict maximum concentrations of SS, turbidity, UV260 and DOC in a operation cycle. For SS and turbidity the measured max, concentrations in each cycle agree well with the predicted values while the measured max, concentrations of UV260 and DOC were 59% and 37% of the predicted values, respectively.

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Study on Hydrogen Embrittlement for API 5L X65 Steel Using Small Punch Test I : Base Metal (소형펀치 시험을 이용한 API 5L X65 강의 수소취화에 관한 연구 I : 모재부)

  • Jang, Sang-Yup;Yoon, Kee-Bong
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2009
  • Occurrence of hydrogen embrittlement could be one of the main obstacles for using structural equipment under hydrogen environment. It is required to develop assessment methods of hydrogen embrittlement for the metals used in production, storage, transmission and application utilities of hydrogen. The most probable method of hydrogen mass transmission is using existing natural gas pipeline. Base or weld part of the pipeline can be damaged by mixed gas of hydrogen in the pipeline. In this study small punch (SP) testing was employed to evaluate the hydrogen embrittlement behavior for a line pipe steel (API X65) with electrochemically hydrogen charged specimens. Results showed that the SP test can be a good candidate test method for hydrogen damage evaluation method. Strength of steel is known to be decreased with the level of hydrogen charging. However, for API X65 steel base metal need in this study, the effect of hydrogen to strength was not significant. It can be negligible regardless of the hydrogen contents in the steel. With this test different strength levels with various hydrogen charging conditions were observed. It can also be anticipated that more sensitive evaluation of material behavior be obtainable by the SP test method.

A Study for Encouragement of Rublic System in Designing with Programming Classes (설계과목 프로그래밍 수업을 중심으로 루브릭 시스템 정착을 위한 연구)

  • Jo, Mi-Kyung;Park, Hyun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2009
  • It is inevitable for college students to be confused when they first face university education, which requires them to be self-reliant and responsible, after finishing their course of education, which is passive under control of period and environment, in primary, middle, and high schools. Introduction to college courses, which require students to be subjective and responsible, to be taken after chronically and environmentally controlled primary and secondary education, are but confusing. In this stage, college education should provide ground for educational system so that students can escape from repetitively enforced way of studying of fixed curriculums and study creatively and subjectively while befitting each individual's aptitude. For instance, in programming classes in engineering school, students scholastic achievements are closely interrelated with the professor's educational principles. A change in method of education, from one previously focused on theoretical contents to one centered on practices and experiments, can reap good results. Also, as the need arose for introduction of practice-focused evaluation system, from recognition-centered professor evaluating system to enablement of actively developing creative and self-reliant way of learning, we applied the Rublic System. It is a feedback system that all or most students become the evaluators, of which the indicators of evaluation such as category, standard, and score are public. We have looked into whether or not there has been an improvement in GPAs of students, and if there exists an improvement then what efforts should be made to solidify the system.

A development and evaluation of new training program for science teacher - focused on computer simulation inquiry experiments in physics - (새로운 과학 교육 프로그램의 개발과 평가 I - 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 이용한 물리 탐구 실험 연수를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Jong-Won;Oh, Hee-Gyun;Kim, Doo-Hyun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.653-664
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    • 1999
  • This study was designed to develope an in-service training programme using Interactive PhysicsTM simulation for science teachers and to evaluate the effect of programme. The purposes of training programme are the improvement of scientific inquiry teaching ability as well as enhancement of the understanding of scientific concepts, inquiry skills, and the computer manipulation skills. The developed programme was implemented four times with 15 hours for each courses. The questionnaire for evaluating the programme after the last course showed that many teachers (1) voluntarily participated in this programme with internal motivation, (2) were satisfied with the level of programme difficulty, professionality of lecturer, and classroom environment, (3) gave positive responses about the achievement of the purposes of this programme, (4) showed strong intention for applying simulation to their school teaching. And future studies were proposed.

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Development of Image Classification Model for Urban Park User Activity Using Deep Learning of Social Media Photo Posts (소셜미디어 사진 게시물의 딥러닝을 활용한 도시공원 이용자 활동 이미지 분류모델 개발)

  • Lee, Ju-Kyung;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.42-57
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to create a basic model for classifying the activity photos that urban park users shared on social media using Deep Learning through Artificial Intelligence. Regarding the social media data, photos related to urban parks were collected through a Naver search, were collected, and used for the classification model. Based on the indicators of Naturalness, Potential Attraction, and Activity, which can be used to evaluate the characteristics of urban parks, 21 classification categories were created. Urban park photos shared on Naver were collected by category, and annotated datasets were created. A custom CNN model and a transfer learning model utilizing a CNN pre-trained on the collected photo datasets were designed and subsequently analyzed. As a result of the study, the Xception transfer learning model, which demonstrated the best performance, was selected as the urban park user activity image classification model and evaluated through several evaluation indicators. This study is meaningful in that it has built AI as an index that can evaluate the characteristics of urban parks by using user-shared photos on social media. The classification model using Deep Learning mitigates the limitations of manual classification, and it can efficiently classify large amounts of urban park photos. So, it can be said to be a useful method that can be used for the monitoring and management of city parks in the future.

The Effect of Social Influence on Users' Cognition, Flow, and Actual Usage in Web 2.0 (웹 2.0 환경에서 사회적 영향이 사용자의 인지적 평가와 몰입, 사용수준에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Yun-Ji;Kim, Min-Sun;Kim, Woo-Gon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.4752-4759
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    • 2010
  • Using Technology Acceptance Model and flow theory as our foundation, this paper investigates the interrelationships among social influence, individual cognition, flow, and actual usage in the Web 2.0 environment. According to TAM, users evaluate perceived usefulness(PU) and ease of use(PEU) of information technology(IT) in accepting the innovative IT. Along with users' cognitive evaluation(i.e. PU and PEU), in case of UCC(user-created-contents), which is one of the representative Web 2.0 features, flow also has a significant effect on users' usage. Accordingly, the current study involve cognitive elements such as PU and PEU as well as flow of enjoyable state during using IT in exploring antecedents leading to UCC usage. On one hand, we consider the effect of social influence on users' cognition and flow toward actual usage because the more users creates Web contents, the more long-tail situation prevails on the Internet. Web 2.0 becomes a kind of social phenomena. The empirical results show that social influence affects positively both PU/PEU and flow. Users' cognitive evaluation and flow have positive impacts on users' UCC usage.

A Study on Evaluation of the Reading Culture Promotion Project and Develpment Direction of Smart Era at the National Library for Children and Young Adults (국립어린이청소년도서관의 독서문화진흥사업 평가와 스마트 시대 발전방향에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Ji Hei;Cha, Sung-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.203-221
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    • 2020
  • This study closely analyzed changes in the educational environment and changes in the needs of children's and young people's reading culture programs, which are directly beneficiaries of the promotion of reading culture as they enter the fourth industrial revolution. It also comprehensively evaluated the reading culture promotion project for children and adolescents promoted by the National Children and Youth Library and proposed a reading culture promotion project that meets the needs of the smart era. This study investigated the cases of various domestic and foreign reading culture promotion projects to divulge trends. The authors invited experts from public libraries and school libraries with experience of the reading culture promotion projects and performed Focus Group Interviews (FGI). The authors evaluated individual reading culture program based on the PDCA method (Plan, Do, Check, Act). Based on the data obtained through case studies and expert evaluations, the development plan of reading culture promotion project and the strategy of promoting new projects to be pursued in the National Children and Youth Library were presented. By gathering the results of the research, 'Interactive e-book making platform production / distribution business', 'Game-type reading program production / distribution business', 'Habruta reading culture dissemination project using backward learning method', 'Youth coding branding "Teen-Start -Up"' were proposed as new services.

The Design and Implementation of a Web Site for Self-directed Learning for Music Stages in Middle School (중학교 음악교과에서 자기주도적 학습을 위한 웹 사이트 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, So-Young;Kim, Chang-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2006
  • Lately teaching-learning system on the web site offers broad educational environment without any restriction of time and place to the teachers and learners. Using a web site in music education turned out to be effective. It provokes learner's interest and guides self-directed learning. Therefore, on this research, the web site for self-directed learning in music subject was designed and embodied as an assistant material of learning which is suitable for learner's level and demand As a result of using the web site in music class, there are some responses of students. First, there were 27 students positive responses(79.4%) of 34 students in the learning effect of the web site, and 25 students(73.5%) of 34 showed their will to use the web site continually if it is modified and supplemented. Second, some students answered that using this program in Diagnosis Evaluation and Formative Test could have an instant result, which was used for the material of feedback. Third, there was a positive evaluation of helping self-directed learning.