하악전돌증(mandibular prognathism or mandibular prognathic patient) 환자의 경우 전후방과 수직적 악골(maxilla)의 부조화정도가 심하거나 안면측모(facial profile)에 대한 심미적 인식도가 클 때에는 교정치료만으로는 심미적으로 만족한 결과를 얻기가 어려우므로 악교정수술(orthognathc surgery)과 병행되어야만 한다. 이럴 경우 심미적인 개선은 환자의 치료결과에 대한 만족도에 중요한 요소가 되고 있지만 미에 대한 기준을 객관화하는데는 많은 문제점을 갖고 있어 그 평가도 환자자신의 주관적인 관점에 의하여 내려지게 된다. 우리나라의 경우 얼굴심미에 대한 기준이 서구인의 외형을 선호하는 경향이 있어 전통적인 둥그런 얼굴보다는 달걀형의 갸름한 얼굴모양을 선호한다. 이 연구는 하악전돌증으로 인한 악교정수술결과 술후 얼굴폭이 넓어져 수술전보다 얼굴의 모양이 둥그렇게 되었다고 호소하는 환자가 있어 시도하게 되었다. 악교정수술전후의 안모길이 및 폭경의 변화에 관한 연구를 위하여 하악전돌증을 주소로 악교정수술을 받은 총 14명 환자(남자 8명, 여자 6명)의 정모두부방사선사진 계측(skull PA analysis)과 설문조사를 통하여 수술후의 안모변화 및 환자의 만족도에 대한 분석을 시행하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 14명의 환자중 3명($21.4\%$)이 얼굴이 넓어졌다고 답하였다. 2. 악교정수술(orthognathic surgery)후 하악골폭경 (mandibular width)은 A군은 변화가 없었으며, B군은 0.7mm 감소하였고, 안면폭경 (zygomatic width)은 A군에서는 0.45mm, B군에서는 0.66mm의 증가를 보였다. 3. 악교정수술후 얼굴길이의 변화는 A군에서는 상안면 고경(upper facial height)이 0.52mm증가, 하안면고경(lower facial height)이 1.19mm감소, 하악골 고경(mandibular height)이 0.7mm감소하였으며, B군에서는 상안면 고경이 0.67mm 감소, 하안면고경이 3.66mm 감소, 하악골 고경이 5mn감소하였다. 4. 수술후 안면폭경에 대한 안면고경(facial height)의 비율은 A군에서 $1.5\%$, B군에서 ,$3.6\%$ 감소하였다. 5. 수술후 안면폭경에 대한 하악골 길이(mandibular height)의 비율은 A군에선 $1.3\%$, B군에서 $4.4\%$ 감소하였다. 6. 수술후 하악골폭경에 대한 하악골 길이(mandibular height)의 비율은 A군에서 $1.3\%$, B군에서 $4.3\%$ 감소하였다. 7. 수술로 인한 얼굴폭의 변화는 무시할만한 것으로 판단되나 수술후 얼굴의 길이가 짧아져 상대적으로 얼굴의 폭이 넓어보일 수 있으므로 수술시 이에 대한 충분한 고려 및 환자에 대한 설명이 있어야 한다.
본 연구는 학교급식의 고객만족을 위한 이벤트 마케팅의 기초자료를 제공하고자 부산지역 초-중-고등학교의 영양사 359명을 대상으로 이벤트 마케팅 실시에 대한 중요도 및 수행도, 수행효과, 애로사항 및 개선필요사항 등을 조사하였다. 조사대상자의 근무유형은 초등학교 46.2%, 중학교30.4%, 고등학교 23.4%였으며, 급식소 운영형태는 직영이 76.1%, 위탁이 23.9%로 나타났다. 학교급식 이벤트 마케팅의 중요도와 수행도에 대한 IPA 분석 결과, 중요도는 5점만점에 평균 3.39점, 수행도는 평균 2.78점으로 중요하게 생각하는데 비해 수행도가 낮은 것으로 조사되었으며 중요하게 생각하여 잘 수행하고 있는 이벤트는 계절-명절-절기-환경-학교행사-기념일 이벤트로 나타났다. 초-중-고등학 교별로 살펴본 결과, 초-고등학교의 수행도가 중학교에 비해 유의적(p<0.01)으로 높았다. 특히 중요도는 초등학교에서는 절기, 고등학교에서는 경품과 홍보 이벤트가, 수행도는 초등학교에서는 명절과 절기, 고등학교에서는 세계요리-경품-홍보 이벤트가 유의적(p<0.01)으로 높았다. 운영형태별로 살펴본 결과, 직영 급식소에 비해 위탁 급식소의 수행도가 유의적(p<0.01)으로 높았으며, 특히 중요도는 위탁에서는 학교행사와 건강 이벤트가, 수행도는 직영에서는 절기, 위탁에서는 세계요리?경품?건강 이벤트가 유의적(p<0.01)으로 높았다. 이벤트 실시 효과는 고객만족도 증가와 신뢰도(노력하고 있음을 인정) 증가 순이었다. 이벤트 수행의 애로사항으로 내부요인은 부족한 인력, 예산의 어려움, 이벤트진행 전문성 순으로 나타났으며, 외부요인은 열악한 급식시설, 낮은 식단가, 급식형태의 순으로 조사되었다. 이벤트 수행을 위한 필요개선사항은 충분한 예산과 급식인력, 급식시설개선 순으로 조사되었다. 이상의 연구 결과에서, 학교급식 영양사들은 이벤트 마케팅 실시에 대해 중요하게 생각하는데 비해 수행도가 낮은 것으로 나타났는데, 학교급식에 대한 선택권이 부족한 학생고객들에 대한 배려와 서비스 제공에 적극 노력하고 외식의 기회가 빈번해짐에 따라 입맛이 다양화되고 고급화된 학생 고객군의 급식만족도를 높이기 위한 전략의 하나로 이벤트 실시에 대해 중요하게 생각하는 것에서 나아가 좀 더 적극적으로 이벤트 실시를 계획하여 수행하는 노력이 요구된다. 특히 초등학교에 비해 이벤트 마케팅 수행도가 낮게 나타난 중학교와 고등학교에서 좀 더 적극적이고 새롭고 다양한 이벤트 실시로 감수성이 예민한 청소년들의 호기심을 자극하고 학업으로 인한 스트레스를 해소하는 즐거움을 줌으로써 학생 고객들과의 관계지행성을 높여 급식만족도를 높일 수 있도록 해야 한다. 그러나 학교급식 고객인 학생들은 인원이 많은 단체급식의 식당에서 시행되는 이벤트에 대해서 호텔이나 패밀리레스토랑과 같은 전문성을 기대하기보다는 맛있고 다양한 메뉴의 음식을 배식원들로부터 친절하게 배식받기를 기대하므로 다수의 인력을 필요로 하거나 과도한 예산을 필요로 하는 이벤트와 같은 양적인 행사진행을 계획하여 고객들이 가장 중요하게 생각하는 부분을 놓치는 실수를 범하지 말고 다양하고 신선한 메뉴를 맛있게 조리하여 진심으로 환대하는 마음으로 서비스를 제공하는 질적으로 충실한 이벤트 계획에 힘쓰는 것이 필요하다고 생각된다.
Amongst varieties of clinical nursing role, the administration of medication is often highlighted as of prime importance. In order to attain data for the improvement of teaching strategies of medication, diagnostic evaluation of the knowledge level is a necessity. This study was performed from August through December 1975. 449 registered nurses, randomly sampled from general hospitals:16 of Seoul and 7 of Taegu and Pusan, were tested through 54 test questionaries based on 4 practical dimensions of administration of medication. Results are as follows ; 1. Status of respondents: Length of clinical experiences; the average length revealed to be 2 years and 7 months, 72% revealed to have had less than 3 years of experience; 38.6%-less than 1 year, 19 .2%-over 1 year and less than 2 years, and 14, 2%-over 2 years and less than 3 years. Type of Nursing education received ; 9.4% revealed to have graduated technical high school of nursing, 67.5o/o the 3 year diploma school and 21, 7% the baccalaureate degree program. The knowledge Level; Degree of self-satisfaction on knowledge level revealed that;27, 4% responded to "more or less satisfied", 48.8% "more or less un-satisfied" and 19.8% to "not satisfied". The average level of basic knowledge revealed to be moderate by 66.95 points. The level of knowledge of 4 questionnaire categories revealed that; drug action category by average of 66.5 points, methodology category by 65.4 Points, safety measure category by 71.4 points and terminology and concepts category by 64.6 points, Questionnaire items which revealed high points are of;6 of drug action category, 4 of methodology, 4 of safety measure, and 3 of terminology. The items of low points are: 8 of drug action, 3 of methodology, 3 of safety measure and 5 of terminolology categories. 3. The type of nursing education revealed to have no significant influence on the level of knowledge on the administration of medication. 4. The length of clinical experience revealed to have no significant influence on the level of knowledge. 5. 75. l% responded that the actual practice of medication modes are "similar" to that included in the fundamentals of nursing course. 6. In-service education on medication; 54.0% revealed to have some incidental in-service education on medication while 34.0% receive programmed in- service education. 61.8% revealed to have expressed the need of systemic In-service education as one of the means for improvement of medication. 32.7% revealed to obtain information concerning medicine by reading commercial publications on drug package, while only 20.9% by reading specific information channel.
The purpose of this Study was to examine the efficacy and compliance of a mandibular advancement device(MAD) according to the severity of sleep apnea in the snorers and obstructive sleep apnea patients. Fifty-four patients (45 males, 9 females, aged 20 - 68years ) who visited Seoul National Uiversity Dental Hospital(SNUDH) to seek for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea were classified into four groups according to the results of the nocturnal polysomnography and they were instructed to wear MAD regularly which was designed to increase the size of the upper airway by advancing the mandible. The evaluation of the efficacy and compliance of the MAD according to the severity of apnea and the duration after the usage of MAD ( 1week, 1month, 3months, 6months, 12months) was made by using quesionnaires mad in Department of Oral Medicine and Oral diagnosis, SNUDH. The obtained results were as follows : 1. All subjects results were habitual snoreres and 43 patients(79.6%) complained the loudness of snoring that can be heard out of the room. 2. Apnea index(AI) of the total subjects was mean 29.4$\pm$26.9 and respiratory disturbance index(RDI)was mean 37.6$\pm$28.0. And there was nodifference in the efficacy and the compliances of MAD according to the severity of apnea. 3. The severityi of apnea by the questionnaires significantly corresponded with the results of nocturnal polysomnography, and this fact potentiated the diagnostic value of the questionnaire. 4. after the usage of MAD, there was significant improvement in the frequency of snoring, the loudness of snoring, frequency of apnea, daytime sleepiness nad the refreshment after sleep(p<0.001) regardless of the apnea index(AI) and respiratory distrubance index(RDI). 5. The degree of the satisfaction with MAD was mean 74.4$\pm$18.4% and that of the discomfort with the MAD was 31.4$\pm$19.6%. But there was no serious complication in occlusion and temporomandibular joint with the usage of MAD and the duration of the discomfort was mean 3.3$\pm$2.2 weeks. 6. Forty-one patients(75.9%) continued the usage of MAD but thirteen patients(24.1%) stopped the use of MAD because of the discomforts and insufficient results with it.
This study examined all the papers published in the Journal of Occupational Health Nursing from 1991 to May 2000 based on an objective frame of evaluation. The purpose of study is to prospect the trend of occupational nursing research and to provide an optimal direction for future occupational nursing service. The results of total 94 studies were analyzed as follows. 1. The number of papers published in 1991-1992, 1993-1995, 1996-1997 was not significantly increased. However, the number of papers were obviously increased after 1998. 2. In the design of research, survey studies were definitely dominant. But, they are gradually decreasing and experimental studies are increasing. 3. In the fields of research, health problems, health risk factors and health awareness were higher than others. Occupational health nurse's task and job satisfaction were main areas of research until the middle of 1990's. However, after then, not only health problem, risk factor and awareness of health but also health promotion and preventive health behavior are increasing in the research areas. 4. The collaborative researches have gradually increased and the type of author has been varied. The number of researches completed by funds was undertaking only 3 among the total 94. 5. In the research analysis, except for case studies and literature studies, the research subjects have been shifted from the occupational health nurses to the industrial workers, and more diversified. The sample size has been enlarged and the major place of the study is industry. The questionnaire was used in many studies as instrument for data collection and measurement. But, complementary methods of diverse instruments have been increased. The method of data analysis has obviously showed some changes moving from descriptive statistics to inferential and advanced statistics. 6. The ways of nursing intervention have prominently diversified in experimental studies. The contents of case studies were mainly focused on the health management programs and activities in industry. The research concepts and the contents of literature study were also changed progressively in various way. Based on the above findings, conclusions are extended to the following discussion: Since the Korean Academic Society of Occupational Health Nursing was instituted in 1990, the researches of occupational health nursing have shown an acute methodological development in both quantity and quality. However, they were considered still in the lack of research verifying the effects of nursing intervention program. Also, the development of nursing intervention and nursing theory lacked. Therefore, more empirical researches are strongly needed to utilize the field of occupational health nursing in Korea Researchers are also encouraged to exert more efforts to get research funds.
Background and Objective : The status of development of instruments to assess the 'health status' reflecting the concept of Sasang Constitutional Medicine is still far from satisfaction, despite their importance in building basic data for health promotion, evaluation of effectiveness of treatment, health policy and so on. for these reasons the health scale of Sasang Constitutional Medicine shod be developed. Therefore as from of preliminary research, this study is to review the concept of health and symptoms in health status in Sasang Constitutional Medicine. Methods : It was researched as bibliologically with Dong-mu's chief medical writings such as ${\ulcorner}Dongyi$ Soose $Bowon{\lrcorner}$(東醫壽世保元)${\ulcorner}Dongyi$ Soose Bowon Sasang Chobongyun(東醫壽世保元四象草本卷)${\lrcorner}$ - Results and conclusion : 1. In Sasang Constitutional Medicine, it is suggested that Inherent vitality(命脈實數) has relations to health and Knowledge-Acting(知行) is a primary factor which affects health. And it is thought that Healthy condition(完實無病) is that human being has enough Healthy energy(保命之主) of Small viscera. 2. In Sasang Constitutional Medicine, it is thought that stool, urine, sweating and digestion become important indexes to measure the physical health state. 3. In Sasang Constitutional Medicine, it is thought that the mental health is in control of inclination of mind by golden mean(中庸) and in tranquillity of constant mind according to constitution. 4. In Sasang Constitutional Medicine, it is thought that the social health is state thar can do social acting harmoniously by keeping away from alcohol, sexual appetite, property and power.
Cho, Yujun;Park, Jaekyu;Park, Sungjun;Jung, Eui S.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to precede the acceptance study based on automation steps and user experience that was lacked in the past study on the core technology of autonomous vehicle, ADAS. The first objective was to construct the acceptance model of ADAS technology that is the core technology, and draw factors that affect behavioral intention through user experience-based evaluation by applying driving simulator. The second one was to see the change of factors on automation step of autonomous vehicle through the UX/UA score. Background: The number of vehicles with the introduction of ADAS is increasing, and it caused change of interaction between vehicle and driver as automation is being developed on the particular drive factor. For this reason, it is becoming important to study the technology acceptance on how driver can actively accept giving up some parts of automated drive operation and handing over the authority to vehicle. Method: We organized the study model and items through literature investigation and the scenario according to the 4 stages of automation of autonomous vehicle, and preceded acceptance assessment using driving simulator. Total 68 men and woman were participated in this experiment. Results: We drew results of Performance Expectancy (PE), Social Influence (SI), Perceived Safety (PS), Anxiety (AX), Trust (T) and Affective Satisfaction (AS) as the factors that affect Behavioral Intention (BI). Also the drawn factors shows that UX/UA score has a significant difference statistically according to the automation steps of autonomous vehicle, and UX/UA tends to move up until the stage 2 of automation, and at stage 3 it goes down to the lowest level, and it increases a little or stays steady at stage 4. Conclusion and Application: First, we presented the acceptance model of ADAS that is the core technology of autonomous vehicle, and it could be the basis of the future acceptance study of the ADAS technology as it verifies through user experience-based assessment using driving simulator. Second, it could be helpful to the appropriate ADAS development in the future as drawing the change of factors and predicting the acceptance level according to the automation stages of autonomous vehicle through UX/UA score, and it could also grasp and avoid the problem that affect the acceptance level. It is possible to use these study results as tools to test validity of function before ADAS offering company launches the products. Also it will help to prevent the problems that could be caused when applying the autonomous vehicle technology, and to establish technology that is easily acceptable for drivers, so it will improve safety and convenience of drivers.
Objectives The purpose of this review is to analyse the trend in papers related with Korean Medicine Treatment after musculoskeletal disorder surgery. Methods We reviewed Korean Medicine papers by searching Korean web databases 'Korea Traditional Knowledge Portal', 'Scientific and Technological Information Integration Service (NDSL)', 'Academic Research Information Service (RISS)', 'Korea Medical Informati on Portal (OASIS)'. We classified the papers by the year of publishment, the title of journals, the type of study, surgery region, chief complain after surgery, main treatment, periods after surgery, assessment for outcomes. Results 1. Korean Medicine treatment after musculoskeletal disorder surgery has received more attention than in the past and there are attempts to do various studies besides the case reports. 2. 41 research papers were divided in to 3 original articles, 3 review articles, 35 case reports. But almost presented a low level of evidence. 3. Pain was the most common symptom after the musculoskeletal disorder surgery. Pain should be the primary goal of Korean rehabilitation treatment after musculoskeletal disorder surgery. 4. Assessment tools for outcome were concentrated in questionnaries, VAS and NRS. In order to evaluate better, it is necessary to evaluate the overall condition of the patient such as the quality of life evaluation and patient satisfaction. Conclusions In this study, we expect that the development and clinical application of Korean rehabilitation treatment program after musculoskeletal disorder surgery will be actively pursued.
최근 자동차 보급률과 물동량의 급증으로 인해 도심에서 교통소음은 정온함을 목적으로 하는 전시 및 관람시설의 음환경을 저해하는 중요한 인자로 대두되고 있으며, 이에 따른 불만족이 매우 높은 편이다. 따라서 전시 및 관람시설의 경우 설계단계에서부터 교통소음에 대한 영향평가를 실시하여 전시실 내외부의 소음에 대한 만족 여부를 파악해야 한다. 그러나 설계단계에 있는 건축물의 경우 교통소음으로 인한 실내소음레벨을 측정할 수 없어, 지금까지는 질량법칙을 토대로 한 벽체의 투과손실 식을 사용하여 예측하고 있다. 그러나 실제 건립 후 실내 소음레벨을 측정해 보면 설계단계와는 많은 차이를 보이고 있어 개관 후 이에 대한 대책 마련에 많은 어려움이 있다. 이러한 관점에서 본 연구에서는 고속도로에 인접한 민속박물관 전시실의 실내소음도 평가를 위해 실측한 자료를 토대로 차음벽체의 투과손실과 음향시뮬레이션을 이용한 실내흡음력을 산정하여 실내 소음레벨을 예측 평가해 보았다. 이러한 연구결과는 향후 이와 비슷한 전시시설 건립 시 실내소음도의 예측을 위한 중요한 자료를 제공할 것으로 판단된다.
Objectives: This case study reports the effectiveness of Korean medical treatment in a patient with cyclic vomiting syndrome. Methods: A 29-year-old female Korean patient with cyclic vomiting syndrome received acupuncture, electroacupuncture, herbal medicine, and moxibustion for 2 weeks in hospital. Changes in symptoms were evaluated using the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS), Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Index for Nausea, Vomiting, and Retching (INVR), Nausea Severity Scale (NSS), Nepean Dyspepsia Index-Korean version (NDI-K), quality of life using the Functional Dyspepsia Related Quality of Life questionnaire (FD-QoL), and gastric motility using electrogastrography (EGG). Results: Post-treatment, the patient showed high satisfaction and improvement in symptoms of nausea and vomiting. The following changes were observed in scores: GSRS: 23 to 19; VAS of nausea: 88 to 95; VAS of dyspepsia: 95 to 12; INVR: 13 to 1; NSS: 17 to 5; NDI-K: 107 to 78; and FD-QoL 84 to 27. We also found positive results in Channel 3 of EGG parameters, implying the improvement of gastric motility disorder. Conclusion: Korean medical treatment can be a therapeutic option for cyclic vomiting syndrome.
본 웹사이트에 게시된 이메일 주소가 전자우편 수집 프로그램이나
그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 무단으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며,
이를 위반시 정보통신망법에 의해 형사 처벌됨을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.