• Title/Summary/Keyword: ethyl alcohol

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Processing of Powdered Seasoning Material from Sea Tangle (다시마를 이용한 분말 조미료 소재 개발)

  • 배태진;강동수
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.521-528
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    • 2000
  • Conditions for processing dried condiments with powdered sea tangle were investigated. The most appropriate method for sea tangle extraction was two-stage extraction, that extracted with addition of 70% ethyl alcohol at $25^{\circ}C$ for 1 hour and residue was re-extracted with water(1:15, w/w) at 7$0^{\circ}C$ for 3 hours. The yield of soluble solids under above-mentioned conditions was 14.9%. As a result of omission tests, free amino acids were predominated in the taste compounds of sea tangle extracts rather than nucleotides, and the contribution of free amino acids and nucleotides to the taste of sea tangle extracts was remarkable. The major flavoring components of sea tangle extracts were matters of low molecular weight such as free amino acids and oligopeptides below 5,700 dalton. Contents of carbohydrate, total nitrogen and amino nitrogen in dried condiments prepared with sea tangle extracts were 64.9%, 3.7% and 2.1%, respectively. And drying yield, solubility and absorption rates at Aw 0.88 were 14.7%, 98.3% and 8.4%, respectively.

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생강엑기스의 제조에 관한 연구

  • 신애자
    • Food Industry
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    • s.94
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    • pp.37-40
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    • 1988
  • 1) 본 연구에서 시료로 선정한 충남 서산산 건강(dry ginger)은 수분이 $9.4\%$, 회분이 $8.7\%$ 그리고 alcohol에 의한 추출량이 약 $9\%$이다. 이는 선진국에 채택사용하고 있는 건강의 규격기준에 의하면 양호하다. 2) Non- flavor물질의 추출을 최소화하고 특히 증류과정에서 유효성분 손실을 최소화 할 수 있고, 엑기스내의 용매 잔류량이 인체에 유해하지 않고 추출효율을 높일 수 있는 용매는 ethyl alcohol이다. 3) 널리 사용하고 있는 관류추출(percolation)의 성능을 분석하고 이의 개선방안을제시하였다. - 추출효율을 높이기 위하여 건강(dry ginger)의 입자를 작게하면 압력강하가 증대되어순환되는 용액의 유속을 제어하기가 힘들다. - 입자가 작을 시에는 유체의 흐름이chan-nelling현상을 나타낸다. - 위와 같은 조건에서는 물질 전달속도가 느리므로 추출효율을 증대시킬 수가 없다. - 따라서 percolation추출에 사용되는 건강의 입자크기는 30mesh크기 이상이어야 운전조작이 용이하나 추출효율이 낮으므로, 추출시간 6시간에 회수된 생강엑기스양은 약 $2.5\%$이다. 4) percolation추출의 단점을 보완하기 위하여 기계적교반 추출을 선택하여 다음과 같은 개선점을 찾았다. - 교반형 추출에서는 고 - 액분리시 cake 저항에서 문제가 야기되지 않는 범위까지 건강의 입자를 작게할 수 있으므로 추출효율을 크게 향상시킬 수 있었다. 즉, 작게 분쇄된 건강(30mesh통과$90\%$)을 대상으로 추출시간 3시간에 $7\%$의 회수율로 증대시켰다. 최적 운전조건은 다음과 같다. 건강시료:1kg 시료크기:-30mesh$90\%$ 용매:ethyl alcohol 3$\iota$ 교반속도:900r.p.m 추출온도:상온($15\~25^{\circ}C$) 추출시간:3시간 일차 추출조건과 동일하게 하여 얻어진 엑기스의 수율이 $2\~2.5\%$이므로 총엑기스의 수율은 건강(dry ginger)무게기준으로 $8.5\~9.5\%$이었다. 5) 교반추출의 효율이 개선되었다 하더라도 추출물의 분리가 용이하여야만 공정의 이용이 가능하다. 그러므로 교반추출후 고 - 액분리를 위하여 정압여과 장치를 이용하여 여과시 cake의 평균 비저항을 얻었으며, 이의 값은 $4.31\times10^8cm\;/\;gr$으로서 여과에는 어려움이 없다는 것을 의미한다. 따라서 추출속도와 효율이 상대적으로 우수한 교반형 추출기의 가능성을 예시할 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. 6) 추출물을 농축과정에서 휘발성 oil의 손실을 최대로 줄이기 위해서는 단순증류를 하지 말고 분별증류를 수행하여야 하며, gingerol과 같은 중요성분의 열분해 반응을 억제하기 위해서는 열전달 효율을 증대시켜 증류조작을 원활히 수행하여야 하므로, still내의 농축물을 계속 교반시켜야 하며 감압상태에서 증류온도는 $40\~50^{\circ}C$로 유지시키는 것이 가장 바람직하다. 7) Ethyl alcohol로 추출된 엑기스내의 수분이나 회분함량은 외국산 제품에 비하여 약간 낮고, 반면에 조지방 및 조단백 성분의 함량은 약간 높게 나타나고 있어 대체적으로 본 연구에서 얻어진 엑기스내의 비풍미성분(non- fla-vour component) 함량은 외국산에 비하여 많은 차이가 없다. 8) 수입 외국산에 비하여 국산엑기스(본 연구에서 ethyl alcohol로 추출)내의 무기성분등의 함량은 비교적 낮은 편이다. 9) 건강에서부터 oleoresin을 얻어 paradol을 제거시킨 후 순수한 gingerol을 분리하여 IR과 NMR로 확인한 결과, 국산건강의 엑기스에는 주로 6-gingerol이고 약간의 10-gingerol이 함유된 것으로 나타났다. 10) 순수하게 분리된 gingerol을 열분석(TGA와 DTG)한 결과 약 $75^{\circ}C$에서 gingerol의 열분해 반응이 일어남을 알수 있었다. 11) 건강 분말시료와 엑기스내의 미생물 검사 결과 건강분말에서는 세균수가 많이 존재하는 것으로 나타났으나, 이는 ethyl alcohol로 추출하는 공정 중 대부분의 균들이 사멸된 것으로 나타났다. 12) 관능적 측면에선, 본 연구에서 제조한 엑기스와 수입엑기스를 비교한 결과 생강 특유의 맛은 비슷했으나, 수입엑기스에서는 쓴맛과 톱밥냄새를 느낀다는 결과를 나타내었으며 전체적인 종합적 풍미는 국산 건강엑기스가 좋은 것으로 나타났다.

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Experimental Study of Desalting Methods Using Ethyl Alcohol for Archaeological Cast Iron Objects (에틸알코올 용매를 이용한 주조철제유물의 탈염 실험 연구)

  • Lee, Hye Youn;Cho, Ju Hye
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2015
  • Excavated archaeological cast iron objects in improper storage are quickly corroded and disintegrated into block and powder finally. Hence desalination treatment which is a way of removing internal corrosive factors, especially chloride ion, is an important process. But desalination is often omitted or objects are dehydrated by alcohol because the destruction of objects could occur during desalting. Although current desalting methods mostly use an aqueous alkali solution, $OH^-$ ions of water could accelerate corrosion and broaden internal cracks cause of high surface tension. Therefore this study experimented desalting using ethyl alcohol, which is low surface tension, to investigate an effect of desalination. As a result, desalting using ethyl alcohol showed the similar or more effective results of desalting using water. In addition, as aspects of desalting safety, ethyl alcohol desalting method was smaller destruction of objects and extraction of Fe from the objects than the aqueous alkali solution. However, this study explored the possibility of desalting methods using organic solvent in fieldwork, so the results would provide basic date for making the safe and effective desalting method for archaeological cast iron objects through further experiments.

Synergistic Effect of Citric Acid on Antioxidant Property of Red Pepper (고추의 산화성(酸化性)에 대한 Citric Acid의 상승효과)

  • Yang, Ki-Sun;Yu, Ju-Hyun;Hwang, Juk-In;Yang, Ryung
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.193-198
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    • 1974
  • The antioxidant activity of ground red pepper, ethyl alcohol extracts of ground red pepper peel and alcohol extracts plus organic acid was studied by using edible soybean oil as a substrate. All the substrates were stored in a dark place at $45.0{\pm}0.5^{\circ}C$ respectively. The results of the study were as follow: 1. Ground red pepper, black pepper and cassia exhibited slight antioxidant activity and there was no significant difference in antioxidant activity among them. 2. Although both ground red pepper peel and red pepper seed showed antioxidant activity, ground red pepper peel exhibited greater antioxidant activity than ground red pepper peel did. 3. Ethyl alcohol extracts of red pepper peel showed strong antioxidant activity, but the residue did not show the antioxidant activity. 4. The antioxidant activity of the ethyl alcohol extracts of red pepper peel increased in direct proportion to the concentration of the extracts. 5. In connection with the synergistic effect of organic acid to the ethyl alcohol extracts of red pepper peel, citric acid showed a very strong synergistic effect on the antioxidant activity of red pepper, while ascorbic acid showed a weak effect. On the other hand, phosphoric acid showed an accelerating effect on the oxidation of oils. 6. The maximum antioxidant activity of the ethyl alcohol of ground red pepper peel was observed at the citric acid concentration of 0.04%, when tested at various concentration of citric acid.

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Clarification and Aging of Fermented Honey Wine (벌꿀 발효주의 청징과 숙성)

  • Kim, Dong-Han;Rhim, Jong-Whan;Jung, Soon-Teck
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.1330-1336
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    • 1999
  • Effects of clarification and aging of honey wine(mead) and fruit honey wine(melomel) were investigated. Among the clarifiers tested, 'kaki shibu' and 'sake light' were effective in clearing honey wine. Clear honey wine with more than 90% light transmittance was obtained by treatment with $0.05{\sim}0.1%$ of 'kaki shibu' and 'sake light' for 2 days. Higher concentration of these clarifying agents was needed for the clarification of fruit honey wines. Treatment with 0.5% of 'sake light' and $0.05{\sim}0.1%$ of 'kaki shibu' for 4 days was effective for clearing Tangerine honey wine and Japanese apricot honey wine. Though Hunter L-values of honey wines decreased a little bit by using clarifiers, their light transmittance became more than 98% after ultrafiltration. As the content of soluble solid in mash at the beginning of fermentation increased, the content of acetaldehyde, n-propyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol and iso-amyl alcohol of honey wine increased during aging, while the content of iso-propyl alcohol decreased. During the aging of honey wines, the sensory quality of them became milder as the amount of acetaldehyde and fusel oil decreased. Among more than twenty different volatile flavor components detected from honey wines, 1-phenyl ethyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, 2-phenyl ethyl alcohol, octacosane and triacotane were identified as the major components for the flavor of honey wines. Sensory evaluation of the honey wines indicated that the melomel made with Japanese apricot was better than the Tangerine melomel in the aspects of taste, flavor, color and the overall acceptability. Tangerine melomel was even inferior to honey wine(mead).

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Quality characteristics of high-acidity vinegar prepared with grape juice (포도과즙을 이용하여 제조한 고산도 식초의 품질특성)

  • Woo, Seung-Mi;Yeo, Soo-Hwan;Kwon, Joong-Ho;Kim, Sun-Hwa;Jeong, Yong-Jin
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to develop a high-acidity vinegar production (over TA 10%) technology using grape juice to reduce the importation of high-acidity vinegar. The manufacturing condition's effect on the quality of high-acidity vinegar using pure grape juice without the addition of other nutrients for fermentation was investigated. Twelve percent acidity in vinegar was obtained from grape wine with 6% alcohol content. The acetic-acid yield from grape wine decreased when the wine's initial alcohol content was high, which extended the induction time. The pH value was similar in all the treatment groups. The sugar content of the 1st-stage fermentation (1st AAF) was proportional to the initial alcohol content whereas in the 2nd-stage fermentation (2nd AAF), the sugar content was highest in the 6%-alcohol treatment. The major organic acids of the high-acidity grape vinegar included tartaric acid, malic acid, and citric acid. The acid content of the high-acidity initial alcohol group was higher than that of the low-acidity initial alcohol group due to the alcohol content added by the fed-batch and acetic-acid yield difference. The ethyl alcohol content was 364~6,091 ppm (the main alcohol while the others had only traces in all the groups). In conclusion, it was possible to manufacture 12% high-acidity vinegar without the addition of an external nutrient source to grape wine containing 6% initial alcohol content. Finally, a complementary study will be required to shorten the fermentation period through the fed-batch-style addition of alcohol for the purpose of industrialization.

Comparisons of Flavor Ingredients Changes according to Whisky Types and Maturation Period (위스키 종류 및 숙성기간에 따른 향미 성분 변화의 비교)

  • Lee, Young-Sang;Cho, Eun-Ah;Cha, Yun-Hwan;Yoon, Do-Won;Im, Duck-Ho;Choi, Beom-Gu;Jeon, Joo-Hyoung
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.471-479
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzes flavor ingredients according to types of whisky and maturation periods based on total 40 different types of whisky that are mainly distributed to Korea via imports. Whisky was classified into four categories based on origin, and also into different categories based on maturity period, ingredients such as fusel alcohol, fatty acid, and fatty acid esters and proportion of patterns were analyzed. As a result of an analysis for fusel alcohol, high qualified types of alcohol including 3-methylbutanol, 2-methylbutanol, iso-butanol, and 1-propanol were detected from all Scotch whiskys, America whiskys, and Canadian whiskys. In particular, the proportional sum of 3-methylbutanol and 2-methylbutanol, and the sum of 3-methylbutanol and 2-methylbutanol/iso-butanol were regarded as core factors to determine each type of whisky. Acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, and acetic acid increased as maturation and storage period became longer. As a result of the fatty acid and fatty acid ethyl ester analysis, the major fatty acids were dodecanoic acid and decanoic acid, both with detection of octanoic acid and hexanoic acid. However, dodecanoic acid, decanoic acid, and octanoic acid were lower than the detectable limit in American and Canadian whiskys, showing a unique phenomenon that hexanoic acid was detected only in very small amounts. Malt Scotch whisky showed higher significance than blended Scotch whisky, making it possible to classify types of whisky. Fatty acid ethyl ester contents showed significance with fatty acid either. In addition, changes in the whiskys based on maturation period were confirmed via proportions of fatty acids and fatty acid ethyl esters. In general, the proportion of fatty acids and fatty acid ethyl esters decreased as the storage period increased. This study provided basic data to classify types of whisky based on maturation periods by analyzing the proportion of flavor ingredients such as fusel alcohols, fatty acids, and fatty acid ethyl esters.

Analysis of ethyl glucuronide (EtG) in Hair for the diagnosis of chronic alcohol abuse of Korean (한국인의 만성 알코올 중독 진단을 위한 모발에서 Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG) 분석법 연구)

  • Gong, Bokyoung;Jo, Young-Hoon;Ju, Soyeong;Min, Ji-Sook;Kwon, Mia
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 2020
  • Alcohol, which can easily be obtained in the same way as ordinary beverages, is harmful enough to cause death due to excessive drinking and chronic alcohol intake, so it is important to maintain a proper amount of drinking and healthy drinking habits. In addition, the incidence of behavioral disturbances and impaired judgments that can be caused by chronic alcohol drinking of more than adequate amounts of alcohol is also significant. Accordingly it is very useful for forensic science to check whether the person involved is drunken or is alcoholism state in various accidents. Currently, in Korea, alcohol consumption is determined by detecting the level of alcohol or alcohol metabolism 'ethyl glucuronide (EtG)' in blood or urine samples. However, analysis of alcohol or EtG in blood or urine can only provide information about the current state of alcohol consumption because of a narrow window of detection time. Therefore, it is important to analyze the EtG as a long-term direct alcohol metabolite bio-marker in human hair and to investigate relationship between alcohol consumption and EtG concentration for the evaluation of chronic ethanol consumption. In this study, we established an analytical method for the detection of EtG in Korean hair efficiently and validated selectivity, linearity, limits of detection (LOD), limits of quantification (LOQ), matrix effect, recovery, process efficiency, accuracy and precision using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). In addition, the assay performance was evaluated in Korean social drinker's hair and the postmortem hair of a chronic alcoholism. The results of this study can be useful in monitoring the alcohol abuse of Korean in clinical cases and legal procedures related to custody and provide a useful tool to evaluate postmortem diagnosis of alcoholic ketoacidosis in forensics.

Volatile Flavor Components in Mash of Takju prepared by using Aspergillus oryzae Nuruks. (Aspergillus oryzae 누룩으로 담금한 탁주 술덧의 발효 과정 중 휘발성 향기성분)

  • Lee, Taik-Soo;Han, Eun-Hey
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.366-372
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    • 2001
  • Volatile flavor components in the mash of Takjus prepared by using Aspergillus oryzae nuruk were identified by using Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Twenty-four esters, 21 alcohols, 10 acids, 9 aldehydes and 4 others were found in the mash of Takju. Thirty six components including 13 esters and 12 alcohols were detected in the beginning of fermentation. Twenty nine components were more detected after second day of fermentation and 68 components were detected after 12 days of fermentation. Thirty five flavor components including 12 alcohols such as ethanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol and benzeneethanol, 13 esters such as ethyl acetate, ethyl caprylate, ethyl butyrate and isoamyl acetate, 4 aldehydes and 6 acids were usually detected in the fermentation process. Ethanol was predominantly found in the range of $79.86{\sim}89.54%$ as a major component by using relative peak area. 3-Methyl-1-butanol, ethyl caprylate and benzeneethanol were some of the major volatile components through the fermentation respectively. Peak area of 2-methyl-1-propanol, 1-hexanol, 1-dodecanol, ethyl acetate, monoethyl butanoate, acetic acid and isobutylaldehyde among the same group were higher than other components depending upon fermentation time.

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Volatile Flavor Components in Mash of Takju prepared by using Aspergillus kawachii Nuruks (Aspergillus kawachii 누룩으로 담금한 탁주 술덧의 발효 과정 중 휘발성 향기성분)

  • Lee, Taik-Soo;Choi, Jin-Young
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.944-950
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    • 2005
  • Volatile flavor components of Takjus mash prepared using Aspergillus kawachii nuruk were identified by GC and GC/MS. Twenty-two esters, 20 alcohols, 10 acids, 8 aldehydes, and 3 others were found in Takju mash. Thirty two components including 13 esters and 13 alcohols were detected at beginning of fermentation. Thirteen more components were detected after second day of fermentation, and 63 additional components after 12 days of fermentation. Twenty nine flavor components including 12 alcohols such as ethanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol, and benzeneethanol, 12 esters such as ethyl acetate, ethyl caprylate, and ethyl butyrate 3 aldehydes, and 2 acids were detected during fermentation. Major volatile components detected during fermentation included 3-methyl-1-butanol, ethyl caprylate, and benzeneethanol. Peak areas of 2-methyl-1-propanol, 1-hexanol, 2, 3-butanediol (D.L), 1-dodecanol, 2-phenylethyl acetate, ethyl acetate, and monoethyl butanoate were higher than those of other components depending upon fermentation period.